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Everything posted by PiratePony

  1. Banned because heart conditions are no laughing matter, so be sure to eat your oatmeal 5 times a day. PS DAWNCHASER BLOCKED ME AGAIN!
  2. Congratulations!!!! If you need any wedding planning tips from a former groom who loved the whole process, hit me up. Ours was super awesome. Also, if this is an April Fool's joke, for destroying the name of love for a cruel cruel joke, I will destroy you. Bye! :D
  3. No she wouldn't. Give in to your destiny as a true Yankees fan.
  4. Banned because what if I told you, there is crying in baseball?
  5. April Fool's Day? Oh please, I am not at all interested in participating in something so crude.
  6. Banned for giving it to me! I am the 100,000th poster! It's an April Foal's Day miracle!
  7. Well I for one have no idea why anypony would want to be Rarity or even associated with her for that matter. You rule Starlight, never change....oh....she already has.
  8. Banned because I'm not exactly sure what that isssss.
  9. This momentous occasion must be preserved for posterity.
  10. Banned because Dawn is overrated, Sunset or Twilight is much better...and that was a pun on times of days, not pony names. Edit: Dawnchaser is banned for ban blocking me.
  11. I can't stand Rarity. I can't believe I spend so much time idolizing her, when she's just the worst!

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      15 notifications, that's, like, an academy record or something.

    3. Phanact
    4. Drunk Not I Am

      Drunk Not I Am

      Pssh replying to this is better than biology lecture I'm in

  12. Rainbow Dash is inpsirational to athletic girls, or girls who are curious about athletics, as her strength, speed and stamina are amazing, and she shows that hard work and determination can accomplish anything, whether it's a Sonic Rainboom or being the captain of like every sports team. She's also inspirational to children with difficulty learning in school. She obviously had a major problem in Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3, and it showed that just because she had trouble learning a subject, even with different means, did not make her stupid. She just needed a different method of instruction. She is also inspirational for teachers, as this same episode shows a prime example of why differentiated instruction works, particularly for students who display difficultly learning under certain learning modalities. Rainbow Dash was able to learn the history of the Wonderbolts via a combination of the visual and kinesthetic (via her flying) modalities. -PiratePony, M.Ed., Curriculum & Instruction
  13. Banned for dissing black background avatars.
  14. Everypony should read your post. This is a great great great post. And I'm no Wizard - I'm not Sunburst or anything. But I digress: Another wonderful benefit to having great credit built by years of owning cards....with a higher credit score comes a lower interest rate. My credit score is excellent. I bought a used car last year (my 2012 Fusion that I mentioned in @@Phanact's car thread) - in exchange for purchasing the car for me and letting me drive it for 5 years before I finish paying off, I have to pay interest. However, my interest is so low that over the course of 5 years....I'll only have about $1,200 in TOTAL interest. Yes. That's it...all thanks to the crazy low rate I got due to my credit score. How I built it...credit cards & monthly full balance payments.
  15. Banned because that isn't true. We are all equal here.
  16. sigh...found a picture of my bachelor party from 09...not long ago, but all my groomsmen have moved to other states. So close with that group and then...gone.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Phanact


      Me? I'm currently still attending

    3. PiratePony


      No, the Drunk over there. He said same.

    4. Phanact
  17. I hear you. Whenever I visit my parents house in TX, I bust out my old Goosebumps...luckily they kept everything. They knew I'd never outgrow this stuff.
  18. I love animated movies, MLP of course, playing old video games from my youth, and even finding old cartoons of my youth and rewatching them, loving them now as well (TMNT, DuckTales and the like). I too do the swingset swing. Luckily I have my 5 yo to back me up now...helps with being a Brony too! :D
  19. Holy Double Cross, Batmare! Princess of Equality by TheShadowStone http://theshadowstone.deviantart.com/art/The-Princess-of-Equality-588176266 Same artist. More of what could have been from the Commupone.
  20. Nice new Rarity avatar! I approve :D

  21. Exactly - so that's what I do. I get the rewards when they are convenient and I need them - usually flights or even cash. I qualify for the some great cards based on my credit, so I've rocked the reward game pretty well, and then everything that can take a credit card without fees (even health insurance premiums) I put on the card and rack up the points. "Oh...I have a free hundred extra bucks" without thinking about it. And since I NEVER carry a balance and we never overspend more than we make/have in the bank, I usually just set bills and even credit card payments to automatic payment. To paragraph Claude Reins in Casablanca: they hand me the bill; I tear up the bill. It's very convenient.
  22. Ponycrastination....

    1. Shadow Dash DJ Rod
    2. Phanact


      Allegedly that's bad for you

  23. 2012 Ford Fusion (28K miles) & 2003 VW Passat (160K miles) with a replaced engine because the first one died. Random reference photos for model and color.
  24. Remember that time in Season 7 when Sunset Shimmer returned to Equestria as the Princess of Badassery? And Rarity was her right hand mare and they went on all sorts of wacky adventures together? EDIT: I was informed that the person who made this awesomeness was http://theshadowstone.deviantart.com/
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