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Everything posted by Dreambiscuit

  1. A can of Diet Coke. Somehow a fitting image to have on my butt. Perhaps I should take the hint.
  2. Rarity. It's always Rarity, for there is no other. I'd love to give Derpy a big hug and a kiss though. She's so cute!
  3. Gryffindor. Me and Hermione gotta talk hair and makeup. Hey that's just as important as bravery, chivalry and all that jazz, right?
  4. Two slices of leftover pizza, a fistful of Pecan Sandies and a Diet Coke (yeah, like a diet is gonna help me now!)
  5. Whatever they do I just hope they take it seriously. Most companies that don't start off as movie studios think they can just dust off a few old properties and breath life back into them by buying the lowest bid talent, running them through the cliche mill and tossing it off to the theaters. It still takes real talent and instincts, especially for a fledgling studio, to make a good movie no matter how good the original property is. If they have the wisdom to leave the art to the artists and keep the suits out of it, they might have a chance at something worthwhile.
  6. I like Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle; they're probably Miyazaki's most ambitious. But others from Studio Ghibli like From Up On Poppy Hill, Whispers of the Heart and When Marnie Was There have a beautiful, peaceful quality. Arietty is a nice one too, especially if you can get the British dub. Much better than the American dub. The Girl Who Leapt Through Time is not a Ghibli release but a nice effort with the same general vibe as the lighter Miyazakis. Definitely worth a view.
  7. Do feature films count as anime? If so, anything from Hayao Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli. The most remarkable being 'Spirited Away' and 'Howl's Moving Castle'.
  8. Insults can't hurt unless we allow them to. The hurt comes from within us when they make us question ourselves and whether we measure up. The fact is, we all measure up to our own standards and no one else can determine or dictate what those standards should be. Only us. So if someone insults me, I don't care. For all they know, they don't measure up by my standards. It's all relative, and frankly meaningless.
  9. Lamb, by all means lamb! No other meat has such a unique and heavenly taste, texture and aroma as those fleecy walking throw pillows. It's easy to cook and even easier to eat. And unlike other meats that require a good cut to truly satisfy, lamb is all good. No nasty parts there. It's just one perfect food from head to hoof. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go to cook a little something. You get three guesses as to what.
  10. There's a time and place for everything. Mostly I wear nice but casual attire with a personal touch. I like dresses and skirts but at home I sometimes just wear capris and a tanktop. If I want to go stylish casual, I wear things from Her Universe, a Star Wars fashion line for ladies.
  11. A nice little beverage called Clear American Ice. It's flavored, vitamin enriched water with zero calories and comes in a nice 17 ounce size so I can sip it all evening long. Trying Coconut Lime flavor this time around.
  12. I work at Disneyland. I LOVE my job but I probably won't be able to keep it beyond another year or so because of my age. I'm going to have to transfer to a different area or find some other job where I can stay in my own dreamworld. Thinking of performing arts.
  13. I have a few scars from jumping on (and falling off) furniture. My chiropractor says I have a serious neck injury and asked if I'd ever been dropped on my head as a child, but I never was. So the mystery continues...
  14. I like it both ways, but if I had to choose I'd go with crushed ice. That way, when I tilt the glass back to get the last few drops of drink, the ice doesn't come avalanching out toward my face. Besides, crushed ice is prettier with a nice colorful drink in it. That matters.
  15. I'm generally extremely patient, unless I'm not. Then I'm extremely impatient. It's always one extreme or the other. I'm patient with other people as a rule, but if I want something done or I'm waiting for something I'm excited about, I'm certifiably insane.
  16. Love and sex among teens is way too prevalent. School is a cesspool of bad influences and irresponsible actions and this category is one of them. Too many teens think of it as just gratifying an immediate desire or doing what the rest of their friends are doing and not wanting to be the only one left out. Too seldom do real emotions and care for who they 'love' come into play. It's a popularity contest. I say if you truly love someone, fine. But go with it because you are in love and not because you are being influenced by peer pressure. I don't care about age if both people are responsible and intelligent about how they feel toward the other. I'm all for love, just let it be real and recognize it if it isn't.
  17. I don't like beer or really any alcoholic drinks. They taste like medicine. I don't mind a little wine now and again, but the hard stuff is too much for me.
  18. I'm an extremely slow and meticulous artist so my least favorite thing is not having enough time do create anything. I almost never draw or paint or sculpt anymore because I just can't fit it in. Since I work almost exclusively in traditional methods, the cleanup is also a pain.
  19. This is true. I can give a person some room for arrogance if they need a little swagger for confidence. But overdoing it is a personality flaw that should be controlled. It's not everyone else's fault he/she has insecurities. We just have to be patient sometimes while they figure things out.
  20. I talk to my plushies too. I grew up with them and they are a part of my family. A lot of little kids treat everything like it's alive. I was no different and I'm still like that to this day. There are cultures that see life or spirit in everything. I can get with that just fine.
  21. Crying is fine. I always feel better after a good cry. It's just the body's way of purging the bad stuff. No one wants to keep all that emotion bottled up inside, that would be a bad thing. Cry freely, there is no shame!
  22. Love, anger, a good cry. These are all good emotions that can be cathartic. It's healthy to have these emotions and necessary to one degree or another. Some derivatives to sadness, like self-pity for example, aren't so good though because they can be a trap that makes us relive painful moments over and over. Anger is okay if it's controlled and doesn't cause misery for someone else. Love is it's own minefield of good and bad, depending on how you look at it. I guess ultimately it's all in how we use the emotions we have. Anything can be turned into something useful, even the negatives.
  23. I like Golden Corral (can't beat all-you-can-eat steak!). I also like Popeye's (best mashed potatoes on this earth!) As far as non-chain restaurants, I'd say the Rose & Crown Pub in Epcot.
  24. New Years: Just an excuse to get drunk and make an ass of one's self. Valentine's Day: No one needs a special cue to be loving and romantic. Arbor Day: Okay, plant a tree if you want. But seriously, a holiday? Groundhog Day: What's the point? The weather doesn't change because the little furry thing saw his shadow. Nothing changes. President's Day: Um, lots of presidents have birthdays. They're not special either. It's just an excuse to close the post office when I've got a fistful of letters to send.
  25. I loved Star Wars toys. My brother collected them (and still does) and used to as well. My favorites were the smaller action figures (usually Leia and the girl characters) and I loved my Landspeeder. I also loved Plah Doh, Silly Putty, Slinky, Squirmles and Barbies.
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