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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by MintTiramisu

  1. I love how one of the comments on this was "This movie is too dark for Disney... Now excuse me while I go kill Bambi's parents."
  2. 'Night/Morning everypony!

  3. I prefer my hair to go to about my shoulders, but it grows so fast it would be impossible without getting a haircut every week/ every other week. My bangs (yes, I have bangs D:) also grow especially fast, but I only keep them for convenience as they're easier to comb and wash, especially with my curly hair.
  4. I'm both part of the Fluttershy and Rarity fanclub Anyone part of two as well?
  5. Can someone tell me why I can't have more than one image in a spoiler? I was trying to put a bunch of fanart in my profile under a spoiler, but it wouldn't work...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Snow


      perhaps try without them?

    3. MintTiramisu


      I might, but I think I'll just leave it be. Thanks for the help!

      Maybe those didn't count as an image, but either way I think I've reached my limit <3

    4. Snow


      ah well, looking good anyway :P

  6. I was taking a nice refreshing shower <3
  7. I would love to go, and I actually might. But it just is too far away from where I live, but a lot of changes are happening currently so it could be possible. Though I most likely wouldn't know until a month before the con happens, which I would think means that the hotels would already be booked. Not to mention my parents don't know I'm a brony, which would make explaining why a bunch of full grown men are watching a children's show kind of hard. I would most likely spend most of my time buying merch anyways! <3
  8. I dislike- Bananas, although I do like banana flavouring. Little kids. Getting off of school due to illnesses (I end up missing so much!). Characters who tend to have way to much emotional back story which makes everyone feel bad for them (in and out of show), thus making them their favourite characters. Ice cream. Sweet stuff in general, it just depends. Samsung/android devices. Dreamworks. Shows/books centred around romance. Sword art Online. Fairy tale (the anime/manga). Hashtags. Percy Jackson. Shipping art. Throne of Glass, a book series which a lot of people at my school enjoy. The books appear to be so smutty and as I said earlier, far too centred around romance and overly complicated emotional backstories. This is, of course, my own opinion. Books based off of real stories, or real people and animals. LeafyIsHere. I'm fairly sure that's his username, his channel appears to be centred around only bullying smaller channels and people with various disorders. I can't grasp why he is so popular.
  9. Whenever I smell the inside of a airplane, or that lemon scented cleaning stuff, I instantly have the urge to throw up. As well as that new car smell...
  10. It's the name of my oc, Mint Tiramisu :-P
  11. Happy St. Patty's everypony!

  12. Wooh! Got me some bubble tea <3

  13. Feeling sick, I no longer have a sore throat, but I've got a stuffy/runny nose but other than that I'm ok.
  14. Some ginger tea <3 One of my favourite types of tea.
  15. Last thing I ate was a stroopwafel along with some ginger tea
  16. I use both, but Windows tends to be harder to use in my opinion for some reason, even though I've had it for longer.
  17. I was watching this gem by GMM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AI4OfREUCI
  18. I just messed up my 'New Member' post by editing it, so now I don't have the part that states how I found MLP forums, etc.

  19. Oh my goodness imagine how long that would take to make!
  20. Working on my about me, looks a bit funky at the moment >.<

  21. Oh my goodness! That's so cute <3 There's so much well drawn Fluttershy fan art. Found a cute one of Flutter knitting something:
  22. Ugh, I hate being sick O.o

  23. Ugh I'm so freaking sick and I just had a test >.<

    1. Crypty Scribbles

      Crypty Scribbles

      Get well, Tiramisu. And good luck to you with test results ^-^

  24. Wishing everypony sweet dreams!

    1. GrimGrimoire


      But I don't wanna go to bed!!!! Wwwaaaahhhhhh!

  25. Oohhhh ok! Sorry, the image looked too big to quote and would take up a lot of space, but I'll remember that next time. Oh, and that's a lovely drawing, It's so cute Steelstallion <3
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