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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Xe__or

  1. Looking like you like to jump on homeless chairs
  2. Well what do you want? I personnaly see the EG series as a way for Hasbro to keep the young girl's public and not only the brony community. EG is evolving more and more into a series with Highschool girls you know the kind of series? Also speaking about that, how is Sunset standing that? I mean she already went through something similar with Celestia's teachings, the poor girl has to go through it again
  3. Well, she is not a character that is totally useless for me; it actually shows us a little, even a little evolution in Shining's and Cadance's life: they went from young married ponies to parents. It may not seem much, but it IS an evolution, as meaningless it may look for some. And the character itself is just a chubby baby cute filly; I can't understand why people actually seem to hate her... because she is an alicorn? Sheesh, calm down...
  4. I wish you all a lot of courage for your loss; as @shadowwrap940 said, don't get yourself into too much grief to the point of depression. It is hard, I know; if you need to talk, you may not know me at all, but I'll be more than happy to talk with you. *hugs to everybody*
  5. Oh my the roles that was... so... UnExpecTed... ahem
  6. Hello everybody. I didn't get to know Tempest; but as I heard from everything I've read, he seemed like a good man, a light to have walked on earth. That is so rare these days ; I would have loved to meet someday, but the unfortunate happened. I give him all my prayers; may he be welcomed to God's heaven or to Equestria's ground . I give all my regards to his family and friends, a part of them being you guys. Stay strong everypony. *hugs to everyone*
  7. Yes; he has split his head in two. When he wanted to. Nothing says that he can make his body do it on its own even when he doesn't realise what is happening at the moment. And no; when was it said, IN THE ENTIRE SHOW, that their magic is "anti-discord"? Never; it is when they're using the elements, but not when you just take them one by one; THAT was never said. And guess what? I never said scaling was wrong; it's just done in a complete wrong way. "the princesses can move the sun/moon; it requires so kinetic energy so they must be powerful right?" and my answer is YES... but you would forget all the moments that tend to show otherwise; like them struggling against snow stormy clouds (not even magical); them being beaten by a strong unicorn (tempest shadow), sure, but she basically kicked balls at them... I get why you would think they're so powerful, but you're basing your arguments on logical assumption; I base mine on feats shown in the show. The moving sun and moon thing? Magic; doesn't scale their power. I get you read the Journal of the two sisters? Well according to that journal (canon by the way, it seems), before Celestia and Luna, Starswril and ten random, like REALLY random unicorns were there to lift the sun and moon each day. While these 10 unicorns have to change everyday because they lose their magic, Starswril didn't have to stop until he tried to do it alone one day; according to the journal, the reason why the sisters can do it with such ease is because they're alicorns; it rejuvenates their magic, not because they're powerful. What we can conclude? I can only say that the Two Sisters are more capable than 10 unicorns and Starswril, and no more than that. The reason they can keep doing it is because it has a magical effect on them - because that's basically THEIR special talent. Because if I were to follow the logic that moving the sun and moon scales your power when you do it with magic? Then these 10 random unicorns + Starswril would be Solar System busters before losing their magic? Like any random unicorn could participate - she or he just has to be ready to lose their magic. And what about Stralight strugling with luggage when she's one of the most powerful unicorns we know for now? Is she luggage buster? If one day I see a feat like destroying a planet or relativistic speeds, I would admit I am wrong. For now my scaling stays the same. I never said they can't become THAT powerful one day, but for know? I don't change my mind. I base my feats on what is said/seen in the show; not the comics; the show (and the journal because confirmed canon) and only that. (btw thousands and thousands of dragons? Where did you get that number?)
  8. Have to agree on you right there; I don't like being fed the "DIVERSITY" message over and over again... i would actually love to see a "normal" stallion; so he explains why he loves her in a non-weird way
  9. He dies on the same day Albert Einstein is born; he died on Pi day; he was one of the greatest scientists of our time; the scientific world just lost one of it's greatest minds. He also never gave up dispite his situation. Today is the day the Universe is crying. Rest In Peace, Stephen Hawking.
  10. I don't trust a website where people actually say lord Tirek has a relativistic speed / reaction time because he reacts to pegasi (The Wonderbolts) close to rainbow Dash before her sonic rainboom; relativistic means the speed is at least 10% of the speed of light. And, no, Rainbow is NOT 10% as fast or greater than the speed of light. Discord creates realities, sure; but he has to want to create these realities. Simple solution? Post a sniper somewhere out of sight from ponyville, not far from Shy's cottage, make him wait for Discord to go to Fluttershy's one day, and fucking kill him ; if Discord doesn't know what is waiting for him, then he can't defend himself. Warp reality as long as you know what to do with it, and WHEN to do it. If he was so unbeatable he wouldn't have been beaten by Tirek. Invasion doesn't have to go by war from the very beggining; begin with assassinations of some of the bothersome ones, then proceed with war if you have the need.
  11. Hmm, hard to say... I liked the season 5 finale and opening a lot ; so I'll go for that
  12. I think they're on an interesting concept; I'd love to see how they're going to manage the school theme ALSO MAUD BOYFRIEND
  13. I'd love to know where you got that "Solar System" level durability thing; if you tell me "Twilight took Celestia's magic; Celestia moves the sun; obvious enough", no, just no... anyway; I don't think humans would lose; yeah Equestria has magic, but that is not enough; they don't seem to have that much experience with war or how to fight. Why ? Because Sombra alternate universe; all we saw from soldiers are them fighting with their hooves, so I would say not very efficient against human equipment. Also people speak of unicorns/alicorns as very powerful being blablabla, like teleporting human equipment... well no. Why? Because teleportation is hard, much harder than, say... levitation for exemple, something every unicorn does? Yeah. And what do we see Starlight Glimmer do in episode 24 of season 7? We see her struggle to levitate Sunburst's luggage because it seemed heavy, yeah, even for magic. And he says they would have to do multiple trips to get all the luggage to Twilight's place. And we're talking here about the most powerful unicorn known next to Starswril. And people think unicorns would casually just teleport every human equipment? That's something to laugh about. Also, let's talk alicorns. Yeah I get that they look all powerful and all... except not, no they're not. They move celestial bodies? Sure; that's thanks to their nature , because that's their special talent (cutie mark and shit); it's not a feat of power. If they were all powerful, you will have to explain some things to me: how do the princesses struggle about that magical cloud thing in Flurr Heart's first apparition episode? Even if magical; all the power given to them should be more than enough to dispose of such thing. How can Celestia struggle against the smooze; she had some blob on her horn, and that's enough to stop her? I get that it cancels magic upon contact; but planet-shattering power should be more than enough to dispose of it as well. And god HOW do they just get beaten by Tempest Shadow? Because she kicked something at them? That's the all powerful princesses? I don't care that it was scriptwriting facility; it happened in canon, and they couldn't defend themselves from blasting these balls into oblivion. I love how people just go "WOW SOLAR SYSTEM BUSTING POWER OMG" when they see Tirek/Twilight fight, when nothing points to that... the only thing that impressed me is Tirek hitting Twilight from one mountain side to another; and she had to use a magic self-shield to protect herself; they were equal; they're not more durable than a mountain. Discord may be a problem, sure. He has reality-altering abilities. Not really power all that much; but yeah , altering reality. The only thing that impressed me was one single pony from the whole show: Rainbow Dash. Now she's something; she's not only fast at flying; she's also fast like all the time. Like making a pie fly during the time it took Pinkie to blink? Yeah; that's impressive. But that's the only thing that really impressed me. What really impresses me is how people actually choose to believe that humans would just come like that with their armies to invade Equestria. No; they would PLAN. Why? Because they have 7 seasons to catch up to prepare themselves; no military chief would care about the nature of the show if it means winning a war. Something Equestria doesn't have.
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