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Everything posted by Landi

  1. I agree that FiM didn't have the cleanest track record when it came to it's magic, but at least they still to try to have somewhat of a structure. I get the feeling that G5 doesn't care about creating any sort of structure or balance when it comes to their magic. I think that its important for fantasy worldbuilding to have a balanced magic system that can make sense to the audience, but being a typical kids show, that probably not very high on their list of priorities. At the end of the day, it isn't the biggest deal that the lantern can do whatever the writers call for it to do, but it does come off as lazy writing.
  2. So apparently the magical lantern now has the ability to turn old streetcars into flying RVs. The magic of G5 continues to make no sense. Also, I'm pretty sure this episode was completely retconned in MYM since the Winter Wishday special shows the Marestream being created for the first time.
  3. While this episode is very simple and predictable, it's actually pretty good for being a part of TYT. I like that we get introduced to a new pony holiday, and how it was a big deal to Queen Haven. In addition, Pipp actually has a semblance of a character that's not just an annoying social media obsessed influencer. I'd definitely say this is one of the better TYT episodes. One thing in particular that stood out about this episode was actually the picture of a younger Queen Haven beside some of her relatives. It would be cool if we could get a MYM episode about Pipp and Zipp's extended family. Heck, maybe we would finally learn what happened to their father. While there is no real indication as to whether they'd actually make an episode about the extended family, it's an interesting idea.
  4. I wouldn't say G5 is terrible, but it is the epitome of mediocre in my opinion. The stories are basic and the characters just aren't written well for me to get all that invested in them. Misty is basically carrying the whole generation as far as characters go. Still, G5 is definitely not the worst MLP has seen.
  5. This doesn't look like it will be too crazy or mind-blowing, but at least it's something. The new character looks cool, though I doubt she'll really have much of a part in the story other than singing alongside Pipp. The prospect of getting more of Misty is good, considering she's pretty much the only character this generation that I actually care about. It looks like it could be decent, but I don't think it'll help my lack of enthusiasm for this generation.
  6. Yeah, I'd definitely agree that G5 has been very lacking in content. All there has been is the movie, two specials, and the eight episodes. I guess there is also TYT, but that series episodes are so short and fast paced that I stopped watching it a while ago. It also really doesn't help that there have been such big gaps between content. My overall interest in G5 has been declining, and unless there is some major adjustment in the generation's release schedule, I don't see that changing. I don't want to flat out say that G5 is dead, but at the rate it's going right now, I'm not sure how much longer this generation can last.
  7. As many have already mentioned before, one of this generation's biggest flaws has been its connection to G4. If it had actually been executed well, I think the concept of the two generations being linked wouldn't have been that bad. Unfortunately, the writers of G5 have really failed at this so far. There are numerous inconsistencies in lore between G4 and G5, and especially when it comes to how magic works. In fact, as recently as the Winter Wishday special G4s concept of weather magic has been ignored (with unicorns somehow being able to cast weather spells). Add all of those inconsistencies to the terrible excuse for how Equestria got to be the way it is in G5, and the tie in with G4 seems like I really bad idea. Some other issues I have with G5 are: The show feels much more childish than G4 did, the inconsistent storytelling across multiple platforms, the way the unity crystals work, and the main characters themselves just not being as interesting.
  8. Winter Wishday was far from outstanding, but overall it was still a fun little special with some funny moments. It was pretty much what I thought it would be going into it, so I don't have too much to say about it. The story was simple, the conflicts were minor, and the animated has slightly improved. As a bonus, the special managed to actually give places other than Maretime Bay some screen time. Definitely not up to par with The Best Gift Ever, but also not bad. Now, there is one aspect that annoyed me a bit at the end, and that is the reason for the Blizzard. Throughout the special, some intrigue was built around what was cause the out of control blizzard, and I thought it might be building towards pegasus weather magic finally being brought into G5. I was thinking that maybe due to the return of magic, weather was starting to get chaotic, and the solution would be for the pegasi to control it. However, the actual reason for the blizzard was very weird and random, and it doesn't go along with G4s magic lore at all. I felt like that was a lousy conclusion for an otherwise decent special.
  9. Izzy's solution for getting through the storm really felt like a cop-out. Having Izzy's magic just randomly save them seems like a lazy move by the writers. Also, the Marestream is a very obvious toy advertisement. Other than that though, there isn't really much more to discuss with this clip. It will be nice to getting more screen time outside of Maretime Bay.
  10. It looks like it will be a fairly low stakes special that mainly focuses on exploring the three new winter holidays introduced into the franchise. It's unfortunate that Hearth's Warming isn't a thing anymore, but it makes sense in relation to the lore of G5. This special doesn't really look that exciting, but it will still be worth the watch just to see what the new winter traditions are. Hopefully the writing for this special is good.
  11. This chapter was overall just alright at best. It had both high points and low points, but it was mediocre for the most part. Unfortunately, it seems like most of G5 so far is just the standard kids show, that doesn't really have much to offer outside of that. While the characters aren't bad, they are lacking in comparison to the Mane six. None of them really intrest me as characters, so I don't really care that much about them. However, and exception to this is Misty, who manages to be my favorite character in the series so far. Many of the pest parts of this chapter involved her and her interactions with the main characters. Plus, she has some of the most potential out of any of the characters in G5. The setting is extremely underwelming. FiM had a whole country with various cities across its expanse, whereas this generation only seems to have three. Not only that, but almost all the screentime is just in Maretime Bay, which is a fairly bland location in it of itself. The setting is one of the aspects of this series that needs the most improving. The plot and story for the episodes varies, but as mentioned before, it is mediocre. The first two episodes are fairly forgettable, though the second shows how inconsistent this generation with FiM's lore. The third episode was decent in that it gave the pegasus sisters some development, but other than that, it wasn't written very well. The forth and fifth episodes also weren't very interesting. Episode 6 though, was a good one, especially because of how much Misty got to interact with the main five characters. The last two episodes were average for the most part, but they did give Misty some more screen time. in This series felt like a decent kids show, but not something that really stands out. FiM showed that it could be entertaining to all ages, this one seems more catered to its target audience. The writing is lacking the depth to get me very invested in it. That being said, this chapter at least has enough going for it that I'll at least be willing to watch the next chapter when it releases.
  12. This is one of the best episodes of TYT so far. It had something to bring to the overall story of G5, which is uncommon for this series. The concept of having the main characters go off on an adventure to solve a mystery and retrieve the missing pieces is a solid premise. In addition, the blanket itself is a very interesting element that might end up contributing to the generation's lore later on. Lastly, it was nice to see more about sunny and her father. With all that being said, this episode's major flaw is its length. The story of this episode would have worked much better given the 22 minute format that Make Your Mark will have. While this is still one of the best TYT episodes, there could have been a lot more done with it to make it really feel like an adventure rather than just a highlight reel of one. Hopefully the episodes of MYM will feature adventure based stories like this, just much longer.
  13. This is probably one of the wackiest entries in TYT. Not only that but it, also raised many questions. How did Maretime Bay all of a sudden get so bad? It wasn't shown to be like this before, so what happened to cause it? Why is it specifically Maretime Bay that has these issues? While this episode was one of the funnier ones, it also left me wondering what I had just watched. Nothing really made any sense, which is a common trait with this series. I hope that when the MYM series releases, it will put a lot more effort into making since and having consistent storytelling.
  14. It is nice to get some images of the MYM series. While most of them don't seem to be too big of a deal, the ones featuring the unicorn are interesting. I'll agree with the majority of people here in saying that she looks like she will be some sort of sidekick to the alicorn, and will end up getting redeemed some time down the line. It also appears that she will be interacting with the main characters, which could be entertaining depending on if it is written well. Also, the image with the vine and the liquid looks like it might have something to do with the conflict. Unfortunately though, the animation and the alicorn still look bad. Still, this is overall and intriguing set of images that help build more hype for this upcoming series.
  15. I'm looking forward to the potential that the Make your Mark series has, though I am also very skeptical given my current content of G5. Most of what this generation has been in my opinion is in the range from bad to decent, which isn't very promising. In addition to that, the world and characters are very lacking as of now, and don't leave me very interested in their story. However, if MYM is able to be well written, then it could give the generation as a whole some much-needed substance. This first batch of episodes of MYM will be very important for the franchise, because it will likely be the deciding factor for many people on whether this generation is worth any further investment of their time. For that reason, I am interested to see if this series can redeem the lackluster generation.
  16. While the premise for this episode is very similar to that of Neigh Fever's, at least this time around the pacing is better. One thing that seems strange about the situation is that ponies in G4 were still fascinated by stage magic, whereas here nobody cares. Another thing is that Earth Pony Magic still doesn't make much sense. First it was giant flowers, and now it is vines that can carry ponies through the air. I like the idea of Earth Pony magic being more fleshed out in G5, but so far it still raises many questions. Seeing more background ponies getting roles is a nice addition though. Not only did Rufus get a lot of screen time, but also other background ponies from each of the three cities. I wonder if the three fillies are going to be this generation's version of the CMC (except nowhere near as good thanks to their obsession with social media). While this doesn't mean much due to it still being a part of TYT, this is probably one of the better episodes in the series.
  17. Yeah, FiM's magic system wasn't flawless, especially towards the later seasons. However, I think one of the big issues with G5 as a whole is that the writers decided to put it in the same universe as G4. This resents in the connection being sloppy due to all the inconsistencies. How did the sun and the moon work in Equestria without magic? How is the weather now moving on it's own? What happened to pegasi's ability to control the weather? These are questions that I want answered in MYM, but I'm not sure if the writers will care enough to explain these things.
  18. I'm hopeful that the Make Your Mark series will be good, but my expectations are not high. Almost everything about G5 has been mediocre so far, so it wouldn't surprise me if this upcoming series followed suite. If MYM wants to be a really good show, then it has a lot to do. The world that has been built up for G5 so far has been very lacking, so I hope that this series does a lot to try to actually develop Equestria beyond just three cities. I also want the characters to be developed enough. While the main characters do have some development already, certain characters, like Pipp, are just bland and one-dimensional. MYM is going to have to put in some effort in order to make these characters more interesting and likable. Lastly, G5's version of pony magic needs to be explained more and be made consistent with G4's version of it. So to go back and answer the question, I am excited for all the potential that MYM has expand upon this generation. However, I'm not sure if it will actually manage to do this.
  19. I agree that Bridlewood is being very underutilized. The village has a out of potential especially given that it is inside a fantasy-like crystal forest. It was a nice break from the distracting phones and social media that taken up G5 (though unfortunately TYT has changed that by giving Bridlewood the same technology that the other cities have). Plus, it would be an interesting concept to see how the village and its residents have been affected by the return of magic. Unfortunately, TYT and MYM so far have almost completely just focused on Maretime Bay, which is easily the most generic and least interesting of the three cities. Hopefully the rest of MYM can give Bridlewood some screen time and development, along with other locations outside of Maretime bay. After all, G5's mere three cities looks pitiful when compared to G4's Equestria.
  20. This is probably one of the better episodes of TYT. While its premise is simple, it works in this scenario. Plus, it is cool to see the Equestria games being brought back. Though it seems like Sunny missed out on some key detail about the old Equestrian games, such as the teams being based off of cities. Also, in G4, games such as volleyball, boat racing, and relay didn't allow for magic to be used whereas here it is allowed. That aspect definitely makes the competitions different. That being said, the complete cop out of everybody winning was a lame way to finish the episode. Still, this is a solid episode compared the the rest of TYT. A non episode specific detail that I noticed was the heavy usage of Earth Pony magic. While it is cool to see this new type of magic in action, it does raise some concerns. One of which being, what is the limit to these powers. So far it doesn't seem like there is really a cap to how these powers can be used, which could cause them to just be whatever the writer require for the plot. This became an issue towards the end of FiM when it came to unicorn magic. While it isn't necessary for the writers to fully develop these things due to the target audience likely not caring about it, it would still be nice to flesh out Equestria's magic. For instance, G5 still hasn't brought back the pegasi's ability to control the weather yet. Hopefully these things can be developed in the MYM series. Also, the concept of magic going away anytime some ponies have an argument continues to be a terrible idea. It really makes pony magic seem weak, and it also friendship seemed forced rather than natural. The world-building aspect of G5 is not very good as of now.
  21. This episode is an example of a good concept that doesn't have enough screen time to make it fully work without feeling rushed. Only having five minute episodes can really hurt this series because of this. However, while this episode doesn't stack up to most other animated media, for TYT's low standards it is one of the better ones. While it's a very common concept, it fits the scenario set up in the series. Plus, it allows some character development, albeit little, for the royal family. Plus, it is nice to have an episode take place in Zephyr Heights. Overall, the episode has some aspects and scenes that work, but it still is strongly hindered by its short runtime.
  22. This is one of the most weirdly paced episodes of TYT so far, and that is saying a lot. It starts with Dahlia sad due to her crashing business, and Sunny deciding to help her utilize her magic. Then, it shifts into Dahlia having learned how to use her magic, and causing massive flowers to sprout throughout the city. If that wasn't already a pretty big shift from the original premise that the episode started with, then the episode just becomes all about everypony in Maretime bay sneezing constantly (with a random song in the background). Then everything is resolved and Dahlia starts to sell magical flowers. All of these events were somehow crammed together for a five minute episode. One of the big aspects that this episode focused on was Earth Pony magic, and it didn't really help to make it any less confusing. First off, can all Earth Ponies magically make flowers, or just some? It isn't made very clear as to how many ponies could just make their own flowers rather than buy them from Dahlia. Plus, unless other Earth Ponies are giving them away for free, couldn't Dahlia still sell her flowers to Pegasi and Unicorns since they can't magically make flowers. Another strange thing is the magnitude of this magic. How was one Earth Pony able to create massive flowers all across the town? Is there no cool down or limit when it comes to Earth Pony magic? While the concept of Earth Ponies having magic is a cool one, the way its being handled doesn't make much sense. It almost seems like it will become something that is just used in any way that is convenient to the plot. If there are some positives for this episode, however, it would be that it's basic premise on one that had potential and that it was nice to see a background pony be the focus. It gives me hope that other background ponies like Fifi and Windy will have their own episodes as the series goes on.
  23. It is still early for G5, but I figure that there is at least enough so far for me to give it a starting assessment. My answer to the question is easily going to be G4. While I don't like the last two seasons of FiM, the first seven seasons are good enough to still make the series and generation a fun watch with an interesting world and well developed characters. G5 on the other hand seems very riddled with mediocrity. It's not bad, but it doesn't do much to make it seem good or interesting either. Now for some comparisons between the two. The characters of G4 are much more interesting and well written and they work much better as a group than G5's main cast. While the animation for G5 is varied between its different media, overall I still like G4's better. The music for G4 was fun and heartfelt whereas the music for G5 feels like a lifeless mesh of generic pop music. When it comes to the world they take place in, G4's was much more vast and interesting than G5's, which so far is just composed of three known inhabited cities. In addition, G5 has replaced much of the fantasy aspects that made G4's world epic with unoriginal modern technology such as cell phones and social media that often detracts from the story rather than enhance it. Add to all of that how G5 is spilt up between multiple series rather than focusing on one and the lazy worldbuilding at times, and G5 is easily beaten by its predecessor. This sound fairly negative when it comes to G5, but that is how I feel about it right now. I do see potential in the generation, but so far it has mainly just felt mediocre. Later on when G5 has more content to judge it by, I will probably update my overall thoughts on it.
  24. I have recently read the two MLP G5 comics that have been released so far, and I have some thought on them and their explanation for this. I will use a spoiler for those who haven't hear the comics yet.
  25. While it is still too early to really say for sure how G5 is, for now it has not lived up to FiM. G5 isn't necessarily bad, but it doesn't feel much more than just average either. The movie was a decent start to the generation, but it definitely had its flaws. Then there is TYT, which is just constant mindless jokes and gags featuring the generation's main characters for five minutes. The MYM pilot special was fairly mediocre and was a bit lacking in the animation department. And as for the comics so far... On top of all that, it seems harder to get invested in these main characters than it was to those of FiM. G4 wasn't perfect, but it knew how to have compelling characters and start off very strong. G5's on the other hand, has had a much slower start due to being split up between so many mediums. I haven't played the videogame for this generation, but I doubt that it would affect my overall opinion on the generation in any way. So far, this generation seems fairly mediocre.
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