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Everything posted by Cagey

  1. Cagey

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    I’m wondering what’s wrong with me.
  2. I don’t hate it. A little strange in the face, but maybe it’ll look better in action. Or maybe worse, who knows, but I’ll keep an open mind.
  3. Ah. I don’t keep up with Nintendo. This might be my first time catching a Direct firsthand. I also wasn’t particularly excited about anything, but I don’t have a Switch, so it doesn’t matter anyway.
  4. Expecting either Pokémon news, or a bunch of people let down by no Pokémon news.
  5. I’m shocked (and of course thrilled). Not long after I’ve given up hope about a season four, they announce it! Go figure.
  6. [Insert sappy Valentine’s Day remark here.] 

    I’ve been putting off fixing my bass guitar for a while, so I’m going to get on that tonight. Maybe. If I can just get up and stop yawning so much…


    So tired. Alas… there are things to be done. :orly:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cagey


      Yup, I’m in a band. We’re amateurs, but it’s fun. 

      Also, I fixed the bass! It just needed a new battery. :yay:

    3. AppleButt


      That’s really cool!  :eager:  My dad tried to teach me the guitar once, it didn’t go too well, any instrument with strings are especially hard to learn for me.  :D

      I’m glad all it was was a battery.  Simple fixes are best fixes!  :BrightMacContent:

    4. Cagey


      Yeah, I’m glad it was the battery too. Could’ve been a lot worse. :sealed:

      My uncle tried to teach me acoustic guitar when I was younger, but now I’m giving it a real try. Definitely difficult, with all these hard-to-reach chords. :Thorax:

  7. Welcome to the forums!
  8. I—or more specifically, my sister—had a typewriter when we were little. I think she got it from our father, who had some. I don’t know if he still has one, though.
  9. Cagey

    mega thread What book are you reading?

    You should read The Enchanted Library first, if you’re interested. Also, do you have any good Owl House fanfiction recommendations? I’ve read The Catcher in the Rye and The Great Gatsby. I almost read Catch 22 the summer before senior year, but I didn’t. And actually, right now I’m also reading Fahrenheit 451.
  10. Cagey

    mega thread What book are you reading?

    I’m blowing through The Enchanted Kingdom on Fimfiction. It’s almost going by too fast.
  11. “At least with skating, I don’t feel like I’m dragging body parts everywhere.”
  12. Shakespeare has some pretty nice ones. I don’t read much romance, though, so I can’t give more examples.
  13. I guess I’ve dedicated songs to people, such as my partner. The songs generally aren’t romantic, though.
  14. Happy birthday! I hope you’re doing okay, wherever you are. 

  15. MelodicPony, who passed away. And Woodlore. Don’t know why he left. Then there’s a few who are still around but rarely put out new music.
  16. I’m neutral toward the friending system, considering I think of myself as friends with most people anyway. :ooh: 

    Anyway, pink pony is good, and I hope you all are having a nice week. 


    1. AppleButt


      My week's been good, thanks.  

      Hope yours has been good as well :kindness:

  17. Cagey

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    To make an omelet, you have to break a few eggs. I finally got around to breaking some, and I’m starting to cook my metaphorical omelet. I feel better already.
  18. Cagey

    mega thread What book are you reading?

    I’ve been reading CRISIS: Equestria, but I’m not really into it, so I think I’m going to drop it in favor of something else.
  19. Click. Read. Brohoof. Click. Read. Brohoof.
  20. My grandma used to tell me to write everything down. “You think you’re never in a million years going to forget it, but you do.” Everyone always told her to write a book.
  21. I would choose neither. If the side effect of healing weren’t so bad, I would choose that, but there don’t seem to be any upsides to the death curse.
  22. I was bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, nervous, and impulsive, and I was excited to finally be communicating with people in my fandom.
  23. I think my partner wants to do something special for Valentine’s Day. They said they’re going to cook something, and I want to do something nice for them, too, but I can’t think of anything.

    Also, it’s snowing again.

    1. ded acc

      ded acc

      That sounds fun and wholesome.

    2. AppleButt


      Aww that’s sweet.  :coco:

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