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Everything posted by Cagey

  1. Spoiler

    I left Discord (the website) open all morning on my mother’s computer (which I was using because whenever I have the opportunity, I gladly use her larger screen for drawing), so by now she probably went through my messages. I suppose that will teach me to use my own stuff instead of hers.

    I will have enough free time to get back to perusing the forums in a few days, hopefully. Additionally, I think I will edit this out and replace it with a drawing later. Or when I have time.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Splashee


      (I was close to chat with you earlier when I saw you were online, meaning I would have talked to...)


      Your mom! Oh nos!


    3. Cagey


      Odds are that it was me, but yeah—that would have been interesting. :awwthanks: 

      Let’s chat sometime, though. :adorkable:

    4. Splashee


      Yea, it was a long time ago! :o

  2. Thank you for the balloon award. I've had a busy week (in an already busy month), but I will hopefully be more active soon.

    Wishing you all the best.




  3. My sister and I just ate an entire bag of popcorn. We should have gotten dinner instead. :mlp_nom:



    I let her tell me what to draw today. I like the result.


    1. Cagey


      I just realized I forgot eyelashes. :bea:

    2. Tacodidra


      Eyelashes or no eyelashes, that's a very good drawing! :LunaMCM:

      I haven't had popcorn in ages, though I used to like it as a kid. :adorkable:

    3. Windy Breeze

      Windy Breeze

      Your artwork looks great and the wings look good. Keep up the good work, Cagey!

  4. The towel rack I repaired three weeks ago broke again. :Cozy: This time I have to replace the entire thing. 

    I know I said I was doing the Artist Training Grounds prompts, but I haven’t had a lot of time. There’s a lot going on. :worry:

    1. Astralshy


      I know the feeling .. sometimes everything seems to go the wrong way and one does not have any time. I hope it gets better for you soon :)

    2. AppleButt


      My hand towel rack is like that.  Finally gave up on trying to fix it. 

      And I hope you can find some time to do it! 

  5. 121782539_chryssyandtirek2.thumb.png.bba85b90a91e062576c8d2c03b999bdc.png

    ...The prompt was to draw a pony biting off more than they can chew. Why did this occur to me? I have no idea. :mlp_wat:

    I should have drawn a pony trying to draw something difficult, ridiculous, and time-consuming.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cagey


      Yep, that’s why I should’ve ponified myself trying to draw, since I was truly in over my head with this drawing.

    3. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      That's really good, and also quite funny! :ButtercupLaugh:

    4. Astralshy


      Really great drawing and idea, and funny too :)  This brings me almost to draw again :ticking:

  6. patching2.thumb.png.f48d4a855d2d4f9522e6de4e7a9d69ee.png

    Here's hoping for a productive afternoon.

    1. Astralshy


      Great picture. I like it :)

    2. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      Rarity: sigh... I am a dress maker, Rainbow Dash. Not a nurse.

  7. fluttersecret2.thumb.png.05c138ffff4f1b5378a950f3088148b3.png

    So far I'm using the Newbie Artist Training Grounds prompts to try out different brushes.

    Happy Saturday, everyone. I have a lot of stuff to get done this weekend.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Astralshy


      Happy Saturday!

      Looking good! Keep it up! :fluttershy:

    3. Tacodidra


      Happy Saturday, my friend! :eager:

      Very nice Fluttershy there! :pinkie:

    4. O-78


      Very nice art! :squee:

  8. Anyone taking part in Newbie Artist Training Grounds on Equestria Daily this year? I’m thinking of doing it for the first time. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cagey


      It’s an annual event where people draw a pony every day for a month according to a prompt. It’s meant to improve one’s skills. 

    3. Windy Breeze

      Windy Breeze

      Nice, I'll try joining it

    4. Astralshy


      No, but I wish you both good luck :)

  9. Has your character gone through a journey, or will they go through one? Have they changed or grown physically or emotionally? (Example: Did they start a bright-eyed foal and end up a battle-hardened warrior? Or were they a villain who learned the error of their ways?)
  10. E64C3697-9330-40F3-A6AF-1CA189E2198A.thumb.png.5c5590ec9c158e85f0143fb9cf81aefa.png

    I want to do a rewatch of the show. It’s been way too long, and I need ponies in my life right now. 

  11. Apparently you weren’t allowed to call people on the phone at my high school. You could FaceTime or text outside class—just no calls. I was on an important call one time during lunch (was my dinky little flip phone suspicious?) and a teacher threw a fit at me, saying I was “violating the school handbook.” I had to hang up mid sentence. Throughout the rest of high school, no one else gave me shit for making calls.
  12. Cleaning a room, part two: CC83F88A-DE94-4733-AFCA-4DEED1C201D6.thumb.jpeg.6173bbd6d50416d52708c3a63e21e782.jpeg

    It’s starting to look like a bedroom. Phew. Maybe tomorrow I can think about other things.

  13. I didn’t expect that. There’s a lot of interesting potential there.
  14. Happy birthday! :LunaMCM::Tempest::sunbutt:

  15. I’ve been trying to work out in my spare time. Not as well as before the pandemic, when I did things other than weights, but more often, at least.
  16. I bought a hinge to fix a broken cabinet door. Super exciting.
  17. Cleaning a room, part one: [removed]

    I also superglued a chess piece back together. Hopefully that works. 

    1. AppleButt


      Reminds me I need to clean mine.  It’s been awhile and I fear at what’s lurking under my bed.  

  18. I’m not really comfortable in hotels, but they’re not bad. I just don’t like waking up in a foreign place.
  19. Pretty sure I’m medium bad. I can make a pillow or patch up things, but that’s it. Good or bad at drawing?
  20. Setbacks are a part of life.

    My friend is living with me now, so I’m going to try to get them into some hobbies. And teach them to draw ponies.

    I also need to set aside time to focus on my own tasks and others who need me. It’s a busy time right now. 

  21. More than I’d care to admit. I’m generally content with my appearance, though.
  22. Yeah, I’m not great at forcing smiles. They don’t look terrible, usually, but they are too draining to hold for more than a few seconds.
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