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Everything posted by Cagey

  1. Any ideas for a cutie mark (or name)?


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cagey


      Thanks for your help, everyone. I think I’ll combine your ideas and call her... Lilac something… something space-related to reference Windy’s idea? Don’t know what yet. :ooh: And a flower plus the hair accessory combined into a cutie mark, involving Pandora’s idea. :sunbutt:

    3. Windy Breeze

      Windy Breeze


      Lilac Moonraker

      No problem. We are all happy to help :D

    4. Astralshy


      @Cageyyou're really a talented artist :darling:


  2. Been having vivid dreams lately. :dash: 

    1. AppleButt


      I get those if I take my meds at night sometimes 

  3. Welcome to the herd, and good luck with your story!
  4. It was a little more than warm the other day, and immediately I thought to myself, “Welp, I’m sweating. Time to go back to winter.”  Just like clockwork. :mlp_smug:

    Also, I have to watch Infinity Train season four before I hear spoilers. 


    Weirdly-proportioned pink horse, using new tools.

    Also should finish Attack on Titan now that it’s over. :please:

    1. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      Attack on titan isnt over.... Its a fake theres gonna be a attack on titan season finale season 2 or a movie to end everyrhing.

    2. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      Wait attack on titan season finale part 2

  5. Cagey

    movies/tv Pick a side

    I don’t know too much about DC, despite visiting their HQ once. I like Marvel, although I haven’t read too many comic arcs. I used to be a Star Wars fan, but over the years I’ve come to the reality that Star Trek is more my thing. So overall I don’t know which option to choose.
  6. Yep, I’m always thinking in words, even to my detriment. I used to keep a thought journal, which was pretty interesting.
  7. Brownies are incredible. Twinkies… are Twinkies.
  8. I did research into current events. Always a joy.
  9. It’s interesting. I am wholly myself in both cases, but after a while, differences grew between this version of me and the offline one. Not just in interacting with people differently, but also in how I picture myself, if that makes sense.
  10. Underrated songs... There’re probably a lot I won’t be able to think of for exactly that reason. Either way, I’d say “Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride” is pretty underrated. Maybe doesn’t count as classic, though.
  11. Cagey

    general media Animorphs

    What a wild, witty, dark, disturbing, deeply underrated series. I think everyone should read it at some point. I flew through all the books in middle school, having remembered reading a few of them from when I was little, and my expectations were blown away. To this day I’ll talk all my friends’ ears off about it whenever it’s relevant. I also watched some of the TV show, and I’ve heard about the upcoming movie. And also there’s a new graphic novel, apparently.
  12. Some pizza, a chocolate chip cookie, and ice cream when they sold it. Those were the days.
  13. Cool, you have the same birthday as my cousin. Happy birthday! :yay:

    1. AppleButt


      Thank you!  



  14. When I was younger my neighbor tried to teach me how to skateboard. I wasn’t great at it, but I wanted to be.
  15. Happy Passover. I haven’t posted a status update in a while, trying to limit my time on the Internet and all, but I hope you all are having a good weekend.

    What hybrid creature would you have liked to see in the show? 


    1. Astralshy


      Thanks, I had a very relaxed weekend. I hope you had a good weekend too :)


    2. Gaines


      I had a good weekend :BrightMacContent:and I would love to see pony griffon hybrids :ticking:

  16. I once found a GBA SP at a thrift store, complete with a Zelda game inside. I don’t think I could sell them for much, but I hope I find more games someday.
  17. Welcome to the forums and the herd!
  18. Dang. That sounds like it would have been really interesting.
  19. Halloween, Christmas/Hanukkah, and Mardi Gras. (Might be a weird pick, but I have a lot of good memories.)
  20. I want to say Luna, but other than her, then I guess… Quibble Pants, maybe? Or somepony in the Apple family.
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