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Everything posted by Cagey

  1. "I knew you'd like the hat because of that reason!" "...Because of the bird-nest appeal?" "Yeah!"
  2. And so, Thanksgiving comes to a close.

    This was the first Thanksgiving where my family ate out at a restaurant, for a couple reasons (the care of bedridden family members being one of them). Organized by my parents, it included a handful of relatives who live in the area of our hometown -- uncles, cousins, cousins' babies, etc. Upon entering the restaurant, I was surprised to run into a couple of people I knew in high school, but I think I handled the interaction well. 

    Me: Hi, guys!! How are you?

    Person 1: good

    Person 2: [question about my life]?

    Me: Yeah, actually [more specific info]. Do you guys work here?

    Person 1: I do

    Person 2: I don't

    Me: Ok, well, great seeing you! Happy Thanksgiving!

    It could've been way more awkward, and maybe it's optimistic, but I don't think they were disappointed to see me.

    And then I went to dinner. By all accounts, it was a good dinner, even with a nosy family member asking when my sister's going to go on a date and when I'm going to marry my partner. Luckily, that's when a cousin showed up with a baby for everyone to pay attention to, so as my mother says, I was rescued. 

    It's Thanksgiving, so, speaking of her -- I'm thankful for my mother.

    She's a good mother. A good daughter, too -- she spends a lot of time taking care of her father (one of the aforementioned bedridden people), and up until recently, her mother. (I mentioned to some people that there was a death in the family this week.) 

    My mother is strong -- quiet, but level-headed and unexpectedly funny. I don't know where I'd be without her -- where any of us would be without her. 

    There was a moment today where she sat down on her mother's walker, and I suddenly couldn't stop picturing her in ten, twenty years. Will she be as strong? Will I have to watch her carefully, making sure she isn't about to fall over? She almost fell today because of some fancy shoes. How many years will it take for that to be a regular thing? We talked about going skiing one of these winters, because she used to love skiing years ago; if we wait too long, she won't be able to do it. And what about her mind, her mental faculties? 

    I let a baby hold my hand today. A few hours later, I visited my grandfather, looked into his eyes, and didn't see any light. 

    I'm not particularly keen on ruminating over death and purpose, but it's something I couldn't help but think about today: how time really and truly flies. Those former classmates I encountered are living their own lives, looking so different than the twelve year olds I picture in my mind. They smiled at me, but they probably already forgot my name. It surely hasn't been that many years, has it? 

    So, time flies. In the blink of an eye, I might become my mother, my grandfather. I have a picture of him from 1952, traveling the world, smiling with light in his eyes.

    The year is 2022. Maybe I should take a picture of myself. 

    1. Ice Princess Silky <3

      Ice Princess Silky <3

      Wow, what an intense Thanksgiving day for this year. 2022 has certainly been an era of reflecting on many deeper aspects of our lives.

      Reunions tend to be SUPER awkward even when they're mere friends from High School -- everyone involved tends to be uncomfortable because people tend to wish to match up to what they imagined things would be from way back then in their old PoV of things. But overall, the exchange was pleasant and cordial. Well done despite the unexpected encounter!

      As for the deeper, family stuff. It's good that you write this down. It allows us to really put these thoughts into something more digestible that our emotions would otherwise unravel into something way too consuming....

      Fingers crossed for you and we're here for you if you ever need any moral support

    2. Astralshy


      Sry @Cagey it took me a while longer to come to your update :>

      Like Silky that this was an intense experience. Im sure it was not easy to write this down and share with us. Yes, time flies. Life seems so quickly over. Maybe you should take some photos. At least you can show them then later or let them remind you of the times you have witnessed.

      Yes, we are here for each other. So if you need moral support many people would share it gladly with you. 

      Stay strong

  3. I know I haven't been around a lot this year, for mostly unfixable website-related reasons, but I promise I'm fine and still popping in every now and again. 

    It's going to be a busy last few months of the year, with the holidays, birthdays, art, and writing I have to do. 


    Writing is like knitting. You're making good time, and everything looks good, but suddenly before you know it, you've hit a tangled mess in your yarn and don't know how to resolve it.

    Hope you're all well. :please:

    1. Astralshy


      dont worry :> I also havent been too much around this year

      I'm glad you are fine and hope you will have a good last couple of weeks in this year

      I'm also fine :3

  4. Ooh, I'm glad I decided to look at the forums! Congrats!
  5. Twilight: they kinda dropped the nerd horse angle after she became a princess, and she grew out of a lot of her flaws. It was less interesting. RD: she can be painfully self-centered. (A good flaw, but one that can be annoying.) Pinkie: she's easy to flanderize. AJ: they push the "honest one" angle too much. She's allowed to have other traits. Fluttershy: she could be more interesting. (I'm sorry, Flutters, you have a lot of potential, I swear) Rarity: I've never been a fan of the posh "lady" attitude, and also: every interaction with Spike. I promise I love all of the main six.
  6. I knew about the fandom before anything else, so I wouldn't say it had much of an observable effect on my opinion. If anything, though, it made me like the show more because I knew there was a wealth of fan content and community backing it up. Specific positive and negative experiences in the fandom don't affect my opinion of the show itself. Oh, also, knowing things about the fandom made a bunch of little moments in the show more special, because they're references to the fandom.
  7. I was roughhousing with my neighbor's cousin in my neighbor's room, and we knocked over and shattered a glass giraffe he treasured. I'll never forget that.
  8. "Creative insults involving grapes" ...Sometimes I wonder what goes through my head.
  9. "Hey babe, wanna allopatrically speciate? 'Cause I want to leave you."
  10. Cagey

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    Misread “ground” as “gourd.” Maybe I should go to sleep.
  11. "Unlike you, I don't do extensive research into the Cars universe."
  12. Thank you! *friendship power hugs*
  13. Home, friend’s place, neighbor’s place. I’m taking care of things while they’re both on vacation. I might have to stop by a store later, too.
  14. I suppose if I had to, but I wouldn't be calm about it. Would you run from the law for love?
  15. I’ve never heard of having special Sunday dinners. Other than holidays, I don’t keep to a specific plan.
  16. Quiet, kind of a loner, a pleasure to have in class.
  17. *hugs splashee*BB026018-07EB-4FE8-8F2B-8DCA501E1863.gif.014435b7bfb496ad193d5dde614dfd51.gif

    1. Splashee


      *hugs* everything will be okay :kindness:

  18. Cagey

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    This might be unsalvageable.
  19. Like a pot that’s boiled over.
  20. Ah, forgot about the status bug.

    I wrote a long paragraph, but listen, it doesn’t matter. Point is, I’m going through some upheaval in life now, so I just thought I’d say something about it here. 

    1. DubWolf


      Wish things were simpler more often. Life is finite.

  21. Cagey

    animation The last Anime you watched?

    One Punch Man and Demon Slayer.
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