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Everything posted by Cagey

  1. The Compendium of Completing Minimal Work and Bingeing YouTube.
  2. Well, I don't know. Sweetie Belle is definitely the one I'd get along with better, but Rarity is fun to watch and has a great deal of character development. So I guess I'll pick Rarity, just because she's a more dynamic character.
  3. Very much so. Feel free to start the next one!
  4. Generated some random pony descriptions a while ago, and I used them as art prompts today. Anyone have any name ideas for these stallions? 

    1. Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Gold Pot for the left one, and Happy Meal for the right one.

    2. Astralshy


      I'm really bad in coming up with names ... but I like this artwork :3

  5. As long as it’s reversible, sure. I’d let her run wild.
  6. I'm going to try taking a page out of @bubbleteapony's book and doing something similar to their game. Each person comments a part of the creature according to the number of their comment. I'll make a sketch of the completed draconequus, and then it starts over. 1st comment: gender 2nd comment: head type 3rd comment: arm 1 4th comment: arm 2 5th comment: leg 1 6th comment: leg 2 7th comment: wing 1 8th comment: wing 2 9th comment: tail 10th comment: extra features! Feel free to be as specific or unspecific as you want. Here's an example: Like in bubbleteapony's thread, you can post multiple times per round, but preferably not twice in a row. I'm looking forward to the randomness, as well as the opportunity to draw unexpected things.
  7. Finally finished a digital painting that I’ve been working on for three weeks. It’s an incredible accomplishment, but I probably shouldn’t share it online because it looks too much like the subject, my cousin. Next time I’ll pick a subject I can share.

    For now, I'm taking a break from long projects. :toldya:

    1. strongwilled_pegasus


      i    squish u  cagey

    2. dead account

      dead account

      Nice, that's impressive! :eager: Don't worry about sharing it, sometimes we just draw for fun or something personal. :)

    3. Astralshy



      that sound awesome. I bet it's great artwork 

      Yes, long projects are exhausting. Take a well earned break :)

  8. I painted with my friend today. They don’t do art a lot and got pretty frustrated with it, but I like how their painting turned out. And I’m proud of them for trying. I think that’s something awesome.
  9. It's always nice to see new content being produced in the fandom. 


    1. Miss


      yea 4everfree generally always releases something good

    2. AppleButt


      So glad 4everfree is one of them who still produces new stuff.


  10. I messed around in the drawing program today. It feels good to pony again after all the human practice I've been trying to do. 


    1. strongwilled_pegasus
    2. Astralshy


      Great artwork @Cagey :>

      I also want to come back to drawing xD I hope I can reserve some time for it soon :3

    3. Splashee


      Awesome shading effects! :yay:

  11. I'd like episodes between members of the mane six who don't interact often, like Twilight and AJ, or Fluttershy and Pinkie. And one more episode with Diamond Tiara, just so she hasn't dropped off the face of the earth.
  12. Happy (late) Hearts and Hooves Day!

    I got a T-shirt in the mail that says "I'm with stupid." This might be the best Valentine's Day ever. :sealed:

    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Happy Hearts and Hooves Day! :wub:

    2. Astralshy


      Happy Hearts and Hooves Day

  13. This was my first one. Not bad. I reset a dozen times, just to see my other options, and this one was pretty interesting: They'd be fun to draw if I get the chance.
  14. Finally getting back in the drawing habit, but more because I'm using it as procrastination than because I actually have room for it. I don't have much else to report, even though I haven't made a status in a while. Life is bland. 

    I'm going to hit the hay. See y'all.




    1. AppleButt


      Nice!  Goodnight, Cagey!

    2. Tom Gallagher
    3. Astralshy


      Im sure it's a lovely picture, but there seemed to be a problem with the forum again and it's not shown to me

  15. I also play guitar now, more or less.
  16. It’s snowing. :o

    I’m hanging out with a Pinkie plushie and watching the snow fall. I feel productive. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pastel Heart

      Pastel Heart

      I want snow againnn

      Stuffie cuddling in winter weather is the best~

    3. Tom Gallagher
    4. Astralshy


      I wish it would here snow too for a couple of days ...

      Grab your plushie, your blanket and some lovely tea and witness it :>

  17. Happy birthday! :yay:

    1. Astralshy


      Thank you so much :>

      I hope you like chocolate cake with  some tea ? :3


  18. I don’t remember the details after all this time, but it was Rainbow Dash arguing with Charizard over something.
  19. Cagey

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    Emotional diarrhea and verbal constipation. The perfect combination.
  20. Welcome to the herd! I hope you like it here!
  21. I really have to get my life together. Otherwise I’m going to keep missing deadlines. (Sorry about that, site staff.) :sunny:

    My (poor) excuse is that it’s been a stressful week. For lots of reasons, the biggest being that I may or may not have omnicron. Yay.

    I might be gone for a little while, as I have a lot of stuff to balance right now. Hopefully I’ll be back within the week. 

    1. AppleButt


      *hugs* I hope you get to feeling better soon!  

    2. Astralshy


      Im sorry to hear that

      I hope you didn't get omicron or at least recover fast and well

      *gives feel better tea

    3. EpicEnergy


      I hope things get better for you and hopefully you don't get too sick.

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