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Tom Gallagher

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Everything posted by Tom Gallagher

  1. I'm off to bed. I'll leave you with the best song that hasn't yet got an official release. I think it sums up why I love this show so much, I even have quite a relationship with this song. When my mother found out I was a brony, she was initially shocked, maybe even worried, and questioned if I was doing the right thing. But the moment I showed her this, she said, 'Okay. Now I get it.' :twismile: Goodnight, folks!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TotallyNotNyx


      Goodnight ^_^

      I still haven;t told my parents that I like ponies, and I don;t plan to anytime soon


    3. AppleButt


      I actually watched a few episodes of the first season with my mom once.  She actually laughed a few times.  For example, she laughed in the Dragonshy episode when Fluttershy intimidated the dragon with her stare, lol. 

      Anyways... goodnight!

    4. Bastian


      When I told my parents I like ponies they were like: meh, as you wish. My father was even interested on the fact that I liked them, I explained him of the brony fandom etc...

      That was enough of me, goodnight! :squee:


  2. Absolutely adored this episode. Even though this was basically Fluttershy's episode, it's great that all six got their times to shine. Those are some of my favourite types of episodes. Fluttershy's heroic moment was amazing! 'But that Rainbow one kicked me!'
  3. Good morning! Only fifteen more days until lockdown ends over here. I'm fine... I'm not going crazy... I'm fine...


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TotallyNotNyx


      Yeah it's the pain of having the exams just as school starts. If they were a bit later, I would be fine

    3. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      @Princess of Hearts 💛🧡 That's actually true. Been away from school so long, I forgot about it! :twismile:

    4. Tacodidra


      Good morning, my friend! :grin: I hope those fifteen days are still alright! :kindness:

  4. I used to every Wednesday after school but never liked it because the helmets were always too small. My head was way too big for any of them and it felt like circulation to my brain was being cut off! So, in other words, I didn't really enjoy it.
  5. Goodnight, everypony. Sorry for being a bit quiet today, just very quiet in general over here. :mlp_proud: See you all tomorrow! 


    1. Octavia Heartstrings

      Octavia Heartstrings

      Good night, my friend! :LunaMCM:

    2. Midnight Danny

      Midnight Danny

      No problem at all my friend! Goodnight and always stay safe! ^^

    3. Tacodidra


      Good night, my friend! :) That's alright – I wasn't here much either. :kindness:

  6. Thank you for the follow!! :yay:

  7. This: I absolutely just broke down crying watching this.
  8. And it gave us this shot: My heart just exploded!
  9. Just being different. I've talked about it before but it got me to a really low point in my life where I felt very dark and very alone but along the way, I was saved by this show. I knew then, that everything will be okay. I talked about it in my first post here: https://mlpforums.com/topic/190509-hello-this-is-how-the-mane-6-saved-my-life/
  10. Goodnight from Ireland! See you all tomorrow!


    1. Coffee



    2. Tacodidra


      Good night, my friend! :)

  11. *hugs @Tacodidra, @lyrabetes3939, @Photon Jet, @StarrySkyDash, @AppleButt, @Bastian, @Super Splashee, @Spidey10, @Lightning Cloud, @TheRockARooster 🐔, @princessxrainbowdash, @Midnight_Danny, @Princess of Hearts 💛🧡, @DivineDivine1000, @ShadOBabe, @Sunamena, @EpicEnergy and everypony else!* I really wish I could get to all of you, but I think I'll be here all day! Thank you everyone so much for spreading the magic of friendship! And also, hugs these seven --->
  12. I have no idea what to talk about today so... Hugs all around!!


  13. I wish I was talented enough to make fan art, but I can't draw for the life of me. Apart from the one that's my profile, I really wish I was able to draw them. I had a really talented artistic friend in school who I politely asked if he can make one of me and the Mane 6 in a group hug together but sadly he was never able to because the lockdown started, school is now off for the summer and this was his last year before he moved. I never got to see us all group hugging together... :(

    1. Midnight Danny

      Midnight Danny

      l understand you... i really wish that too to be artist.. :(

    2. ShadOBabe


      You guys just have to start and keep working at it. It IS harder if you start art when you’re older. Older artists often criticize themselves WAY to harshly. But it’s a skill you can learn. You just need to give yourself a break. You’re just going to suck at first. It’s unavoidable. Push through it.

    3. AppleButt


      I feel your pain, man.

  14. Even though I'm not a fan of the rain, it's probably for the best so that people don't go out. Unless it's...


  15. Gilda never really had quite the comeback like Discord and certain others. Still a great episode. Very entertaining as always. 'And Pinkie Pie lo- *HIC* ves to have *HIC* fun!!'
  16. Apologies if anyone has posted this before but this honestly got me full on crying. :( Was definitely what I needed to listen to during these times.

    Gee, I'm still crying! 

  17. I've only been here a week and I already have three awards! Thank you all so much. You've all made me feel right at home. :mlp_pinkie:

    1. Tacodidra


      I'm glad to hear that, my friend! :yay: *hugs* :squee:

    2. Midnight Danny

      Midnight Danny

      Yay! :yay: Congratulations! ^-^

  18. The baking bit was the bit that got me as well. Especially when Pinkie talks in slow-mo. 'Chocolate chips!'
  19. Very quiet over here. I guess we're all just hoping that everything will be fine when the lockdowns end. I'm supposed to go to Orlando at the end of June so I'm really hoping it'll work out. :worry: How's everypony else coping?

    1. AppleButt


      Not much has changed on my end.  I still have a job.  So I’ve been going to work and coming home as normal.

      I usually travel in summer but I’ve decided not to even if things are open up.  My parents are at the risk age and I don’t want to put them at risk. 

    2. Octavia Heartstrings

      Octavia Heartstrings

      I've barely left the house since the lockdown began, but I'm still doing pretty well. At least this means I'm at almost zero risk of catching anything.

    3. Tacodidra


      I'm doing alright, though it's been quite uneventful. :adorkable: The most frustrating thing is not being able to even see family much...

  20. I'm off to bed. I'm hoping I'll dream about the Mane 6 again. Who knows?

    But anyway, 'Hush now, Quiet now,' from Ireland.

    See you all tomorrow. :mlp_smile:

    1. Bastian


      Sweet dreams Tom. :squee:

    2. EpicEnergy


      Rest well, my friend! :grin:

    3. Tacodidra


      Good night, my friend! :rarity: Hopefully that will happen!

  21. I can never possibly pick between any of them. If someone threatened to banish me to the Everfree Forest unless I made a choice, I'd say, 'Do it.' How can I choose when I love them all equally?
  22. Just had a dream that I was sitting on my local mountain with the Mane 6 watching the sunset. What an amazing sight!

    1. Tacodidra


      That sounds like a wonderful dream! :rarity: I wish I had more MLP-related dreams myself...

    2. AppleButt


      I’ve only had one MLP related dream and I woke up right when it started pretty much. :dry:

    3. Octavia Heartstrings

      Octavia Heartstrings

      Sounds like a very nice dream! :grin:

  23. They were only learning so it's bound to be rough around the edges. And it gave us this face... Also, who screams 'QUIET' better? Twilight or Starlight? 'And then I said 'Oatmeal, are you craz'... Oh.'
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