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Lord Chin Chin

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Everything posted by Lord Chin Chin

  1. I give the best puppy eyes 🥺 x3 Uhhh just a local barber, are u gonna say my hair sucks? 😂😱
  2. I usually try to come up with a witty remark but the best thing is to block or ignore them
  3. Bruh im a ninja.

    Climbed up the drain pipe on my friends house and helped him sneak out with me to hang out😎

    Now hes safely back and his parents didnt notice 😁

    1. Lucky Bolt
    2. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      Cool. Even if I was a Dragon God, I would still be impressed

    3. Lord Chin Chin

      Lord Chin Chin

      I did almost slip off the second floor tho which wpuld have been bad 😂

  4. I swear you're one of those people that can take a selfie at any moment and look great xd While im over here trying 100 different angles and give up after 500 photos and still look like a goof 😂
  5. Thanks for the follow


  6. Just watched an ultra sad film about homophobia... Why do i watch this stuff:(

  7. All of you had a good weekend so far? :ph3ar:

    1. ExplosionMare


      Yup, how about you?

  8. Who here saw the AJ Usyk fight? Went pretty much as I expected 😂

  9. Im going to sound like a buzz kill but hope there isnt to many cheesey songs lol
  10. Nearly 1am, maybe its time for bed soon :derp:

    1. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      Nighty night, my young friend

  11. Extremely bad, I suffer from ADHD so i find it hard to focus and be patient 😕
  12. I have bad habits when im stressed like scratching at my skin or even hitting myself lol but i dont do it so much now. I dont think ive ever been depressed
  13. My favourite subject is physical education, i am way above most of the class in terms of fitness 😁 Dodgeball is the best
  14. Lunch time, thats when I eat my main meal so I get a good scoff 😍
  15. I dont believe in soul mates etc, but I think there's someone out there for everyone, i know who he is but idk if he feels the same
  16. Anyone having problems with the site? I cant open any pm's

  17. Feeling ok, got a brace for my elbow and going to doctors Monday since I cant straighten it 😳

    What in gods name did i just watch :ButtercupLaugh:

  19. Tempted to sing this next :ButtercupLaugh:

    Dancing would be outta control though, just been grooving out to it 😂

  20. I only joined discord a few hours ago but i think im already terrorising it 😂

    1. Windy Breeze

      Windy Breeze

      Remined me not to give you an invitation to any servers I'm in :P

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