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Everything posted by Nilkad_Naqadah

  1. I'm fine with it, because you have the word clockwork in you name.
  2. Well, like I said, it was pretty petty anyway. It's just when I see things like that, my petty douche mode activates and I have to correct it, lol.
  3. In my personal headcanon, video games exist in Equestria and are largely the same as the are here on Earth. I mean, occasionally there'll be a game which pertains heavily to certain specific scenarios (alliteration ftw) in the real world, which I'll feel the need to ponify, but in general I just think of them being pretty much identical.
  4. Yes, we absolutely are that bad, according to the general public. In fact, my stepfather believes that the fandom started due to a smaller group of fetishists and that ordinary fans who just like the show because it's good didn't start happening until later. This idea is, in my opinion, utterly ridiculous and based far too much on assumption and generalization, not to mention that it ignores the fact that fetishistic type material isn't any more a part of this community than in any other fandom, and the only difference is the media never decided to focus on it in most other fandoms like they have in this one. By the way, this is a petty correction but it would bother me if I didn't voice it, the end tag should be </rant> rather than </endrant> because the / implies the end of the rant.
  5. Above: the only reason I have ever removed myself from the space directly in front of a computer screen.
  6. Out in the real world, I am deathly afraid of heights. I just can't stand being high up in the air, even if I know I'm completely safe. I've also got some claustrophobia. I don't like the dark either. Well, more specifically, what may or may not be in the dark. In fiction, the horrors that have stuck with me the most are Slenderman (who I maintain is the single greatest horror figure ever created) and BEN, of drowned fame. More so Slendy that BEN.
  7. I've got a few methods. Music generally helps. Additive Subtractive especially is very good at making me feel happy, specifically the songs "Love and Friendship" and "Phony Brony" (both of which feature Rina-chan for added awesomeness.) The Living Tombstone's remix of "Summer" by Griffin Village (Jackleapp) has a similar effect. Or Odyssey Eurobeat's remix of "Clarity" by Zedd. Or sometimes I just message my friends. A certain game, Okami, is also very good at making me feel at peace. If I'm really upset about something, I just turn it on and run around Shinshu Field for a while.
  8. I'm not talking about unoriginality here. I'm talking about the design of the gameplay itself. It's slow, it's lacks any sort of tenseness (probably not a word) and no matter how many undead there are or whether there are some interesting weapons or not, it just bores me. It may not go all the way on the realism bus (which I never said it specifically did, I said that shooters in general tend to do so) but it's still not very fun for someone who's used to DOOM and Half-Life and Painkiller. It's essentially like being given the power of flight, then finding out you can't go any faster than your normal running speed.
  9. Ayo, welcome to the herd. I'm sure you'll love it here, everyone does.
  10. When I saw there were four options, I figured these probably corresponded to the four humors, which I'm more familiar with. Further inspection has shown this to be correct. Melancholic=blood (my mom and me) Choleric=Black bile (My youngest brother) Sanguine=Yellow bile (My older little brother and my boyfriend) Phlegmatic=phlegm, lol.(... I actually don't know any Dons.) There was a certain episode of the Cracked web series "After Hours" which brought up some interesting points in regards to the humors. If you're interested, it's the one about Ninja Turtles.
  11. Not at all interested, because none of the Wolfenstein games have been in the least bit fun or interesting. The first one I give something of a pass because it was the first of its kind and didn't have a cheat sheet of what not to do like later shooters, but that doesn't make it any more worth playing, just like the fact that Super Mario 64 wrote the rulebook for 3d platformers doesn't make it better than Super Mario Galaxy or Ocarina of Time pioneering 3d adventure doesn't make it better than Majora's Mask or Twilight Princess. Anyway, lemme catch the bus back from Tangentville. Without exception, the recent Wolfenstein games have been buying into the 2-weapon-limit-regenerating-health-unnecessary-cover-system-slow-movement-speed bullshit that's making me hate the current shooter market (pardon the french.) It's sad when my favorite genre, first-person shooters, which I love for its ability to provide fast, fun, tense action, is now not considered "up-to-date" unless it has design "decisions" (read as: flaws) that serve no purpose other than to inject unnecessary "realism" (massive quotes because the games actually seem more interested in systematically abusing the concept of realism) and remove fun.
  12. The Devil's Den by Wolfgang Gartner and Skrillex Rage Valley by Knife Party Epilogue by Skorge Warrior's Call by Volbeat Shocktrooper by GHO57 The Sinners by GHO57 Rock a Fella by GHO57 and last but not least, my personal battle theme/theme song, Beyond Limitation by GHO57
  13. Wow, that's really good. I wish I had the skill to make art like that. Need more practice. Although I also really need practice at more perspective-driven things. Man, I just need to spend a few months drawing constantly.
  14. I'd give it a chance if I heard good things about it. As it stands, it's not so much the pony-related subject matter that interests me as it is the fact that the folks at Hasbro have shown they can make really good entertainment and as such I'm interested in anything they make.
  15. Speaking as someone who supports gay rights and is himself bisexual, I heartily agree. There's no reason to be proud or ashamed of your sexuality, no matter what that sexuality is. Now, other unpopular opinions... Star Trek is, as a general rule, piss-poor sci-fi that only makes pretenses at genuine philosophical points (there are exceptions, but they are rare and are largely confined to The Next Generation) (note: I am very much a fan of sci-fi, I just have standards regarding it) Lost wasn't good even before it jumped the shark Stargate: SG-1 totally jumped the shark in a spectacularly awful way at the beginning of Season 9 GHO57 is one of the best electronica artist of our age Much as I love fantasy, a lot of the supposed greats are utter crap (*cough*Willow*cough*) We really need to let the Tokien-esque fantasy world die. It's doing nothing but imposing limits on what should rightly be the least limited genre. Final Fantasy XII is the second best Final Fantasy game, right behind VI. Final Fantasy VII is not very good. The battle system was pretty good, but the story sucked and Sephiroth is a horrible character. Aeris' death held no significance for me. She was neither well-characterized nor useful. I felt more genuine emotion at the death of the gorram companion cube than at Aeris' death. Call of Duty is not only uninspired and exploitative, but boring and poorly designed as well. Halo is better in regards to originality and story but even worse in regards to design and fun factor. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is one of the poorest-quality Zelda games. The Metal Gear Solid games are rather poorly written. The overall story is pretty good but moment-to-moment dialogue is mostly crap. The new DMC is shamefully mediocre in every regard. David Guetta sucks. He's a talentless hack. Skrillex isn't amazing, or the best dubstep artist, but I can't really call him overrated considering how many people vocally despise him. Deadmau5 is ludicrously overrated. Not awful or offensive to the ears, but not particularly good either.
  16. It's a great speech, and should have been picked. That said, if the teachers chose the others over it, then their approval isn't worth anything anyway, because they clearly don't have valid standards of judgment. Don't beat yourself up over not getting picked, or let it get to you. If you know that you have made something objectively good (which I can verify you have) then irrational opinions about it, be they positive or negative, shouldn't affect you, and the teachers were clearly irrational in judging the speeches.
  17. Hmm, not bad. Very DBZ-esque... Normally I'm not a fan of DBZ's animation style (at all. Or any other aspect of DBZ, really. It's entertainingly bad, but not something I could call myself a fan of, nowhere near as good as say Trigun or Furi Kuri or Fullmetal Alchemist.) but here it seems to just kind of work.
  18. So, I saw an ad for that "Teen Titans Go" show. Who is the horrible member of the human race who decided to make Starfire concerned with her appearance?

    1. sodainmycereal


      I've seen an episode of it, it's not THAT bad. Of course the original is god-tier, but still.....and a few of the jokes that appeared would have been better if in the new animation style. And the original style wuld have been way better in every way......

    2. ToxicNinja78


      I've seen an episode. It IS that bad. I don't know who thought it was a good idea, but I want to shove everyone involved into a wood chipper. Except Tara Strong, she gets to live.

      So, y'know, you can give it a shot, but don't say I didn't warn you.

  19. /)_- Look, I don't know you, I can't say what kind of person you are or aren't. All I'm going to say is this. The timeline photo, does not matter. The not asking why, does not matter. There's no reason to jump to conclusions over such things, they are small things that don't matter between good friends. And on the subject of "scraps," the idea that liking someone your friend used to date is wrong, or rude, or mean, is archaic and wasn't valid to begin with. How a person feels about another person should not be suppressed just because there's history with their friends. It's based on a flawed premise and any friendship that could be torn apart by that wasn't a real friendship to begin with, because real friendships aren't that petty.
  20. While this does take care of some plotholes, my main issue with everything Chrysalis did is it made her, the queen of the changelings, presumably the most competent changeling in existence, look incredibly incompetent and more than a little dumb. While this headcanon does plug the holes, it still makes her look ludicrously sloppy, to the point where it's difficult to believe.
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Nilkad_Naqadah


      Lol, sorry. The thing I love about that "Loneliness" notgame is how open-ended it is, despite being as simple as walking along a predetermined path. Two friends and I played and had three entirely different experiences. I went after every group of people, always hoping that the next one wouldn't scatter, and at the end I really thought there would be at least one that wouldn't. One friend of mine eventually said "fuck it" and just started walking straight past everyone...

    3. Nilkad_Naqadah


      and my other friend kept going back to see if any of the groups had come back.

    4. Nilkad_Naqadah


      This notgame is a perfect example of why I bother studying game design, and why I consider it one of the most beautiful art forms.

  21. Ayo, welcome to the forums. You're gonna like it here, it's an awesome community.
  22. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blazeheart-r3209 would be a fire type gym leader (obviously) and his badge would be the Four Flames Badge
  23. Good sir, I must say. The skill with which this is drawn, the intrigue afforded by your characters' abilities, that knife, and the inclusion of Alex Mercer, have worked together to overload my badassery perceptors.
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