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Everything posted by Lonewolf

  1. "Ugh... Where am I?" said Comet as he opened his eyes. He looked around the dimly lit room and noticed all the papers lying around. "Oh yeah, now I remember. I was observing the stars last night. I must've fell asleep while trying to write this report about astronomical anomalies." He thought. He felt like he had taken a rock to the head, but nevertheless, he stood up and went down the stairs. Suddenly, his stomach started to growl. "I guess I shouldn't have skipped dinner yesterday. Well, I should probably head to Sugarcube Corner to get some breakfast. I'm too tired to do it myself." said Comet to himself as he apporached the door. "The report will have to wait." (OOC : That's it for me today. I'm going to sleep.)
  2. I feel like I've heard that song before. It's just like a 16-bit version of the MLP intro and that means I like it. It's very good for a first try! That picture.
  3. Heya! Welcome and nice to meet you! I'd tell you about our RP section but, well, Dreamwalker pretty much covered everything you need to know around here. Anyway, enjoy yourself!
  4. The head was one of my main problems while making the drawing. I always felt it had a rather odd shape , but I just left it as it was. Thanks for the feedback! Thanks!
  5. The lack of Scott Pilgrim themed post in this forum is disturbing. I'm gonna change that. So here's something I made up rather quickly (Half an hour I think) . Well, it's the first drawing I post here and I prefer it being Non-pony related because, sincerely, I suck at drawing ponies. They always end up being really ugly. Anyway, feel free to crticize my wonderful work . Did you know? He's the hero of the comic "Scott Pilgrim" UPDATE: I don't want to create another post so I'll just edit this thread. It's about the same thing anyway. Here you go, another of my "Scott Pilgrim" drawing. It's Wallace (Scott's friend and roommate) this time around. Enjoy and any criticism is appreciated.
  6. What?! My muffin evolved into a cupcake?!

  7. Lonewolf

    movies/tv Nickelodeon

    I still remember the golden age of Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, and even Fox Kids (I'm surprised nobody has mentioned it). Nowadays, all those 3 stations went downhill, especially Nickelodeon and Disney XD (Ex- Fox Kids). The only one that has retained my interest this far is CN with shows like Adventure Time and Regular Show. I also used to watch the Fairy Godparents and Spongebob but their quality has much decayed since then.
  8. Don't get me wrong, I'd really love to that they make Derpy episode, just like everyone else. While you two have good points, Derpy caused quite a shock when she appeared, so I don't think Hasbro would like to redo the same thing. Nevertheless, Mana Hooves' idea would certainly fit the show , without causing too much stir on the Derpy subject.
  9. Having a whole Derpy episode would be nice, but I don't see how she would fit on the story since she's a normal pony. Maybe the biggest role she'll have will be a couple of spoken lines, but that's all.
  10. I haven't read the whole FanFic yet (I'm still on chapter 6) but this looks amazing! Outstanding work Brisineo! Edit: I always forget to brohoof.
  11. I'll have to say there's at least a few thousands bronies in the world. But at the rate the fandom is growing, it could easily be millions.
  12. Well, well ,well... I looks like I found myself a Brony server last night. I'm still amazed that I found it by pure coincidence.
  13. How did I not find this video before?

  14. Great drawing of Zecora! I really liked the fact that you colored it. Brohoof to you good sir!
  15. I guess I missed that information because I generally don't read FAQs (unless I'm looking to resolve an issue). But I should've guessed it since there are 17 character tokens. Thanks for sharing it anyway. (Don't get mad at my ignorance )
  16. I'm really looking foward to play the game. It looks very well done. I really hope they keep adding characters after they release it.
  17. Why is this so catchy?

  18. The drawing looks really good. Good Job! Nevertheless, the eyes lack a proper pupil. His name is Dreamy Cloud, and thus, he should be a pegasus has the 2 fellows above me have said and because, you know, he's got his "head in the clouds" all the time. Haha... Ok,ok I'm leaving now. (I feel terrible after that)
  19. This certainly looks interesting. I might want to fill in as Backup video editor as I know my way around Sony Vegas Pro and 2 weeks ago, I edited a video for a school contest and it won first place. (yay)
  20. Veny nice. Although I must say it's not my favourite song. I didn't quite like it as much as your "8BITMLP" track and it certainly feel similar to it. Anyways, I'm listening to it right now and it looks like the more I play it, the more I like it. So, keep it up!
  21. Lonewolf


    Archie - Magic Is Timeless (Club Mix) - Youtube lonewolf1500 on deviantART Tabs - General Siliness - MLP Forums steelseries spectrum - Goggle Search
  22. Ha ha ha, yeah I remember that. It's the weirdest Amnesia custom story I've ever seen. But it has ponies in it so I'm ok with it.
  23. There will always be fanwars between people who do the same thing, in this case LPing. You can't stop it completely so I usually avoid looking at the comments and just watch the video. Anyways back on topic, I really enjoy watching PewDiePie's videos but I also watch Cry's LPs (knew him before he started playing with PewDie).
  24. Cupcakes and Muffins, why can't we friends. I'll have to go with both as I love them equally.
  25. Words cannot describe how awesome this is.
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