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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Zalgo

  1. I think it would be cool to have a Ent-like race, perhaps with the same body structure as an elk, except made of wood and leaves
  2. Well, I have a Nintendo 64, a Wii, a DS Lite, Gameboy Advanced, Gameboy Color and a sub par computer so my options are a bit limited. I enjoy pretty much every genre of game, but my favorite genres are RPGs, FPS and sandbox. My favorite game series are: -Halo -Legend of Zelda -Pokemon -Minecraft -Super Smash Bros. -Mario -Valve games
  3. Zalgo

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

  4. "John Bright is nothing like you. He is not at all cool; in fact, he thinks cool is a temperature reading, and when he says "Oh, I just put on whatever old thing's lying around," he means "on the floor, where I threw it last night - but I turned the underwear inside out first." He may have sometimes thought that he was special, or destined for greater things, but probably dismissed the idea as a fantasy. He's had more than his fair share of hard knocks, and probably spends more time than he ought moaning about it. And he's gotten no slack from you. In general, you care deeply about John Bright, but you're smart enough to let him stand on his own, without burdening him with your personal fantasies or propping him up with idealization and over-dramatization. John Bright is a healthy character with a promising career ahead of him. Score Breakdown Do I Know This Guy? 3 He's The Anti-Cool 1 I'm Destined For What? 3 Angst R Us 15 Momma HATES Him! 0 Total: 22" I used the protagonist for my horror/parody story (Not my pony OC)
  5. Normally, I'd be all like: "Yo dude what the hell, why the actual potato would you do that???" But since you're the user this forum deserves, but not the one it needs, its alright. Ninja... Thus, my reaction is: o_O
  6. I have a few stories from when I was at my cottage, about a year ago. I have no idea if the things I saw were actually paranormal, for all I know, they could have been animals or maybe even people. So, my friend was with my at the cottage, and he asked me "Want to go for a walk or something" And I respond with "Yeah, sure" So that's what we do, until we come across an RV on the side of the road. The thing was entirely wrecked, the front half was practically non-existent any more and there were shards of glass everywhere. My friend turned towards me and said "Wanna go check it out?" We probably shouldn't have, but we were going to anyway. As soon as I took a step towards it, I heard what sounded like a low guttural growl mixed with a person crying. We got the hell out of there in an instant. The next day, we decided to go to the beach. To get there, we had to take the same path that had the RV. We both shot an awkward glance towards it as we walked by, still a little spooked about what happened the day before. We made the mistake of staying at the beach until 6:30, dusk. Now the way there and back was through a forest, with very thick trees all the same distance apart, with only a few places that you could see far through. Half way through, my friend stopped, looked to the right, muttered something then started to sprint away from me. I just sat there for a moment, puzzled and asked my self what the hell scared him so much. Then I looked to the right. Standing in the forest were three shadowy humanoid figures all standing straight up and just staring in the opposite direction. They could have been people, but there's a little problem. One of the things had to atleast have been 10 feet tall and he was pretty damn bulky. I let out a little squeal, and they all turned towards me at once. The big one made some kind of noise while looking at the other two, then they slowly started to advance towards me. That is when I worked up the strength to run. And run I did. When I made it back, I told everyone what happened, and naturally, no one believed me except my friend. Luckily we were leaving that night anyway. I haven't been back there yet, and I never want to.
  7. Christopher Nolan Who is the Barman?
  8. Xylophone What happens if I stick my arm in the garbage disposal?
  9. http://www.bronyland.com/pony-personality-test/?img=plz&q=NzU1M3w2NTU4Mzk I got Twilight Sparkle, which makes perfect sense to me. : P 2nd is Rarity, apparently. 3rd is Fluttershy, which I expected to be a bit higher up. Last is Rainbow Dash.
  10. Banned because I'm a ninja~ Edit: Banned for ninjaing the ninja
  11. Banned for implying that lord moochanouzaldfg is not properly taking care of his daughter's cat's room mate.
  12. Rise and fall in my pants o-O Promise in my pants On the chain in my pants ...wat Let go in my pants
  13. Banned for being the potential heir to the bacon clan
  14. Banned because is the banned game actually dead? O-o
  15. BANNED because humans see everything backwards
  16. It's enchanted with Knockback I and the ALMIGHTY:
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