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Everything posted by Discount_Flunky

  1. I'm missing how the lyrics are connected to MLP at all. This song isn't offensive to anything really, it's just someone singing about being an outcast. By the way, what genre is this supposed to be. Death threats for WHAT. Seriously there's nothing offensive about the song. And it doesn't mention MLP. You cam make the case it's referencing Bronies, but you could make that case for any group that is not main stream.
  2. Metalocalypse is my favorite. Aqua Teens, Futurama, and Squidbillies are pretty good too. I like Family Guy and the Simpsons but they have sort of jumped the shark these days.
  3. I can vouch for that. I'm straight but me and this one friend have this running joke going were we talk dirty to each other in stereotypical flaming gay voices. My brother and his friend call each other boy friend, but their really just trolling everyone. I had another friend who is clearly straight but would attempt to snuggle with me on a very common basis. Honesty your friend could just be doing it for the lolz. I'd find out if he's gay/bi using some method other then directly asking him if your want to find out, because if he really is straight and you ask him you might freak him out.
  4. You say you have watched some episodes and haven't really seen what all the fuse is about. That is very normal. I didn't even like the show tell after I watched ep 3, and I still thought it was meh. In fact I didn't really get what the fuse was about tell I got half way through season one, and even after that it took a while to fully embrace it. MLP is a well made show that appeals to a wide audience but it still has a lot of aspects that take getting used to in order to enjoy thoroughly if your an average male. You can't just watch a few random episodes and understand why it's good. It quite frankly takes commitment in the beginning. It's like Breaking Bad. You can't start at season four and start feeling for the characters, you got to start at the beginning and understand Jesse's and Walter's struggle to see why the show is so good. (Plus you won't know what's going on, which also gets in the way.) I know that ending up liking the show is not your goal here, but maybe if your so interested in the reasons why people like it you should give it a try yourself. A REAL try that is. seriously if you feel up to it give it a marathon watch, I think you might be surprised once you get farther into it. I know I was.
  5. I didn't say shes the best creator ever and everything she touches is gold. I just said shes good at making shows that appeal to a wide range of audiences. Basically speaking it's not her writing skill that makes her shows good it's her writing STYLE. I agree with you completely on the fact that's shes not the best writer out there. The episodes she involved in directly are meh compared to later episodes, but you can't deny that if they didn't use her formula the show would just be another run of the mill girly show.
  6. The show was originally created by Lauren Faust a women who excels at making shows appealing to all genders and age groups. Power puff girls was most certainly originally marketed to young girls, but it has gained a huge following among boys and adults. Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends was marketed to young boys, but it has gained a decent following with girls and adults as well. I think she has a deep understanding of what appeals to both genders and she makes things that SHE wants to see. AKA what adults want to see. The writers just stuck with her formula and what we get is a show that appeals to virtually everyone with an open mind. It's really not surprising it has the following it has, especially with how powerful the internet is today.
  7. When I make a character in games I tend to (mostly subconsciously) make my characters as much like me as possible. (Give them the same hairdo, body type etc.) I happen to be male so nine times out of ten I pick a male character. It's not really that I don't like females, it's more so that I can't see myself being the character if its a different gender. And if I can't see myself being the character it breaks the immersion.
  8. I'm very positive my child self would find it too "Girly" to watch. As I've aged I've gotten a lot more open minded. Also many of the jokes in MLP that make me love the show wouldn't have been funny to my kid self. I could see myself liking the show as a teenager but that is still pushing it.
  9. Ya not surprised. I've always been a moderate. I wish there was a strong moderate party. I'm sick of always having to chose been between left-wing nut job A and right-wing nut job B in every election. It's usually always a choice between the lesser of two evils. There aren't only two view points in the word, so why is there only two (major) parties? I don't see our nation ever improving as long as we have a strict two party system, it's always going to be a down hill slide. In fact parties in general are just a bad idea. Why can't people just run on their own?
  10. "I don't want to set the world on fire. I just want to start a flame in your heart." I think most of you know were that comes form. I mostly hate 40-50's everything, but that is an amazing song.
  11. Yes in real life I think they would still be a little weary about her, but it's a 24 min episode, it has to end sometime. Sometimes things have to be left open ended or rushed through. Out of all the things they could have rushed through, them instantly liking her is the best one by far, because it actually makes a little sense. Kids can be very forgiving and have short attention spans, they can't stay mad for very long. They also wanted nothing more then to be her friend in the beginning, I don't see why they wouldn't jump at the opportunity to do so at the end.
  12. Last time I went to Iowa I almost died. Therefore Iowa is evil and is clearly out to get me. It wants my life force to feed it's corn monsters that are plotting to take over the earth when the nine planets all align. You won't get my life force Iowa! I will survive! (I need to go to bed.)
  13. I've been playing Dota 2 a crap ton lately and I really want to make a Dota 2 team and do team match making, but I have exactly 4 friends who are good enough that I would consider making a team with and I need 5. Then I thought it would be funny to make a MLP themed Dota team. (I'm sure it's been done, but whatever.) So basically anybody who wants can sign up. I would prefer people who join to not be noobs, but I'm willing to help people who aren't that good get better. Only real requirement is that you are someone who plays Dota regularly or is willing too, because I'm not going to make a team with people who are only going to play a couple times a month. If worst comes to worst and only a few people sign up I'll use you to make a team with the friends I already have who play the game. So if you want to join give me your steam name and a description of your skill level.
  14. The Settlers 7 has terrible voice acting. I honestly don't know how anyone could be as bad as them. Mortal Kombat: Deception is also has pretty terrible voice acting.
  15. As someone who's part of several abridged series I would recommend you wait until the auditions are done before you actually pick people. You may end up picking the first person who comes along anyway, but it's better to wait just in case. Someone else who's even better might come along latter, plus it's better to give more people a chance. This is just something I've learned form a experience. It's up to you though. I'm interested in scripting. I could show you some of the scripts I've written or helped written before if you want. I might also audition for some voices but I'm still undecided on that.
  16. Hey guys I just built two decks and am wondering what you guys think. Their still coming in the mail so I haven't had time to test them out yet. One is a "Land" deck, it has 50 lands, 10 of each color. It has 4 of each type of Zendikon plus 3 creatures whose power and toughness are equal to the amount of lands I control. Then I have a lot of spells that deal damage or give me life equal to the mana I spend. The flag ship is a spell that makes me win the game if I have a land and permanent of each color when I cast it. Then I have a land destroying deck that has 25 destroy land spells, and about 10 creatures that destroy lands, plus about 15 cheap creatures with haste. It's an all red deck and is only 65 cards about.
  17. You have a right to an opinion, but I also have the right to criticize it. When you say sports is a waste of time you pretty much insult everyone whose ever played a sport of even thought about playing a sport. Also sports is clearly not a waste of time. The whole statement is laughable. I understand you don't like watching sports, I do too, but declaring an entire industry pointless is not going to go over well regardless of what your talking about.
  18. Ya because being physically fit and pushing your limits is a total waste of time. Who want's do physical activities that prevent obesity and diabetes and make friends any way? Brohoof dude.
  19. For me MLP is just plain hilarious. I really like the humor style of the show. It has a loony toons feel but also has good dialogue based humor. Then you have all the parodies on the internet. Plus ponies are just plain adorable. Overall MLP cheers me up regardless of what's happening to me in real life.
  20. I hated the idea form the beginning. So something tells me it wouldn't have changed my mind much, but something else tells me if it were a surprise I would have probably freaked out more.
  21. Is you is or is you ain't my baby?
  22. I believe in ghosts. I have had lot's of personal experiences, in fact the majority of people have, which is why it boggles my mind why ghosts are still considered to be fairy tales by many people. The amount of evidence for ghosts is quite overwhelming. I also believe in aliens, but I haven't seen any compelling evidence that any of them have actually visited earth, so I'm not going to say I believe in alien abductions and such.
  23. I've never actually posted a list ever so I might as well now. For the most part my list has never changed throughout the show. They only major change is that I stopped hating Rarity so she moved up, that's about it. For the record I love them all I just love some more. 1. Pinkie Pie 2. Rainbow Dash 3. Twilight Sparkle (Although shes probably going to go to last soon because of her alicorness.) 4. Rarity 5. Applejack 6. Fluttershy
  24. I honestly wouldn't pledge allegiance to any of the villains in MLP. Not because I can't stand the thought of being evil, but because there's really nothing to gain by joining any of them. Discord is a one man circus. He doesn't have minions and he doesn't need them. Even if he took you in he'd probably just mess with you endlessly. Chrysalis seems like the type of villain that uses people till she no longer needs them and then betrays them. Not a good deal. Sombra would normally be a good choice but in his newer form he doesn't seem to care about anyone and doesn't need minions. Maybe back when he was not a wraith I'd join him, but not now. I'd join Trixie but she's not really a villain anymore.
  25. If you want mind F*** then watch Ghost Hound. That is some crazy crap, very freaky. I had a hard time finishing it because the pace was a little slow but it's very scary overall.
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