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Ad Foedera Cresco

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Everything posted by Ad Foedera Cresco

  1. School's cancelled tommarow over here, THANKS ISAAC! :D?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ad Foedera Cresco

      Ad Foedera Cresco

      *Me and Isaac brohoof, then go watch regular show for the evening and have a sleep over*

    3. Ferret Girl

      Ferret Girl

      sigh... Regular show is OK but I dont believe it belongs on cartoon network, or that it could replace the good shows like Ed edd n eddy

    4. Ad Foedera Cresco

      Ad Foedera Cresco

      Yeah, I think that it could atleast be shown right before Adult Swim comes on, but nothing comes close to the old shows besides MLP: FiM c:

  2. I've taken some advice, and she's right, I need to use temperature colours. The shading and llighting does look un-natural, especially on the hair

  3. Thanks man! Yeah, mouse takes alittle longer to use than a tablet, but tablets are Quicker imo.100 char.
  4. I got the same thinking while I was shading the body, does look like she cleans chimeneys or something . Thanks! and thanks for the crtiqiue, I'll try to work on my dust fetish
  5. There's thing that make it a lot easier in Gimp or pain.net, but I did use afew erasers time to time Thanks!
  6. I got my first GIMP Photo done last night, as a test for getting used to the tools and such. I do terribly need some Criticism though, it just feel like there's something wrong in my photos, or that I need to do better . Help, tips, advice, tricks, anything of the like would help me a great deal if anypony could be so willingly to. (Made this in an hour with a mouse)
  7. Not shure what to draw now, though, I could always draw somehting on paper, take a pic. on my phone and send it to mah email. Could work...

  8. Got this picture done finally, off to bed.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Ad Foedera Cresco

      Ad Foedera Cresco

      Only thing I do have on my hands is School work, but that's no too much most of the time :)

      I can still do your request if you want! Though, I can't gurantee when I'll get it done right away XD

    3. VladmireV.S.(Crank)
    4. Ad Foedera Cresco
  9. Awmg! I'm so happy right now! I'm finding so many good things in this Blob and I'm loving how this picture's turning out! ^ ^ Night gaiz, btw :D Take care everypony

  10. I have this OC I have sitting around for art and references, feel free to use her! Haven't thought of a name yet, so......... Scintilens (Sin-Tye-lins) meaning "Shining dawn". She's actually an Alicorn, but feel free to make her a Unicorn instead, Alicorn's OP http://oi45.tinypic.com/28hlcgg.jpg Probably should've added some details. She's Noble grown, but with the expense of staying away from the world most her life, she doesn't have the best social skills at times. She's still always up to a chat though. She employs herself as the bank register in Canterlot, though she likes to read novels to pass time.
  11. Got my first gimp picture done! Turned out alright, but I didn't go all out and i'm still new c:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ad Foedera Cresco
    3. Solar Wind

      Solar Wind

      wahat was the pic

      (Sorry for that terrible spelling of the word what.)

    4. Ad Foedera Cresco

      Ad Foedera Cresco


      Twilight Sparkle :GIMP First Attempt:

      It was a vector edit, took me like half an hour I think X)

  12. Flutterhsy reference in Totle Drama Island? Well, that's pretty cool, but srzy gaiz

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ad Foedera Cresco
    3. Street Comedy

      Street Comedy


      Not a reference, most likely a coincidence.

    4. Ad Foedera Cresco

      Ad Foedera Cresco

      Oh, well she reminds me of Fluttershy a great deal anyway, but that's just me

  13. While I'm lucidly dreaming of Equestria, I got woken up to get told that a hurricane's heading straight towards us! XD Nothing bad, just some pre preperations. After it passes, I should be able to work on this shiz biz with Gimp!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Solar Wind

      Solar Wind

      Lol im only 14 not sure how old you are. I just live in an area where things are near eachother thats how can get to the party. But yeah im glad the storm isnt hitting us to hard.

    3. Ad Foedera Cresco

      Ad Foedera Cresco

      Only 16,I don't know if family would allow such a long drive X) but you're lucky you have things close to you! Must be pretty great ^ ^

    4. Ad Foedera Cresco

      Ad Foedera Cresco

      Over here, I just live aroung Military and cop personell, but It's pretty great once you go out to the beach and such :) World's most beautiful beach where I live

  14. I'll get this piece done tommarow, tired and school takes away a great deal of rest (sleep). Night Everypony.

  15. Going to attempt to go head on with gimp, hope this turns out decent ^ ^'

  16. I've heard rumors, and I hope it's true . There is a possibility of one though, Derpy has the largest fan base out of any other character in the entire show.
  17. Yes, 1000x Yes 100 char. minimum, I think that it'd look good with a darkish purple or so, then fades into a lighter colour, and then the picture Or all black
  18. I loved Diddy Kong Racing 64 when I was little, and just seeing that this got canceled infuriates me. I don't have much to say, but I wish Microsof didn't buy out Rare, this game could've started a lot of great things in the long run for DK and rare.
  19. For some reason it reminds me of a Jet pilot's suit leggings, but it looks comfortable! No bidder here, but I would probably say 15-20$ with how uncommon mlp pants are. I'm not the best with pricing though.
  20. The fact that you haven't drawn in years, this is a pretty great art piece . As for constructive crticism goes, his lower chest looks like a soft-cornered square, but this whole drawing looks pretty great!
  21. Man, my thread just got merged into another one XD I had two very good topics to create! I just forgot what they both were... I need to start writing these things down again

  22. What's your favourite song in FiM? Why do you like it? If you don't have a single favourite song, you can always rank the songs . My favourite song is the Flim Flam Brothers introduction in the episode "Super Cider Squeezy 6000". I like "Winter Wrap Up" too, but it's just how the animations are in the song, how Flim and Flam sung their lines,and how the crowd joins in and starts dancing to the song that gets me . I like the beat too, and the lyrics are catchy personally.
  23. I choose Twilight, her higher notes sound amazing! My favourite song she sang in was Winter Wrap Up so far .
  24. What SweetieBelle Excel said, Wwelcome to the forums! Pretty much, if there's something that interests you like fan fics, the show, games, movies, etc. then we got a place for it . Hope you enjoy the forums, and see you around soon! I thought A.J might've been suitable for this (plus I know you )
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