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Ad Foedera Cresco

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Everything posted by Ad Foedera Cresco

  1. The Iphone is alright, pretty awesome actually It's just that I really REALLYYY hate typing on touch screens and would rather buy a phone or smart phone with a built-in keyboard variant. Between the two, Driod seems to be the more I'd lean more towards, though I rarely use my Iphone, and Droid seems much more durable and sturdy with it's design.
  2. This is brilliant, I'd dress in a green suit and run around in it and interrupt movie takes around America just to say that I wanted to be an Ocean.
  3. Wow, You have some real talent then mate, in all honestly, with those lines you've made for the legs. The curves are amazingly good in my opinion, that's pretty Buckin' good
  4. This helped me understand what I've done wrong and need to fix pretty good, along with Motion Spark of course. Thanks for the critique! (and Motion Spark ) To your last sentence, this logo is for his youtube account, nothing big but just something to replace his old logo. I'll make shure to make the fixes you (guys) pointed out
  5. So, I just made this real quick for my friend while he's over, introduced him to the wonders of Gimp 2.8 (Gimp Paint Studio) and made this within atleast 30 minutes. Is this any good? Just out of curiosity, if I need to make any changes to it.
  6. Still remarkebly good for art created with a mouse I could never be able to do this for the life of me. Shading? yeah, but this? Awhhhhh Heeccks nawwwwwh Pretty good though, great job again!
  7. Maybe my art techinque isn't very time-efficient, I see some people smudge while I airbrush each colour after colour gradually, then low opacity large air brushe with some smudge on the side

  8. I can't draw with a mouse worth a buck giving, this is amazingly good as it's with a mouse and is your first drawing at that Amazing job!
  9. Holy, Buck, I compleytely forgot the name if this but now I remember! Or got reminded I was too young to even be remotely good at MegaMan Legends, it was hard as a little kid I do remember fighting that 4 legged orange spider that destroyed buildings, and shooting things that looked like eletrobes(?) from Pokemon, and those tanks in the sand-storm
  10. http://www.synchtube.com/r/mlpforums Hey guys, this is a pretty great time waster! Anypony want to join?
  11. Holy Buck Enigma, trying to practice what you've taught me is real hard at my level, I got one of those pictured down with the shading/lighting/tones with the lines and relfective lighting, but that front view? Gooby pls

  12. Super Smash Bros. was Soo fun back in the Golden days, we need something as good as that on XBL or somehing, miss playing as Samus spamming missiles To be honest, you haven't missed much at all without a Play station console. Everything great was mainly on nintendo conoles (besides Starwars Battlefront series IMO, isn't as great though)
  13. So, what was your favourite past time game when you were younger or little? Was it by Nintendo? Sega, or another Company? This could probably incolve Halo: CE or Halo 2 too because those are pretty old games Maybe Halo 3 now, or others game similiar. Mine has to be Halo 3 tops, just all I have to say, it brings back my enitre middle-school childhood, and Highschool too! Something besides that has to be Sonic Adventure 2: Battle I loved everything about the game, I loved the upgrades, the multiplayer, story-line, but mainly what I loved the most about it is the Chao World ! I miss my Chaos, they're still probably in Chao heaven playing with their expensive toys or some Chaos I might've left in Chao school for 7-8+ years.
  14. OOkay, yeah, the hair looks horrible, I know I was lagging majorly and couldn't get the hair done right within a reasonable amount of time, and also I could've done the nose much better too, but had lagg-n-all... Was a test with upgraded GIMP software (GPS), tried warm lighting and cool shades? I forgot how it went with wram and cool colours with shades and lighting, but I tried, Ooooooooooohhh..... I learned SOO MUCH from this! I never really knew shading/lighting/tones even had an edge, my logic's way off. Thank you so much for the tip on how to create the hair better also, that saved me a Very great deal of time I actually only did a photo-edit of a cropped picture from the show, since I can't really draw with a mouse I practice this until I obtain a graphics tablet, so that's why the tail seems like it's trailing on the ground mostly, and yeah I missed the eyes too, thanks for pointing that out I plan on learning how to create more realistic eyes soon, after I practice what you've pointed out and taught me here Thanks again for this wonderful (guide basically) reply, it helped me a lot and I plan on taking every bit from it! Also to help others with the same too after I get this fancy stuff down
  15. Man I wish I was more crreative when I'm tired, but we have technology... *bad Patrick impersonation*

  16. Thanks! The only colouring I do is digital colouring if it's one of my projects, nothing traditional unless it's for a class or a grade
  17. Okay, so I got bored in class, and felt like drawing something else other than ponies. I thought Discord would be a great idea because A. My friends and people won't know where he's from. and B. Discord is obviously best Draconequus Any good guys? I used a reference drawing this too, I was planning on doing my own stance, but I wanted to get down Discord firmly first. Also it would've taken too long
  18. School... I want to learn all of thee fancy things on my new paint studio upgrae, but "no you gotta go to school it's illegal if you don't" pshh....

  19. Nothing to say here honestly, I tried to find something to give critique on, but the only critique I can give is positive critique! You've done an amazing job on your first digital vector Really
  20. That awkward moment where you have to look your Unarmed Drill Regulations Instructor straight in the eyes with a straight face, and tell him why you're wearing a Derpy shirt. That akward moment...... Today was pretty great though! h He's cool off Drill anyway c:

  21. How bad do you think My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic will flood the internet with the release of Season 3? With all these things coming next year or late this year like SWAG.MOV, Fighting is Magic, etc. I think it might be as big as it was with Season 2. Though I may be wrong, well my opinion anyway, because Ponies are much more organized than they were before, with My Little Brony, /mlp/ on 4chan and all that awesome stuff. I think regardless, areas that aren't specifically meant for Ponies might sneak in, and areas that have nothing organized for Pony material might have a greater deal of fan creations. Also with the Brony Fandom's populace massive growth since Season 2, could elevate things. Just my opinion though, yours?
  22. I neglect your Earth's relaity and substitute my own. Night gaiz! Idk what to draw so I'm heading off to bed c:

  23. I agree with Star Weaver, also that they're not far enough in technology to have the words "Kilobytes", computers, or anything like that. (though they have arcade games ) Relevency, I don't know. Equestria's logic goes against everything natural.
  24. I get that very frequently actually, it's weird. Though usually all of my Deja vus always end up bad before they actually happen, like an instant glimps in a dream or something. Wierd.
  25. To frankly put it, I'm wondering if I should start setting a pricing on art commissions for future works? (for when I get a graphics tablet) If I were to set a price for commissions right now, I wouldn't want it to be too high because I only can photo edit. Do you guys think I should start setting a price on Art commissions? I'm still insure on the subject and need some feedback if you'd please Here's an example of what I could do with vectors or anything people give me to edit for them: I'm thinking prices should go from Cell shading: $1 (80 points) Soft shading: $3 (240 points) Soft shading & Lighting: $5 (400 points) Soft shading & Lighting W/ reflective lighting & hair: $10? $7? (800 points, 640 points) I can add the backgrounds and all that too like my picture, This is mainly for when I get a graphics tablet for custom art, unless right now'd be good too. I don't want to be cheap
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