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Ad Foedera Cresco

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Everything posted by Ad Foedera Cresco

  1. I think I know how to create your OC colours to have shading to it, thanks by the way I'll start working on it as soon as I can! Working on this art for a Fan fic currently, but I'll get it done soon hopefully. Thanks again for the resource image~
  2. Actually yes! Thank you for supplying me with the traditional type image scanned, it helps me all that much more . All I have to do is use the path tool and outline the the line-art, and take it from there! I comprendo of what you want, I'll start working on it soon Thanks again for supplying with a good resource image.
  3. Hey Forums! So, I'm just now really getting back into art, and was wondering if there's any of you out there who wants me to Photo Edit a picture for them? Reasons for why I say "photo edit" is because I still lack of a graphics tablet, and is restricted to the use of a mouse. I can however photo edit as the reasonably same level so I practice that instead digitally. Any requests is fine, however many is fine. I just need a photo and I'll see what I can do. Also this is mainly for improvement and practice (and fun ).
  4. I'll see if it's just the camera blurring from motion, but shant' I make more Ponies, prepare your plot. I'm actually working on an art request right now, CMC I might post it after I'm done... DARKER and CLEARER and crispier like the taste of cinnamon toast crunch.
  5. I Literally pressed that pencil on the paper as hard I could, but it wouldn't get darker! Plus I was afraid of messing it up on accident. Thanks though for the kind comment though
  6. So, It's been a while since I've been on the forums, and thought that this would be the perfect thing to create as a pointless topic! I'm just wondering if this is any good, I did take a little longer on this sketch, approx. 2 hours. Sorry if it's too light to see, it's the level of shade on the graphite (2B) I was using, normal 2B pencil so.... Yeah, but I have plenty of other B's and graphite but I haven't used it yet. Anyway, any good Forums?
  7. Wow, the site shure has grown quite a bit since I've been gone! Too bad school and of the such is still too much of a hastle to enjoy peace and tranquility here, but it's nice to see that this website's heading hard 120%

  8. I'd love to stay and chat, but school and Furries are so much of a hastle! Nait gaiz' c:

  9. Well'p, I've watched Ponies for 19-20 hours straight, won the ULTIMATE BRONY CHALLENGE max points, and am about to play some Halo 3

  10. http://www.facebook.com/#!/RyuKun999 Any(pony) want to add me via FB? I'm reserving spots for more Bronies, if you guys want to anyway, I'm always up for a chat usually
  11. Though I only can download free games, probably Garrys Mod or Arma2...? Anyway, favourite of one I CAN download is TF2, I love spraypainting Twilight everywhere
  12. I'm about to do the ULTIMATE BRONY CHALLENGE just for your Forums, I'm going for full points, wish me luck

  13. Ohyeah, don't want to flood the status' but HAPPY B-DAY FORUMS!! I'd stay for the cake, but school-n-all :T Party Hard Bronies

  14. I ponder if Discord knows that the Bird, is indefinitely the word...

    1. Jadefire


      Discord MADE the bird the word.

    2. Ad Foedera Cresco

      Ad Foedera Cresco

      In that case...

      Okay, but I have to get off, it's late XD

  15. I do think that some of the things were abit "different", though it's not like we haven't seen worse on CN before. I'm glad you've posted this because I saw characters of shows I've completely forgot who looked like! I was thinking about that robot earlier, had an episode where he had a puzzle cube contest against some bully. I loved that show for some reason, maybe the animation of the robot.... Awesome video, recognized 100% characters in the entire thing
  16. I keep my Bronyism to myself when around my #1 best friend in my enitre childhood, though he knows I'm a fan of Ponies, he doesn't know I'm a fan of the show. I've even showed him the .MOV series in 2011, and he loves those and fan-made comedic videos. I am completely open about bieng a Brony, but I don't go around blurting it out, I'l just go on and tell someone whatever they want to know if they ask. I do try to keep the alert levels low though, it's not something you would want to be as a first impression on somebody. Unless you're wearing Derpy in paper bags on a T-shirt, then there are exceptions due to the current sense of Humor in the Teenage populace in certain countries.
  17. About to draw the sketches for my art project. It doesn't help that we're using actual paint, asince I never do traditional art such as that. Might post the out-come of it when It's done here c:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ad Foedera Cresco

      Ad Foedera Cresco

      Thanks ^ ^ I never do traditional art, ever, so that's probably why I'm so bad at it XD

    3. Artemisia


      Everyone has their stong points and their weak points, it is no big deal :D

    4. Ad Foedera Cresco
  18. Furries are people who are a fan of anthromorphic art. "Anthropomorphic" or anthropomorphism or simply anthro. means animals with personification, or given human traits. That's really what a Furry is
  19. I see a lot of choosing between Unicorns and Pegasai, why not be an Alicron and BE BOTH?!?!?! HA!! Seriously though, I'd be an Alicorn, they're rare, usually represent high authority, and can both use Magic and fly. If not Alicorns, then Unicorn, because all that power you have, man...
  20. I say don't listen to them Atleast one or a few might become Bronies themselves (tends to happen frequently with the same primary inentions) Ditch them if they're ACTUALLY hating on you, I know friends can kidd sometimes, but just ask casually "Yo dudes, are you actually like, hating on me for bieng a Brony?" or however you'd translate that to how you'd talk, If they say yes, then find better friends. And... Don't worry about it! This is jump some small bump in the past, all they'll do is just hate on you for like.. a week? afew days? depending on how big the impact was, but then they won't care anymore and go on with their close-minded lives. It's something not to worry yourself about, you'll forget about it after the years' end. (most likely next week or so) (P.S: I want a Fluttershy Plushie too, pretty bad acculy Don't judge me I have my reasons)
  21. I'll push myself to do something, and set goals to complete certain things depending on imprortance and personal interest. Usually..... I try to get all the work I can get done at once (A.K.A: School work = no home work), so I have more room fore watching Game Grumps on youtube and have more me-time like art, Xbox, or Facebook or whatever. If it's something I wouldn't like doing, but it's something that'll challenge my abilities and help me improve then I'll do it probably, but I won't agree with the out-come usually. Basically, anything that sparks interest and is of any importance or personal importance, then I'll probably do it, but anything besides that then probably not.
  22. I don't much much of any critique I could possibly give, given I don't know anything like this really, but I do like what you've set up for your character, and the details as well . Also, that Cutie Mark is pretty awesome! First time I've seen a comedian OC Pony .
  23. I think every one of the mane 6 and other characters get knocked off or mistreated time to time, but I don't think she's hated, more like Rainbow Dash if anypony (No offense to RD fans). I know Dragons aren't Ponies, but I think Spike gets knocked off WAYY more than any of the characters in the entire show, from what they've shown so far. Just my opinion though.
  24. http://www.justin.tv/trollestia_iv Livestreaming art while I'm bored and recording this, feel free to drop by, I don't care c:
  25. My school is the best school in my entire district, was the first in it's district since 1800s I believe, and had very succesful people graduate from it such as Astronauts. It's a pretty bad school now. I would rather go to my school before there was racial tension, more equality, and more keep up with time and quality. I dislike my school for half of its students, which the school is consisted of Blacks and Whites. Not being racist, but there's too much racial tension and segregation at my school. I can't say I "hate" my school, but I will say that I hate my age group and very much most of my generation and following generations in the future up to a point of time. This might be off topic, but I think a good reason that the United State's education levels are so low, are because the students simply don't want to partake in any education sessions! We pump all this money into the education system, when we should actually be kicking out horrible song writers and musicians from mainstream media and replacing them with good influencial people.
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