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Everything posted by Fluttashy

  1. I personally like Rarity because she's hilarious and over dramatic. I think a lot of people don't like her because she can be conceited like when she became jealous of fluttershy's modeling. She also tried to skip out on twilights birthday by lying about opal being sick so she could hang out with Fancy Pants.
  2. I just ordered my Pinkie Pie from build-a-bear. I'm pretty excited, and I'm going to attempt and buy/make her some non-build-a-bear outfits.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fluttashy


      Could I buy like some random child/baby dress from Walmart that could fit her? :o

    3. Fluttashy


      I am thinking of doing her gala dress. i just wasn't impressed with Build-a-Bear options.

    4. Lady Leopardess

      Lady Leopardess

      well looking at the picture the dress reference they used is pretty decent actually.

      You can try baby clothes, I'd recommend bringing in pinkie to try them on. I just sewed a dress for her myself,

  3. I agree that G3 was the worst version and a real abomination, but I feel like the previous two versions were decent especially the first one. I feel like the characters and plot were fairly developed.
  4. I assume most of you didn't start liking MLP until G4 which is the best version. I believe most of us will agree on that because we have a decent plot and more developed characters unlike the other three versions. G4 offers something the prior three versions didn't and that is it can be highly enjoyable for both genders. It isn't just geared toward "little girls" or however you may put it but let's go back twenty or so years when G1 was premiering. I used to watch my little pony every morning when I would wake up so unlike most of you I grew up on that enstranged G1 version, and I loved it! You may bash the previous generations but let me remind you that without G1 there would be no friendship is magic! You should be thankful for those prior generations because we wouldn't have such a strong fan base without them. You can't build a house without a foundation, and you can't have G4 without G1-3. Friendship is also the rare exception when it comes to a remake because it outranks the other generations. There have been several remakes of popular 80s cartoons such as carebears and strawberry shortcake that didn't turn out so great so before you say something bad about a previous generation of MLP, just remember you wouldn't have the wonderful show we have today without it.
  5. I really love this fandom and how we can all just embrace our "inner" nerd without feeling like we're being judged!

    1. RainbowShine


      love and tolerance! :D <3

  6. I'm not too thrilled with these. They're a heck of a lot better then the funrise plush collection, but I still don't think they have much personality. I prefer the build-a-bear ones over those. I have ordered some from aurora, and I may order one from these people if they can give me a show accurate Fluttershy.
  7. I like rock music more than the rest. I guess one of my ultimate favorite bands would be staind, nickelbsck, and theory of a deadman. I also really like life house and Mumford and sons.
  8. My love of music is like a big stew. I don't just a specific genre but all kinds. I guess the only type of music I don't like is screamo and music I can't understand the words to.
  9. I am in a humanized Roleplay with MLP mane 6 and the names we picked kind of have something to do with their elements. Kandise: Fluttershy Kandise means kindess in French. Risa: pinkie pie Risa means laughter. Amethyst for Rarity because of her hair Applejack is Jesse because it has a country tone to it. Twilight Sparkle is Twila for obvious reasons RD is spectra
  10. My husband proposed to me on New Years Eve without me knowing. He had the whole thing planned and did it at midnight during a church service. My whole family was there and knew exactly what he was doing. It was a big surprise to me. Our pastor had the ring hidden in his cost pocket the entire time and asked my husband to speak in honor of the new year and that's when he proposed.
  11. I would say I'm a lot like twilight as well because of my love for books, but I can also be silly and random like pinkie pie so I'm a split between three ponies I guess.
  12. Should I order a pinkie pie or RD plush from build-a-bear. It's such a tough decision....:/

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Fluttashy


      Yeah I seen those but the build-a-bear ones have more personality. I may get twilight though.

    3. The Pulse

      The Pulse

      Ok, Just thought I'd let you know.

    4. Fluttashy


      Thank you and I appreciate it! :)

  13. I know a lot of people tend to make favorite characters out of the ones they relate to best in the show. Do you relate to your favorite character or is your favorite character someone you don't relate to at all? I love Fluttershy because I'm shy and introverted and just have the most common with her.
  14. I wish my Aurora Plushies would ship! >.>

    1. Lady Leopardess

      Lady Leopardess

      yeah it's a waiting game.

    2. Fluttashy


      I know! It's June and I'm like ship already! :/

  15. Good night every pony and may Luna guard your dreams!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Diamond*


      Goodnight, I just woke :P

    3. Almar ZeWizard
    4. Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Goodnight, and may Celestia greet you in the morning

  16. 1. Tech Savvy just popped in my head. 2. Finger duster popped in my head for the last one 3. Alloy for the 3rd one 4. Amethyst Alchemy for the second one. My names probably suck but I tried! :3
  17. I checked my open orders on Amazon and mine has already shipped apparently. I should get it by Thursday, and I must say it will probably be my favorite piece of pony merchandise ever!
  18. I really used to hate RD but she has matured a lot over the past two seasons and has become one of my favorite characters. I don't believe she's the best character because that honor goes to Fluttershy *cough*. I don't see what you mean by her getting hate though. She still seems pretty popular to me.
  19. Amazon.com claims my MLP guidebook has shipped! I should get it Thursday! Yay!

  20. I just got Fluttershy nail polish from hot topc for a $1!!! *squeal*

    1. Almar ZeWizard
    2. Fluttashy


      I will paint your nails if you wish! They will be pink! :3

    3. Sir Cal Stonehoof
  21. What's your favorite piece of MLP merchandise you own?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. PonyEcho


      My Applejack coin

    3. Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Sir Cal Stonehoof

      My Fluttershy poster from WLF

    4. Almar ZeWizard

      Almar ZeWizard

      My awesome Dr. Whooves shirt

  22. I got married at twenty, and I was ready so I really think it depends on the maturity of both people and finances have a lot to do with it. You both need jobs enough to support yourselves. Love doesn't pay the bills.
  23. How do you get your significant other to like MLP?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Fluttashy




      Good idea! I think the too many pinkie pies episode would be good to start with :)

    3. Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Sir Cal Stonehoof

      The way I got my wife to start watching it was simply talking about it, listening to the music. Then I asked her if she wanted to start watching it with me, and the rest is history. :3

    4. Fluttashy




      D'aww how sweet!

  24. I carry my Fluttershy funko pop figure with me everywhere like my security blanket but as soon as my plush gets here I will retire it to my shelf.
  25. I don't like the kind who act like the writers don't know what their doing and feel the need to protest everything they disagree with about the show. This isn't a freaking political campaign! It's a show about friendship with a lot of valuable life lessons! Also the writers don't need your help with "writing" episode content because their the millionaires and not you! I also can't stand bronies who dis gen 1 because that's where it all started and without gen 1 you wouldn't have friendship is magic.
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