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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Meirno

  1. Meirno polling for assist. Extremely rainy day(Hazordous) driving conditions, girlfriend wants to do something, no money no gas. What do?

  2. Welcome to fire prevention week every pony! As you all know, I'm a fire fighter. Today we hard our county wide fire prevention get together, and one specific fire fighter had the distinct honor to be Sparky. I wonder who that would be?
  3. Please, everyone, listen to this song and tell me what it reminds you of.... Anyone?????

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Winger7632


      It sounds familiar but i can't put my finger on it.

    3. Meirno


      raise this barn raise this barn 1 2 3 4.....

    4. Winger7632
  4. Up bright and early, clean shaven, clean showered, smelling preeeetttttyyyy good. Off to the fire department in a few for training.

  5. 9 times outta 10, their gonna do the same thing they've done with ALLLL the other fan bases. Cartman goes crazy over it, Kyle says some stupid crap about it, Cartman loses interest. South Park seems to have a formula for their shows. But that's just from what I've seen. I don't watch a lot of South Park. I am actually surprised they haven't said anything about it yet. But I think you can bet your lifes savings and earning they will eventually say something about it. And when they do, I'll be sure to watch that episode cause I could only imagine it'd be hilarious.
  6. You know, I don't understand... I hate love sometimes... One woman is able to take my heart for 5 years, but no matter how much we bounce back and forth with one another, I can't get her to stay with me. I get a kiss one minute, and then a cold shoulder the next. My heart can't take much more.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Smarts


      love doesn't exist. The lesson here.

    3. Moonlight


      Not to be rude, but just leave her already.

  7. This is hilarious! XD

    1. Armchair Adventurer

      Armchair Adventurer

      You are right :D! This is really funny.

    2. Winger7632


      I love that video!


  9. Feeling like crap now.... Sister came home today to visit, and my family goes out to eat to celebrate.... without me =/ Very depressing...

  10. I don't care much for picking fruit, and plowing fields aint such a hoot. No matter what I try I can't fix this busted water SHEWT. This lyric always makes me completely lose it. I love it.

  11. Dude! Sky Chaser! That banner is beyond awesome. I love it, very well made!

  12. Feeling pretty brony today. Off to work.

  13. I wish there existed a full, complete version of "I have to Find a Way" I'm so in love with this song and it really needs to be made in to a full version.

  14. You know, it's very amusing. Back when this thread was first made, I had nightly Rainbow Dash sessions, for about a month and a half. I haven't listened to the track in a while since, but I can still feel my wings and ears change when I say my trigger sentence. I absolutely love hypnosis!
  15. Up all night, reading status updates more than the forums. Send me videos and stuff to watch, anything.

  16. I have a slight feeling that you didn't read the original post. But it's just a hunch. Now for me, I'm horrible at comparing things, but I'll try my best. Rarity: This one is easy, I'd compare her to a beautiful, engraved Single Action Army. Elegant, sleek, but can also put some serious power where it's needed. Fluttershy: She's tough, but only when absolutely necessary. When it isn't, she is quiet and out of the way. This is going to sound REALLY REALLY weird, but I will compare her to a missile. Rarely used, always efficient. Rainbow Dash: Favorite pony. Energetic, high-strung. Obviously something automatic. But you have to think of the loyalty factor, she wont give up on you. So I wont say a M249/M240, and here's the reason why. I was a heavy gunner when I was in the military. Those weapon systems CONSTANTLY jam. I would say Dashie would be more of a AK47. Very rugged, durable and good in all situations. Applejack: Southern, traditional. Honest. Hell of a kick to her as well. She'd be more suited for a cannon than anything else if I should say so. But I don't know anything about cannons. Pinkie Pie: I don't know... Pinkie Pie could be her own gun to be honest =/ Twilight: This I have to say is a hard decision. Powerful, but reserved. Necessary force. Almost reminds me of the police. Always present, always ready. So I will say Twilight would be a Glock G21/G22. Always present and powerful, but never a fear factor. Anyone agree?
  17. I honestly did not enjoy it, at all. It was very well animated, don't get me wrong. Davie is a fine animator, but it's upsetting that isn't put to work in a more appropriate video. And as I said in a comment in the video as well, I'd wish he'd at the very least mark the video as mature, because when I went to view it on an unregistered computer, I was able to pull it right up, and there is no warning for it. So the kids can view it, too. Considering there is no warning or anything.
  18. As Artemis recommended me, I'll recommend you to ERAD (20th Equestrian Royal Armored Defense). We don't do clan wars for land or anything, we play to have fun and there is almost always someone on and willing to play. Very fun group of chaps as well! It's simple to sign up. Just follow the directions on the clan page, and you'll be on your way! Also, add me if you play in NA servers, I'll be happy to play some games with ya. Name is: SomeFireMan
  19. Well, in terms of overall, I'd say Starcraft used to be bigger for me than MLP is now. But they never ran together for me, so I couldn't say for sure. I was very competitive in Brood Wars, sometimes even participating in state-level competitions. (Like Game Stop's old competitions they used to do) But as for now, MLP is my biggest franchise, and I think I'll stick with it for a while.
  20. I'm absolutely in love with this

    any more songs anyone know that is the same style?
  21. So, you're reading through the status updates. Quick! Meirno made a comment. What did he say. You're reading this. Now I'm talking about yawning. Statistics say at least 30% of ya'll will yawn now while reading this. GG.

    1. Friendship_Cannon


      I yawned a second aftre reading it xD

  22. I've never seen this before.. This is so cool, thank you very much for sharing. It's really cool looking back to the beginning of the fandom. Bad time to mention I'm overly enthusiastic to even just minor history?
  23. OH GOD DAT BANNER. HNNNNNNNNNG Earl Grey, could you please pm me the raw image? I'd love to save it ^_^ way too cute.

  24. Getting super excited. Been at work all day, and the excitement and adrenaline is keeping me going!

  25. Sitting here bored. WHICH EPISODE SHOULD I WATCH?!!

    1. ShadowFoxz


      Watch all of them

    2. Moonlight
    3. Meirno


      That is so cool Wheatley XD I'm favoriting that, have to.

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