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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Meirno

  1. I'm gonna go out on a whim here, and say this tree has got to be ancient. I would possibly assume these keys were put away, possibly, by Celestia and Luna's parents. And sprawled well throughout Equestria. Maybe one in the castle.. One in the old castle... Probably one in Saddle Arabia. Vastly spread.
  2. So much Luna, new plot, Discord, whatever that thing Twilight did.... I CAN'T WAIT FOR NEXT SATURDAY.
  3. THATS ALL THEY CHANGED IN THE BLASTED INTRO?!?! CMON! Change the main character to a different species, but you can't make the intro just a little less.... Repeated?

    1. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      I just want to know why they included Photo Finish. o_O


      I'm glad the intro has hardly changed though. I'm a creature of habit and love it too much as it's always been. xD

    2. Meirno


      Yeah, not quite sure what happened there. Or some other ponies in the photo. I think my favorite part is that it now contains Luna, so that's very cool. I just think they could've done something absolutely epic for it. All well, great season so far, none the less.

  4. 2 hours My Little Ponies....Two hours!

  5. I just had the best game!!! I just got the Passuci medal(Kill 3 arty in one match) with my SU-152 If you're in to downloading replays, PLEASE check it out! http://wotreplays.com/site/441629#self I owe it all to the amazing enemy team that left a huge hole and Arty not leaving arty view after firing <3
  6. I'm SomeFireMan in game name. That's fine, voice chat isn't necessary. And no worries on the swearing To join ERAD, you do have to sign up on the forums, yes. You just have to make a quick account on the forums, and post your ingame name and a quick introduction about yourself in the thread, as well as a reason you'd like to join the clan. After that, go straight to the webpage for us (http://worldoftanks.com/uc/clans/1000001227-ERAD/#wot&mt_order_by=-role_hierarchy) and post your application on that as well. Soon enough, you will be put in to the clan and start chatting and platooning with us
  7. I don't how quickly you can get back in, but I'm off work tomorrow, then Sunday I've got nothing on. But it's really just kind of in the air. I have erratic changing hours, do you have a more set schedule?
  8. I can platoon with you if you play NA east/west! I'm on right now. Plus, some pony clans that are really popular are ERAD(Artemis and I are both in this clan)* as well as CMCAW(It's the brother clan). Those are two large ones, but there is also the PON3 clan, and I am sure there are more. ERAD is a more relaxed clan, with no minimum requirements, CMCAW loves to do platoons and company battles. (ERAD and CMCAW are combined to make UBC, which is the beginnings of a large brotherhood of pony clans within World Of Tanks) * Even though I don't see @@Artemis much at all!
  9. How do you tag a specific user in your post with the @ symbol so it shows you're talking about them?

    1. skylights


      Highlight a bit of text in their post and you'll see Mention in the menu that appears. That or use @@Username format

    2. Meirno


      Thank you much!

  10. I don't know if this has been caught yet, but I just noticed something in the first song. As we all know, MMC is packed FULL of throwbacks to older episodes and references. Here's one for you. Roughly 28 seconds in to the episode (Go check it out right now) Twilight passes a stallion pulling a sofa. Does anyone recognize this guy? ....pause for dramatic effect..... This is the stallion from the season 1 opening theme(right when Twilight landed her balloon in Ponyville, he's pulling a cart), who was replaced by Big Mac later on in the show. Once again, apologies if I was slow to this, I just thought it was pretty cute.
  11. What part of the military? I'm an Army veteran myself.
  12. Just bought my badge to BRONYCON 2014

  13. I agree with Lowline. Yes, it makes it easier to make replies, but will this also kill conversations? The 100 character limit somewhat encouraged people to pull their posts on, possibly opening more paths of discussion. But this is just a minority of the forums that feels this way I'm sure. So in the mean time, way to go admins =) You can never go wrong if you find a nice medium where members and moderators are happy.
  14. So many messages today in regards to Veterans Day and ponies thanking me for my service. Thank you all so much, I actually teared up a little bit when I saw all the messages. All of you are amazing =' )

    1. Rockymoo


      I'm glad. :)

      I was the "Trixie" little gamie was referring to in his message, by the way.

    2. Meirno


      Thank ya so much for it =) Really made my day.

    3. Rockymoo


      Hey, no problem! 'Twas the least we could do.

  15. All these controversial things super stars do to start controversies really makes me want to give them a pat on the back... With a bat. Continuasly.

  16. Lost my two best friends today due to the fact instead of being honest with me and allowing me to get the fact straight and easy, they decided to lie to me and let me find out through other ways. My heart is broken, being that they were the only two friends I had left from years ago.

  17. Just got done reading "Kiss of the Dark" fanfic. HOLY COW, that's an amazing story. I'd recommend EVERYONE read it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Meirno


      Oh, it's not a horror. It has a dark tone, but by no means is it horror-style. It's very dramatic, and yes, it is on fimfiction. =) 20 chapters, it took me a couple days of reading. The is writing pretty decently, with very few errors. Not too much filler.

    3. repsol rave

      repsol rave

      just read the start of chapter 1, this is gonna be awesome!

    4. Meirno


      Did ya get a chance to read any more or get hooked in to reading it?

  18. You're darn right I'll enter. I love your art. Plus, considering it's Rainbow, you can't go wrong with her =) Thank you so much, by the way, for doing these. They really mean a lot that somepony is willing to go well out of their way to give back to the community. You're a true brony my friend. =)
  19. I wanna go out and do something.... but the dead guy standing outside looks really upset with me...


  21. You wanna know how to change the world? One act of random kindness at a time. =)+

    1. Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Or a nuke. Nukes tend to change the world.

    2. Meirno
    3. skitzotune


      I'd rather let karma happen.

  22. Hmm... Seems strange. What has changed in your life recently? I kinda wanna say you had this nightmare due to something being taken from you, and what was taken was something that was close to you and no one else, something sentimental. Have you recently lost contact with a good friend, or something in general that you have gotten used to having around you every day gotten lost?
  23. Fly me to the moon... Let me play among the stars. let me see what spring is like... On jupiter and Mars.

    1. Mand'alor Dash

      Mand'alor Dash

      In other words, hold my hand. In other words, baby, kiss me.

    2. Meirno


      You do so win the internet, sir.


  24. lol, well I do hear Applejack in her voice... If I post a Hey Ocean! song, would that be considered cheating? xD But as far as sound alikes.... Eh, I can't think of any off the top of my head. I could probably go through my country music playlist and find someone that may sound like Big Mac, but no promises.
  25. Happy fire prevention day everyone! Has anyone talked to you on how you can stop and prevent fires?

    1. Ferret Girl

      Ferret Girl

      I'm sure that the Elementary schools have.

    2. ShadowFoxz


      No and i never knew there was a day devoted to that

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