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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Meirno

  1. Granted, but you are no longer allowed to spend your time doing anything you enjoy what-so-ever, giving you all the time in your day to do nothing. I wish I owned the comfiest pillows in the world
  2. Keith. So like a .2 of 10? My sisters always laughed said that name sounds like I should come out of the womb doing taxes and complaining about the job market. However my middle name, Argene (Ar-jeen) is, personally, an attractive name. It isn't a panty dropper or anything crazy, but it's unique and that's what counts.
  3. I do! I have Rainbow Dash on my back, on the right shoulder. This is the pose that I have. I've had issues with her yellow fading out but otherwise it's pretty well that.
  4. Open up your eyes! See the world from where I stand~ Me among the might, you caged at my coommaaaand. Next one would be Rainbow.
  5. Haven't been here in 3 years and this place is still pumping! Nice! Hey everyone!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Meirno


      Looking for some old friends I've lost contact with. Our little private group forum is closed down so now I have to look through here. Figured I might as well enjoy my stay while I'm looking^_^

    3. The Recherche

      The Recherche

      Well, I hope you do~! :squee: Hopefully you can make some new friends here as well~!

    4. Meirno


      I surely plan on it ^^ 

  6. Loved the episode, but it took me a couple viewings to catch the hidden picture. (At least one of them, if there are more.)
  7. My county held a 9/11 remembrance walk today. I'm. Dead. Tired.
  8. Alright, has anyone been keeping up with GGO? Episode 10 aired last Saturday and oh man I LOVE this series! I've never been head over heels for anime before but SAO and GGO have taken me by storm.
  9. I'm split between Pinkie's Lament and You'll play Your Part. But I went with the latter because I listen to it just a tad more than Pinkie's Lament.
  10. Well, being out of a job without direction is a mixed bag of nuts brother. If you live for free, it's great. It gives you time to figure out what you want to do. Pursue your dream job, try new experiences, all sorts of great opportunities. But if you're living on your paychecks, you've got to work fast to keep yourself afloat. Some things you can ask yourself; What do I want to do with my career? Do I have time and resources to go to school? How long do I have before I have to start collecting a paycheck again? What are some experiences you've always wanted to try? If you enjoyed what you did with the repairing, is there another place near by? Could you open up your own shop? Do you have the resources to be able to repair all/most issues so that you can work for yourself?
  11. I'm in ERAD, and we're the brother clan to CMCAW. Where the CMC's are more geared toward clan wars and I think at one time they even owned some land, ERAD is the opposite. Casual tanking, platoon sometimes, fun and games.
  12. Live burn training today.
  13. Meirno

    gaming Unturned

    It was JUST released days ago, it's still very new.
  14. Meirno

    gaming Unturned

    So, this may be the new thing that is exploding out of Steam. The easiest way to compare it to anything is Minecraft meets Day Z. It's pretty interesting, and for being an early release it has a very good amount of content. Even multiplayer for those that also use Tunngle. ***warning: Bloody graphics, language*** So is anyone playing?
  15. It wouldn't be very practical, but I'd want the Ripper from Unreal Tournament. I'd probably die rather quickly, but it'd at least be fun while it lasted. But in a serious battle, depending on the situation, I will want my M249 SAW that I had when I was in the military. Little Bertha <3
  16. A great love is a lot like a good memory. When it's there, and you know it's there, but it's just out of your reach. It can be all you think about. And you can focus on it and try to force it, but the more you do, the more you seem to push it away. But if you're patient and you hold still; Well maybe, just maybe, it'll come to you. (Bonus points to anyone that can identify what show that is from)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      red vs blue, can't remmeber the episode

    3. Meirno


      Nice job Doc. Season 8 finale episode.

    4. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      yay! best fight scenes ever are in that show

  17. Shooting practice today. First image I have taken in a long time out of uniform.
  18. I used to enjoy College Humor quite a bit, I thought they had some pretty good videos. But over time their taste has diminished and has just gone sour. I unsubscribed from them a while ago now. But their retardation continues to surprise me.
  19. Too hard for me to decide... They all had VERY awesome features and others parts... ehh... not so much. Such as Dashies wings were gorgeous, I loved those. Applejacks and Fluttershy's mane color. Pinkies whooves were so awesome. And Rarity's mane style was very awesome.
  20. Do you mind if I ask what field you work in? As for hating work, I have too many complaints. I work part time at Wal Mart as a truck unloader, and I swear we are tugged around by our ears to meet impossible needs. 2,500 pieces of cargo on a trailer? Make sure you're done in 2 hours. Also, two coworkers called in, so good luck. The unloading crew is supposed to consist of 8 people(1 loading the line, 1 pushing freight on the line, 1 to take and sort loose freight boxes, 1 working clothes, shoes, pets, crafts, garden, electronics, and store use; 1 working groceries and front line items; 1 working Automotive, hardware, furniture/housewares; 1 working chemical and other cleaning materials; 1 working arts and crafts, bedding, Health and beauty and pharmacy) We're lucky to have 5 people working on any given day. but the job sucks so much that you stay in a state of understaffing.
  21. Hey Dark, is the guild still active? I'm going to be looking for a new guild here soon, my current one is good but they are not very social.
  22. Don't be so quick to assume. In 'Hearts and Hooves Day' in their song, Sweetie Bell goes by the fan named pony "Button Mash" play a game on an arcade machine. That implies that they do have TV
  23. That's for legality reasons. If it looks like pony, if it smells like pony, no issue. If it sounds like pony, we've got a problem. All the users in the game call them the normal though ^^ So no worries.
  24. Welcome to the forums! ^^ If you've got any questions, feel free to message me! I will do my best to help you out!
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