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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Meirno

  1. It depends! If I was going and staying for good, I would hop in right there and that'd be it. If I was staying for an extended amount of time I would bring my camera and SD cards for hundreds of thousands of pictures and days of video. I would keep every memory I could. I would also bring something along to give each of the 6 as a token of appreciation ^^
  2. This ^ That's pretty much everything anyone could ever want, but I am also a little dark and I want to see some final good byes as well. Not all of them splitting up but something to jerk the heart strings one more time. That's just me though...
  3. Well, Discord and Dashie both have very sarcastic attitudes. Plus a character that is only sarcastic would be extremely annoying. I don't think we would need that. Plus those village ponies always have something sarcastic or just plain rude to say anyways... I think there is plenty of it to go around.
  4. Bring on the rainbow lasagna! I would just enjoy seeing how that one would work =D But it's an interesting concept if each tasted unique. It's a good marketing idea! But it wouldn't sell well I don't think.
  5. I've noticed a whole lot of CMC episodes this season, and it only makes you wonder what it's building up to? Is there mission coming to an end soon?
  6. Well, the entertainment value has come from watching them develop their way to this point. Such as Twilight and Dashie becoming what they are. And even Rarity has improved her fashions from being a local in season 1 to now traveling Equestria and making outfits for super stars of the pony universe. It shows that you've still got to work for what you want.
  7. Well it was a bit. And I kinda like they key, because the old saying that goes something like. "An honest dollar" It was a really good episode, and Thespian's theory was so accurate my head almost did a 360. x.x
  8. I'm on the yes and no side of this. I wouldn't mind seeing some new characters that stuck around a little, but the way the show has already established its self, there would be no room. I think Discord does a fine job of being a secondary, but he could do with some more air time. A male pony would be nice to follow, and maybe even if they through in some secondary episodes just like how the CMC are, where every once in a while we break free from the 6 and follow another group. I would not mind that at all. I really want an episode to see what Discord is up to when he isn't harassing the 6....
  9. Diamond Tiara by a landslide. I hate that little filly for being such a pointless bully, and I hate that the show continues to show that there is rarely any sort of penalty for bullying. She gets away with a LOT. You very rarely see her get confronted by it other than by her peers and even then that's far and few between. Urg, bullies.
  10. I don't see why there'd be a choice. A man can watch what he wants. What other people think really don't matter to me because at the end of the day, I still put my boots down by the door and watch My Little Pony.
  11. Don't wanna sound mean or anything, but I can only hope the new episode brings a new banner for the site. Kinda tired of seeing Rarity like that ._.

  12. I am gonna try and toss my best 2 cents in to the pile and you can take it as you will. Most of the episodes this season have been heavily based on story. Pushing this whole key thing and friendship revelations. The writing staff has to cram an hour or so story into a 22 minute segment, not a lot of time. I am sure we will see all the pets once again as we always do, but they are engrossed in trying to fit as much story as they can into their block so they can fill as many holes as possible. It is kind of disappointing to not see the pets, considering each of them hold a special place in the Mane 6's hearts. But I feel confident they are eventually gonna pop in and say hi. Though I would go out on a whim and say, with Owlicious, they could have found somewhere to throw him into the Twilight Time episode. If anything, just in the background.
  13. Well the only princess we know for certain right now is Princess Twilight, and she achieved her princess status through Celestia. But for the other 3 princess' it's not really known. It has been kind of wide-spread fandom believed Princess Celestia and Luna were Alicorn and princess' from birth. They are rulers of the entire land of Equestria, so it was granted to them through their mother and father the king and queen. As for Princess Cadence, I don't know if she really has a solid story as to why she's a princess. Though a story I liked about her is that Celestia chose her to be a princess young, knowing she'd be Twilight's foal sitter and really put her on the right track to get Twilight to strive in her magic and set the way to her becoming a princess herself.
  14. My best moment in gaming? I would think probably in Starcraft Brood Wars, this ENTIRE terran mission is amusing with the dialogue. This entire mission was awesome, loved the dialogue in it. But the best one was around the 3 minute mark. "Uhg, another computer. It says... 'hit any key' Well... Uh... Which key is the any key!?"
  15. I actually quite like that drawing.... If you truly feel that your art isn't good, maybe taking a break is a good thing for you, especially if it upsets you. But I wouldn't recommend it if it is something that relaxes you while you do it. I had a buddy that was in a similar rut, so he would spend his free time drawing and burning his work until he finally dug himself out of it.
  16. Hazardous Material training, Level A suits. I'm on the left!
  17. I can guarantee you a good portion of people raising hell about it are the rednecks that truly believe the USA is white mans land and everyone that isn't white or doesn't speak English should go back to wherever. If you look back in history, this land was inhabited by natives, and the other nations quickly began to come in and push them out. When we were established, there is a certain term they made for us that all Americans should remember and respect. "Melting Pot" We are a nation built on the foundation of multiple nationalities coming together and living in peace, though it seems many have forgotten this ideal.
  18. Very difficult to get online. And then I have constant crashing, such as when I go to a new area it likes to crash. But I'm loving what I can!
  19. I'm not quite sure why people who say the fandom is declining are still around... I've seen some faces here that spread the word of decline like butter. They have been since the second half of season 2. If you don't like it, the doors over there... I LOVE this fandom, and will continue to love it. I'd appreciate if you don't generalize something I love by the bad apples that taint it just as they do the other fandoms.

  20. I don't know if I will be too terribly upset if I had a pizza delivered to my house. BRING ON THE PEPPERONI!
  21. I like it, very well done. If you want to improve upon it though and accept some criticism, I'd recommend replacing the horn. What you've got here is a shot of the side of her head, but you've placed the horn too close to her eye. You'd have to raise it up to the top of her head.
  22. Here's a few. I can enjoy this thread. Dashie watching me tank. Twilight less than a second before she killed me. That second one was the first match after I installed the pony mod for tanks. My first reaction was "Wait... pony...? Twilight? Wait... Hellcat! NO TWILIGHT NO!"
  23. These all seem to be broken. I keep getting the same error, saying "The uploader has not made this video available."
  24. You know, I was browsing the forums today and wondered why I stopped actually posting. And then I read a post from someone that did nothing to fuel discussion nor even answer the OP's question, more or less to post their 20 characters and get another post count. And then I saw another, then another. And then I remembered why I stopped posting. Because some people on here do not know how to actually discuss, they'd rather try and get the high score.

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