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Naught Important

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Everything posted by Naught Important

  1. Only significant amount of pain I can remember - maybe 6/10 It was when I was about 6 or 7. I was mucking about with the levels of speed on my family's treadmill, I hopped on, and I flew backwards into the wall. But, that isn't the worst part. There is a plastic flap at the end of the treadmill for some reason. My hand got stuck under it, and the skin from the top of my fingers was slowly being shredded off like a cheese grater. I had to go to a clinic, then I found out that I had to go to a hospital later so they could plant more skin on there (which was taken from my ass, mind you). Funny thing, actually: before then, I sucked on the two fingers that were shredded on the treadmill, so my habit was broken by this event. Now, if I do that, I am pretty much sucking what used to be my ass. Cool story.
  2. "Ford, you are turning into a penguin, stop it"

  3. Headaches Sore throats and lots of homework. That's what I got.

  4. That would be amazing. Now that got me to think: what if our world was created by someone else's desires? Like, imagine some kind of alien creature asking God to create our Earth. That would be pretty cool. I have so much I want to say regarding God and Heaven and such (Mostly positive things, not bad things) since It can be such an interesting topic. I am not religious in the slightest, but I love to think about the afterlife.
  5. If the land of the Greeks is Greece, wouldn't the land of the Geeks be Geece?

    1. Naught Important

      Naught Important

      Also, happy Talk Like Zecora Day Everyone! I am sure that this is going to bring so much fun.

  6. I've seen that a lot of people want a name for their OCs, which is understandable, since things kind of need a name... But! A lot of people don't know what to name their OCs, so I am here to give some help on the matter. As for me, I like to use Dictionaries and Thesauruses to find strange and unique words that would fit well with the pony in need of a name. For instance, I have a character named "Satyr." Satyr could come from the name for an anthropomorphic goat creature from Greek mythology, or it could be, according to the old dictionary I use, "a lustful or sensual man." That basically means that he is sort of sex crazy. It is also probably related to "Satyriasis," or the "Uncontrollable or excessive sexual desire in a man." According to that, "Satyr" would be a good name for a character that is so loving that it gets kind of strange. As for my name, Star Scribe, it is pretty simple. I am interested in Astronomy, "Star," and I like to write, "Scribe." It is also kind of catchy with that alliteration. Also, apart from dictionary definitions, the thing I like to see in a name is something that is a part of some sort of saying. For instance, "Silver Spoon" is most likely based off of the phrase "fed to on a silver spoon," which basically means that she is given what she wants when she wants it. That is most of my advice, but I will help you by giving some examples I have though of below. None of these names are used by me, so feel free to use them: Zero-Kelvin Kelvin is very related to "absolute zero," since 0 K (Zero Kelvin) is absolute zero, or the coldest possible temperature we know of. This name would probably fit with a unicorn who can conjure or control Ice. It would also be a good name for a Windigo OC. Solar Flare I see this name used often, but I think it is one of the better of the fire-related names. As most of you probably know, a solar flare is a point on the sun where a lot of energy is released. Since it is on the sun, it relates to fire. In my opinion, though, it is difficult seeing anything other than a unicorn using fire as their special talent, but it is really up to you. A name sort of relevant to this is Solar Prominence, since they both happen on the sun. A Solar Prominence is basically a gaseous loop attached to the sun. Trail Blazer I see this phrase pretty often, and you might as well. If I am correct, a trail blazer is someone who either follows trails or creates them. This pony could be any species, but it's would probably involve travel or adventure. Bumpy Log It comes from the phrase "Like a bump on a log," which means, if I remember correctly, lazy or sitting still. It could be any kind of pony, but it would probably involve the woods somehow, due to the "Log" part. Blue moon It comes from the phrase "Once in a blue moon," or something that occurs rarely, since blue moons are very rare. This would be a great name for some heroic pony who is hardly ever seen at work. Chew Out This comes from the phrase "Chew someone out," meaning to verbally scold someone. It would be great for a bossy, antagonistic pony. Fuddy-Duddy (I love this name, someone please use this) It basically means someone who is old-fashioned and foolish. Basically somepony who loves vintage things. Hocus Pocus Surely this name has been used once before. It basically means magic, or magic tricks. A unicorn who specializes in magic, duh. No Bones Comes from the phrase "Make no bones about," meaning to state a fact so there are no doubts or objections. I guess somepony who always knows the truth. Those are some pretty decent names in my opinion. I will try to post more if you want me to, but I might use that Fuddy-Duddy one if no one claims it... I swear, that sounds awesome when I say it. And if you are lazy... Also, forgive all the weirdness going on in the post with the random sizes and bolding. I don't know how to fix that, really...
  7. I saw a female Brony today at school, with a "Oh, it is on!" Rarity shirt. I'm glad I'm not alone, but I'm not too surprised.

  8. This is definitely going to be my most favorite game of 2014: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLtZW3xIix0

  9. I'm going to a Debate tournament this weekend. I have to write two speeches for it two nights before. Wish me luck!

  10. It really annoys me when I see people writing posts like they are writing letters.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Vaporeon


      Yeah it's pretty annoying and stupid.


      - N-Harmonia

    3. Harmonic Revelations

      Harmonic Revelations

      I don't understand why.


      -Harmonic Revelations

    4. Naught Important

      Naught Important

      I can't get annoyed because I know you're doing it as a joke.

  11. Wouldn't Lavender Town be a perfect theme for a haunted house?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Champion RD92
    3. Naught Important

      Naught Important

      Well, What about just a theme for a yard during Halloween? I do kind of think that a haunted house wouldn't be the best idea if it is based around a town.

    4. Moonlight


      It made me fall asleep...so not really. e_e

  12. I just watched Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Aliens.

  13. I don't know why, but I have this horrible taste of hard-boiled egg in my mouth.

  14. Because, with every adorable pony, there is a dress that can drastically increase the amount of adorableness. May I have some feedback?
  15. I just thought of something... what if Judgement Day was a game show (Like Family Feud) and you have to win to go to Heaven, and all the losers would go to Hell?

  16. Why do people hate school? Knowledge is power, so be thankful that some people devote their time to give you some.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Fluttershyfan94


      I'll tell you all, noone is forcing you people to be in school. Do your parents a favor and start working, leave school, leave their house and start working. Doing some manual labor for once, I bet it will change your ideas on school.

    3. Soundgarden



      There's a law in Sweden that forces people to go to school. There's not much I can do about it


      Also, I understand the importance of completing school, but since the majority of stuff I learn is absolutely useless, I feel like I'm wasting my fucking time. I'm forced to attend these lessons. Why can't the shit I learn in school be narrowed down to the stuff that is actually useful


      The "Go and do manual labor" argument doesn't go hom...

    4. Fluttershyfan94


      @Kyouko Oh sorry I misunderstood you, yeah I agree it should be narrowed down to what we want to do. It would make school shorter, easier and well just more fun.

  17. (I don't know if this topic can be considered NSFW but I understand if it is) So, our parents did it to us, but how will you do it to your children? Assuming you will have any... For me, I would say nothing but the truth, but leave out the really explicit or questionable parts. It might go something like: "When a mother and a father love and trust each other very much, they give a gift to each other. When the two gifts come together, they create a baby." Then if any more questions are asked regarding what the "gifts" are or how that even works, I may say something like: "I don't even know that." or "You'll find out later."
  18. Which food do you think is sexualized more: Hot Dogs or Bananas?

    1. Friendship_Cannon


      according to our princess of the sun, bananas :3

  19. Am I the only one who still has an appetite after looking at a Brown Recluse spider bite?

    1. Naught Important
    2. Meirno


      Make a song.


    3. Meirno


      It doesn't make me hungry, but it certainly won't make me lose an appetite by no means.

  20. I wish I knew what true love felt like... it would make writing love stories so much easier.

    1. TheBronyHeart


      An indescribable feeling of fulfillment, security, and warmth.

    2. ActFast231


      Lucky bastards...

  21. I'm going to go to a play about an axe murderer today!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Naught Important

      Naught Important

      Not sure if joking or just stupid...

      I'll assume you're joking.

    3. Mr F

      Mr F

      Axe is a hero in the game and the murderer killed axe.

    4. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      I'll assume that you're joking, typing it like that.

  22. I just sorted out some of the millions of Yu-Gi-Oh cards my family has, even though they probably aren't ever going to be used again.

  23. I just found the worlds weakest bag in a random drawer in my bedroom... you literally cannot touch it without it breaking.

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