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Lily shrugs, "I do not expect you to support me in this endeavor. You are young, and have been taught throughout your training that the enemy is to be hated and killed. However, my motivation is not solely to see my friend again. With regards to that however, I do not believe you understand exactly why that is one of my motivations. Imagine one day your dragon died, and it was all your fault, how would you feel? Now take that feeling and take it to the thousandth multiplier. Then stretch that feeling over centuries, that is how I feel. As for my other motivation, if I go through this ritual I shall be the only Rider to be both a Grandmaster and a Dracomancer. I hope from this position I will be able to argue for peace among both groups. I do not wish another to be harmed, particularly in a pointless conflict such as this one, after so many have already died for nothing." She nods to Draco, "Alright, please lead the way."

"Hmm optimistic as a way to see it Lilly," Draco said as he walked toward one of the temples. Kalahira was the goddess of the depths of the ocean and death. "So what can you Dragon Riders tell me about Ancalagon the Black. Does your texts tell you how he was a great dragon of just cause?" Draco asked as he walked.

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Lily sighs, "You should have never joined. These people are fanatics, and I was one of the most fanatical. Please child, embrace peace, do not allow the flames of war to corrupt and char your soul." She hears Draco mention Ancalagon, but holds her tongue from telling the truth.

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Shadow looked at Lily "That is why I regret joining... The only good things that came out of joining were Tenebae and finally getting away from my family." Shadow said before she heard Draco. She mumbled something and Tenebae looked at Draco. Shadow was looking away from Lily and Draco.

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"Im not gonna argue with you, Grandmaster. Who said anything about leaving? I told you I would follow wherever you go. I havent the slightest idea where you got the assumption that I wanted to leave." Zefira explained.

She followed the group to a temple and kept quiet. From now on she chose to stay silent, seeing as how no one talked with her or even talked to her when she engaged in a conversation. When she tried to issue commands, the others seemed to treat her as if she was invisible or wasn't even there. Sure she was a Captain, but to what? A group who was too caught up in their own worlds?

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"Im not gonna argue with you, Grandmaster. Who said anything about leaving? I told you I would follow wherever you go. I havent the slightest idea where you got the assumption that I wanted to leave." Zefira explained.


She followed the group to a temple and kept quiet. From now on she chose to stay silent, seeing as how no one talked with her or even talked to her when she engaged in a conversation. When she tried to issue commands, the others seemed to treat her as if she was invisible or wasn't even there. Sure she was a Captain, but to what? A group who was too caught up in their own worlds?

Draco chuckled "What about you Captain?" Draco asked as he looked at her "So what can you tell me about Ancalagon the Black. Does your texts tell you how he was a great dragon of just cause?" Draco asked as he walked. "In your own words and experiences in the school,"

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Lily sighs, "You should get out while you can child. They will hunt you for associating with me, you should know that by now. However, your dragon seems to disagree with associating with us, would you like to tell me why?" She asks softly before turning to Zefira, "Your face betrays your allegiances Captain. If you have any objections to what I wish to do, please voice them. I welcome your attempt to dissuade me, so long as it is based in reason rather than blind hatred."

(Going to bed since classes start tomorrow, try not to go too far without me)

Edited by FM-Valkyrie
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Shadow looked at Lily and said "If they try and hunt me down, they won't find me... I will be gone by the time they start the search."  Shadow then looked at Draco and said something under her breath before looking away again. "Grandmaster, if there is any chance that you doing this may bring peace... then I am not turning back. The only reason Tenebae doesn't support this is because he is scared." Tenebae was about to object but he knew it was true.

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Zefira sighs and shakes her head.

"We've always been about eradication. Now you turn away several years of lessons and beliefs because of what? The silver tongued Dracomancer? Or maybe its because you feel like you owe it to your conscience to try and repair things. At any case, something about this guy rubs me the wrong way. Talking about the slaughters of his kin...BAH! Alls fair in love and war, right? Of course, the world has all but forgotten about what happened to my family and 'kin'" Zefira retorts.
"I digress, I will follow you and only you. The others, I dont care for. Can't even follow a simple order. I KNOW IM STEALTHY AND SILENT, BUT I DONT TALK IN A WHISPER...idiots."

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Draco chuckled "amd you blame me for it? You blame your family's killed on the dracomancers?" Draco asked as he looked at Zefira. "No I know the order of Dragon Riders they are about keeping the peace. but that ended so long ago when the Dracomancers found a mine filled with Mithril steel," Draco explained.

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"Ah, Prima Florence, you have arrived," Inlustratori Alexander spoke, his voice filled with warmth as he smiled at the bowing Lady Florence. Walking towards her, he continued onwards, carrying the same fatherly figure he had adopted as a natural instinct throughout his years serving the Praeses Ordinis, "Please, stand up Lady Florence."


Looking hesitant for a while, Lady Florence finally stood up from the white marble floor. Feeding off the warmth of Inlustratori, she regained her voice as she spoke respectfully, "Your absolute holiness, I am ready to serve your great will. Yet you requests of my humble presence; what is the will that requires my lowly presence?" She knew the contents of the letters and was puzzled by the request to come to the holiest of Praeses, Sedatio. It was, to her, an absolute honor as she was rarely allowed in the great halls of Sedatio. The last time she visited Sedatio was when her father was still Prima.


Inlustratori shook his head in amusement at the actions of Lady Florence. Even after many years serving as Inlustratori, he still couldn't get over the fact that every single Praeses follower praised his name as if it was the most divine of divine. Truly at times to Inlustratori Alexander, he felt like a god, a humble man that rose from a beggar to the most powerfulest being in the Praeses world. "It is something that you should receive for this mission. It is of uttermost necessity. A weapon as the one at your side," Inlustratori motioned at the blade, "is above mere normal steel or metal, but it isn't worthy enough. What you need is a Patriarch blade."


That is what surprised Lady Florence, her face from respect to uttermost shock. To wield a Patriarch blade is only the dreams of the few. After recomposing herself, she questioned, "Inlustratori Alexander, your holiness! I mean no disrespect, but such actions… are you certain?"


Giving a small hearty laugh, Inlustratori Alexander placed his aging hand on one of Lady Florence's shoulder, "Follow Prima Florence. Dare to speak against my actions, no harm will be dealt." Turning around, Inlustratori started walking, motioning Lady Florence to follow and so she did. The destination unknown to all, but the aging grandfatherly figure known as Inlustratori Alexander.

Edited by Demirari
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@,@, @@dragon4111,

Lily nods, "Alright child, you are truly good, and I do not wish for any harm to befall you. If at any time you desire to leave, please do so. You are one of the few Riders who may actually be able to change." She says with a smile before patting Tenenbrae soothingly, "Do not worry for your rider or your self, I swear no harm will come to either of you."

She then turns to Zefira and Draco, "Neither of you are quite correct. You see, originally the riders were a body of arbitrators to peacefully resolve disputes between Dracomancers and humans, and that was our proud tradition for even centuries before my time. Then a particularly divisive situation befell us. There was a large mine of Mithril very barely on the edge of Dracomancer territory, and the humans wanted it badly. They fought tooth and nail for it before we intervened. Then someone assassinated our leaders in the night, and a far more radical leader took the position. Records were expunged of peaceful coexistence, and the Riders became a warrior group. I was one of the scholars tasked with doing so, and I have regretted since."

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 Tenebae looked at Lily and and then to Shadow, Shadow looked at Lily and said " Coming from anybody else I wouldn't have believed them, but you.... I believe." Shadow then listened to Lily about what the Dragon Riders 'were' like. Shadow listened closely because none of the books she had read had any information on the subject.

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"In the Dragon Rider texts nowadays say that the dragons of old were noble generous creatures. But in reality they were the darkest of spiris you can ever come across," Draco said as he walked. "Ancalagon the Black, was such creature. Any Dracomancer who tried to take on his spirit took his form. We had to slay that poor Dracomancer. Now only the leaders of the fire Dracomancer clan and their heirs are allowed to make a pact with Ancalagon the Black, who's flame burns so hot it is black,"

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"Lift the blade," Inlustratori Alexander spoke as he watched Lady Florence take an unique longsword from its holding. Then, after a short pause and amusement, he continued, "Lift a finger and gently cut a wound deep enough for blood to drop, but shallow enough to heal quickly."


Hesitantly, Lady Florence did the action. Slowly for precision as such blade could easily cut her finger off. Lifting her finger, blood dropped slowly, ever so slowly onto the blade. Wetting the blade, her eyes watched fascinating as the runes glowed white before dimming to a more bearable measure. "Your holiness, by what ritual did we perform?"


"Fear not of arcane, it is of a long Patriarch and Matriarch ritual to a blade. A soul-bind, as long as your spark shine bright, so shall the runes," running his finger along the ancient runes of an artistic version of Latin, Inlustratori Alexander nodded his head.


"Now, begone, your mission awaits," Inlustratori Alexander declared.

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Lily sighs, "It doesn't matter whether you believe or not, it is the truth. That is only the most basic of the atrocities committed by the people you know as the leadership of the Dragon Riders. I could tell you hundreds of other stories of their atrocities, but I do not wish for you to be persecuted for knowledge. I only escaped that fate by the merit of my seniority and power. So please child, take your dragon and find somewhere to be free before they come after me. I hope for peace, but I realize how unlikely that outcome is. Then again, if I fight hard enough it may just happen." She says hopefully before turning to Draco, "Yes, Ancalagon was another major reason that we had such difficulty keeping the peace between humans, dragons, and Dracomancers. As the oldest, and one of the most powerful, of the elder dragons he had both the power to resist our requests and the hateful disposition common with all of them. Based on your abilities, I presume you are a descendant of the Flame Dracomancer's leadership?"

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" I'm not just going to run away if they come after you. I may favor peace but that doesn't mean I can't defend myself. I have gotten out of plenty life-threatening situations unscathed before, I can do it again. Also can you stop calling me Child, your starting to sound like my mother...." Shadow said as she looked at Lily. Tenebae climbed onto Shadow's head and looked around.

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"Yes," Draco said as he chuckled slightly. "I was the only one who could keep myself under control. And keep my human form," Draco said as he chuckled. "It's a test of character for us Fire Dracomancers a test by fire,. You could say," Draco said slightly. "I do have to be careful though,"

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"This artifact you have acquired?" Lady Florence held a bow, a strange one made from a material nearly foreign to her eyes. It was certainly interesting. "From a temple belonging to Dracomancers?"


The priest nodded, smiling, "Indeed, four gold crowns. It'll be valuable for your mission. Yes? Eh eh." Lady Florence nodded her head before paying the priest. Indeed, it'll certainly be as she held the bow.


Then, she turned around and got onto her stead and departed for a secluded pre-planned location. All that is left is to lure the blasted Dracomancer to Fortress Never Again. A strange name for a menacing fortress, but it'll be the best for this kind of mission.

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Lily nods, "That seems to be a common theme with people like you and me. Anyway, what is the plan for my transformation?" She asks looking for as much information as possible before turning back to Shadow, "I am orders of magnitude older than you, you are a child in my eyes. Do something that proves otherwise and I will refer to you in some other way. Until then, you shall be a child to me."

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"Oh really, Grandmaster? I was lead to believe differently, but then again when you keep people in the dark things get jumbled up. Ya see, Raali here tells me a different story. One where the dragon riders didn't play peacekeepers to people who fought over something as trivial as a resource. Of course, this probably happened thousands of years ago or in some other dimension." Zefira said, rubbing her nails against her armor.
Zefira and Raali had been together for a long time, and would often share stories about their pasts. Zefira listens to the man spout his nonsense and chuckles at how cute he sounds, trying to look tough.
"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee."

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"So you call me Child, because I'm a child compared to you...." Shadow looked forward "Can't argue with that logic..." She said. Tenebae and Shadow looked at Zefira. Shadow was about to say something but decided not to for the risk of starting an argument then looked forward again.

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Draco rolled his eyes. "Believe what you will Captain. But in the end I know the history how it truly is written," Draco said then held his head. Voices of the dead shouted at him. "Defiler," Draco whispered with an angry growl. "Someone defile the temple of Amonkira," Draco growled.

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"You must be a thousand years old then." Zefira retorts.
Whether she knew the history or not, it seemed like most of what they spoke of came out of their arse's. Zefira chose not to question things, knowing she was in the company of morons....and the Grandmaster. As Raali snorted out steam, Zefira cracked her back and sat next to him. She watched the Grandmaster and the Dracomancer fiddle around with each other. Her eyebrow raised as the man growled, mumbling something about defiling.

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Fortress Never Again was unique; its primary purpose was to protect from dragons and be impenetrable to most means, besides brute force and other more hidden means. It was due to this purpose, that it was perfect for the trap that will be laid. The walls facing outside are covered from top to bottom with climbing into the walls nearly impossible. There were only slits large enough for arrows and bolts to pass through. Then, the only way to get in by climbing is to reach near the very top where there are four balconies reinforced by metal doors. Certainly one would require a skill for lock-picking and great endurance to break in. The guards stationed then would require a skillful fighter to fight the uncountable guards.


The trap is laid between two gates that enter the menacing fortress. A gate near the end of the bridge connecting to the castle and another gate to enter the fortress itself. Running along are tall walls and a long done to cover the bridge and prevent any means of escape or break in via air.


Running along the walls and the fortress are men from Meiss, Ravenfall, Doritha, and Vence. Twenty-five percent carry crossbows and bows, the other seventy-five percent carry spears and swords. Finally, the artifact held in a case at the end of the 2nd gate, guarded by Lady Florence and twenty Praeses Ordinis soldiers.


Of course a trap cannot be a trap with sightings of soldiers. As such, most are hidden till the sign for the trap to be sprung. All that is left is to lure the Dracomancer into the trap.

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"You must be a thousand years old then." Zefira retorts.

Whether she knew the history or not, it seemed like most of what they spoke of came out of their arse's. Zefira chose not to question things, knowing she was in the company of morons....and the Grandmaster. As Raali snorted out steam, Zefira cracked her back and sat next to him. She watched the Grandmaster and the Dracomancer fiddle around with each other. Her eyebrow raised as the man growled, mumbling something about defiling.

"Only 500 years old," Draco said simply. "Dracomancers can only live up to a thousand but those with a King spirit like Ancalagon the Black. And I can see it in your face you hate me for being what I am," he said. "Grow up," Draco said simply. "Let go of the past," he said as he felt the spirit within him burn. "Hmm the artifact is close.


"Oh and Lilly you asked what we need the artifacts for?" Draco asked simply. "It's simple I need to remake your body into a Dracomancer's body,"

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