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Hape (hugging without consent): your thoughts on it?

Undubbed Wubs

Hape and Hug Opinion Poll  

113 users have voted

  1. 1. Do you find the term 'hape' offensive?

    • No
    • Yes
    • Undecided
  2. 2. Given as a supportive or comforting gesture, how do you feel about online hugs from a stranger?

    • Indifferent
    • Like
    • Dislike
    • Unsure
  3. 3. Given as a supportive or comforting gesture, how do you feel about online hugs from a friend?

    • Indifferent
    • Like
    • Dislike
    • Unsure

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Online hugs? I couldn't be more indifferent if I tried. It makes no difference, gives no comfort, and actual words of comfort would be better.


As for hugs in person form randomers...Could you fucking not?

Though from friends is always welcome :D



I hope some people get the joke ^^

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Are people seriously making inside jokes about this word that obviously sounds like what I think that sounds like? I have no words....


I hate the term. Period. Its mocking, and I don't care what it means.

Say I have my bra on too tight all you want, you are not changing this girl's opinion. -_-

  • Brohoof 1

      ℓ٥ﻻ  ﻉ√٥υ

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So, at first I was indifferent to the term, but then I thought about it. I have to conclude that it is a bit offensive. not unlike racist slurs or Holocaust jokes. The subject is a just too wrong to be made light (at least not without a lot of understanding on all sides). For online hugs, bring 'em on! If you're getting offended by an online hug, you may be overly sensitive. Then there's IRL hugs... I love hugs, and have given and gotten hugs from strangers. That said, I do take caution in the approach. A surprise hug could land you broken and bloody. I happen to live in a state that has a concealed carry law; I'd hate to give a hug and get shot in return. Being wary of strangers is generally a good idea. You don't have to be scared, just be aware.


@@cmarston1 Never have you gotten an online hug? Remedy inbound! <(^.^)> *hugs*


@ Hugs? yay! :yay:


@@floofcake I'm not sure how you can go around as Fluttershy and NOT get hugged >_>


@@IcyHaze <(^.^)> *hugs* ...just because you don't care ;)

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I think as long as the huger has good intentions then ether is nothing wrong with it. However In real  life some people can feel uncomfortable by hugs so I think it is mostly important to respect them and only hug people if you think it will lead to comfort  :)

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the ord itself is kinda meh and also makes me think of rape too much (never really had that word used on me whatso ever) but hugs only im cool with but in real life all ask (unless you know me you dont have to do this at all) please ask. being a college student mare who always have to be on guard so wont get taken advantage  kinda needs a warning so i dont have a false alarm. thank you :)

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