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Why do you care about the brony fandom?

Keen Blade

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It seems as if there are isolated cases of negativity that ponies are experiencing here in the herd. Regardless of where you go, you're going to see it at some point, I hate to say it.


What it probably is, is just somepony with too much ego than needed, and as a result, they think they're the pony's neigh (cat's meow).


You have to remember, there are a TON of ponies in the herd. You just have to find the right ponies. Ponies are entitled to their opinions, I will admit, but there some ponies who take their opinion WAY TOO FAR. These ponies are also the kind of ponies that don't want to bother listening to anyone but themselves, and find joy in criticizing, ridiculing, singling out, and harassing all the good ponies here. It's always a few bad eggs that spoils the whole batch.


Believe me, the majority of ponies here mean well, and their intentions couldn't be any farther from some of the nicest you'll ever see. Yeah, you're going to run into ignorant, selfish, good-for-nothings every now and then, but don't let them get the best of you. Be the stronger pony, and don't give up. You'll find the right group of ponies, trust me.


As for all of those who bring nothing but negativity, and are here just to make the experience miserable for all of the other ponies, maybe you don't belong here. If you're going to be an absolute ass about it, then why are you here? If you have such a problem, then don't come here and ruin it for the rest of us.


Don't let somepony tell you differently, there are a lot of good ponies here. Don't let the bad ones spoil it for you.

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Being critical of what the creators do is a good thing, and it's normal in all fandoms. When there's something people are not happy with, they will share opinions on it and help the creators make the show better. Assholes are found everywhere, that's just how it is. None of this is exclusive to our fandom. In fact, I kinda think you are the one getting shaken up over nothing.

Edited by Troblems
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I have really great friends and a special somepony I could not have met anywhere else. :)


Everyone here has helped me to be who I am today which is waaaay better than who I used to be. ^_^ I couldn't be more greatful for for that. :)

Edited by Felix
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It's filled with awesome people of course, and I've met a lot of wonderful people in here, and will continue to meet many others in the future. I know that there's a few shady characters around, but hey, I guess you get that in every fandom.

The brony fandom has a bit of a tarnished reputation, so I do my best to eliminate all those silly preconceptions people have.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm here because you guys look like you get shat on the most by people, and I'm pretty much here to complain with you people, even though I don't really find MLP interesting in my tastes.

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About half of me loves this fandom because of this picture



The rest of me loves this fandom because
Nice people

Good art

Frikin amazing fanfiction


The one place on the internet where you don't get judged for what or who you like  -_-


Edited by Hazukashii Flux
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The good deeds and bad one that are done are not of the fandom more of people in the fandom.  Its not fair to blame the whole community for the actions of a few who have done less than kind things.  A good deed doesn't erase a bad one that much is very true.  I still see more love in the community than hate.  I have been in some other communities before.  Trust me some of them have way more anger and hate in them.  In general I believe the brony community is far more warm and welcoming overall.

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Yeah true maybe I was being a bit harsh not everyone is like that in this fandom. I have met some cool decent bronies that where pretty nice. Some accepted me for liking my appledash clop and other clop couples as well. So true not everyone brony is a jerk in this fandom. But a lot are and that's there problem if they can't be nice in this fandom.

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I couldn't care less about the so-called "state of the fandom", whatever the hell that's supposed to mean. Something tells me that whenever someone bitches about the "state" of bronydom, they're either talking about how each new Equestria Girls movie threatens to "destroy the show", or how the quote/unquote "dark side" of the fandom (mostly clop/borderline clop artists) are somehow tarnishing our reputation (because, y'know, our reputation was so squeaky-clean in the first place, right?). Also heard some people lamenting how "mainstream" bronies have gotten, as if that should ever be a concern to anyone who isn't a hipster twit with the irrational mindset of judging things based on their popularity alone.


Personally, I'm just in it for the show, the art, and the friends with whom I can enjoy both. Could give a rat's ass about the overanalysis side of the fandom (Digibrony and his ilk) as long as the show keeps running and the art keeps a-flowin'. Oh, and I suppose it's worth mentioning that as long as new show-accurate merch is being produced, I'll continue to be one broke sonofabitch.

  • Brohoof 1
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We're new to the fandom, so we wouldn't know if it's changed significantly or not. As long as it keeps on being what we joined for - friendly, accepting, positive, creative - then we don't mind if it goes through different phases here and there - not that it's our business to say what the community can and can't do.

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