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Do you care about how you look?


Do you care about how you look?  

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  1. 1. Do you care about how you look?

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  • 1 year later...

Not really, I don't think a cow will care much, unless you are dressed in a neon color, then they stare at you.

I don't think the neighbors care either when we're all dressed similar anyway.

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At least for my job I need to have some degree of visual appearance, but also for shopping and other activities. Especially with a pandemic going on people would react most likely not in the best way if one would look and small like they would sleep on a dump. Therefore I need to have a certain level of visual appearance to me for living in a society. But I also do not really care about it too much.

I don't spend too much time for this per day. Shower, change clothes, brushing teeth, combing my hair. And I certainly wear glasses and I do not intent to exchange them for contacts.

For video games depends strongly on the kind of game, character etc.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 2 years later...

My style is very important to me. I can spend a long time thinking about coordinating an outfit for the next day and will panic a bit if I haven't figured it out when it's time to get dressed for work. lol. Some days I'm lazier than others, it just happens that way. I've been pretty bad about applying makeup lately, my mom tells me my skin is so pretty that I don't need it.... Pftttt. But I can survive a day without it, it turns out. I used to think I absolutely could not.

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Yeah, but not to the point of obsessing over it or anything. I’ll do what I can to make myself look half way decent and leave it at that. You can only put so much lipstick on this pig.

Edited by Iforgotmybrain
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