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Do you care about how you look?


Do you care about how you look?  

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  1. 1. Do you care about how you look?

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 Yeah I do care how I look, but not that crazy. Sure, I wear nice clothing and comb my hair and all, but that's about it. I don't really care what people think about me or my style of dressing up. I'm happy the way I am.B)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I care about how I look to the same extent that I care about how I smell or how I act in public. It's the facade you live under and it should at least be civilized and decent looking. I don't dress up fancy ever, but I keep my appearance neat and clean because that's civilization.  

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 3 months later...

I do keep a good hygiene and keeping myself looking healthy. Clothes-wise.. work, yes. Outside work, not really, only sometime which depends.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do to an extent. I want to be comfortable. But when I go out I want to make sure that it’s something that isn’t going to make me feel self conscious. Working on the whole self confidence thing. Lol

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  • 6 months later...

Yes and no. I 100% care when it comes to acne or my weight. 

When it comes to how I dress. Absolutely not. As I’ve gotten older I’ve started caring less about what people think of my appearance. I focus more on me and what makes me happy. I got a couple piercings now. I do fun colors with my hair

This is the happiest I’ve been with my appearance. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I do. Have always done, actually. But not like being a metrosexual or something like that.

Like, ok, I was freaking out 2 weeks ago when I noticed white hairs started to grow on me. Gladly, they are growing in a single place and they are making a cool looking silver streak where I usually make a bang or dress my hair somewhat upwards.

Other than that, I don't care about being "cool" or within the fashion standards. But I do care about how I look as I like looking somewhat rough and practical. Jeans are a must for me, along with boots and a plaid shirt. You know, gotta look grungie all the time. But I also dress like that because it's rather comfy for me. And I really hate looking chubby. I was getting a bit chubby by the end of college and a few months ago too, so I ate less carbs and started to ride my bycicle and go out shopping to burn some fat while helping at home. I'm not nearly as thin as I was in my first college years, but I don't look like a fatass and that's ok for me. Back in high I also wore nail polish-thingie and very seldomly just a bit of eye-shadow. It went good with me baaaaack then because I was sort of a pretty boy, however back then instead of plaid shirts I liked biker jackets better and fingerless gloves since I used to get in fights far too often, lol

  • Brohoof 1
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Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I often make sure I stay clean as much as possible so I don't smell like crap. Being dirty constantly is not good for your image in the long run. Also, I greet people in a formal manner so I can have a good first impression. 

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  • 4 months later...

I used to be a very self conscious boi I was fit but socially I was just hmm. So yeah I never actually cared how I looked so I did nothing about my appearance. When I growed my beard I suddenly got so many girls trying to hit on me giving you know the look bedroom eyes I was overwhelmed I mean I was always so self conscious yet suddenly I was getting girls way hotter then me looking my way so I became very confident learned to talk to girls learn the game. Suddenly I realized hey they like me so I started to care a lot more about my appearance, dressed nice styled myself worked out I was overwhelmingly popular. So I took the beard off, beards should only be something you have on if you are ready for a rollercoaster like that.

Today I care a lot about it I still style myself and dress nice grooming game on point my bois I never leave the house unless I feel and look my best that's how it should be you know. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

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