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What irrates you about your looks?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm glad to say that nothing irritates me about the way i look..

i don't wear anything but lipgloss sometimes cause my lips get dry

i'm ok with myself i've accepted myself as i am



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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

In order to not roast myself too hard lol 

I'll say the things that bother me the least :Thorax:

Bags under my eyes, all the weight from food goes to my stomach and face so just pudgy looking in person (stops me from wearing a crop top)(but like in all honesty im not even that big so doesnt bother me that much minus the bloat, but also you know wouldn't hurt for some of that fat to go other places jaja :adorkable:) and crooked teeth. 

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I dislike my nose, I miss having a flat stomach, I hate my hair, I have a mole near the center of my forehead so I could never not have bangs, my hip bones stick out, dark circles, Stretch marks, I think I have boney arms as well and I cannot seem to lose the weight in my thighs. I had to have some moles  on my back, stomach and arm removed due to potential skin cancer concerns. Problem is they left some not great looking scars….My boobs are small and I dislike having flat feet.

I think that’s everything….

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17 minutes ago, Clawdeen said:

, Stretch marks. I cannot seem to lose the weight in my thighs. 

I'll take em off you lol 

Would def. Like bigger thighs 

And I already have stretch marks. and personally i like the look of them on me and others too :pout:

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4 minutes ago, Miss said:

I'll take em off you lol 

Would def. Like bigger thighs 

And I already have stretch marks. and personally i like the look of them on me and others too :pout:

I would gladly give them to you!

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  • 6 months later...

i feel hot but it's 3 grey hairs that ....bother me..

is it normal at 23 to go grey?(will be 24 this year)

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Nothing in person but I don't photograph well for some reason, I always seem to be pulling some sort of face and I have no idea why - so that definitely irritates me

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  • 1 month later...

Actually I don't care much about my look, I'm kind of looking normal. I look way younger than my real age. Sometimes annoying, especially at work because some may think I don't have the long time experience I really have. I think the inside and how we act is more important. I never judge anyone by their look. If you're nice and cool, who cares? Be whoever you want, just try to be nice and kind. And treat others the way you want to be treated.

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Right now I’m less than satisfied with my midsection. I managed to lose most of my excess weight after being pregnant last year, but getting muscle tone back is proving really challenging. I’m staring down a looming swimwear season and I want to get firm. I have people who are willing to put me through a rigorous fitness routine, but that sounds like torture right now. I’d rather eat a cupcake.

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