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Where the hell have I been?




Work has been pure killer the last week and a half.  New GM, new rules, and crazy fuck hours.  Sorry for the slightly extended absence, y'all.


I really need to listen to more Necrophagist, this stuff's great!




Has anyone listened to Sylosis? If not, you should!



Also, anyone else excited for Being's album Anthropocene? I would want to hear what they sound like, up till now I've only heard Air Atlantic.



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Don't get too attached. They STILL haven't given us that new album.

Well, I've been on a big black metal binge today. I listened to Wolves in the Throne Room, Mayhem, Ash Borer, and I'm listening to Ulver right now.  Feels kvlt man.

Why haven't you heard this-tier

Work has been pure killer the last week and a half. New GM, new rules, and crazy fuck hours. Sorry for the slightly extended absence, y'all.

rip ;_;

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Where the hell have I been?


Work has been pure killer the last week and a half.  New GM, new rules, and crazy fuck hours.  Sorry for the slightly extended absence, y'all.




Has anyone listened to Sylosis? If not, you should!




To my surprise, I didn't mind Sylosis. Monolith was good (as far unbiased opinion goes) but I don't think I could get into the band for too long.


@@Halfblood,  What do you think 'bout them? I don't have the patience for them as they kinda... seem dull to me.






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One of these days, Djenty is gonna murder us for that video. :lol:




Anyway, I've been digging into Schizophrenia as of recent. Take some thrash, add some crap quality, put in some good songs, voila!




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One of these days, Djenty is gonna murder us for that video. :lol:


Remind when Sepultura was ever good?


And hey @

(Love you too)


I've been listening to way too much Lich King lately. I honestly don't even think they're that great they just... are.

I like this album's art too much, also.

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Remind when Sepultura was ever good?


In a few hours I will be waiting outside your house with an Ebony Dagger.



And hey @

(Love you too)


Why the hell does this seem familiar...



I've been listening to way too much Lich King lately. I honestly don't even think they're that great they just... are.

Lich King - Agnosticism

I like this album's art too much, also.


It's annoying. As soon as I heard All Hail/We Came To Conquer, it's just like '...this is fucking Lich King?!' It's great! They'll be on tour soon if you're interested in checking them out.


And the vocalist did all the art for the band. Tom's a madman with the art skills.


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In a few hours I will be waiting outside your house with an Ebony Dagger.


It's annoying. As soon as I heard All Hail/We Came To Conquer, it's just like '...this is fucking Lich King?!' It's great! They'll be on tour soon if you're interested in checking them out.

I-I-I didn't mean it, man. It was... it was just a joke! C'mon, please, rethink this. I-I swear, it'll never happen again!


That's exactly how I felt, except I actually liked Toxic Zombie Onslaught :v


As to the on tour thing, that might actually be plausible considering my dad listens to the band a bit and knows that it's not the typical "DEATH MURDER RAPE BLOOD VIOLENCE AAAAAARG!" that he thinks all metal is. Maybe, man. Maybe.


Here, have some typical "DEATH MURDER RAPE ARG"" metal.


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I-I-I didn't mean it, man. It was... it was just a joke! C'mon, please, rethink this. I-I swear, it'll never happen again!


Shadowmere will feast heartily in the next few days.



That's exactly how I felt, except I actually liked Toxic Zombie Onslaught :v


SHIT PRODUCTION IS SHIT It's not that something el- NOW I REMEMBER. I just need to wait for a reply...



As to the on tour thing, that might actually be plausible considering my dad listens to the band a bit and knows that it's not the typical "DEATH MURDER RAPE BLOOD VIOLENCE AAAAAARG!" that he thinks all metal is. Maybe, man. Maybe.


Just prepare yourself for the crowds if you go. When he means MURDER IN THE CIRCLE PIT, he may actually mean it haha...




SEPULTURAAAAAAAAAA- I need to get Arise and Schizophrenia and be done with it...

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Shadowmere will feast heartily in the next few days.


SHIT PRODUCTION IS SHIT It's not that something el- NOW I REMEMBER. I just need to wait for a reply...


Just prepare yourself for the crowds if you go. When he means MURDER IN THE CIRCLE PIT, he may actually mean it haha...

I guess I'll just have to admit it then... I'm the Grey Fox. Shadowmere is my bitch... bitch.


I'm replying now...


Aaand the heaviest concert I've ever been to was a Van Halen one, and I got my jaw dislodged in the pit there. I cannot fantasize enough about how fucking sweet a real mosh would be.

(This new quote system really pisses me off, to be honest)


Aaaaand here's Racecar because it's one of my favorite works by Periphery, AKA the only band my brother doesn't call "gay emo shit."

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I guess I'll just have to admit it then... I'm the Grey Fox. Shadowmere is my bitch... bitch.




I'm replying now...

Not you bro, Djenty. If it winds up like the TesseracT thing from a while back, I'm gonna start laughing like a dumbass.



IAaand the heaviest concert I've ever been to was a Van Halen one, and I got my jaw dislodged in the pit there. I cannot fantasize enough about how fucking sweet a real mosh would be.

(This new quote system really pisses me off, to be honest)

Heaviest... Van Halen? Now I really hope you actually go see the King now. :lol:


And I don't mind the quote system tbh.

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rip ;_;







YOU TOO BOY.  But you had reasons so it's coo'.



I missed you guys.  Too bad there can't be a metal thread meet up.


Aaand the heaviest concert I've ever been to was a Van Halen one, and I got my jaw dislodged in the pit there.


You can mosh to Van Halen?


I've been listening to Halen for literally my entire life.  There's nothing mosh worthy there.  I'm so confused. :(

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Combining that post with the picture in the video, this is totally relevant.








I missed you guys.  Too bad there can't be a metal thread meet up.


That would be fun admittedly. But there's too many complications.




You can mosh to Van Halen?


I've been listening to Halen for literally my entire life.  There's nothing mosh worthy there.  I'm so confused. :(



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You can mosh to Van Halen?


I've been listening to Halen for literally my entire life.  There's nothing mosh worthy there.  I'm so confused. :(

Where there's a will, there's a way I guess. If there's a mosh going on, you really can't NOT go along with it, right?


Also, that metal thread meetup would be pretty impossible insane, but then I realize that I'd just be the annoying D-Bag who tags along to look cool. 


On a completely unrelated note, some important woman in the local church parish basically told me I'm going to hell for oh so many reasons. As if your approval makes me an immoral person. If I can't join 'em, beat 'em.



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Also, that metal thread meetup would be pretty impossible insane, but then I realize that I'd just be the annoying D-Bag who tags along to look cool. 


Oh, c'mon now.  You're a part of this damn thread too!  We'd all be having a good time taking over an area with metal and colored pones.


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Oh, c'mon now.  You're a part of this damn thread too!  We'd all be having a good time taking over an area with metal and colored pones.

Well, only if you guys can handle my swag:


Thanks, that actually made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.



Aaaand Epicloud because I have a headache and this album is quite relaxing.

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I missed you guys.  Too bad there can't be a metal thread meet up.


Ooooooooh, a metal thread meet up???


Would I be invited? :3



Anyway, I guess I better post some metal since this is the metal thread. 


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Ooooooooh, a metal thread meet up???


Would I be invited? :3


Obviously boi, it ain't a meet up if the posters don't meet up!




Final post for tonight. My insides want to hurt each other if I don't get any sleep.



It's majestic as fuck, and the verse riff makes me euphoric.

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Ooooooooh, a metal thread meet up???


Would I be invited? :3


Anyone who's ever posted here would be invited.  Obviously, the regulars would be more recognized, name wise, but who fucking cares?  It'd be a sick party, full of music swapping and colorful horse enthusiasts.


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Obviously boi, it ain't a meet up if the posters don't meet up!




Final post for tonight. My insides want to hurt each other if I don't get any sleep.

For a second I thought you said "posers." I was like, "Wow, that was kind of a dick thing to say." :P


I'm gonna hit the hay, too. It's 2:45 and I need to wake up at 6 tomorrow.


I find this song very calming and good before-bed music. The Human Abstract can sure make some musical art.

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I find this song very calming and good before-bed music. The Human Abstract can sure make some musical art.


I haven't listened to that band before, but I must say I quite enjoyed this song.


(huh, for some reason I thought you were Crispy at first lol)



Here's another song for you guys:



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@@NeverNeverland, Sylosis, I think, has a solid sound to them.  Nothing really stood out for me in terms of vocals, lyrics, or guitar play, but the song @@Winterbass posted was pretty damn good.  They do have a quality to their recordings though.  


I do enjoy this song of theirs:



In the mean time, take a gander at these blokes:




An unsavory band name, but that doesn't take anything away from dat tune.

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For a second I thought you said "posers." I was like, "Wow, that was kind of a dick thing to say." :P


I'm gonna hit the hay, too. It's 2:45 and I need to wake up at 6 tomorrow.


I find this song very calming and good before-bed music. The Human Abstract can sure make some musical art.

Oh, I remember the Human Abstract. I first listened to them a few years ago, and most of it was stuff from their album Nocturne. Should probably check out more of their new stuff, like that.


And yes, "before-bed music" is some good music.

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Oh, I remember the Human Abstract. I first listened to them a few years ago, and most of it was stuff from their album Nocturne. Should probably check out more of their new stuff, like that.


Oh, I highly recommend it. With their new vocalist, they are stellar. Him combined with some of the guitar work makes for one of my favorite albums. Digital Veil is a definitely worth a listen in all circumstances.


(Pardon my inability to post a song, I'm on my iPod in a hospital waiting room)

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(Pardon my inability to post a song, I'm on my iPod in a hospital waiting room)

What's happening, Jersey boy?


So I deal with the sad realization today that I just don't like Between the Buried and Me all that much. Don't know why, I mean, they have that fun "djent" quality to them, but the vocals just don't do anything for me. Sucks, because I went out and bought the Parallax II alread.

Also, I'm disappointed with Metal Blade for the quality of their vinyl covers. It's coming apart at the seams already, because they're just bad at making them. :(

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