Deathstroke 1,564 July 15, 2014 Share July 15, 2014 (edited) Ok so apparently equestria is a kingdom according to the official wiki Edited July 15, 2014 by Desert guardian Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
boiteporte 591 July 15, 2014 Share July 15, 2014 Well, it is. It is a monarchy because sovereignty is embodied in a single individual ( in this case, Princess Celestia). 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~ Dr. Ocsid ~ 690 July 15, 2014 Share July 15, 2014 Well, it is. It is a monarchy because sovereignty is embodied in a single individual ( in this case, Princess Celestia). No, it´s a diarchy. Same as monarchy, but with two rulers. Like Sparta. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
boiteporte 591 July 15, 2014 Share July 15, 2014 No, it´s a diarchy. Same as monarchy, but with two rulers. Like Sparta. Yeah, I never really thought that Luna had much power. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pastel 7,630 July 15, 2014 Share July 15, 2014 No, it´s a diarchy. Same as monarchy, but with two rulers. Like Sparta.Or a quadrarchy (not sure if it exists ) if you include Twilight and Cadance. 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khaoios 1,970 July 15, 2014 Share July 15, 2014 (edited) IMO, I see Equestria as a country, with several kingdoms (Canterlot, Crystal, and Ponyville *due to Twilights Castle, but I find that as an eh*). Now, with rule, I gotta agree with Blobulle, it could possibly be a quadrarchy. Edited July 15, 2014 by Thunder-Wing 1 XBL: Riot Rojas 3DS Friend Code: 5300 - 9568 - 7902 WEB/CHANNEL: THREADS: Youtube - ThunderColt Studios MLP:FIM - Wrath of the Ancients Fan Fictions Weebly - ThunderColt Studios MLP:FIM: The Day Equestria Stood Still - Volunteers Wanted Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
boiteporte 591 July 15, 2014 Share July 15, 2014 (edited) Oh come on, guys. Twilight has absolutely no power, no authority, no nothing. She is the most useless princess I have ever seen. Princess Cadence (Cadance ?) rules over the Crystal Empire. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna rule over Equestria. Princess Twilight, Princess of Friendship ? ( has to share her hypothetical powers with 5 other ponies). EDIT :I guess we will just have to wait until Season 5. Wait and see, as they say. Edited July 15, 2014 by boiteporte 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Archi the Atmomancer 564 July 15, 2014 Share July 15, 2014 If you want to be really pedantic it's actually a Principality. 4 "Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sceethe 704 July 15, 2014 Share July 15, 2014 from what i have seen,it seems more like an anarchy than anything else. its a diarchy at heart, but i dont see how celestia and luna have a lot of power over the land. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silver Letter 1,832 July 15, 2014 Share July 15, 2014 Or a quadrarchy (not sure if it exists ) if you include Twilight and Cadance. Twilight and Cadance do not rule Equestria but they are part of a greater royal system that the Empire might fall back on if necessary. 1 Silver Letter!!! Silver Letter's MLP collection Have: 946 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snow Frostflame 3,568 July 15, 2014 Share July 15, 2014 yeah if it wasn't obvious enough Equestria runs by Monarchy 1) they have Guards 2) the leaders are Princesses 3) the castle in Canterlot well the second one is the most valid reason Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hovershy 3,815 July 15, 2014 Share July 15, 2014 Yeah, I think Equestria is a kingdom split up into different regions. I would consider it a monarchy because I think Celestia has the most power, maybe a diarchy, but I don't know. Cadance just rules over the Crystal Empire and Twilight just does what Twilight does. 1 Fluttershy Fan Club sig by Blue Snowfire Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~ Dr. Ocsid ~ 690 July 15, 2014 Share July 15, 2014 I think Equestria consists of many city-states which rule themselves one way or the other, and over those the princesses are who decide in a time of crisis and may also act as the highest level of jurisdiction. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deathstroke 1,564 July 15, 2014 Author Share July 15, 2014 Yeah, I think Equestria is a kingdom split up into different regions. I would consider it a monarchy because I think Celestia has the most power, maybe a diarchy, but I don't know. Cadance just rules over the Crystal Empire and Twilight just does what Twilight does. finally someone understands me thank you! 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Miles 2,512 July 15, 2014 Share July 15, 2014 I like both Celestia and Luna, so this is not coming from a bias... but, seriously, how can people not think Luna has equal (reigning) power as Celestia? Celestia is the Ruler of the Day; Luna is the Ruler of the Night. Thus, Equestria IS a diarchy.P.S. Celestia can't look into pony dreams, let alone, travel into them. Luna can. 1 ~ Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions ~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Conred 274 July 15, 2014 Share July 15, 2014 Well actually according to Journal of 2 sisters, they are not even ruling. They are protectors, guardians of Equestria. Every city have its own mayor who decide every policy like city states. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Espurr 449 July 15, 2014 Share July 15, 2014 Oh great. This means there are more countries whose names I have to remember in the world that surrounds Equestria. I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ggg-2 3,553 July 15, 2014 Share July 15, 2014 Actually, as seen in Princess Twilight Sparkle, Twilight DOES have at least some authority, at least in extreme circumstances, as since Cadance has the Empire to oversee, if anything were to happen to Celestia and Luna, the Royal Guard would answer to her by default. 1 Don't be a nerd. Join the herd! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IridscentNionios 1,420 July 15, 2014 Share July 15, 2014 Democracy is redundant since our dear immortal rulers are saints right? OCs Thorough list of all of them here. FimFiction Profile Deviant Art ((All OC pictures in here)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zoraxe 546 July 16, 2014 Share July 16, 2014 (edited) I have been thinking about how Equestria even runs, and I came up with a theory that I like... That Equestria is made up of sub-realms, like the Holy Roman Empire, sorta. I'm thinking that back when Equestria was founded, the ponies agreed to build Equestria together, but not so much as a single nation but rather as a collection of allied sub-realms. Crystal Empire is its own principality/princessapality, Canterlot could be its own thing (Flim or Flam refere to a "Kingdom of Canterlot"), Manehatten could possible be a Republic (explaining why they did not treat Princess Twilight any different from any other citizen) When Equestria was founded there was a Unicorn king, maybe there still is a line of Unicorn Royalty today. Who knows, maybe since Equestria was founded by three tribes, they did not wan't a single pony really able to call themselvs King or Queen over them all and so Celestia was appointed 'Princess' rather than Queen, implying she doesn't have the authority of a monarch. The rules of monarchy are different depending on local context, the King of England operated differently from the King of France, etc. Who knows, maybe one has to be married to be King/Queen of Equestria. I'm thinking 'Princess' in the context of Celestia, Luna, and now Twilight is more of a... protector of the realm, diplomat, mediator, teacher, and head of the bureaucracy, rather than a political ruler. One of the IDW comics does mention that 'congress ponies' exist, although I think a Pony parliament would be more fitting. Well, it is. It is a monarchy because sovereignty is embodied in a single individual ( in this case, Princess Celestia). Depends on the definition of the term, there are modern definitions of terms like 'Republic' and 'Monarchy', whitch are concerned where the 'sovereignty' lies, either with the people or with a person or group. But the classic defitions of the terms used by the greeks/romans are different. A Republic meaning 'Public thing' where democracy isn't necessarily required, and Monarchy meaning 'rule of one', rule not necessarily being inherited. The Doge of the Republic of Venice ruled for life once elected and was the single head of state, a republic with a monarch. Edited July 18, 2014 by Zoraxe 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GenderIsAnIllusion 2,177 July 16, 2014 Share July 16, 2014 I always thought of it more of a republic.... My peep is against bullying.... Are you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zoraxe 546 July 16, 2014 Share July 16, 2014 I always thought of it more of a republic.... Did you read what I just wrote? I don't think the creators of the show were using classical greek/roman political terminology in designing Equestria, so I can only assume it is the modern terms being used. And with that assumption equestria is very much a monarchy if Celestia is the single head of state (Unless she is equal with Luna, then its a a Diarchy). The question is how much authority the monarchy/diarchy has on the realm and if Equestria a single state or a confederation of sorts. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pony.colin 156 July 17, 2014 Share July 17, 2014 (edited) Did you read what I just wrote? I don't think the creators of the show were using classical greek/roman political terminology in designing Equestria, so I can only assume it is the modern terms being used. And with that assumption equestria is very much a monarchy if Celestia is the single head of state (Unless she is equal with Luna, then its a a Diarchy). The question is how much authority the monarchy/diarchy has on the realm and if Equestria a single state or a confederation of sorts. To answer you first question: probably not. People can post their thoughts without reading anything else in the thread prior, that's not surprising or anything new, happens often enough. If you want to be really pedantic it's actually a Principality. I like that, I'll borrow that. I like both Celestia and Luna, so this is not coming from a bias... but, seriously, how can people not think Luna has equal (reigning) power as Celestia? Celestia is the Ruler of the Day; Luna is the Ruler of the Night. Thus, Equestria IS a diarchy. P.S. Celestia can't look into pony dreams, let alone, travel into them. Luna can. I like that too, I'll borrow that too (and let's pretend I went through the trouble of quoting every other pony who agreed with that thought) @@Zoraxe, - The governing/ruling structure of Equestria has never really been made clear, it seems to be this vague and loose agreement of co-habitation and acknowledgement of ruling power that seems only observed in the background, sometimes brought to the forefront rarely sometimes. Some sort of vague combination of a diarch, principality, city-state/city-republic, semi-loosely united empireish ... thingy - I would make the vague guess that Princess Luna and Princess Celestia still hold the highest form of ruling power, wherever they go. Celestia at least holds the highest administrative power (if one wants to use the micro-comics Luna section, of course Luna just gets away with doing jack-all and still being a princess). -The problem sort of roots itself back to Equestria's weird timeline (a few fan timelines exist somewhere) how long have Princess Celestia and Luna been ruling the three original pony tribes (in reference to Hearth's Warming Eve's history/holiday story). Are they still considered all powerful ruling power? Or were other cities/areas allowed to be given some form of minor autonomy or full sovereignty later on in the timeline? Also bearing in mind, the Unicorn tribe also previously had their own personal ruling monarchy as well, Princess Platinum's father, unicorn King Bullion (hey he got a name, last time I checked, he didn't have one. Apparently he is mentioned in that book release 'The Journal of the Two Sisters.' that's new) - So maybe, that might explain where Prince Blueblood is from (still don't know how the heck he came into the royal family, my only guess, he's from the only unicorn monarch lineage). -Maybe Manehattan is its own city-republic, maybe it has minor autonomy but still needs to adhere to the Celestia and Luna's ruling? Don't know because it hasn't been answered yet in the show, (screw Princess Twilight, we don't even acknowledge her as a princess ¯\(°_o)/¯ ) At least ponyville's residents acknowledge Celestia existence when she visits. But probably Mayor Mare and city council elect the local laws, probably a very loose ruling system in some sort of empire thingamajig, ruling pony society is pragmatics at best. And let's throw in those other areas and ponies off the map: the delegates from Saddle Arabia, the Duke and Duchess from Maretonia Edited July 17, 2014 by pony.colin 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nature's Spell 526 July 17, 2014 Share July 17, 2014 (edited) - The governing/ruling structure of Equestria has never really been made clear, it seems to be this vague and loose agreement of co-habitation and acknowledgement of ruling power that seems only observed in the background, sometimes brought to the forefront rarely sometimes. Some sort of vague combination of a diarch, principality, city-state/city-republic, semi-loosely united empireish ... thingy - I would make the vague guess that Princess Luna and Princess Celestia still hold the highest form of ruling power, wherever they go. Celestia at least holds the highest administrative power (if one wants to use the micro-comics Luna section, of course Luna just gets away with doing jack-all and still being a princess). -The problem sort of roots itself back to Equestria's weird timeline (a few fan timelines exist somewhere) how long have Princess Celestia and Luna been ruling the three original pony tribes (in reference to Hearth's Warming Eve's history/holiday story). Are they still considered all powerful ruling power? Or were other cities/areas allowed to be given some form of minor autonomy or full sovereignty later on in the timeline? Also bearing in mind, the Unicorn tribe also previously had their own personal ruling monarchy as well, Princess Platinum's father, unicorn King Bullion (hey he got a name, last time I checked, he didn't have one. Apparently he is mentioned in that book release 'The Journal of the Two Sisters.' that's new) - So maybe, that might explain where Prince Blueblood is from (still don't know how the heck he came into the royal family, my only guess, he's from the only unicorn monarch lineage). -Maybe Manehattan is its own city-republic, maybe it has minor autonomy but still needs to adhere to the Celestia and Luna's ruling? Don't know because it hasn't been answered yet in the show, (screw Princess Twilight, we don't even acknowledge her as a princess ¯\(°_o)/¯ ) At least ponyville's residents acknowledge Celestia existence when she visits. But probably Mayor Mare and city council elect the local laws, probably a very loose ruling system in some sort of empire thingamajig, ruling pony society is pragmatics at best. And let's throw in those other areas and ponies off the map: the delegates from Saddle Arabia, the Duke and Duchess from Maretonia Yes, politics in Equestria are as confused and vague as any other topic since the writers don't really care about details until they are needed. Edited August 8, 2014 by Nature's Spell 2 Princess Twilight Sparkle: Princess of Friendship Princess Luna: Princess of the Night My short stories Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RainbowMau 291 July 17, 2014 Share July 17, 2014 I have two theories: - It's a feredal kingdom with Princess Celestia as a President and Princesses like Twilight in Ponyville and Cadance in Canterlot as gobvernors (though Ponyville has a mayor, so in that case Twilight reigns but doesn't gobvern) - It's a group of city-states commanded by Princesses like ancient Greece and commanded in general by Princess Celestia. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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