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Count to 42 Before 42, Dovashy or (sometimes) Stormgiggle, or Sir Hugs posts

Message added by Ice Princess Silky <3,

Hello, everyone! If you are not Sir Hugs then you should feel free to count here while also knowing he is one huge derp. :pout:

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It is study break, so I do have spare time to finally go through these! Although I still do have a lot to do for uni during this break, and 316 posts have been made since my last response post, so getting through them all may be really difficult. I may need to just go through it quickly and only respond to the really interesting and memorable posts. But rest assured, I will read through every single post, and brohoof every interesting post and every dethrone!


For now, I only have time to focus on the two massive posts that followed my last main post. But later this week I should find time to go through the rest of them! So let's get started!



You know, betrayal is a rather strong word. I much prefer, say, a trick of the light. *disappears in a bright flash of light*



*reappears* Hey now, at this rate I'll lose my place in the lead. This isn't allowed, it's time for a nice storm of chaos to set things right again. LET THE ENTROPY REIGN!!!



Hmm, time to be more creative then. Did you know that 10 in binary is 1010, 2 10s in a row, and if you add the original 10 on you get 101010, convert that back to decimal and you have 42.



By the way 42, I do intend to use these coupons. I'm just waiting for the right time and place to sew as much chaos as possible. For the 42 empire? No. For those trying to bring you down? Nope. I bring chaos for chaos's sake! To quote a wise man, "He would see this country burn if he could be king of the ashes." Just replace 'he' with 'I' and replace 'country' with 'world'.


As proof I'll use these things, have one right now. I'll use one to take the current count down by 2, from 1 to -1, arming the first disarmed trap and creating matter from nothing to make the additional trap.


Current count: -1

... How very literal. That is indeed a trick of the light. Although, I don't know about you, but I consider using a bright flash to disappear and betrayal to be very different concepts.


I do very much like to see chaos unfold every now and then. Perhaps you shall earn lots of 42 points if you create enough for my liking.


That is a very creative way to get 42 from 10! For such masterful manipulation of 10, have +10 points!


Is that the first every negative number in the history of this game? Indeed it is! I had lost all faith that you would actually use a 42 coupon and we would be able to test out crazy, chaotic things like this, so thanks for proving me wrong! You sure did live up to your promise of entropy reigning! I'm feeling really generous now, so have +21 points!





OK since you offer alot of points for correcting math i'm going to start by correcting your math!!!!!! You give me 28 points but only counted 27 ¦)


Good to know one of us isn't that evil haha




"by Vinicius040598"


Yes and no...think of it like the calm before the storm pal...there is something big coming and I have asked those that follow me to show some restraint for now haha and when it does me and my General's (I am actually getting people on here pal,not just role playing) will take this post right to 1764 in less then a day (maximum estimated speed assuming no one slow's down and there is no complications should be just over 7 hour but that is unlikely) but we have to wait for the perfect time, where everyone who agreed is on and know's what time they need to change shift haha oh and on top of that I do know of some loop hole's that will make this very hard to stop so I would recommend trying to find out what they are and fix them before this take's place haha


she's not that bad when I tell her not to attack pal and she would say thank's but she's in sleep mode now that you plugged her in ¦) 




"by atryl"


I just thought it would make things a little different since we are on page 1133 and it's not like you can't remove it if it become's a problem, I think I will hold on to my coupon's until I know the verdict.





"by HowXu"


you really should watch it pal it's hilarious Warning vile language:



yes and Zecora has probably the best art in my opinion 




"by Alasou"


Alot of points you say, Challenge accepted ¦)


Bare with me on this I have to make it with both you and MLP related haha so here goes...


1:Twilight sparkle's cutie mark has 6 star's each with 6 points and an additional 6 point's on the one in the middle. that is 666 which is the number of the devil and the Illuminati was founded be a Faustian (someone who made a deal with the devil is called a Faustian by the way just thought I should tell you about that little coincidence) so by this logic Twilight=Illuminati 


2:In the running of the leaves Twilight's number just so happened to be 42 and in addition there is also 42 points in total on her Cutie mark. thus Twilight=42


So If Twilight is both 42 and part of the Illuminati then 42=Illuminati 


Illuminati Confirmed


Wait? anyone else corrects something minor and you throw points at them and I correct a major flaw that could destroy this entire thread yet I don't even get a single point.....(I mean I know I need to have some kind of handicap but that is ridicules) 


Deer ponies are cool haha




"by Yakovlev-vad"

Well, although you weren't exactly the cause, you are the first counter every to increase the count to 0, so I think that deserves some kind of recognition. +1 point!


Upon carefully reviewing my post, I have found you are absolutely correct. I had awarded you a total of 28 points throughout that post, yet only increased your point total by 27. This is indeed a math error, and for picking it up, you shall receive +15 points!


You can do it, Starlight Glimmer! Defeat this huge, hooded, black-winged creature! That's a pretty epic confrontation, so +2 points!


This plan of yours sounds like something that couldn't possibly actually exist. After all, if you really were confident about the plan, why would you tell me about it and inform me there are loopholes to address that would help me prevent it? But at the same time, I have to admit if anyone can pull off something like this, it's you. You might very well be the main person keeping this thread going at this point with how inactive I've been lately. And this isn't the first time you've told me about your crafty plans either...


A sleeping/recharging Sweetie-Bot is a safe Sweetie-Bot. I believe this is helping me slowly overcome my fear of the horrific, terrifying, laser-firing Sweeties Bot. +1 point for making my worst nightmare cute!


At this point, I have only read this post and the previous post so I don't what other people think about the rules regarding the coupons yet. So, it is too early for Your Honor to give the verdict yet, I'm afraid. Perhaps once I get through the remaining posts, the verdict can be delivered. I love the Ace Attorney series, so +5 points for that picture!


That was a fun video! I haven't played Yu-Gi-Oh before, but I have played Magic the Gathering, so it was great fun seeing a ridiculous deck get beaten by something so simple. +4 points for showing that to me!


That's a cute Zecora! +2 points.


Well, I suppose there's no point in hiding it any longer. I am indeed Illuminati. I was so well hidden before, but I can't continue hiding in the face of such powerful logic! I'll give you +10 points for that, but please my true identity hidden from everyone else, it would be quite troublesome if they all knew.


I have to admit, I don't remember what incident you were talking about since it was probably two or three weeks ago now, and I don't really have the time to go looking through old posts when I have so many more to go through. But you do seem pretty sincere about this, and I faintly remember you helping out with something before, so how about you get +5 points for compensation?


Yes! That is one of the most epic of deer ponies! Although, I remember seeing this exact same image before, and I'm pretty sure it was from you. As much as I'd like to award points for it, I don't think it'll be fair to award points for an image I've already seen before. Otherwise you could just post that Ace Attorney picture again 10 times in a row and get 50 points. See, I can take care of some loopholes!




Totally Not Lyra: 134 (+31)

Trottermare Galamane: 115 (+45) (This is added to 70, what Trottermare's score should've been last time, not 69 which his score was shown as last time due to my math error))

SpeedForceDashie: 8

CinnamonPop: 6

Crescent Light: 5

Wolf General Alpha: 5

Lightwing: 2

  • Brohoof 3


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Totally Not Lyra: 134 (+31)

Trottermare Galamane: 115 (+45) 

SpeedForceDashie: 8

CinnamonPop: 6

Crescent Light: 5

Wolf General Alpha: 5

Lightwing: 2



Soo, there's a scoring system now, huh?


I don't suppose there are any prizes or anything like that? :c




Your family is who you make it out to be.


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