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Who Is Your LEAST Favorite Of The Main Ponies?  

182 users have voted

  1. 1. Least Favorite Pony Mane Six + Spike

    • RainbowDash
    • Twilight Sparkle
    • AppleJack
    • FlutterShy
    • Rarity
    • PinkiePie
    • Spike
  2. 2. Least favorite Secondary Character

    • Apple Bloom
    • Sweetie Belle
    • Scootaloo
    • Princess Celestia
    • Princess Luna
    • Princess Cadance
    • Shining Armor
    • Prince Blueblood
    • Granny Smith
    • Big McIntosh
    • Hayseed
    • Mr. Cake
    • Mrs. Cake
    • Diamond Tiara
    • Silver Spoon
    • Snips
    • Snails
    • Sunset Shimmer
    • Derpy
    • Trixie
    • Suri Polomare
    • Lightning Dust
    • Gilda
    • Daring Do
    • Spitfire
    • Soarin
    • Fleetfoot
    • Cheerilee
    • Bulk Biceps
    • Coco Pommel
    • Cheese Sandwich
    • Maud Pie
    • Other - Because So Many Ponies O.O

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It just seemed a rather strange and just kinda dark suggestion is all. I wasn't angry just kinda pointing it out and its potential implications. As for cupcakes its been ranted about to death so I really cant add anything new.Though maybe it was because I came out of a discussion with an acquaintance that really follows this dude called James Randi and he kinda had similar serious sentiments on "stupid people" . 

Well, I myself have a learning disability so I wouldn't have any kind of serious morbid sentiments on "Stupid People". Have you ever heard of Dyscalculia? To put it simply, that's something like dyslexia but with mathematics.  I'm thirty-four, but pretty much have the math abilities of an elementary school kid. I never leave the house without a calculator!



                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Well, I myself have a learning disability so I wouldn't have any kind of serious morbid sentiments on "Stupid People". Have you ever heard of Dyscalculia? To put it simply, that's something like dyslexia but with mathematics.  I'm thirty-four, but pretty much have the math abilities of an elementary school kid. I never leave the house without a calculator!


Would you be offended if I asked you to help me do my taxes? I'm just kidding though. I have Aspergers of course its not the same thing as what you have, but I figured I would share my disability too! :D

  • Brohoof 1
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Would you be offended if I asked you to help me do my taxes? I'm just kidding though. I have Aspergers of course its not the same thing as what you have, but I figured I would share my disability too! biggrin.png

Nope, it wouldn't offend me. It took a while, but now I can laugh at myself. If you click on that link and scroll down to symptoms, every single one could be used to describe me! LOL!

Yes, even when it comes to analog clocks!

I can tell time on them, but if I'm cooking something, say that needs to be in the oven for 35 minutes, I point to the clock and count by fives (silently) while moving my finger for each number until I see what time is 35 minutes later! Sometimes I'll even wait to put whatever in to cook exactly on the hour to make it easier on myself.

I think that just made me sound insane!


  • Brohoof 1


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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least favorite mane 6 character: Applejack, all the other 5 have some ability, and applejack can... kick trees?

least favorite secondary character: Gilda, don't EVER yell at fluttershy againimg-1263791-1-angry.png

least favorite background characters: Lyra and Bon Bon, WAY too overrated, they have no character development at ALL whatsoever in the show, yet people have these ponies as favorite charactersimg-1263791-2-huh.png

Edited by Eragonrde12


Amazing sig made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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Gilda/diamond tiara I've said it before and I will say it again. I absolutely detest both characters >.> I mean seriously at least Trixie felt bad about how she was. For Trixie I give her props. 

I like how Trixie is actually growing as a character. She may still be full of herself, but at least she understands now that it's important to have friends and to treat them as you would want yourself to be treated. I'd like to see more of her in season four. I picture her as hitching herself to Twilight's rising star, trying to become her adviser or something. She'll just generally be annoying thought, trying to get Twilight to act like a Great and Powerful Princess!


"No no Twilight Sparkle! Listen to Trixie! You must ORDER your subjects around! Don't ask them questions, give them commands! A princess must know when to put her hoof down!"


"Uh, Trixie? We were only deciding where to go for lunch. Can we bring you back a smoothie?"


"Um, ah, can Trixie come too?"


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Well, I myself have a learning disability so I wouldn't have any kind of serious morbid sentiments on "Stupid People". Have you ever heard of Dyscalculia? To put it simply, that's something like dyslexia but with mathematics.  I'm thirty-four, but pretty much have the math abilities of an elementary school kid. I never leave the house without a calculator!


Dyslexic myself and have great trouble with math as well. I was quite dysfunctional in my youth, but progressively got better probably because my dad had me reading prolific sci fi author Alan Dean Foster. Still have many problems with spelling though and I often miss small words or letters leading to stupid spelling errors.. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Dyslexic myself and have great trouble with math as well. I was quite dysfunctional in my youth, but progressively got better probably because my dad had me reading prolific sci fi author Alan Dean Foster. Still have many problems with spelling though and I often miss small words or letters leading to stupid spelling errors.. 

My poor vision often results in ridiculous errors when I pick the wrong word offered when Spell-check says I spelled something wrong! Too often I'll click the wrong one, and end up with a properly spelled word that has nothing to do with what I was trying to write! I generally have to use my magnifying glass to look at the selections. I myself went undiagnosed until long after school. I did well in most subjects, but embarrassingly bad in any math classes I took. It may sound corny, but I was greatly relieved to find out I WASN'T just stupid, and it was an actual condition.



Oh, and back on topic...Diamond Tiara is a little bitch!


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Well, I myself have a learning disability so I wouldn't have any kind of serious morbid sentiments on "Stupid People". Have you ever heard of Dyscalculia? To put it simply, that's something like dyslexia but with mathematics.  I'm thirty-four, but pretty much have the math abilities of an elementary school kid. I never leave the house without a calculator!



In my opinion, "stupid" is a serious understatement to "disabled" people. I have a math teacher who teaches Pre-Algebra who took an IQ test a few years back, and got a pretty whopping score due to his mathematical abilities. Although being diagnosed for as long as he could remember with Dyslexia himself, that never stopped him from studying and practicing to get past all those teachers who kept on bringing him down level-wise. Although the same can't be said with his English, he still proves an awesome point to the definition of "stupid", and actually inspires me a little bit. For me, well, I have pretty poor math skills to, and I'm a grade behind, but that's probably cause I never study, and It's just a really bad, wired habit. If I had a disability, I would have already been diagnosed a long time ago.

  • Brohoof 1
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Can we get back on topic, please?


Anyway, out of the main characters, I chose Spike. I don't dislike any of the main characters, but if I had to chose a least favorite, it would be him.


I put "Other" for the secondary characters, but looking back at the poll, I should have chose Blueblood. He's a bastard.


For tertiary characters, I chose Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. They're probably the only characters I dislike besides Blueblood.


(P.S.: what's with all the dislike for Rarity? I personally think she's awesome.)

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Out of the main 6.... Twilight Sparkle. I just feel like she over reacts, and kind of annoys me :D it's not that I hate her. She just is

not my favorite.


Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver

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  • 3 weeks later...

There are many ponies that have fans, but at the same time there are ponies that people don't like. I have seen many 'least favorite of the mane six' topics but I have decided to do something different.


This board is about your least favorite out of all the ponies. whether it be a main pony, minor pony, or even a background pony. Which do you like the least?


My least favorite ponies are the Flim Flam Brothers. It's like the moment they have any screen time they're acting like giant @$$holes.Yes, i know they're antagonists so I'm not supposed to like them but still.I found it pretty satisfying seeing their own plan backfire on them, that and it led to Applejack's hilarious 'I didn't learn anything!' speech


P.S. I don't know if anyone else did anything like this. I don't go around on the boards too much, but to my knowledge no one has done this.

Hoi!!! i'm tEMMIE!!!



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I really hate Snips. There's just something about him that I can't stand. Maybe it's the voice? Appearance? I can't be sure, there's just something about him that really pi$$es me off, as long as we're censoring words. XD

  • Brohoof 3
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I don't really like Princess Celestia. She seems, uptight, stubborn and boring. 

And she hasn't really developed, so far we've only seen her ruling Equestria, we haven't seen her more personal side.


(that's why Luna is best princess :3)




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I love everypony, but the one I sometimes really don't like is Pinkie Pie. She is cute and all, but I can't stand her randomness. Twilight Sparkle is the one I love the most(I hope that was relevant to the thread).

  • Brohoof 1



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I think I speak for a majority when I say DIAMOND TIARA.

Oh how I despise that despicable little monster. Seeing her poncy little tiara, her pig-face, her snide whine. Oh, how I hate her entire personality, always being mean to the CmC. It's almost unbearable, and were I a filly, I'd buck her right in the teeth.

Edited by Akoura
  • Brohoof 3


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I'm kind of stuck between Diamond Tiara and Applejack.

Diamond Tiara becase she bullies everyone and thinks she's so popular with her little follower Silver Spoon.

Applejack because her accent is unbearable and she is the only one out of the mane 6 that has the most boring future. Running an apple farm. I mean, really?

I can't really hat on any background-ers as you don't know anything about them apart from their deaign, but it realy irritates me when people say that a background pony is best pony. No idea about their story or anything... Ugh.



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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I really can't stand Trixie of all ponies. 

Whenever someone/thing is INCREDIBLY braggadocious I can never tolerate it. What makes her one of my down-right, least favourite pony is that she refers to herself in the third-person. Normally, I'm ok with having someone refer to themselves in this way, but when you're prefacing your name with "The Great and Powerful" EVERYTIME you go to say your name, it riles me up.

Diamond Tiara and The Flim-Flam brothers are on that list, but they come nowhere close to Trixie.


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I don't really like Princess Celestia. She seems, uptight, stubborn and boring. 

tumblr_mdve663jg01ro2vj6o1_500.gif  :(






Well, i can't really say i dislike any pony... Diamond Tiara may be a bully, but she's not that bad of a character for a show...

I'll just play it safe and say Snips and Snails xP


Thank you MatrixChicken for the Signature!

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@ pyrofirestorm: I... don't get how you can dislike a pony over a (badly written, IMO) fanfic/creepypasta... I mean, I've seen that kind of creepypasta about pretty much all the character, so shouldn't you dislike all the character? huh.png


Anyway. For me, it's nopony. Really, there's nopony (or other characters) that I can say I really dislike. Well... Exept maybe for Angel, but he's not a pony so I can't answer that...

  • Brohoof 1


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