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gaming Creepiest Video Game Soundtrack You've Ever Heard?

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The creepiest just so happens to be one of my favourites and that's the OST from Silent Hill 2.

Most of the tracks are just weird ambiance and strange sounds that have a real impact when you're walking around a huge abandoned prison just waiting for something to jump out and attack you.


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I feel like I am in the minority. Through all my years of gaming I have never heard one piece of creepy game music. I've listened toa  few pieces that people claim to be creepy, but I've found them to be tame. :/


Maybe I am just missing something.

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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Wolfenstein: Spear of Destiny (1993 or 1994) - The soundtrack is great, yet i don't want to say creepy but very mysterious and suspenseful. 

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I found this soundtrack pretty creepy when I was a kid. It didn't help either that I was/am frightened of clowns and this music plays nonstop through the circus level.

Edited by Celtore
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I'd say Metroid Prime, such a good soundtrack. It has some really unnerving tunes 


But sometimes the lack of music is what makes it. The Souls games are an excellent example. Tower of Latria in Demon's Souls, amazing atmosphere, zero music. This boss theme though... ; - ;



Still think Demon's Souls had the best boss themes of the souls games. Much prefer the sombre, dark vibe to the loud orchestrated tunes of the Dark Souls games 

Edited by Jaref



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It's not exactly the most frightening track around, but it's the context and series that it's in that makes it very shocking the first time you hear it. 

Edited by Edwardo_Brony


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Condemned: Criminal Origins has a pretty damn scary ambient OST.


Here's just a mixture of the first level's ambient sound.


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@@A.V., I've merged your topic with an already active one. 


I'm not sure which track it is, but there's mission in Payday 2 that you have to stealth, and occasionally there's a violin that screeches after a bout of silence. I almost shit my pants every time it happens.


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I've never played many scary video games when I was younger, as I was always something of a scaredy-pony. Therefore, I can't say a good lot of video game OST scared me. However, I can name a few games with the occasionally scary soundtrack.


For example, the sword fighting game Soul Blade, one of my childhood favorite video games, had this tune.




The crescendo did not give me sweet dreams, especially in Hwang's ending with those red demonic eyes, wide smile with fangs, and high-pitched laughter. In retrospect, the ending was pretty cheesy, but when I was an impressionable grade schooler, I always tried to lower the volume when it came on. And not to mention this track.




This is the BGM used for final boss Soul Edge's ending. Honestly, the first half never really affected me, even as a child, despite sounding ominous, but the second half, with the haphazardly plucked strings and the brass section really unnerved me. Come to think of it, crescendos and loud noises used to always scare me when I was little. I could think of a couple more scary tunes, but for now, I'm satisfied with my selections.

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