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Have the ponies started showing up in anyones dreams?

Rotary Hum

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Recently every few nights I have had dreams some how relating to ponies. Either being one, being surrounded by all the toys and things. Does anyone else get this? Not that it is a bad thing, Just want to know if it happens to others.

I fart rainbows of unicorn magic with glittery flakes of iron and chrome...

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Well, ever since I created my OC, I've been having dreams where I am my OC, in Equestria and interacting with the numerous ponies in the series, particularly the Mane 6.


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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My dreams are pretty trippy, but I do remember that the show sometimes appears in my dreams. Once or twice, a specific pony appears outside of the show.

Rarity is the best thing in my life.


Where would I be without her? Nowhere I'd like to be, that's for sure.

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Not that I remember at all. I have had some relating to the show; one I remember vaguely, and another I remember having but not exactly what it was about. 

Dovashy makes me think of soap xD.

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Well ponies have stared showing up in my dreams, recently today (i think) i was having a dream that I was in a video game (so mlp right?) and well I was poaying with a couple friends in a first person shooter game and my friand was breaching rules (it was a dream so I was in the game like life basically he was hacking) and we were famouse because people feared us and then i quit because I don't want to be feared. Anywho i was changing, umm idk why but I was asked by applejack "we are family and all the other stalls are full can I come in?" My in dream responce was an upset "fine!" She came in and I was in my underwear gettin my pants on idk why she resembled applejack probably the voice but i never got a good look at her sadly and then I woke up and it's 1 o' clock in the afternoon now that I think about it she could have used the ladies changing room and second, it feels like i was pinkie pie, idk how i knew but apple and someone elce were changing in the stall next to me because in season 4 pinkie pie is now pinkie apple pie (lol) but i acted nothing like pinkie and wasn't a pony... Idk how or why this happened but it did, is there somethig wrong with me? For letting applejack into my changing room? Even tho we were "family"

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Well ponies have stared showing up in my dreams, recently today (i think) i was having a dream that I was in a video game (so mlp right?) and well I was poaying with a couple friends in a first person shooter game and my friand was breaching rules (it was a dream so I was in the game like life basically he was hacking) and we were famouse because people feared us and then i quit because I don't want to be feared. Anywho i was changing, umm idk why but I was asked by applejack "we are family and all the other stalls are full can I come in?" My in dream responce was an upset "fine!" She came in and I was in my underwear gettin my pants on idk why she resembled applejack probably the voice but i never got a good look at her sadly and then I woke up and it's 1 o' clock in the afternoon now that I think about it she could have used the ladies changing room and second, it feels like i was pinkie pie, idk how i knew but apple and someone elce were changing in the stall next to me because in season 4 pinkie pie is now pinkie apple pie (lol) but i acted nothing like pinkie and wasn't a pony... Idk how or why this happened but it did, is there somethig wrong with me? For letting applejack into my changing room? Even tho we were "family"

It's just a dream, I've had some really weird ones too. There is no such thing as having wrong dreams. It is hard to control unless you are very good at lucid dreaming. It takes a lot of patience to learn it and to control dreams.

I fart rainbows of unicorn magic with glittery flakes of iron and chrome...

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I've had pony dreams,some good,some bad,some pink,some sad.  :maud:

sig-27460.i2QLbt3.jpgOatmeal, are you crazy?!


"Silly, you are already under my control."- Pinkie Pie
Signature made by me, because resistance truly is futile, silly.

Currently still undergoing maintenance. Yes, i can do that, im a program, silly.

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Iv'e been a brony for over a year, and only once do i remember the ponies appearing in my dreams. To be accurate, a single pony, and only for a few seconds. A pegasus flying past my room's window - strangely, i didn't find it odd (usually when i dream i don't question the reality of things). She (or maybe it was a he, i can't remember) appeared for a moment, so i didn't get a good look.

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Daydreams yes. Dreams no. Never. Pokémon is a yes but mlp is a big no. I don't control my dreams anyways so whatever.

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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