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Sunny Skies All Day Long
Description: "Princess Celestia tires of constantly being surrounded by decorum, deference, and formality, and decides to take a day off from being Princess. But visiting Ponyville incognito is harder than she expects. Will she be able to fit in and make friends without blowing her cover?"
Thoughts: Very well done, hits all the right notes (especially with Pinkie Pie) including a satisfying conclusion. Kind of a shame it's a one-shot though, it would be delightful to see the story expanded.

Foal's Luck
Description: “Everyone knows that two mares can't have a foal. . . unless their best friend is one of the greatest magical minds in Equestria. Applejack and Rainbow Dash went to Twilight Sparkle with a simple question: Could she make a spell that would allow them to have a foal together? After a year of magical research, Twilight thinks that she's done just that. But the spell is not without potential side effects, and AJ and Dash have to decide if they're ready to be part of a magical experiment that could give them a foal of their own, or cost Applejack her life.”
Thoughts: Comprises of only one chapter so far, hopefully more on the way. It succeeds by taking a very serious look at the decision; expertly laying out how each of the three (AJ, RD, plus Twilight as she's responsible for whatever results) react and think about it and in doing so makes the gravity of the decision palpable. Twilight's explanation about the risks is also impressively detailed. I particularly like the idea of an earth pony being born with the mind of a Pegasus such that he/she feels the need to be in the sky and can never feel at home on the ground. It's similar to being transsexual except it's trans-tribe instead of trans-sex. I'm very interested to see where this story goes. 

The Socks of Wrath
Description: "As you probably know, Princess Celestia is the foremost expert on the subject of friendship. But, when she ends up violating one of her own sacred philosophies, it takes Luna and a very bizarre piece of clothing to show her the light."
Thoughts: True the story is ridiculous and doesn't make a whole lot of sense but it's just fun.



Flor d'Luna Noire

Description: Twilight Sparkle begins a great journey when Luna appears to her with grim news. She must gather the gang and again set out to save all of Equestria and beyond from a return of darkness. Their travels will take them to places none could have imagined, both in the physical realm and within themselves while exploring the depths of immortality and the origins of the world. Twilight must face her inner demons as well as great emotional turmoil as the journey brings about feelings she never thought could exist. Will her forays into the dark places of the world and her own heart break her..?"

Thoughts: At a scant two chapters, this is another incomplete one which will hopefully be updated soon. Now the thing about it is… that description doesn’t make it sound particularly interesting to me. I’m just here for the heavily implied LunaxTwilight shipping, which has been set up in a really impressive way. Note that this has thus far been very slow paced, going into considerable detail. Certainly not a bad thing, it really put me in the hooves of Twilight and Luna, so to speak. While the plot description doesn't immediately grab me, this has proven extremely promising.*


* This fic is dead. Don't waste your time. 

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If you're willing to read something almost as long as the bible, I HIGHLY, HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend Fallout: Equestria. Not only is it fantastic, but it has so many spin-offs that the fallout/pony universe can literally be infinitely entertaining.


Another one that I really enjoyed was The Scootaloo Diaries. Might not be for everybody due to it's highly suggestive and cloppy nature though ;3



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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Any of you who haven't read The Games we play should go out and do it right now



There's been another sighting of the mysterious Mare Do Well...but this time, all of Rainbow Dash's friends plead ignorance, insisting that they've put aside their costumes for good. Rainbow Dash is determined to uncover the masked mare's true identity before she's humiliated yet again, but this time around, the vigilante seems especially interested in her as well. Will Rainbow Dash be able

to solve the mystery before the culprit takes the hoax too far? Or is she in danger of losing not only her mind, but her heart?


It's a romance/mystery story that does a great job at keeping you guessing. One of the best fics I've read.


Also, you should check out Where Your Heart Is



All I'll say about that one is that it's the best romance fic of all time in my humble opinion


And finally Naked Singularity



Twilight writes a romance novel. Somehow it is even more awkward than one would expect. Easily one of the funniest fics out there

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Fixing Up Miss Smarty Pants
Description: "Big Macintosh had a perfectly good reason for taking Twilight's doll; he wanted to use it to finally start a conversation with her. But Applejack's having none of it, Rarity's getting the wrong idea about everything, and the Cutie Mark Crusader Matchmakers are about to really throw a spanner in the works! A comedy of errors launching a full fleet of ships."
Thoughts: A "comedy of errors" doesn't do it justice, I seriously need a flowchart. Misunderstanding after misunderstanding pile up on top of each other until everypony has the wrong idea about everything and trying to keep track of it all makes my head spin. Just in case this needs saying, that's a good thing. Oh, and the author isn't kidding about the "full fleet of ships" part either.

Those Blue Wings
Description: When Twilight's long distance teleportation spell goes wrong RD and AJ are terrified to learn they've exchanged tails and AJ now has RD's wings. While Twilight attempts to find a spell to return the body parts to their rightful owners, the others must attempt to deal with this situation... and with their changing feelings.
Thoughts: This is a story that gets better as it goes along. Do keep that in mind as you read as the first several chapters are, painful as this is to say, kinda amateurish. Exacerbating that is the slow pacing, does this story ever take its time. Real problem though is not the slow pacing- which has worked perfectly fine for many a story- but a general failure to heed the "show, don't tell" maxim. A problem the story never entirely overcomes. But! I'm recommending this story and for good reason. So let's get on to the good, yes? Where it matters, Those Blue Wings gets it right. Everypony is in character and the relationship development rests on a concrete foundation of believable character motivation. Events play out organically, despite the blunt writing, and RD and AJ have well defined arcs. What comes to the story's rescue is, ironically, what initially hindered it: the slow pacing. Where it had elongating the time before the good parts it's turned around such that it better places the reader in the hooves of AJ and RD. Feelings don't change quickly, and personal realizations are often resisted. But here, when they do happen, it's because they were a long time coming. Nothing is forced. Best of all, just as with the rest of the story, the ending takes its time and it's here the richness and splendor of the relationship is in full force. By the time it ends there's no doubt to be had this is a relationship built to last. And that's really damn satisfying.

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Black and White

just make sure that you're in a good mood before you read it, because, holy shit, that story is so depressing! :o

It's wonderful, superbly written, just........damn.....it gets to you.....

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Bloody Bones

Description: "Fluttershy's sent a letter to Rarity: ‘Please come and visit me tomorrow. I don’t know what to do.’

She's found something on the borders of the Everfree. A changeling. But what is she supposed to do with it, now she's brought it into her home?"

Thoughts: Horror, not usually my cut of tea. But well written is well written and this story is horrifying not because it's violent or grotesque; it's far worse, it's plausible.


Arrow 18 Mission Logs & Sparkle's Notes

Description: "The star system Omega Centauri was just another oddity on a map to scientists in the not too distant future. However when they found the star was orbiting an earth-sized, earth-like planet instead of a black hole as its motion had suggested, a mission was scrambled to investigate this most unusual of celestial behaviors. Hamstrung by politics, and nearly crippled before it began, the 'Lone Ranger' mission was reduced to just one crew member and left to his own devices. These are the logs of Arrow 18 and its lone commander. This information is classified TOP SECRET by the Global Space Agency."
Thoughts: You know what's bizarre about this story? In scifi there's "hard scifi" and "soft scifi", the difference being that hard scifi is concerned with scientific accuracy whereas soft scifi plays fast and loose with the rules. Arrow 18 is a story with pastel-colored magical talking horses that reads like hard scifi. No, really. The story is so down-to-earth it honestly makes more sense to classify it as such. What makes the story work, first and foremost, is that the main character is a professional with a real job to do who finds Equestria every bit as bizarre as he should. Human technology, apart from interstellar travel (which is itself a recent invention), is kept plausible. So plausible, in fact, that two hundred years from now they still haven't invented long term storage meals that taste like anything but rehydrated cardboard (much to Randy's- the main character's- dismay). Each log details Randy's progress and show's him acting as- and this can't be stressed enough- the professional he is. To provide an example, after meeting Twilight she wants to experience flight in his space craft. Randy is worried, however, because there are no pony-shaped harnesses to keep her in place. It's unlikely to be dangerous since he's only moving a short distance but he takes the matter into heavy consideration because he's a professional and professionals take safety very, very seriously. Another example would be that he doesn't just eat food from the planet; he runs it through a microbiology lab first. Considerable care is taken to keep this story grounded such that it reads like what would really happen if a human explorer journeyed across the galaxy and found Equestria. I could praise it more, talking about the natural story progression or how awesome it is that Randy and Twilight first learn to communicate through math but I've already got a wall of text and should probably let the matter close.

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Becoming Pinkie Pie



When our dearest apple farmer got mixed with our beloved party animal, shit will hit the fan


Twilight's Last Gleaming



Prank War time! Twilight had a very good trick up her non-existent sleeves, and it involves something that should not be. Nothing could go wrong.




Welp, since nobody recommended anything, I guess I'll do


Diary of a Ruler



Slice of life fanfic about Celly writing a diary. It might not be the most interesting premise, but in a few chapters you couldn't help yourself but to feel actually sorry for her. Being an immortal ruler is not all rainbows and cupcakes.


Equestria in flames



Ponies playing Warhammer40K. If you know your stuff about WH40K, you must read this


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Anthropology by JasonTheHuman



Epic story i only read 16 Chapter but it make start read more FanFic



Naked Singularity by Cold in Gardez (18+)


Twilight try to wright a novel (mature novel), it feel like an episode from the show with the same kind of humor too .




and can anyone recommend big and epic FanFic (Lord of the ring kind of big)

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Past Sins, never read it but I've heard great things about it. Really, the soundtrack is awesome, you can find it here.

I'll most likely start reading it sometime over the next month.


Fallout Equestira: Heroes, another FoE sidefic. One of the largest and best, in my humble opinion.

Also, as I mentioned in my last post here: Rainbow Factory has a sequel. Not got round to reading it yet though.

Edited by Tom

I'd like to thank the MLP Vector Club for the images used in my avatar.

Known as "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza", "Trixie the Great", "Tom" and "Tomzoid the EggDroid".

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can anypony Recommended a fanfic that big and epic

you know to many characters lots of things happen


like Lord of the rings (not the same kind of story but the size )

The biggest fic I've ever heard of is Fallout Equestria. I think it's a post apocalyptic story, with ponies. I haven't read it myself, but I've heard that it is very good and very long so you might try that out if you want something as long as LoTR

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Wow... I just read a GREAT HiE fic called Project:Sunflower. It is a little more than 200000 words and amazing quality in writing. I was very, very pleased after reading it.

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The mind of the host will desperately try to create memories where none exist. Simple right?

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I haven't read many fanfics, but some favorites of mine are Caramel's Light (Shipping), Only Human: A Lyra Heartstrings Production (Comedy), and The Keepers of Discord (Sad)









Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something?

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I have actually never read any fanfics, and I was wondering if ya'll could just basically link me a whole bunch of your favorites.


This is long:





I Forgot I Was There



Everything by Somberpony


Note: I haven't read Peril's of the Past so by "everything" I mean everything but that.


Royal Pains




Mistakes of the Past



Number One Fan



The Daily Show with Ponies



Arrow 18 Mission Logs



Cry for Eternity



The Socks of Wrath



Sunny Skies All Day Long








Fell Into the Right Hooves



Fluttering Heart & Chasing Rainbows





Applecores and Rainbows



A Dash of Apple



Foal's Luck



Those Blue Wings



Mood Wings


Note: This has Appledash in it but it's largely about Twilight.



Thread by Thread




Last Night at Pinkie Pie’s




When It Rains



Various Ships

Fixing Up Miss Smarty Pants





Look back over my old posts in this thread for more information about these.

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I have some.

First I'd like to recommend Trinary's Dashverse, it is a series of fics exploring the question of what would have happened if Rainbow Dash were Celestia's student instead of Twilight. They are entertaining and well written. Right now there are three, chronologically Rainbooms and Royalty comes first, followed by May the Best Friends Win, and then Hot Heads, Cold Hearts and Nerves of Steel. A must for any Dash fan and extremely good even if you aren't.






Also, unrelated, is Six Brides for Two Sisters. Essentially Luna after the events of Luna Eclipsed decides to thank the Mane 6 for helping her bond with her people by marrying them. Twilight also is engaged to Celestia due to a misunderstanding. Watch as the randomness unfolds, and it is somehow even funnier than you would expect. Enjoy


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Not sure if Memory Pending has been stated in here at all, but it's definitely at the top of my list: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/6859/memory-pending


Kiroberos was easily able to make me emotionally attached to the main protagonist, and his writing is amazing, you should check it out ^^


Another that shares the top would have to be Valorousspectre's Phobia series. He's in the process of rewriting all of them, and has a few done, but hasn't quite finished the first one. Everyone should keep an eye on him for when he's got them finished: http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Valorousspectre


And then, because I can't mention fanfics without mentioning it, I'll have to recommend Kkat's Fallout: Equestria, though it's not really for everyone out there. It's a bit gory some place, and some parts can get quite dark. If you don't mind those, give it a look. It's long, but worth it


/can't remember if he's posted any of those in here or not >.<

Crackle is best dragon - Rarity is best Marshmallow

Scootaloo is best chicken - Sweetie Belle is best Dictionary

Fluttershy is best tree - Twilight is best Minigun

Rainbow Dash is best turnip bucket - Spike is best Rainbow Dash

All ponies are best pony.

Especially Fluttershy.

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