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Blitz Boom

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Nerzhei rose an eyebrow over what she heard.


"Blood delivered from the hospital? Do you mean like... What was it called again?"


She grabbed into her bag and pulled out one of the smaller books and started to flip through it, though kept her eyes between both that and the pony, prepared to grab hold of her if she tried to run off. From the looks of things, it seemed to be a medical book with a few years or so to it, whic h meant it didn't have up to date information, but as she let her fingers flip and search through, she would eventually stop and run a claw gently down the page.


"Blood bags. I thought it were something more impressive sounding, but is it something like this you mean?"


The book was flipped, and amongst the medical jargon were a sketch of a blood bag that... Well, it were frankly out of date on many levels. That kind were not used for at least five years because it were prone to break, and the new ones were far better at keeping potential infections out too, which had once been a problem now and again. Still, the form would fit well enough for the concept to be the same. Nerzhei had just never thought much of it as she frankly found this too flawed to be something that would work. A view which were furthered by the fact that... Well, dragons weren't as far along technologically as ponies, to put it gently, so how far science could actually take things were still unknown to her.


She did see something else though as she took a closer glance on the pony this time. How she seemed more jittery, looking around panicky... Could be it were simply her looking to get away, but... Yes, this would be a good time to test the validity of her words more, and learn something new in the process too.


Her left arm were lifted, out of reach of the pony - just in case she'd bite or something like that - and with a switch movement, Nerzhei used one claw to cut a small hole in her palm, then formed it into a fist and let a few drops flow down towards Blood. Depending on the reaction, she'd squeeze her hand and let more flow, or stop, but it depended on how the experiment went.


It wasn't exactly a normal response to things, but sometimes you had to give a little of yourself to learn. This were just more literally than usual.







Florence let out a deep, shaky sigh of relief as Zen had agreed to things. It'd still be somewhat hard to explain things right, but at least she were willing to come along, so the first step had been taken. The rest usually went easier afterwards.


"O-Okay. There's something I need to tell you before we get there though. The uhm... Thing that weighs me down, I guess you can say?


Some time ago, I lived in a griffin town far from Griffinstone with my mum and my uncle. My dad left us when I was very little and he had pretty much helped mum raise me since, when he had the chance to at least.


A-Anyway, my uncle he were... Well, a hero. He saved the town and those in it many times, and most liked him. Got him a lot of damaged, like how he lost his right front leg, but he always kept a smile on his beak and went on. U-Until the day when I, and my class, were taken hostages. We got put in a room with a big bomb as a threat, whilst they started to make of with a rich kid for ransom reasons. My uncle.... He did what he could, but the only thing he could in the end were to take the bomb and fly off. We saw him get into a warehouse near before the explosion t-that..."


Tears started to flow down her face, but she kept walking through the corridors regardless, though it took her a little to find her voice again.


"T-They only managed to find his fake leg later. The rest were... A-All to save us...


He saved all but one of us. The rich one, he were taken away before he had the chance to do something... The kid came back, but his parents.... Those infernal beasts!"


She scratched the floor briefly as the feeling of wanting to strangle them came to her mind again, though the anger deflated quickly after, which would be easy to hear in her voice.


"They didn't care that he had saved two dozen of us, just that he hadn't gotten one spoiled brat away, so they started to ruin his name. Calling him useless, a false hero, everyone... E-Everyone started to mock his memory. It almost... I-it almost broke me and mum. We had to run from town to get away from it. From everything, so we settled in Manehatten."


The memories of the endless taunting, those who he had helped screaming in her face that he were nothing but a monster... How close hadn't it gotten her to the brink before? If they hadn't run, would she have even lasted another week? Would her mum?


"That was 10 years ago, but mum and I still have to suffer under this. Sometimes from travelers who remember that looks down upon us, other times, just from the memories of h-him. He were more than our hero, he were e-everything, and both his loss and them... Mum is still a wreck some days because of this, even when nobody seeks her out.


I left to get some distance for a little. Try to go out and live a little again, so I went to Equestria a week ago, where I got caught by a cult. I wasn't the only one either. many beings came, got taken by them and... They did s-something to them. Their heads. They became like..: Drones.


A guard came around with others three days ago. They broke in, and they freed me and others, then the cultists just... F-Fell down. I didn't understand, still don't either, but then out of the d-door..."


As she mentioned a door, her trip lead her to one where she stopped at. A The sign on the door proclaimed this to be part of the intensive care department of the hospital, but no name or anything of the patient in there were on the door, even if this were a room with only one being inside for the time being.


She didn't say anymore before she opened the door slowly and walked in, slowly giving room for Zen to enter and look over towards the opposing wall of the small'ish room. Which only seemed smaller by the imposingly big, red and black griffin that were currently taking enough place so that they had to put the two beds in the room together to make sure he could lay there propably.


He had several drops in his legs, were on his back and his wings were wrapped there with gaze, likely to make sure that they didn't get in the way. His left front leg, along with the bottoms two ones, were all chained to hooks in the floor that were usually used to keep some other things locked in place, which seemed like an excessive security methods to use on the spread out griffon, but you could say the same thing about the locked, hardened-glass case in the other side of the room that contained a large metal leg and talon in a pretty intricate construction. It had joints and such like a regular leg for a griffon, and considering the size, and how the griffon in the room were missing all but a little stump that ended just over where his elbow would have been, the owner were clear too.


A few other things might also became clear by the missing leg though, that might make Zen realize what this were about before Florence even found her voice again.


"He were bleeding. D-Dying, But... H-He..."


The tears streamed from her face as she looked at the large griffon once more.


"T-Ten years. For ten y-years we were told he... I want to know. I don't understand b-but I want to. I want to know where he were. W-Why he didn't... Why d-didn't he find us?"


Her head fell on the large chest of her comatose uncle, and a light sobbing could be heard escaping her beak, along with a somewhat muffled voice that wasn't entirely clear, but the words *abandoned* and *please* were heard.







The other pony widened his eyes when he heard what Deadpan had to say.


"Your girlfriend? I'm... I'm sorry to hear that dude."


He looked like he wanted to come over and give a condolence hug over this, but the weird way Deadpan acted when he had talked about this horrible thing, and the fact that strangers in pain sometimes got angry easy, and would take it out on some stranger who got a little too close to their frail personal space, kept him back for now.


"Are you sure though? I mean, I asked when I got here, and nopony have talked about anypony dying here. They said some had to get to the hospital real quickly, but that everypony seemed they'd make it. Have you checked for her there?"


Granted, this could also earn him a kicking, and if it did, he'd take it like a stallion and accept the consequences of a potentially stupid question, but still, he felt like he had to ask, just in case this pony were a bit too shaken up to have thought on it.







Chow met her eyes after she had said the last bit with narrowed eyes and a competitive glimmer in his eyes.


"What, and let you get back-pains from trying to be a smartflank? How about you stick to the magic and you let the grown up do the pulling kiddo?"


There were a taunting voice in there, but she had technically issued a challenge to him right there as far as he were concerned. Likely not the last time he'd hear this sort of thing, and he'd take it, but where he were from it was a feather for a feather, so if she challenged his strength, he'd have the right to answer back in turn. Just 'cause he'd listen to things didn't mean he had to take it sitting down after all.


So when they got out to the wagon, he'd strap himself in real quickly, both because it would only be around a minute until they'd get busy now, and because he wouldn't give Astral the chance to give it a go in any sort of way. Call it pride all you wanted to, but dang it, couldn't you have a little pride at times too?


"You best hurry with the spell by the way, unless you want all of Canterlot to find out you're hiding some dark stuff in this here wagon, alright?"







Stargazer nodded along as he took in what were being said. It wasn't much, but the more he knew the better. Especially when it were with a bunch that had the know-how to make stuff like this ship.


"I believe that Princess Celestia will be well in mind to thank you for your efforts, and give you the appreciation of the crown you speak of. She is currently meeting with the authorities of Ponyville, no doubt to make plans on how to proceed from here, but if you want, I could talk to her on your behalf when she is done, and perhaps arrange that you meet at a neutral place? You would of course also all be welcome in town and wait for her there yourselves, provided you don't try and push past the Solar Guards and don't leave your impressive craft over town with weapons aiming towards the last of Ponyville. It is nothing against you, or your crew of course, it is simply for security reasons, and to avoid panic. The citizens are understandably a little tense for the time being."


Stargazer showed them nothing but respect for the time being, so he hoped that they understood that what he said were simply in an official manner when it came to the security, if they took the suggestion that they could come to town and meet with the princess there. He would think this the better idea, but it would be up to them in the end of course, just as it would when it came to the notion of security he mentioned, which might not fall in the best grounds considering this craft itself might be their protection.







"Might be something with this strange thing he does. Meditation I think he called it? Seemed to calm him at times.


And I don't know if you did the right thing Lin. It makes sense why you would I think, but were it too much? I don't know anger enough to be sure."


She would have added that she didn't see a reason to blame Lin, but with the inconclusive data she had, she actually could pin some blame on Lin if it were, and if she started speaking on that, she would have said. She didn't lie after all, but in cases like this, she could just not mention it. That seemed to work thus far with the two of them at times, so no reason to think otherwise about it right now as far as she were concerned.


The movement of the younger longma that had gotten nearer didn't catch Omen's attention right away because she were thinking on this, but as the drake pushed his head out through her mane and looked at them, she felt his claws bore into her head and began looking around at what might have caught his attention - that much she had understood of its behavior. Or at least, this is what made sense to her - which eventually led her to face the children.


She tilted her head from side to side, not sure what she were supposed to do now as she were used to others getting kids away from her, not any of them getting anywhere near her, but eventually, he decided on trying what she did with others, and projected a simple "Hello?" out. They'd see what would happen from there on then.







It took a few minutes more before Ziggy rose her muzzle from the journal to stretch a bit, at which point she finally noticed the awake Serenade and beamed at her with a big smile.


"Oh cool, you're awake. Slept well? No bad nightmares or something like that, right? I know of a few things that can help on that if it is that doesn't seem to go against anything I've read up so far. Zebra remedy that is, usual medicine I haven't gotten to yet."


How in the worlds she kept so full of energy was a mystery to the ages, but again, so were her increased size, as what she had been through were considered a bit of a puzzle for the doctors back in Las Pegasus. They had managed to find a cre for it, and they claimed the increased energy is from the chemical imbalance that started this to begin with that supercharged her more than a usual bit of sleep would do to somepony, but the imbalance itself and how it lead to the energy, they hadn't the faintest idea about. Heck, they still claimed what they had done to fix her had been little more than a speculative guess based on studies of other races and some spell-books, and they were doctors! Not usual that one of them admitted they hadn't a clue when they got something right.







The work went along simple. Gordan would read the signs, she would check them off if the right amount were in, and in case it were in crates, they had to pop the lid off and have a glance. Usually this were done with Rarity's magic as she went on and on about pretty undane things about town, her boutique etc. At the lack of having one of her usual friends to speak with, Gordan had to do after all, though she kept personal stuff to herself. A mare needed to have her secrets.


Around halfway, some commotion were heard over from where Rarity had been when Gordan had first arrived, and she let out a large, theatrical sigh.


"And here I believe them to be able to handle things on their own. You just continue with this for a bit longer while I fix that, yes? It isn't much more that needs to be done before we can think of something else to focus on. Dreadfully busy day."


She didn't even wait before she went off to handle things over where Big Mac and another pony had gotten confused on who took what all of a sudden. Wouldn't take more than about... Three minutes to get this sorted, but it would give Gordan a time to breathe if it were, unless he just kept on with the checks. Which wouldn't be easy as Rarity had taken the list with her.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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"Don't need to. I developed a spell that could sense her heartbeat and, when I tried using it, I got nothin'. So either the spell ain't workin', she's really good at playin' dead, or she really is dead and they just haven't found her body." Deadpan sighed, "It was our anniversary, too."




As Florence went on and on, Zen frowned more and more. She truly felt bad for the poor griffin. Nobody deserved something like that. Then as she saw Florence crying over her uncle's body, she walked over and wrapped her in a comforting hug, not unlike what Florence did for her. She let out a calming, "Shhh, it's okay...He's here now."

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@@Blitz Boom,



Blood Drops blinked at her, "yep, that's it. We use them, I used to deliver them as well" she remarked blinking. She blinked while the dragon read the book. Her ears continued to twitch while she waited. She wanted to edge away and hide somewhere before taking another dose. She glanced at the dragon as she finished reading, maybe she would let her go now, she wasn't a murderer after all, as long as she didn't get provoked or tempted anyway.


Blood Droops "wait" she wailed as she dragon went and cut herself, she blinked as she smelt the dragons blood. it was indeed much more potent then normal pony blood, and far more tempting. She twitched her ears several times before giving into her zombie instinct. She started jumping up trying to lick the blood from the dragons arm, she eventually got her tongue on a couple of drops and stopped jumping, she blinked confused.


"why you staring at me?" she asked with a frown.






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Krystal eyed the small creature for a few seconds. His head tilted sideways. He liked critters of all kinds. He giggled a little bit and smiled. As he smiled his fangs slipped out a little bit. They weren't very big, they actually looked kind of cute.


Krystal nodded as he heard the question. The jelly was delicious. The best he had ever had. If he could he put it in a jar and take some home, but he couldn't carry things efficiently, nor did he have a home. But that was fine. He liked the outdoors and enjoyed sleeping under the stars.


As he nodded he felt like something was off. He reached up and felt around his head. Oh no he thought. "Have you seen a tiara? It's golden yellow with a purple gem." He asked somewhat hastily.

Edited by Krystalalchemist
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@@Blitz Boom, Serenade nods at the first question, shakes her head at the second one. The antennae  wave back and forth as she does so. Serenade tries to give Ziggy a smile, keeping her lips together to not show the row of teeth, before stomping a forehoof to get her attention. She then forces two words out, in Equestrian. "....Doctor.....examine?....". 

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@@Blitz Boom
"I believe I am supposed to find that unfortunate, however, under my own circumstances, I find that perfectly acceptable."
"Zeta, you can stop now.  I think you've given away enough information."
The stallion rolled his eyes.  "I understand, 'Alpha', though we are speaking to a street urchin.  Do you honestly believe she is of any risk to us?"
"Zoi-...Zeta, I am not in the best state of mind to argue this right now."  The pink mare took in another deep breath and locked eyes with the filly.  "I'm fine, but you wouldn't happen to know where I could find a bed and breakfast around here?  Preferably a house, but if you just know hostels or hotels, those will work too, though I'd prefer the option I mentioned first."

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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@@Blitz Boom, Astral tried to get a hold of the wagon, she knew her strength, the way Chow reacted to that made her even more confident that she could carry the wagon. "I'm not a kid! I'm 16!" She said grumpily, her voice cracking coincidentally, she blushed. "I thought I got through my voice cracking." She mumbled before climbing onto the wagon. Gathering a stack of the magic books, both dark magic and normal. "Invisibilia enim duo horas manent." She mumbled quietly, both because it volume wasn't determinant of whether it worked or not, and because she didn't want any possible nearby ponies to hear. The books disappeared completely whilst they were inside a backpack, Astral made sure this was the case so she knew where they were. "There, now nopony can see them for about two hours. Hopefully they don't spend too much time searching us." She put the backpack on as she spoke, jumping down from the wagon. The backpack didn't look filled with either, since the books volume was made invisible by the spell as well. But Astral could feel the weight, which wasn't anything to her, felt like she was carry a feather, but she was cheating by secretly levitating the backpack to suspend a large portion of the weight from her. "Are you sure you can continue carrying that wagon to the house? Wherever it is." Astral commented, knowing the wagon was still the same weight, minus the books which were heavy as well, Chow might have gotten his rest on the train, but she was still just asking.


Misty looked at Astral, who must've been holding an entire library- shelf -'s worth of books in the backpack. "Are you sure you'd make it though?" Misty pointed out, she hadn't seen how much Astral could carry, neither had Astral.


She looked to Misty. "I'm fine, the books aren't that heavy." there was a 'Are you sure' glance that Misty gave Astral without words, Astral easily understanding the meaning of Misty's current expression. "They aren't that heavy." She said in a tense tone of anger, could make Chow think it wasn't that way, But Misty expressed her surprise of Astral's tone.


"Okay, okay." Her tone showed that she was actually worried, Astral had a bad side, and she didn't ever want to see it. "I believe you."


Astral smirked. "Thanks." She turned to look ahead, curious, she stopped casting the levitation spell. Without the context of knowing that she was casting one, which Chow and Misty didn't have, Astral just fell over from being to tired or exhausted, when it was only the sheer weight of the backpack. "AGH!" Luckily she was still on the train, and hadn't budged much.


Misty ran over, not having to traverse much of a distance. "Are you okay?! Did you use up your lifeforce again?!"


She pulled off the backpack. "I was using a levitation spell to help with carrying the books... I wondered what would happen if I stopped using it." She explained, standing up, leaving the backpack on the floor. Said backpack glowed a bright red as it floated onto the wagon, Astral didn't flinch at all and seemed to levitate it with ease. "I supposed I would've done the same with the wagon too actually." She suggested, she knew herself well. She turned to Chow. "So I suppose you spared me from my awkward struggle to carry the wagon, when I evidently would've turned off the levitation spell." She shrugged. "But that didn't happen. So, yeah let's just make this stuff move for now." Astral moved ahead, using minor levitation to start combing her hair, without a brush. She managed to do this before she stepped out of the train. She breathed in the air outside, the whole of Canterlot easily in her view.


"Wow." Both Misty and Astral spoke.


"Okay, So I really haven't seen it this close, not even in pictures!" Astral ran away, acting like a kid again, running around and discovering new things. Misty did as well. The two showing how right Chow was towards thinking they were 'kiddos'. "They sell books here!" She said pointing to a library. "I wonder if they sell the Sherclop Pones book series here." Astral wandered in the library.


Misty looked to Astral, then ran over into the library. And there they went, out of sight rather quickly, hopefully Chow could find them. "Astral!" And hopefully, Misty could find Astral, in her favorite location and the one Astral gets lost in the most; a library.

Edited by Lloyd
  • Brohoof 1

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Blitz Boom


"H-Hello." One of them spoke in reply. She was a young longma, about half of Lin's height. The other two with her boys roughly about her age. "We saw you two when you first came here and my brothers wanted to see if you were what the older longma said you were."

"Yeah. They said you were found outside the village and you wanted to steal from us, or something." One of the brothers interjected but before he could say any more, they found themselves silenced again by the sounds of their other friends calling out to them. All three ignored that and stayed behind to confirm or disprove what they were told. 

The other brother spoke and followed up quickly with: "We were told many things but most of them don't add up. You don't seem bad at all, unless the elder is keeping an eye on you."

It was an honest and keen assessment for young longma. Most don't seem too interested in the world outside of their village but to see and hear how all three didn't come to conclusions so easily says something about how elder Ghilan was already making an effort to change the way longma thought about the world outside. Lin was impressed though somewhat disappointed she wasn't the one the young ones first approached. Omen was completely new to them; it was just about right that they were fixated and curious with her.

"So...," the young female longma began. "What brings you two here? And are there more of you?" 

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@@Hazard Time,


"My life's usually pretty fun. And I'm not a street urchin. I live in the Everfree Forest. I just needed to see if could find some springs. So many things they can be used to."


These two ponies were all sorts of weird, but... Still friends? The mare had called her a street urchin, but she wasn't *yelling at her* mad anymore, so it was going better. And it wasn't like she had told them that she lived somewhere, so guessing she were living on the streets were fair enough really. So yeah, they could be her new, weird friends, and you helped your friends, though it wasn't easy with what the mare asked.


"I don't think it's easy to find something in Ponyville, sorry. Something big and bad apparently attacked yesterday, and it destroyed a bunch of houses, so there's less place. Used to be an abandoned one at the edge of town, but I saw somepony there ealier, and the inns looked full, so..."


Blitz tapped her head for a while with her hoof, trying to think of some way to help, but it wasn't easy since the places in town were all taken, and she didn't have enough room where she lived to offer space - it was literally a rundown shed next to her workshop - so that wouldn't work either...


"...Oh! I know! Ther- Woah!"


The excitement over actually having an idea made her jump a little in place, which wasn't good as she were still in the container on pretty shaky grounds, so she had tumbled backwards, and from the sound that came from underneath the lid that had slammed down when she wasn't there to keep it open anymore, she were making a ruckus in there.


It would be about a minute with noise inside the container before she popped out of there again, now smeared in soot here and there, along with a pipe of some kind leaning up against her. She didn't seem to mind much though, as she kept looking excited at the two ponies rather than focus on how she looked lik she had rolled through a mechanics shop.


"In the forest. I walked past a house before where there's nopony. No idea how it looks inside, but it looked pretty abandoned. Might work? I can help if there's big bad things there. The funny wood puppies usually are the worst out there, and they don't wanna stay and play with me anymore. Keeps running away when they see me."







The resulting *Eeeek* sound from Ziggy at the notion that she could do an examination of her own on the siren made Fah'lina slowly wake up and look down on the noisy pony with narrowed eyes. She hadn't gotten much sleep yet, and she got cranky when she were woken up prematurely. Especially when it were from an overly happy sound like this.


She glanced down on the zegasus that went quickly over to the big predator that had let down her guise again, rambling on about how this would be fun and how she'd wanted to ask about if she could do this for a bit, but not wanting to be rude, and so on. The  flying candy cane really talked too much sometimes, and if the mimic had access to an acorn or something akin right now, she'd throw it at her to try and make her be quiet again. Or at least tone it down so that her big ears didn't catch all of it like this.


She didn't have that right now though, and though she were tempted to, she didn't want to fly down and bite her right now.She were tired, and she wanted to sleep.


So instead, Fah'lina left the two of them to the examination they had going - which currently looked like to be checking Serenade's ears, teeth, eyes and so forth north of the neck - turned to the side, put her paws in her ears, and with a grumble tried to get back to sleep again.







It wouldn't be long before Rarity returned, eyes rolling and looking slightly displeased with what had happened back there.


"Now that that is taken care of, let's get this done. The quicker we are done with this the better, as it sounded like something more would arrive soon. More work for those who are already rushing along as fast as they can."


She didn't sound too happy about this, but it wasn't anger or something that entered her voice. Rarity wanted the town remade as quickly and effectively as possible just as much as the next pony, but what this *Last Stand* mare put off as efficient were hard work without too much fun for those who did it. Why, even Pinkie had gotten a sneer once as she tried to stop the work to hold a party break, about an hour ago when the forepony had stumbled over her exclaiming it.


Granted, those things could take hours, and considering how fast the clock tower had come back up again, along with how fast the other houses around it started to get rebuilt up now, she couldn't argue that the results weren't there either, but still, this way of doing things wasn't something for citizens. It was more militaristic, though she could hardly think that somepony like that would be allowed in the guards. Much to rough to fit those mares and stallions allowed in Canterlot.


"In any case, how far have you gotten?"







As Blood had noticed, Nerzhei had kept her eyes fixated on the pony as she started to jump up to catch some of the falling drops. It seemed almost... Animalistic, if you could put it like that, combined with the desperation that she had seen in only few who had been cut off from their things. Like a child whose security blanket were about to be taken away, or a bone slowly being reached down towards a hungry dog who hadn't the patience.


"I have read much about ponies before, but what I see here have never grazed any of my books. A craving, or perhaps direct need for blood, that seems to cut off your higher brain functions when it is presented. Or at least, until you have gotten some of it. Very peculiar."


The dragoness took a hand inside her robe and rummaged around a little - without breaking eye contact - before pulling out a vial with a tiny stone in it. A local sample she had taken, but she had seen far more of this where it came from, so she could get more eventually. Yet, right now this vial could give her information that couldn't wait, so she emptied it of the small stone and held it to her hand, certain that this pony would know what she were doing.


The wound didn't bleed more unless she put pressure on it, and as she squeezed her hand hard, the drops fell rapidly again, directly from her fist and into the vial until the scarlet liquid nearly filled it, then eased her hand and put the cork on top, sealing it once more.


"I'm not going to call the guards on you. However, I'm curious now, and it seems like you want this, yes?"


She swirled the vial slowly in her hand, keeping it safely away from the pony, though still making sure she could see it.


"A half pint for your story? It is without risks, as as you said, who would believe me if I told them anything? It will simply be between us, if you want this that is."


This pint should work for... Considering two drops seemed to do it before, and the space in the vial... About 30-40 applications likely. Potentially more, counting for calculation errors. She usually didn't measure how much could be in these vials so it were hard to say at times, though it should still be enough to make the pony interested. It was the plan at least, but if this didn't work, she could still find another usage for this. Dragon blood were used for certain potions, and this town might have a zebra, or other being who enjoyed making things such as that.







Chow were getting a good laugh as the two of them were taking off, acting pretty much s he had expected out of 'em. Or well, Misty did, he had figured Astral had been a bit different, but there's the kicker, eh?


Frankly, much as he had called Astral out for being a kid, he had figured that she were still around 20 or so, perhaps a years downwards if it came to it, but hearing that the lil' one were actually just 16 had made him give a quip about how since he were 23, that meant he were the older and wiser of 'em, and they should just listen to him. Nothing seriously said of course, but it had seemed too good an opportunity to miss out on.


Seemed like he had gone away from what he were actually thinking about though. What were it again... Oh right, Astral being 16. Short of it were just that he had figured she were older in it, but considering what it actually were, her way of acting in Canterlot wasn't too unexpected. Nothing more to it than that, though to be fair, not only kids acted out in the big city. Usually first timers were like that unless they were there on serious business.


Speaking serious business, there came another reason why he wanted to carry the wagon: The guards were approaching him to have a look around and hear out what brought him here. Standard stuff that he could answer without a bother, and considering they had seen he came with a zebra, they weren't surprised about some of the stuff they could actually see in there, which was a weight of his shoulders. They did mention not to settle them in the middle of town because of the smells, but that wasn't the idea either, so no issue there. Besides, it gave him a chance to ask about where they'd suggest, which gave him some idea where to go for after the guards had left.


With that out of the way came the hard part now: Finding out where the two of 'em had run off to. He knew they had gone into the library, that hadn't missed him, but the Canterlot library had some size to it, so that were potentially gonna be a bother. Though, long as it took less than a half hour it should be fine, which were how long he could park the wagon outside before it potentially got towed.


So, after parking up, he went inside and started to look around, seeing if he could find the hyperactive kid, or the older young one. Either of 'em would be a good place to start.







Jelly were practically jumping in place from joy when she were told the jelly were good. She figured it were, granted, but having others say it were good - or nod to the question if it were, like he had done - were a nice feeling. Though that stopped a little as Krystal started to ask about a tiara of all things, which made her look around for a bit, including inside the cloud, just in case he had somehow gotten it dropped through the smallish hole anyway.


"Uhm, i can't see it right now. But I'll help you look around for it. Mommy and daddy always say that if you can, you should help others, no matter who or what they are, and I'm gonna. I swear."







The outsider pony looked at Deadpan like he were gazing upon the saddest kid of the bunch that could use a good ol' hug, but it just felt like whatever he'd be able to do right now wouldn't be enough if his marefriend were really gone.


"Awh dude... I'm so sorry to hear that. I can't imagine what it must be like to have to go through something like that, and especially not on your anniversary... Bloody hay."


Sure, there were the chance that he were wring and that fancy spell of his had messed up, but even if that were, he were certain right now, so the emotional hell would be all too real regardless, which he couldn't imagine were good. He hadn't lost anypony in his life before, so he hadn't the faintest on how it would feel, but he could imagine it would make the feeling of a knife in your chest seem like nothing.







Florence's right talon clutched her uncle's feather before she raised her head and looked at Zen with a mixture of grief, confusion and slight anger.


"You don't understand. This is my uncle, I know it, but it isn't. His feathers are dyed, those who had seen him before claimed he always looked angry, and he told them all his name was Giddon. His name is Pyhrus, but he does all of this to hide? Why? Why have he done that, when we were out there, thinking he were dead? There's no... I-It doesn't make sense, and the only one who can tell what it all means is him..."


She glared down on the sleeping griffon who looked almost peaceful in his rest, but still slightly pained, as if something haunted him currently.


"We've been here for three days now, and there's still no sign of him waking up.yet. It's like... Wha-?"


Florence had plucked a feather from her uncle to show Zen, so that she could see the persistent, but unmistakable dye that were present uop close, when she had seen the edge of something down at his wing that she hadn't taken notice of before and leaned down to have a look. She couldn't really see what it were, but... It seemed to be something with a handle and nine robes or old leather stuck to it that went further down and... Wait, were this wrapped around his wings too?


If Zen came closer to have a better look, she'd likely be able to see that said handle were also inscribed with red runes on the handle, and if the lashes themselves would be checked, she'd be able to see that it were actually old leather with bones embedded into it here and there. At least on the parts that were visible right now.


Depending on what sort of training they went through in her monastery too, she might be able to also feel that there were something wrong with this thing, energy-wise, but that sort wasn't for all, so might not meant anything.







"We aren't here to take anything. We were asked to come."


It sounded strange to Omen that there had been any sort of notion that they were there to steal something. Hadn't most been looking when they had come in with the guards? If they had, everypony should have seen they couldn't have come here to nick stuff, as nothing were outside the village that had seemed to be good for anything, and the amount of guards didn't make sense if they had just been stumbled upon.


But, they were children, from all that it seemed, so perhaps they just didn't understand that? Or well, they could be dwarfs of some kind, but sounded like children, so for now she'd think of them as that.


"And yes, there are more of us. Many siblings, more than I can count to, but all different. All different, like us."


Omen wandered a little closer to Lin, to give more of a perspective between the very different shapes of them. Granted, it were complicated as to why Lin looked the way she did, but it seemed like the thing to do, unless you included Omen opening a gate to show, but they would likely run from that. Not everypony took well to seeing that sort of thing.


"You are... Siblings?"







The sudden look of horror that went over Clayton's face from seeing the construction alone should answer the question asked by Draco, even before the businesspony started talking.


"B-By Celestia, no! If I ever had to even attempt, I would end up shedding all hair on my person from pure fear. Being flung through the air like that, without any wings... It would be a suicidal action for an earth pony, such as myself to go through. ust think of the impact."


Truth be told though, the sheer terror from being flung through the air would end up killing him long before the impact would, after overloading his body with more stress than he had likely ever felt in his life, It was a short way from there to a heart attack, and he would rather not end his existence like that. Especially not when he had barely rounded his 22nd year. It were much too early for him to leave this world.


"Y-You're not claiming that you fling yourself using this thing, surely? It's just a joke... RIght?"


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

"All the time," Draco said as he looked the pony with a grin on his face. "If I had to guess your the type of pony who worries about everything?" Draco asked with abit of a chuckle. He was currently prepping his his launch. Draco looked at his client and said "In reality yes, Yes I do used this to make my more speedy deliveries," Draco explained. "True you are an earth pony but that doesn't mean you can't wear a parachute,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Blitz Boom, Serenade's ears swivel, and giving Ziggy a toothy grin put one of her forehooves up against the wordy zegasus's muzzle. She then points to her own ears, then to Fah'lina's gumbling spot. "big ears sound sen...sen...sensitive" Each word is forced out, and she stumbles with the last word, before grumbling. The shape of her mouth made speaking Equestrian difficult. 

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"I-I apologize...I was only trying to help." Zen looked at the ground, then suddenly her face turned into one of confusion.


"There is something wrong with his energy...it feels...off."




"....Lily Petals." Deadpan blurted out. He figured the other pony should know her name. Just in case he didn't catch it he repeated, "Her name is-....was Lily Petals."

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"Should we uhm... Should we follow him?"
Cresent looked at zeccora "what did you say to him?"


"aware of his suroundings now, following him would be advised he is in this world with new eyes"


Cresent blinked a bit trying work out what she just said..."what?"


"follow him so he wont get himself hurt again"


Knowing the tone that was just droped he nodded at the youngster "lets find out friend, something tells me things wont go well without him helping us" he said opening the door his ears twithing looking for the feline.


Shouldn't be too hard as he was the only 3 eyes cat the vampony knew of which is easy to find...hopfully. He looked back at cover up "im good with tracking come on i'll show you some tricks" he set off to find his feline friend.

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@@Blitz Boom, Astral wandered the library a good while, staying in the fiction ile, which was large in of itself. Misty had difficulty figuring out where that was. While Astral figured it out rather quickly. "Oh they do!" She reached to grab it, giving it a good gloss over. "And Shadow Spade!?" She started to wonder if Chow had  a library card for here. Wanting to find out, she headed to the entrance, struggling to find it. Then imideatly entranced by a section she hadn't looked much into when it came to Canterlot; "History!" Getting herself even more lost.


Misty on the other hoof had realized that staying by Chow was a good idea rather quickly, so she returned back to the entrance before she got very far into the library. making sure she was able to be spotted by Chow rather easily by sitting down on a available chair that was close to the entrance, waiting until Chow found her. Probably wouldn't take too long, especially if Chow hadn't traversed much of the library before Misty returned to the entrance. She hummed the MLP:Fim theme while waiting for Chow to arrive.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Blitz Boom


The three were now very much enamored with what is like outside, their sheltered lives only leave them more curious than ever. If Sen were present, he would have turned the discussion into a storytelling session and maybe all of the village's young children would come and sit with him as they listened and learned about the outside world. He isn't, but the young longma didn't complain about a lack of stories. The young brothers were very much interested in getting a feel of what another was like, now turning their looks at Lin and noticing her appearance, one similar to them but still having a degree of difference. 

"We three are siblings; those two with your friend over there are my brothers. So, do all of you look the same?" The young female longma asked Omen, now more comfortable in the presence of the newly arrived strangers. "Your friend over there doesn't look a lot like you. Is that what you mean by being different from the rest of your kind?"

Unbeknownst to the group, the elder decided to take a peek and noted how they were getting along. He felt a little fuzzy inside knowing that he might have found a way to make good on his vision for the village. He quietly returned to his questioning shortly after. Sen, likewise, was just on his way back and after seeing the same thing the elder saw, felt the same way he did.

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@@Blitz Boom,



Blood Drops blinked at the vial, she wanted it. She gave it a quick sniff making sure it wasn't fake. it wasn't, she blinked and smiled "Sure that for my story. But you got to promise to give it to me" she remarked, this would help with her blood stock anyway, she sat  down still watching the dragon, she flicked her mane,  "Lets see, well before I was this, I used to deliver these blood packets. Its not a risky job, though it gives good amounts of cash, so I did it" she remarked.


She frowned, "Though we did get a dodgy batch several years back, apparently it was in some of the blood packs, that caused the pony to mutate and express several unsavory factors within the host. So they were given to me to be destroyed. I took them to the facility and unloaded them, though several had burst on the trip, which I had to clean up. Few days later i got sick and ended up getting a addition to blood. One of the unstable elements from those blood packs." she continued.


"So I then continued to deliver the blood packs, but some always went missing, which the hospitals didn't end up minding about, then about a year ago, I got fired and I've needed new ways to get at these blood packs" she remarked. She let off a smile, "hand over that vial, I've told you my story, now I think you have something that belongs to me" she finished.






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@@Blitz Boom


"Lovely," the mare groaned.  "Our timing could not have been worse, then.  Perhaps it's not such a safe bet to stay here.  Oh well, I have alternatives."




"I am NOT going to Appleloosa," the stallion interjected.  "I will have nothing to do with those slack-jawed pieslingers."




"Zeta, shut the **** up," the mare replied through gritted teeth.




"Is it really entirely necessary, my dear sister?  Look at the foal we're talking to.  I admit that I haven't as much knowledge of the workings of your mother as you do, but I would assume that she would purchase a professional rather than simply toss money at every beggar she met."


The mare raised her hoof and opened her mouth to speak, only to closer her mouth and lower her hoof soon afterwards.  She began to chuckle and shook her head.




"I hate you so much, Zoi," she drawled before turning her attention to the filly.  "That might actually work.  I don't think my brother would mind roughing it for a few days, or however long we stay here."




"This is what I get for speaking my mind?"




"If I get a splinter, I will bite you."

Edited by Hazard Time

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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Rarity looks at Gordan with a bit of pity in her eyes.

"Now now, don't be sad, please. You did commendable with what options you had. I should have thought about it leaving the list before I left, It is my own fault for saying one thing and then going against it."


She quickly checked off the things he had shown her to have written down and went over towards some of the crates again, giving off a minor sigh and sending Gordan a small smile.

"There is simply too many things to think about at once right now I'm afraid, so my focus can dwindle a little in places. Can you forgive me for this small blunder, Gordan?"





Though hard to believe it possible, Clayton actually were able to look more mortified than he had before, as the part about him being able to do this with a parachute came up. Not because of the possibility itself,, which sounded like it could work, but more because of what it might mean when it were brought up like this.


"P-Please tell me that you are not suggesting that I have to come along too. The travel alone would be only slightly safer than to jump from a tower and expecting to be okay, and the landing... Oh dear Celestia, the landing could fail and end in so many, catastrophic ways."


The thought he had before of swirling through the air, now with a parachute that might either fail or wouldn't fold out properly, entered his mind, which really didn't help things for the nervous pony. Doubly so when you counted int he fact that he didn't even know how such a thing worked. He knew they existed, of course, but sky diving and other such things where you needed one were not on his list of things to do on a daily basis. He preferred to have his hooves planted on the ground, not flailing in thin air.


"And I am aware that I seem like I worry about a lot of things, but it is not always like this, it's simply... A stressful situation in town right now, that tears at what calm I have  It makes me over-analyze and worry about a lot of things, such as the possibilities this thing have of failing. I mean, the construction looks fine, and it doesn't appear to me made of anything easily breakable, but a miscalculation would be all it would take. I mean, if you look at this part at the base alone, the option to make it swing with too much severity and have you pass up to several miles too far from your target is there. Depending on wind currents and angle of course."


Another trait of his when he got worn down to his worrying side: Talking too much. It helped him stay a bit calmer, but it could get obnoxious for some, even if he usually didn't become a bad pony when he went there. The situations where he talked too much and ended up insulting somepony - mainly by accident - were few, and especially compared to situations like this, where he took a construction of some kind, and then went on about it.







Ziggy didn't understand why Serenade had suddenly shoved a hoof into her mouth, though the first thought she had were that she had been annoying her by accident by yapping off again. It sometimes happened, but she hadn't been speaking that much... Had she?


When Serenade started to point and talk though, it became a bit more obvious. Or well, she'd have to be pretty dumb to not get it to be honest, and she had a diploma that proved she had at least some between her ears, so she got the point about sensitive ears on one or more in the room. It wasn't entirely clear if she meant herself too, or just the seemingly sleeping Fah'lina, but from the quick look Ziggy had at her ears, it seemed like she'd be able to rival thestrals in hearing things out, and those had some rally good listeners in their noggin.


Trying to be a bit more quiet in it, she resorted to try something else when it came to the part she were pretty curious about: Serenade's mouth. Considering what she had seen before, she knew of the sharp teeth, but getting a closer look, and seeing a bit more on how else the inside of her mouth appeared in general - you never knew if her jaw might someday be dislocated for example - could prove useful. So, she just looked Serenade right in the eyes, pointed at her, then back at herself and opened wide before looking expectantly at Serenade. Hopefully, she'd get the message and not think it something strange. Might be it looked to her like she wanted the siren to eat her after all, which would give her an inside look, granted, but that was perhaps a biiiiit too far.







The energy feeling off would be centered around the thing that were wrapped behind him. A sickening, vague energy that were usually only found on cursed artifacts, though usually, cursed objects tended to be more plain in it to make them more tempting to pick up. A ball of yarn, a figurine, a jewel, if you wanted to go classic. An elongated cat-of.nine-tails whip made of seemingly bone and leather however, didn't fit the pattern. A rarity for sure, but not something as important as the fact that it seemed to be intertwined with Pyhrus's own energy.


However it have happened, it seems as if this thing were bonding to him now, which would also explain his comatose state. It wasn't just the stress of what had happened or the blood loss, it was also his mind fighting against this thing for control. Not a fight that were possible to witness unfortunately, but if it hadn't taken hold within the first 24 hours it tended to be a good sign. Long as noone tried to touch the thing.


Which were exactly what Florence did, as she didn't know anything at all about cursed objects, which left her with one of the *tails* reaching out to grab her wrist. If Zen were a bit quick in it, she might be able to push Florence aside/pull her back before this thing got hold, otherwise, they were going to have another comatose being in this room, and one that didn't have the strength of mind to fight back for long.







The other pony looked at Deadpan with an apologetic look in his eyes.


"I'm sorry, but I just got here to visit my cousin, and she never mentioned... Her."


He didn't know whatever or not it'd be okay to mention this Lily Petals name right now, as it was a sensitive subject, but at the same time he wanted to as it sounded somewhat clinical otherwise, but then... Ugh, perhaps his sister was right about him not being very good around grieving ponies.


"Look, I know this is a bit out of nowhere, but I'm here for awhile, and I don't wanna leave somepony hanging whose going through the sort of hell that you are, so would you mind if I offered to help you find her? I know it's a bit intrusive, but if it's like you say, I think you could use somepony around when you learn what exactly happened."


He stood for a few seconds and looked a bit awkward in it before he added a small bit more.


"Name's Sea Breeze by the way. Sorry for not saying earlier."







It wouldn't be hard to follow Zinthar's trail. Not because of paw prints, as the ground were somewhat dry in it currently, but because of the places where he had lashed out. Things in a pattern going north bore marks of his claws, even rocks, that would be easy to follow. A few things also bore marks that wasn't from his claws, but were deeper, and looked like somepony strong had slashed at it with a machete. If Crescent could remember how the feline's long tails bore blades at the end of them, he might know what had made this, though what he'd think of it were anypony's guess.


Cover-up for sure had some thoughts on it, and it all pointed to him being more afraid of the feline monster than he had been before. He had barely seemed able to walk the first time the pony saw him, and now he were doing this? What would have happened if the thing were at full strength? The things it could do...


He wanted to ask if following were even a good idea, but Zecora had said to go with Crescent, and the thestral went for Zinthar, so there wasn't much else he could do but to follow too. Well, except for leaving on his own, but if he had to go back to his old home alone... He'd never get within a mile of the town without running away crying, and where would he be then?


It didn't help on his troubled mind and reluctance when they would eventually find three feathers in the middle of their tracks. Which wouldn't have meant much if not because all three of them had a splatter of fresh red adorning their base, and were clearly all from different birds. Something which had to mean that the feline had managed to get hold of something to eat whilst getting out his frustrations, which Cover-up really hoped were eaten when they found him. He'd rather not see little birdies like that.


He'd not be far from there, at a small lake, with feathers around him, but not nothing else of the birds he had gotten. He seemed to be starring down into the water, not saying anything and... Thinking? Waiting? It was hard to tell from the back, but he didn't seem aggressive at least.







"How come I just knew you'd be the smart one, Misty?"


Chow grinned as he saw the filly, close to the entrance where she'd be easy to find.


Truth be told he figured he'd have a hell finding both of 'em, and especially Misty, as she were smaller and would be able to hide so many places it would end up looking like she had vanished from the face of Equestria. That she had been thinking and waited so that he'd have a chance to figure out where she were was one heck of a weight of his shoulders there, as no matter how good Astral might be at hiding, she were still too big to be as hidden as the zebra filly. Plus, with Misty on his side, it should be somewhat easy to figure out where she went.


"Excuse me."


A librarian mare that looked like she were trying to figure out where she knew Chow from came around and interrupted things before he could say more. She had her eyes on Misty too, but she had never actually seen a zebra foal before in Canterlot, only adults, and this one seemed well behaved right now, so there shouldn't be a problem to focus on there.


"Hey there chief, how's it hanging?"


She gave chow a pretty funny look at tat comment, more sure that she had heard something weird like this before, but still not being able to place it.


"Yes... Well, I just wonder about this foal and the other one. The last in particular. You wouldn't happen to know if-"


"They're new in town, aye. Makes them all ecstatic and full of wonder like most first timers. Guess I should've put them on a leash just to be sure, but no worries, I'll get a hang of the howler before she starts rumbling down the lines from Archeology to the groovy pages of Funkytown."


"...Okay then. Just please, don't damage the books."


She hadn't much of a clue at what he were getting at honestly, but it sounded like he wanted to get control over the enthusiastic mare that had come in a little while ago, so that were good. Now, they loved that others liked books here, but since there were others here that tried to read in peace, they had to ask that others respected that.


"Jeez, almost forgot what kind of buzzkills live in this place. Anyway, let's see if we can't find Astral before they call the guards about some nutter jumping around the library, eh? Oh and try to keep it down a bit. Trust me, you don't wanna see an angry librarian. Those ponies could scare the rain out of a cloud."


He waited until the librarian had went off to say this, then headed towards the history aisle. Seemed like as good a place to start as any.







"A promise is a promise."


With that, Nerzhei handed the half pint of blood over to the pony. From what were said, she were going to need this, but even if she hadn't, a deal was a deal, even if it were a weird one like this.


It was well worth it for them both though. The pony got some of the liquid that unfortunate circumstances had required her to need, and Nerzhei learned something new that she hadn't expected to hear. Granted, it could be seen as a lie, but considering what else she had seen - the desperate attempt to get the scarlet drops she had sent downwards before for example - it seemed reasonable, though some things were still left unanswered. But, she hadn't said this blood were for hearing everything. It were for the story, and that she had gotten.


"It is rather fascinating to hear about though. Blood diseases aren't exactly rare, but to be of a kind that makes you require you to replenish your own reserves are not some I have ever heard about. An interesting mix of necrotic, parasitic and mutagenic it sounds like, though something tells me that examining it wouldn't be a good idea. If loose blood of this kind can infect you, I'd just endanger others by asking for a sample. Something which I doubt you'd agree to anyway."


Now that she didn't have to slightly threaten Blood, her voice and stare were a good deal softer, and somewhat excited. There were still a bit of hardness in things, but that were more or less impossible for her to put down outside of when she studied. It were more or less the only time she ever let her emotional shields completely down.


"The research aside, now that we have things sorted, perhaps we should sort something that were skipped."


The hand the vial had been in opened fully and reached out to a handshake. Not something the pony could do technically, but a hoofshake were more or less the same anyway.


"I am Nerzhei, scholar, and former citizen of Dragon Land. And this up here is Lotus."







"None of us are the same. Our eyes are the same, and we don't sleep, but we vary beyond that. In eyes too. Some of my siblings have only one, others I have seen with seven."


It was interesting to see the questioning child that appeared to not have too much of an issue with them currently. A big difference from what she were used to, and definitely not something she expected of this town. Perhaps she hadn't been completely right in mistrusting this place after all? Too early to say for sure, but it gave her reason to actually think it a possibility for once.


A strange sound were said by Omen as she spoke again, that sounded like several mouths trying to whispers in conjunction at once, but would roughly sound like she said Ki'Nathar, though it were a rather stranger word


"That is what our kind are called. There's not many of us in this world though. I know only of myself and Lin, no other siblings have found me here beyond her, and it is more like I found her, I suppose. We can mingle many places though. Not all look as us, others could look closer to the dragons, the griffins, or even one of the longma. One sibling I have looks so close to her husband, that the only way you can tell is by her eyes. The colors even match."


Adding in colors weren't easy on their kind, and usually requires a huge amount of magic to be given in shaping them, but it were possible. Or, in cases such as with her master, magic could be used later to add things. It were usually what happened, and also what had with her sister back then. Dyes worked well too, but that were a newer invention, and not one that were on all worlds, so she didn't count that for now.


"My name is Omen. Who are you?"





@@Hazard Time,


Blitz used the time the two if them argued to get out of the container, dust some of the soot off her and then grab hold of the three springs before they were done. She were tucking them in under her left metallic wing when the two were done, so it took a few seconds before she answered them again.


"Hehe, you two speak funny."


The mare also had quite a potty mouth, but that wasn't something she could say something about. She looked adult, and adults could spesay what they wanted, far as she had heard, whilst bad things like that wasn't something she'd be allowed to say. She might not remember a parent to tell her these things, but she were known by ponies in town, and at times they taught her a few things. This particular one had been Cherilee when she had blurted out an obscenity she had heard spoken by somepony else the day before. Not to her, as she had no idea what it meant, but just because the teacher asked her if she had learned something new since yesterday.


It hadn't gone over very well, but then again, the school hadn't in general either, so that was okay. Meant she learned a bit slower now that there weren't a teacher to tell her things, but she still had some old school books she found in a trash can that she went through now and again, so she got some knowledge here and there.


She never got why everypony kept tossing so many great things out here in town. So much stuff to make other things from, or books, even her bed had been found at a container, along with her blanket. Still worked perfectly well, though they had needed a wash. Dusty.


"Anyway, let's go, okay? Bit of way there. Oh, and if you see any blue flowers, don't touch them. Poison Joke does weird things to you."


With that, she started to walk towards the forest in a good tempo. Didn't want to slow the others down for too long when they wanted someplace to be. Besides, speaking of poison joke, she wanted to find some of them whilst the thought were still there, which wouldn't happened if they lingered here for hours on end. She had a few things she used them in where they had weird, funny effects, but only lasted for like, half an hour. Crushed to powder and diluted in some other flower she had found really helped making it funny, not crippling.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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"FLORENCE! LOOK OUT!" Zen shouted, quickly telekinetically pulling the griffon away from the whip, having been educated on the aura a cursed object would give off. "Don't touch that unless you want to end up like your uncle!"




"Yeah... maybe. With two of us, finding her will be a Breeze​." Deadpan laughed sadly.

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@@Blitz Boom, Serenade cocks her head to one side then nods. She rolls onto her belly then slowly opens her mouth, just like she would have if she had been at the dentist. 


The differences between a Pony and a Siren are easy to spot. A Siren has a long muzzle, sporting a row of sharp teeth on top and bottom along with a much larger pair of nostrils. 

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@Blitz Boom

 Draco just chuckled to himself and stated "Considering the fact that I tend to fly over seas with hurricane winds?" Draco asked with the last part with a smirk on his muzzle. "I can compensate by using my wings. Oh are you offering to come along?" Draco asked with a devious grin which was mostly him taking the piss out of his client. "I have a parachute in my home if you want me to get it," Draco stated with a grin.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Blitz Boom, seeing the trail and feathers the feline made in his wake worried the bat pony, but thankfully not seeing any ponys dead near by had him relax once they saw him at the lake. He saw the youngster reaction to what was on the path thinking the youngster was more terrified then confused cresent put a comforting wing on the lad.


"hey, he's as lost as we are he just spent a too long from home. Almost like you, ill talk to him first just hang back a bit" he patted the youngster and approached his friend seeing his state looking at the water.


"all right, talk to me" Cresent said knowing his friend shouldn't attack him still after what looked like he had lunch "what's up? "

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@@Blitz Boom, Misty watched as the two conversed. Following Chow to the history aisle when he departed to it. "Astral always loves history, probably one of the things she's read into the most." She mentioned, whispering quietly while saying it. "She explained to me once why non-unicorn is banned." She rose a hoof. "It was because of a pony named Warl-"


"Hey guys!" Astral spotted them, seemed she was in the history aisle. "I was wondering where you went."


Misty coughed, attracting attention from Astral to her. "We were wondering where you went."


"Oh." Astral said, starting to rub the back of her head. "Sorry for leaving you behind, I was just checking the library out." She explained placing her hoof back down.


Misty noticed the title of the book, 'history of-' Astral was covering up the end of it. "What's that book about?"


Astral held it up. "History of Canterlot, apparently Ponyville isn't the only town- er- city with it's own history book."


Misty rolled her eyes, of course she was reading a history book of Canterlot, it wasn't that surprising as she was in the history aisle of Canterlot. "Well can you put it back? We have a house to go too."


Astral looked at the book, wanting to get it, but shrugged and placed it on the shelf. "I'll try to stay out of anymore libraries from now on." Astral was rather unsure if she would follow through.


"Pinkie Promise." Wasn't a question, it was why it sounded demanding.


Astral looked at Misty with surprise. It'd been a while since she asked her to do that. "Ugh." She face hoofed. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." She enacted the gestures of the promise. "Good?"


"Now just don't anger Pinkie by breaking it." Misty had no idea what she was referring to, but she knew it wouldn't end well. Don't want the 'god' of the fourth wall to break it. Misty looked to Chow. "Since I don't know my way around here-"


"Neither do I."


"You might have to lead us out of this place."

Edited by Lloyd

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Blitz Boom,@@Frosty Frost,


summer listened to everything Blue told her with shimering eyes, she had color changing manes and she was a party pony! how awesome could a pony be?!


"you're so cool Blue!" summer said with a smile. 


then she looked at Lyriel who had also changed her hair "whoa, Lyriel, that's so awesome!" she said enthausiasticly.


then frosty suggested being bitten by Blue, which she thought was not such a good idea. not only because you never knew what could happen, but also because then she would be the only one without super awesome manes. yes, blitz couldn't change her manes too, but Blitz' manes already were cool. her manes were just normal, pink, boring. she could tie them into a ponytail or braid them but not much more.


"no frosty! don't let her bite you! who knows what could happen?! it might have bad side effects and..." she suddenly stoped because she had almost said that she was jelous of the changing-manes-thing. 


"aaaand... you already look great now!" she added and tried to smile convincing. 


then blitz asked about Blue's parties, summer flicked her ear and looked at Blue with interest, she loved hearing stories, especially from those cool canterlot parties. 


"yea, Blue, tell us about those parties in canterlot!" she said happily. 


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Blitz Boom


Before the young female longma could reply, her two brothers ran off as they heard their friends calling for them. Being the more... courteous one of the three, she decided to give Omen the answers to her question. 

"My brothers, Mu and Shu can be tireless and forgetful. I guess our friends are getting a little impatient about us suddenly disappearing. I'm Li, by the way; it's nice to meet you, Omen but I should be getting back before the other villagers panic and wonder where I went. Maybe I might see you around later?"

Li turned around and ran off after her brothers, yelling for their names as they regrouped with their friends. Lin used the time to calm herself down and was satisfied with the way things turned out; no complications, no problems, everything went a lot better than expected. Maybe it was the work of the the new elder and his genuine desire for things to change. Just as the young ones left, Sen returned with a bundled stack of books, or what could be considered books for an isolated clan. It was mostly bundled paper manuscripts bound together with vines but Sen considered them close to the kinds of books he saw in his travels. 

"I see you've started making some friends here. We've got some time to spare and I've found some reading material! I've picked out few from Ghilan's collection: a compilation of poetry, the myths and legends of the forest, the life of a hermit, the-"


Lin quickly held up a claw to Sen's face and examined the manuscripts before turning back to him with a cocked eyebrow. "These? I don't think mom and dad taught us how to read with these."

"Don't underestimate Omen." Sen replied. 'Maybe she's a fast learner." He looked to Omen figured she would be better suited to answer. "What do you think, Omen? Want to give it a try?"

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