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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom

Zephyr and Sun Fire crested the last ridge before Ponyville came into view. With the sun high overhead, it was easy to see the busy ponies bustling around the small town. After living in Manehattan for the past nine years, it was a breath of fresh air, both metaphorically and literally.

Zephyr looked over at his sister. "We're almost there Nuri. How are you feeling?" He asked.

Sun Fire stopped and glanced up at the sky. "Okay, I guess. I think I'll start feeling a lot better once everything is over with and I can just live quietly. Hopefully not too many ponies recognize me." She said. "I just want to leave my past life behind."

Zephyr gave Sun Fire a quick hug. "Don't worry about a thing. As long as we put in effort and are careful about who we get close to, our life will be better here. You'll see." He let go of her and started walking again. "Let's keep going. Everything we shipped over should already be in our house by now, and the sooner you can get settled in, the sooner you can begin feeling happy again." 

Sun Fire gave him a small smile as she followed him. "You're right. I just have to keep my head up." She said, taking a deep breath and pushing her shoulders back. She looked back at Ponyville, noting its damaged state. "Doesn't Ponyville seem a little too busy, though? And a bit like it's falling apart?"

Zephyr looked closer at the town in the distance. He noticed that some of the buildings did seem quite damaged from where he was, and now that he was paying attention, he could faintly hear sounds of construction. "You're right. Maybe there was a really bad storm or something?" He pulled the photo of their new house out of his bag using his magic, and held it out in front of him and his sister. It was a very nice, though not excessive, two story house near the center of the town. "Hopefully whatever happened didn't damage our house. We paid a lot of bits for it." He put the picture back in his bag and picked up his pace a bit. "Come on. Let's make sure nothing too serious happened." Sun Fire nodded slightly and followed her brother on the road to their new home.


Zephyr and Sun Fire walked into Ponyville, other ponies milling around. Now that they were closer, they could see smaller signs of damage all over the town. There didn't seem to be many, if any, dangerous problems with the houses around them. Zephyr felt a bit more hopeful after seeing this, and slowed his pace a little. So far, nopony had recognized Sun Fire, which was good. Zephyr knew the last thing his sister needed was curious fans flocking around her asking questions. He opened his mouth to say something to Sun Fire, but he stopped when a strange pony caught attention. He looked almost like a regular pony, but his coat was an unusual shade of green, and... what was his cloak covering?

Sun Fire, now curious, followed his gaze. "Is that... a pony?" She asked.

"I think so? Let's just keep walking. I don't think he saw us." Zephyr walked around a corner, with Sun Fire close behind him. He used his magic to pull a small map out of his bag. "So... I think we're here." He said, pointing to an intersection on the map. "If that's the case, our house should be at the end of this street." He folded the map back up and put it in his bag. "Almost there." He flashed his sister a smile.

"Yeah. I can't wait." She said, smiling back. They turned back down the street and continued to walk. They took mental notes of the different signs out front of the buildings and vendor stalls as they went down the street, noting where they can get which food and supplies.

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@Blitz Boom

Just as quickly as the wisp clipped the corner of the scry spell did it disappear all together.  Losing its solid form and just as quickly its eternal form as the pony on the other end lost their concentration.  Rising Dusk had sent a message, but considering the type of pony he was likely dealing with, it was a message they probably wouldn't receive well.  Comes with the territory of being a servant of Equestria.  With the scry spell dispersed the detective leaned down and blew on the paper bunny that had crumbled to ash with its purpose complete.  Turning to head inside, he let out a heavy sigh.   What had he gotten himself into?

(An hour later.)

The new visitor to the O.M.I. would be greeted by a different pony than the sisters.  The red and silver maned pegasus Scarlet, wearing a white and silver sailor collar with teal tie, had taken post while Bash went for his lunch break.  Well, greeted would be a strong word since she appeared distracted.  Scarlet had propped up a book on her left where her attention was.  On her right, her hooves worked trying to fold a piece of paper per the instructions of the book she was reading.  Spurred by her senior's performance earlier pushed her to practice while she had time to spare.  Although the folded paper looked nothing like a bunny.  Keep practicing Scarlet.

The introduction of a voice into the lobby of the O.M.I. caused her to jump though, wings spread as she hurried away the book and folded paper behind the desk.  Folding her wings back and putting her hoofs together she cleared her throat and smiled.  "Y-Yes it is!  How can we help you?" she inquired and listened to what the purple pony had to say.  "Well, we'll be sure to look at it!," the officer exclaimed and reached behind the desk to remove a form and pencil.  Putting the items on the desk before getting up from the chair she sat on, "Please fill these out and I'll be right back."

The pegasus disappeared through the double swinging doors that lead to the back office with a pep in her steps.  Going to Rising Dusk's desk, happy to bring him a case, she could find her senior slumped over his desk.  "ZzZzZ..." were the soft sounds that came from the unicorn that had laid his head upon the desk and the open book of his case logs splayed over his head to block out the light.  Folding her ears down, she was lost on how to approach this.  Her steps shuttered and her mouth opened several times trying to think of words.  Reaching out to touch him, but stopping half way.  "O-Oh my... Umm... Sir, there is a case that needs you," Scarlet whispered but did not rouse the midnight blue stallion.  "Oh my, please wake up Sir," she quietly pleaded from her mentor.  Bash had made his way down the walkway toward Rising Dusk's cubical, still chewing whatever he had been eating.  Pulling the log book off the detective's head he slammed it shut with a resounding BOOM!  Rising Dusk jumped out of his seat with a thud and even his chair fell over.  Third time today he's ended up on the floor.  At this point they should exchange addresses and write.  Bash tossed the case log on the desk and silently wandered back to his lunch break.  Scarlet looked both confused and mortified at what she just witnessed, but at least the detective was awake.

Said detective was simple staring up at the ceiling again, "Ow..."  Scarlet picked up his chair for him but the unicorn had already gotten himself back up into a sitting position before she could offer him aid.  "S-Sir, you have a case!  In the lobby," she finally managed to deliver and her smile returned along with perked up ears.  Rubbing his head, Rising Dusk nodded and climbed to his hoofs to follow the pegasus back into the lobby.  Entering the lobby the detective took in the sight of the visitor and her rather unique appearance not really seen in the city.  Must be from out of town.  "I'm Detective Rising Dusk, how can I help you?" he offered the best of smiles the tired pony could, but at least he managed to keep his head held high.


Edited by Rising Dusk
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"You can be king of the cafeteria, and queen of medicine, duh. Lot's of room to divide and conquer."

Anomaly jumped down and inspected the room she were in. The first part of her new, likely very temporary kingdom, since the fun police would always show up and ruin everything. So far it looked good though. Clean, not too crowded with things, and the peasants were pretty entertaining. Though he'd probably like to be all *normal* and stuff. Perhaps she should show some mercy to this underling, and show herself to be the benevolent ruler they all needed? You know, before the mayhem and taxes.

Bouncing over to the crazy guy strapped down, she placed a hoof upon his head - which he tried to bite - and loudly proclaimed in a theatrical manner:

"And he shall know me as the queen, when I lay my hoof upon him!"

She'd then spit an apple into the patient's muzzle, which would grow and essentially keep him nice and gagged. Not because of the biting, but the part she next did where he got a jolt through his head were gonna hurt like a whole truck of bricks.

It was a brain reconfiguration. What did they expect from her? A warm, fuzzy feeling? Get real.

The pony sure looked like he weren't all that comfy for about three seconds, before he slumped over, which finally prompted the caretaker to take action. And with that she meant running away, screaming something about abandoning all hope.

"Yeah well, meh to her. Definitely a one star to that one. I mean, I just fixed this stallions brain, and gave him a third eye that can see in the dark. He'll be thrilled, just like all the peasants in our kingdom is gonna be when we help them with stuff. Hehe, we're gonna run the bestest little dictatorship this shack have ever seen."




On 1/12/2019 at 5:18 AM, EQ_Theta said:

"Those two, Jasmine and Meadow.... It's rare to see that kind of enthusiasm nowadays. They remind me of my younger self."

"Yeah, you were always one to practice your lessons eagerly when you come home from training and I'd listen like I was at one of your training sessions. I missed those days; things were so much simpler then."

"They take pride and enjoyment in their work, and getting extra credit will help them pass with flying colors so that they may stay together, wherever they decide to go after graduation. Top students in the healing arts can have that kind of privilege without having to worry about pressure to split up and seek separate towns to hone their skills in."

There was also the fact that pressure were already there for varied reasons, mainly to do with narrow-minded traditionalists, but this should give them less ammunition to work with, and quite honestly, the two had worked hard to get to where they were now, and deserved a high grade. Yazma wished that she had anyone in her class currently that were even half as determined to be the best as these two were.

*sigh* But let that be what it were. Eventually she'd get another Korath rising from the newer students, and besides, she had some guests to attend right now. She should keep her focus on them. They were fairly interesting too, and it sounded as if Lin were - or at least had been - a determined longma in her own rights. Whoever her teacher had been must have been proud to work with one who even after the lessons shoved such eagerness and enthusiasm in what they learned during that day.

She'd ask what Lin were taught, but then the talk went over on politics, and Yazma wouldn't mind speaking some about that. Rarely any of the students cared for that, so getting asked a few things now were a refreshing change of pace.

On 1/12/2019 at 5:18 AM, EQ_Theta said:

"So, I take it the ponies of Neighpon and the kitsune govern themselves. Do they have chosen representatives to meet and discuss matters like your relations with each other?"

"Our king sends a projection of himself to the ponies emperor every now and again, but mostly communication is held to a low. Either side knows how to take contact to the other in case of emergencies like an attack on the country, potential ecological disasters like forest fires so that effort to quench it can be made on both sides, and any updates in the different laws and policies. We don't fall under the same rulings and punishments, but in an effort to be fair to one another, anyone who breaks one of the big laws on either side gets dealt with by them. For the ponies it's mostly kidnapping and persistent stalking, while for us it's poachers. Of course, murder is also handled by either side, though sometimes we have to extradite one of our own who went that far to them to ensure they can receive punishment.

Kitsune accept many things done to the ponies, but there is a line that's not to be crossed unless there is extreme circumstances. It's rare, but in times like that, we have a joined court to determine what happens. Usually it ends in exile, and if the party returns to Neighpon... Well, they had been warned, so they only have themselves to blame."

She glanced over to Omen, who were still patting away at the wall, and rolled her eyes slightly at the sight.

"Nobody is going to be let in before they're done. Seeing the state he was in, I imagine it would take hours. You might as well finish your errand in the meantime."



@EQ_Theta @Dji

On 1/12/2019 at 5:18 AM, EQ_Theta said:

"I understand, Nerzhei. And if you wish to come by, my cottage is at the outskirts of Ponyville by the Everfree Forest. You can easily find it when you see a pond near the doorstep. If there is anything you might need, just ask. This way please, Lyriel."

"I will keep that in mind. Thread carefully."

"To you as well my friend. And may you have a pleasant day too, Princess Sparkle."

Lyriel gave a bow towards the royal pony before following Fluttershy and her adorable little friend out of the castle. The sunlight touching her skin made the dryad halt momentarily to soak it in a little, with a big smile towards the heavens. it might be getting late and the sun rose not as high as it might have earlier, but its light were reinvigorating, if only a by a little. Yet as it stood, she would take whatever energy she may get after her horrible experience in the forest. Something which by the sound of it, were hopefully more in check now, though she would have to try and see if she could get the changelings into talk outside of the desert area at some point, to make sure that the sandy breaches weren't going to move on and overtake more of the forest. It was a fragile ecosystem that didn't need a constant, looming threat hanging over it like that, and the poor animals out there that had been displaced already... There would be much to do to ease their minds now.

For now though, she followed Fluttershy and Angel as they reached the town and wandered through it. The dryad got a few looks here and there, but apparently she blended well enough right now to not cause too much interest. It made her smile a little wider, as the contrast between now and when she had first wandered in here in her more humanoid form were getting quite striking.

On 1/12/2019 at 5:18 AM, EQ_Theta said:

"So, this is the town square. Here you can find the mayor's office in the town hall and Sugarcube Corner if you are craving something sweet. My friend Pinkie Pie helps run the place. There is also an animal clinic run by Doctor Fauna who looks after sick animals. And if you would like, there is also the animal sanctuary. Ooh! Maybe you'd like to meet some of my animal friends! They've never seen a dryad before and judging by Angel's behavior around you, I think they'll want to meet you!"

So many fascinating places this town had by the sounds of it, and this were only what she could see now? What other wonders held this settlement beyond this?

"When I was younger, I sometimes enjoyed a bowl of nectar, yet I know not what is considered sweet among ponies. One day perhaps I should go and find out, and I could see who your friend may be.

The doctor sounds like one to speak with too. Taking care of the wounded critters is a great and important duty, and when the day comes, I would feel overjoyed to give praise to another who have their well-being at heart."

She knew not what a mayor were, but these two places at least sounded at first like good areas to one day visit. Especially the second one, as she could relate strongly to Doctor Fauna. Dryads too worked tirelessly to ensure that the animals were taken care off, whilst remembering to let nature take its course. She knew not if the doctor did that part, yet even if mending wounds of the animals were all she did, that were still plenty to make Lyriel smile and be thankful to the doctor.

Yet as enticing as either of those places sounded, the enthusiasm from Angel and Fluttershy about her going to the sanctiary were by far the one who drew her the most. They both seemed so happy about showing her such a place that she simply couldn't refuse the invitation.

"But all of those are for another time. I would be honored if you would first show me this sanctuary you speak of."




"Wait, they're whe- Oh come on!"

Iron vanished before Chow had a chance to bust in and ask some follow-ups. Darn witches sometimes.

"Alright, whatever. His deal right now, and I'll grill him about what happened at his crib later. You two find a car and I'll find you soon."

So now it was down to Misty, Astral and himself wandering into a train headed for Canterlot? Talk about deja vu.

Well, not everything were the same, and right now he had to find the conductor and get them set on the travel, whilst the others would look for a place for them to sit.




Oh how lovely, the spouses were fighting and making death threats. Wasn't that just a hoot and a half? Urgh, she had spent too much time in Chow's head when this expression still stuck to her. Annoying boneheaded vessel...

"What a lovely couple you two make."

The dry tone of Emerald should register with Iron like it did with Sapphire.

"What is your problem with what we're trying to do, Iron? I'm attempting to bring your wife back to life, in a way that won't harm or kill anypony to do so. Is that not something you want? To have your life complete again? Because I do. I want my family back- The one that You stole from me, when you seduced my sister.

But have I gone for you yet because of it? Have I tried to murder you, or end your daughters life when I had several chances to do so in the past? No. because I want Sapphire back, and killing her family won't help that. She will just grow vengeful."

Granted, Emerald had tried to use Astral as leverage, but considering what she could have done, that were still a nice alternative in her mind.

"Face it old man, we want the same thing here. To bring Sapphire back, with a minimal of damage, and since she claims I can get fresh blood in banks these days, there is no need to sacrifice anything. She can come back alive, and cured of the disease that separated you. Wouldn't you like that? Or would you rather like to look your daughter in the face and say that you were given a choice, and liked the thought of her mother being dead more?"

Emerald didn't say everything, as her mindset on things had changed a good deal over the last few days (at least on some things) but she weren't lying per se in the grand scheme of things. Sapphire could be brought back without taking a life, provided that they got enough blood from those banks, and she were willing to tolerate Iron's existence, albeit begrudgingly.



@Catpone Cerberus @Moonlit


Cherish flustered a little. She hadn't expected to suddenly be included in this, and now that she were faced with it, she needed a moment to get her head sorted so she'd be able to answer the question properly.

"Well... I don't really take up much space. I don't need to sleep, eat, or even have a roof over my head. But uhm... I-I'f I could ask for anything, perhaps find a way so that I wouldn't be bound to the Castle of The Two Sisters? I can only get a little away from the piece that's in here, and I don't want to keep bothering everypony about carrying me around.

But uhm o-of course I'll wait, even if it is possible to get me separated from the castle. It's more important to get Nada settled in first. The living have needs they need to get fulfilled, or they might end up like me, and I don't want that to have that happen to anypony."

Being dead wasn't all that jolly really. Cherish were doing fine enough, but it wasn't like she were overjoyed with being a ghost instead of being a living,breathing pony. Faced with the choice, she'd much rather be alive again, but the fact remained that she wasn't, and bringing somepony back to life sounded like grizzly business with dark magic. Something that shouldn't be messed with in general.



@Catpone Cerberus

Going up to the house, Marley opened up and wandered in first. Sure it were more formal to let the women go first, but he were a bodyguard too, and in that line of work, he went in as number one, in case of danger.

Nothing dangerous were in here though. There weren't even any customer, but just a single rough looking earth pony standing at a large, stone table in the middle of the room, where an over-sized boar were laying heavily. It were already skinned, and by the looks of things, the pony were about ready to chomp down with a large axe.

The walls in here were covered in hides of all sizes, and the ceiling had meat hooks hanging down, shiny and ready for the new slabs, but it seemed like they managed to get there before the main event.

As for the pony, the burly guy turned around and looked at them with a welcome smile and confusing eyes.

"Well I'll be, a pony and a griffon? Not my usual clientele, that's fer sure. You here to pick up something for a dragon, or is the fancy boy needing a snack?"

"The... I mean, I am escorting this young lady, who is looking to pick something up for a dragon. Ruby, would you be so kind as to inform him how much you need?"

Marley did not like being called *fancy boy* by this pony, but it wasn't worth getting into trouble from getting into his face about it. He had his dignity and some brain after all. Here was hoping he wouldn't be rude to Ruby though, as she were quite a bit more abrasive then he were.



@Rising Dusk

6 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

"Please fill these out and I'll be right back."

"Okay, I'll wait over here."

Lily took the papers with her, along with a pen from the desk, and started to follow out the information. It all seemed pretty basic, with the usual fields for name, place of birth, age, and so on. Less typical ones came on later, but all the same, Lily filled them out in the corner, and when she were done, would fold it up and hold it in her hoof for the time being.

Beyond that, she'd basically just sit there and wait, wave at anypony that might come in with a smile on her face and overall looking like she had a great day, and humming to herself. Nothing loud enough to hear, but it must be a lengthy one, as she wasn't done when Lucid eventually showed up and approached her. Oh well, she'd just have to finish that another time.

6 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

"I'm Detective Rising Dusk, how can I help you?"

"Dearest me, you look exhausted. Must have been a big day for you.

Anyway, my name is Lily Monkshade, and it's nice to meet you Detective. I bring this curse box that contains something I inherited from my father after his passing. It's been in the family for about two centuries, but I think it would be better if it were dealt with. From what I remember, it is a rather nasty piece of work too, but I can't say for sure what it does. It's been a long time you understand. I do know that it is highly dangerous and likes to cause fatalities though."

Seeing the magic like Rising could, the box should prove itself to be real, as the enchantments and infused magic should be glaringly obvious. What was inside though, were anypony's guess, as it were locked pretty tightly.

"Is it okay if I look on when it's dealt with? I consider it to be my responsibility, and I couldn't find rest if I didn't know that it were actually gone for good."

Lily kept a smile on her face, and the papers she were asked to sign close. Had to make sure that everything were going to go well before handing over this, or they might just toss her out and say they'd handle it in due time. If she kept the papers a bit, they wouldn't have all the information, and she might be allowed to see what would go on. Or she'd just be asked to give them up, and that they'd deal with this in a timely fashion. They'd see what would happen.



@Zephyr / Karou

One of the stores down the street the siblings were wandering, were a perfume shop, out of which a small'ish unicorn wandered out with a closed bag slung across his back. He were keeping his head back, waving at whoever were in the store, and giving off what seemed to be the last of a friendly goodbye.


"- and thanks again, Aloe Vera. It's good that we can always count on you."

The door closed behind him, and he finally faced the street with a pleased smile on his face, and ready to go on his way.

That were, until he saw the two newcomers approaching, and halted, studying them, before finally, a spark of recognition flared up in his eyes, and he made his approach.

"Excuse me? Are you... Yes, I'm certain of it. They spoke about you at the spa earlier. You're the siblings who bought the new place at the end of the street, yes? Mrs. Cherry Field gave some good descriptions of the newcomers to our fair town."

He hadn't a clue who these two actually were, but the realtor had been pretty detailed as she went over things earlier, and word tended to spread around there when it came to things like this. Bless the mare's heart, but she really were a talker when she went in there, but Lotus had been insisting that it were a good thing. Just letting all of her stress and worries float out, so that she might leave nice and relaxed. It were never harmful things the mare said, and at times it were pretty interesting, so none of the workers really had much of an issue with it. Bulk Biceps even said that she were one of his more fun massage clients.

"I guess it must seem strange to be approached like this. My name is Bubble Burst. I work at the spa in the other end of town, and heard that you would arrive one of these days. I wish we could give you a proper welcome party currently, but sadly, the town went under a little accident a few days back, and there have been worked tirelessly to put everything back together, so our local party planner is a little distracted. Don't worry though, your home weren't hit. Mrs. Cherry Field wouldn't have neglected to include that in her story."

Bubble would offer them a hoofshake along with the friendly tone and welcome greeting.

"Can I help you with anything? I have to get the bathsalts back tot he spa soon, but I can lend a hoof for a time if you need it. Anything for our new townsfolks."

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@Blitz Boom

"I am the cafeteria king! Bow down to me!"

"Now that I am queen of medicine, maybe I'll be unbanned from the local pharmacy!"

Lucid was about to say something about the guy being cured, but that's when the police showed up.

"Alright, you three have to leave. You're trespassing."

Edited by Lucid_Nightlight
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@Blitz Boom

Zephyr and Sun Fire shook Bubble Burst's hoof in turn. Sun Fire stood quietly next to Zephyr, so Zephyr introduced them. Normally Sun Fire would be the one doing most of the talking since she's more comfortable around other ponies, but Zephyr could understand her reluctance to talk to anypony else, considering the trauma some of her co-workers had put her through. 

"Thanks. I'm Zephyr, and this is Sun Fire. Hopefully nopony was hurt." Zephyr pulled the map back out of his bag with his magic. "You mentioned a spa? Could you point it out to me? Life has been pretty stressful for us lately, and a bit of relaxation sometime soon would be nice." He said as he unfolded the map. 

While Zephyr was talking to Bubble about the spa, Sun Fire looked around her a bit. Now that she had time to see what was going on in the town, she could tell there wasn't really any construction happening, just ponies inspecting buildings and removing debris. While there were a lot of ponies around, more than she had expected, she figured things would calm down in a few days once the town had finished recovering. She could see ponies laughing, helping each other, and greeting each other all over the town. Looking closer, she didn't think she could see a single unhappy pony. She gave herself a small smile. "Maybe this won't be such a bad place for me after all." she thought, turning back to Zephyr and Bubble Burst.

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Nada thanked Luna with a bow and moved to taste the treats that Berry had brought, the latte had gotten cold but otherwise there wasn't too much to complain, the taste was...new to say the least, but she couldn't really enjoy it because she felt bad for Berry, hopefully she didn't think Nada didn't like her anymore. She listened the interaction between Luna and Cherish, she had almost forgotten she was actually a dead pony, and it was bit freaky if one started to think about it too much, but she also felt bit bad for the poor mare, no food, no rest, not even the ability to touch anything or...hug.

@Blitz Boom
Ruby didn't really pay attention to the order they walked in, she was familiar with the manners of ponies sure, but when there wasn't need to act overly classy, she couldn't care less. What she couldn't ignore however, was the delicious smell of food lingering in the room, and it took a lot of effort to not show it, because even though she wasn't hungry, she was more than happy to eat. She wouldn't be able to take a lot though, because she was quite limited on carrying space, since the box was really the only place she would use without attracting every single carnivore and fly to her, until of course the seller had solution to that.. "For now few pounds should be aright, and anything else but fish is fine, but if my...acquaintance is satisfied, we will likely meet again." "Do you provide smell proof packaging?" she knew she would need to actually pay for it, but considering the benefit of having back up food, it was worth it.

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@Blitz Boom

Iron looked at her, seeming shocked at them. "Well." He chuckled to himself. "Forgive me for being unable to read the minds of things that lack bodies. I would be glad to help, but I will not help if you attempt to do anything other than what you said here." Sapphire dropped the chains, Iron standing up. "I only had reason to not tell you due to not being able to know your goal, Sapphire deserves to be alive as much as you. But there may be one issue with getting your bodies back." He stepped forward in front of both of them. "Your bodies may just come back with the exact same genetic disorder or diseases that killed you."

"We could figure out a way to fix that, surely."

"I've not exactly seen many attempt to resurrect their own body, there is no documentation on what you want to do, most try to bring a soul back with the body, not just the body." He looked over to Sapphire. "Though since your souls are already here, it may be easier than you'd expect." He turned around, the door to the basement opening on its own as he looked to it. "Follow me, we can get the books you need, but I want to be there as you read them."


@Blitz Boom

"I know Chow, I don't exactly appreciate it myself. But he doesn't need as much rest as us." Astral went to find a car, taking a seat in the train with three empty seats, Misty sitting down next to her. "To think we did all this just to go back to Canterlot again."

Misty chuckled. "Funny isn't it?"

"Yeah." She looked to Misty, checking to see if Chow could overhear them, sighing as she slumps back down. "I like him."

"I know that, but it doesn't seem to be the case now."

"He just seems grumpy, if we could be, together... it might not work if I tried anyway." She trailed off, looking to Misty. "Could just his worry, right?" Misty nodded to her. "Sure hope so then." She looked forward, the only other seat Chow could pick with be either in front of Misty or Astral.

Misty looked down at the table. "Would be nice to have a dad again though."

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@Blitz Boom

Yazma's explanation made mention of many different terminologies the siblings didn't know about. They understood there is mutual agreement among them and their justice system is respected enough on both sides to make them trustworthy in judging crimes committed by one in another's area of jurisdiction. A sound idea and given how the two sides seem to have enough suspicion of the other, there is also a degree of caution in place. Not a bad thing and certainly something for Elder Ghilan to take note of. But for now, there is still the obstacle and the passage of time needed for the whole group to be back together again. And in a sense, leaving Rosa behind didn't sit well with both Sen and Lin. For one, the threstral wasn't a trusted individual regardless of his background, warranted as the histories of the kitsune go. Then there was him probably having a poor impression on the siblings if they were ever to come back late or not at all. Not at all good things but this can be circumvented.

"A few hours? Yazma, if it is alright, I'll stay here and wait for Rosa to wake up. He'll want to have a recap if Lin and Omen don't come back soon."

"He'll probably need familiar face to calm him down as well. I suppose it's time to head back and finish the delivery while there is still time. Omen, let's go."

Without delay, Lin opened a gate back to the desolate mountain and on the other side, the storm had since subsided. The statue is still present but sopping wet. Lin stepped through, wincing a little when moving her left foreleg but she could handle it. The sensation of pain is one step above a cut but her range of motion is hampered for the meantime. She kept the gate open until Omen could step through.

"Omen? Have you ever tried opening a moving gate? Like opening a pathway a few steps ahead but bringing the entry point closer to you instead walking to it? We're gonna need to use that method to move the statue to Scarcity's shop."


@Blitz Boom @Dji

"Sugarcube Corner serves deserts like cakes and pastries, very sweet and comes in a variety of flavors. On the way back, I could get you some things to try like the Cake family's signature Meringue Madness is a favorite! Though if I may, do you have allergies or some types of food you aren't allowed to eat? I could get you some food that won't do anything terrible to your body." 

Fluttershy merrily led the dryad out of town and past the forest clearing, a ways off from Ponyville but there wasn't in the way of distractions towards the sanctuary. If anything, there happened to be a flock of birds following the group. A curious bunch but this was a little on the odd side. Probably chalked up to Lyriel's presence and her aura, if she had one, might be an attractive feature that got them moving in their general direction. 

About half an hour's trek through and out of town, the first sign of the sanctuary made itself present: the sound of a waterfall and the sounds of numerous varieties of animals all going about their business. It wasn't feeding time yet but they've all come to see Fluttershy as one of their own and sometimes attributed her presence to early meals. This time, however, they all laid their eyes upon her guest and the response was varied. Some animals went about their routines while others came out of curiosity. Raccoons, beavers, bunnies, and a giraffe all came by to say hello. All in all, the sanctuary feels more like an isolated paradise more than anything in the world. 

"Sometimes when a sick animal needs open space, Doctor Fauna sends them here. The fresh air, the cool breeze, the entirety of it makes her patients not want to go home. In fact, several animals here stumble upon this place and just want to stay here. Food and water is aplenty and they certainly don't mind the company of others."

There was, however, bubbling on the surface of the water. Subtle at first but some bobbing and a few streaks of something swimming just beneath the surface growing more intense drew Fluttershy in and caused some of the animals present to back away. The pegasus leaned in for a closer look and noticed a frilly seahorse-looking creature, clear as the water itself jump out of the water. Then two, and a third. Soon there were plenty of them swarming near Fluttershy but she didn't seem to be terrified of them. She was more like chuckling and amused by their presence though confused at the same time. The little creatures were playful at the very least, nothing out of the ordinary though Angel seemed to show some signs of hostility.

"Water sprites? I don't remember taking any of you in. Lyriel, come have a look!" 

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On 12/19/2018 at 12:56 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Ease your heart, Ivory. I have not come here to visit wrath upon you. I am under a very strictly worded contract with the princess that prevent me from even trying, unless it is in special circumstances."

The good old mainstay of somepony fearing her because she were not discerned as a pony, or her showing up in places such as this made her seem as some kind of apparition, or monster in general. IN some ways she supposed that she were a monster really, but she still considered herself to be a pony. One infused with demonic energy, granted, yet still basically a mare, rather than a real demon.

"Are you afraid what I might do to you, lurking around in this darkened castle myself? It isn't to ambush ponies if that if your thought. I had something to prepare here, and whilst doing so, I heard this thing play. An impressive show, but yet again, the music were different back in the day, when I were little different from you, and I know not if I care much for the new ways. I do like that somepony still care for the olden instruments though, rather than those strange boxes with noises bursting out from I hear everywhere. Why anypony can call it music when somepony is literally just screaming through the same repetitive, pounding noise is beyond me."

Whilst she ranted, Vivid wandered closer, and kept her eyes on Ivory. She had no want, intention, or ability to hurt him, but it were perhaps not that easy to convince this pony of that. He seemed so very rattled after all, just from her presence alone, and if he knew details of what she truly did here, things may just end up going worse. Resurrections and meddling with death rarely got a kind response from her experiences.

"Do you know how to play *The ode to night and sea*? It were a good musical number in my day, and you seem to have talent with this organ, so perhaps you also know of some of the classics? Perhaps if you can prove to me that you really are a master at this musical instrument, I will help you move it to your store, so that it may end in the hooves of somepony who cares, rather than collecting dust and rust within these empty halls."

Ivory was relieved to hear her words. Although he was apprehensive that she knew the Regal Sisters, and might have been their agent, it still was far less off-putting than proclaiming herself a deity.

Without even nodding, he turned around, adjusted a few stops, and softly played the first few notes of her request. After the long fermatas in the introduction, he gave a hesitant, barely audible chuckle as his back hooves played the gentle, rolling bass line. It was an old tune, dating back to at least a hundred years before the Foundation Era, and had survived through hundreds of arrangements throughout the centuries reflecting changing tastes and styles. He, of course, played the oldest version he knew, a mid-Foundation Era arrangement that most scholars believed best preserved the original melody line and harmony. The piece was in fact standard at the conservatories, used to teach not only different classical (and a few popular) styles, but, at least as to this particular arrangement, shifting textures and harmonic rhythm. Even then he wasn't sure if this strange unicorn recognized the tune.

After about ten or eleven minutes of melodic inversions, polyphonic figures, and other variations of each of the three main themes and the interlude, he went into the grand coda, hearkening back to the introduction but much grander, intricate, and brighter, with soaring chords played so loud that he could see the pipes shaking a little, and then softening it to a slow perfect authentic cadence, a repeat of the first few notes of the main theme, then a trailing arpeggio in the Vox Lunae stop.

Then he stopped, and looked back up to the towering pipes. He remembered what Vivid said about moving the organ to his own shop. It was not something that occurred to him. It was his understanding that although the Regal Sisters had not used the castle for centuries and did not mind the public using it, they never actually relinquished title through sale, adverse possession or otherwise. He had even heard rumors that Princess Celestia was going to declare it a formal historical site. Indeed, that is why he had come now, so he could have free access to the organ before a park ranger or some other bureaucrat could tell him no. To play and to restore it seemed fair game, but to take it out seemed to cross the line.

He turned back around, adjusted his glasses, and tried to comprehend the strange unicorn's reaction.

On 12/19/2018 at 12:56 AM, Blitz Boom said:

All the way to the office, Cover-up sent glances towards antpony they met, as well as the interior in general. Not with any malice in mind really, but just to get a feel of this place  though he scurried somewhat away from any interaction with other ponies. Or well, mainly foals. This really did seem to have mostly focus on the school part when you saw the age of those who went here, though that were as expected really. He hadn't thought this would be full of adults after all  though he did think that they would be a bit older. It were okay though. He'd be fine... Hopefully.

The look that had gone over the councillor's face weren't all that uplifting though. It had looked like bad experiences with outsiders before, and made him think that as one in the same boat, he'd have a far shorter leash than most others because of it. He'd have to step carefully in this place it seemed. Provider that he got accepted.

(When they reached the office)

"I don't know what cocoa is, but... Okay, I guess? Is it like tea?

And... Well, I'm not here to a-abuse anything,  miss. I'm just trying to figure out how to live among the ponies of Equestria, and a school of friendship seemed like a good place to learn how to interact with others. I-I hope that's not wasting your time?"

This young pony truly was a special case. "It's a bit bitter like tea, but with a sweeter flavor," Starlight said as she poured his cup and gave it to him. "Especially with marshmallows." She took a seat behind her desk and nodded. "You won't be wasting our time here, Cover-Up. We believe that anypony--well, nearly anypony--can learn friendship and the magic and joy it brings to life. We've taught friendship to dragons, griffons, yaks, and probably a few others by now, who many ponies believed could never learn friendship. So tell me, where are you from, what brings you to Equestria, and how did you learn about this place?"

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@Blitz Boom


"Wow, this is a really big room," Karmic commented, eyes going wide at the sheer size of the space. Granted, it was in ruins like everything they had passed through but it was still big by pony standards. "Were you able to ever read any of these tomes?" she asked Enzo, gesturing to the scattered pages and books, ignoring everything he said about Warlock and the Element of Hatred.

@Blitz Boom


"I guess to take my mind off of all the information you just gave me, Happini, is there any way I can help out?" Aurora questioned, looking between Onache and Happy. She knew what she said wasn't his name, but it sounded fun to say regardless. She pushed all her timid thoughts to the side for the moment in favour of focusing on whatever task she could at hand.

@Blitz Boom, @EQ_Theta


"I understand somewhat of what you're saying about yourself and Lyriel, Nerzhei, but that still was uncalled for. The way you reacted to whatever she said, anyway," Twilight sighed as Lyriel and Fluttershy left them alone. She sighed in a disappointed tone and looked at the ground between her hooves. "I'm sorry if I sound rude, but, at the very least, you could have stayed quiet if you had nothing nice to say about her. Although, I am glad you are trying to make amends. That counts for something."



"Oh no," Watts said in a small bit of panic and ran across the roof before diving off the edge. She flew down as fast as she could and held her hooves out in an effort to catch him before he could hit the ground. "Got you!" Watts succeeded and crowed triumphantly before setting down on the ground with the changeling in her arms.

Edited by Dji
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"That would have required them to see me as a person, and not a glorified pet."

Enzo's voice were bitter as he replied to Karmic's question. Truth be told he had still learned to read draconian to some degree, but that was mainly just from observing, after he had finally gotten to the point where his pleas and threats had fallen on deaf ears long enough to make him just give up and keep mostly silent.

"Gather everything you find in a pile in the middle. I'll get it out of here when we've taken it all."

Enzo would help gather up things too, but he weren't aiming for reading them in here. Even with the light shining in from... Somewhere, it were still much too dark to sit and read through small words in large books, as well as examine whatever materiel were left behind.




Happy rolled his eyes. Guess this was his nickname now then, huh? Might as well slap a collar on him and start making him fight other pets for their owners lunch money at that point. 

His future career in a pocket sized ball aside, the human changeling had some talking to get done here with the enthusiastic Aurora.

"Love the enthusiasm gal, but the thing is that we still need to get sorted where the best place here to dig is, so that it's centered in a good, defensive spot. Then we need to find out how much space we'll require, then start breaking ground slowly, spewing bile on the walls to harden them up, yada yada. It's gonna take ages. Ain't fair to force you to stick around for weeks just for this."

"If that is even needed now. I know not how things work in this form well enough. I may have to make contact with Thorax sooner than I had wanted."



@Dji @EQ_Theta

"Draconic pride is not allowing for much humility. That I am willing to acknowledge I were wrong is one of the things that separates me from many others of my kind. I can imagine that Spike could too, but he have not grown up among his own kind, so there is external factors that's part of his situation.

I don't claim to be perfect though. I know well that I can be overly confrontational and brazen, among other things. However that doesn't mean that I can hold it back constantly. I doubt you can keep your knee-jerk reactions in check all the time either."

Nerzhei wasn't trying to use this as an excuse, but just to put things into some degree of perspective. Dragons didn't grow up with the same kind of *kindness to all* attitude that were ingrained in ponies, and even if she were not that much part of their society, Neezhei stillrhad that part ingrained in her. The primal side of dragons wasn't helping either, though how much of that actually came from being a dragon and what were simply misplaced instincts that could be learned to ignore, she'd have to wait meeting Spike to answer. He should prove a fascinating link between two worlds, and therefore a peculiar, long term study.

"In any case, what's done is done. Do you have to time ro see the book that I wanted to share?"




As the music began, Vivid had closed her eyes and stood still, soaking in the tunes as they slowly rolled in, calm as a trip to the beach. It were a soothing begining yet her favorite part were not that, but rather what were the come.

When the music took on in force and intensity, to a point where it felt as if the ground shook beneath her hooves, a smile spread on her face. Memories of her sitting quietly near a party hall and listening to this very song play through the walls came to mind. Memories from a happier, more innocent time, even if she weren't allowed to go inside the building. It had all been so simple back then, without the hardships that came later in life, and through the years she had to seek harder and harder to remember this kind of good memory. It hadn't been perfect obviously, but compared to being chased out of town by a fraudulent shaman, the years on the road and then her eventual deal with the demons? It were pretty good, and throughout the years she had spent locked in crystal, this had been the setting she had stayed in, within her dreams.

Eventually, the music would end, yet Vivid still stood with closed eyes and just basked in the moment a little more, reluctant to let go of this pleasant blast from her past. When she did open them again, she still felt happier than usual though, and somewhat removed from the worries and stress of the last few days for the time being. She assumed this was what ponies felt when they went to a spa these days. An experience she wished she could have, yet due to her condition, that were currently not an option, much to Cadence's dismay. The princess had hopes that something like that would ease Vivid's mind a little.

"It have been nearly four thousand years since last I heard that melody, yet it still ignites a spark of joy in my chest. Especially when done this well. You have my gratitude for playing that."

Vivid were usually not one with a friendly look over her. The narrow eyes, the runes, flaming ears, alluring, shoulder-devil voice and general outfit, weren't something that tended to make her look as if she were anything less than bad news, wrapped in a passable pony disguise meant to lure the foolish into trouble. Now however... Well, she looked the same, but there was a certain spark in her eyes, and joyfulness that mixed in her facial features and voice that were at least making her feel more pleasant.

"You have fulfilled your end of our bargain, and I always honor my deals. So tell me then, are you ready to have this moved to your home, or whatever building you may have room for this in?"




Cover-up cautiously took a sip of the offered liquid. It was pretty much as Starlight said, and he could certainly see why it was something you'd offer others. The blend of bitter and sweet were interesting, and from what he had seen of Equestrians, they sure loved their sweets. However, he personally just thought it passable, and that was mainly for it still being bitter. He hadn't grown up with sweets like other ponies in this country had, and his snacks were more earthy, bitter, and occasionally salty in it. Sweets for him had been a small bag of nuts and roasted roots, along with a cup of dreadberry tea, and those kinds of tastes were still his favorite.

That being said, he would get through this a little by little, and enjoy it as much as he could, as being offered something and then just rejecting it seemed like it could be seen the wrong way, and he didn't want to step on anyponys hooves.

"Well, I've lived in Equestria since I was two, but my family and everypony else I knew were settlers from Harrowmark."

If Starlight had ever heard of that country, it would provide an additional layer of challenge, as though the country were small, the concentration of magic users were quite noticeable, and most stories would revolve around how they were either mistrustful of outsiders because they might be minions of the wilderness witches, or of the mentioned magic users themselves. Magic - and especially the dark kind - ran thickly through the ground there, giving raise to a sort of back and forth between the wilderness witches, who were generally evil, and the harvest mages, who tended to be protectors of their towns. It were a twisted kind of balance between them and the farmers that rarely included unicorns, and which seemed crazy to most who just looked at it from a distance. Some scholars had managed to make some fascinating books about it though, yet as the country were small and far from Equestria, who could tell who'd know of the place.

"Mother told me that they settled in Equestria because they wanted to escape the curses from a vindictive witch, so they raised a town deep in the wilderness far to the north, and that's pretty much it. We kept to ourselves, and there weren't really any tourists. The mayor said something about the princess once sending an envoy to see what were going on, but I dunno what happened. He didn't want to talk about it.

A-Anyway, Ormenthal were just fine until... E-Everything just... *whimper*"

Cover-up felt his pulse raise and had to stop himself for a little while to gather himself again.

"...Sorry, It's just that I don't know what happened. One minute I'm going inside to set a painting up on the wall, the next there's a lot of noise, and I have a building collapse on me. I didn't even have time to register what was going on before I woke up in the hospital. They said... O-Ormenthal is gone. Reduced tor rubble, and they couldn't find anypony. Just traces of dark magic everywhere."

He started shaking and had to put the cup down, or it would have ended up falling out of his hoof.

"I didn't know what to do. I was alone, everypony I knew were gone, and I was barely stitched together. So I just left when I was healthy enough to walk, and started drifting aimlessly. I came to Ponyville because of uhm... P-Personal reasons, and thought that perhaps if I could be more like you Equestrians, it would make it easier out here. And since you're friendly, I saw this was a friendship school and uhm... H-Here I am.

And uhm... I-If the tattoos are a problem, I can draw some new ones on me instead. I just really need to have some on me. Collapsing buildings leaves their marks..."

Hopefully she'd get that he were talking about scars, as he'd prefer not to show them if he could avoid it. They were pretty personal, and as his tattoos would prove, covered most of his body. Thank the grave warden that he had his ability so that he could at least pretend like they weren't there.




"I can cleanse Sapphire's body. I just need to purify her bones in the right concoction before resurrecting her."

Blood magic could clean many a disease from you, if you went far enough into its dark arts, but Emerald's own had been too plentiful and complex to handle all that well. At best she had been able to keep it mostly in check, and been able to walk around some, but she had never been able to fully clean herself. Sapphire was different though. Her disease - while horrid in its own right - were at least possible to fight and remove. Emerald would just need the time to prepare things, and if Iron really would assist them to a certain line, this may end up going faster than first anticipated. Of course, that depended on whatever or not he were luring them into a trap, but Sapphire followed, so Emerald would float with her, and see what would await them in the basement.

"For the resurrection Sapphire and I prepared for many years past, you need twenty liters of flowing blood, a flower from the forbidden garden, shards of the primary schools of magic, and a few odds and ends that we already have in our home. What we need here is a way to find and harness or solidify the magic needed. We can get on with robbing Sapphire's grave and breaking into one of those *blood banks* afterwards."




Chow would be heard before he entered the car the two rascals were in, laughing over something that happened a few cars back from the sound of it.

When he finally found them, he were still getting through the chuckling motions, and slumped down in the free seat with a heavy thud. Sure were nice to have a place to rest his rear for once, that didn't include stone or dirt. He wasn't usually the picky type, but today had included all sorts of hard surfaces, and various parts of his body. Mainly his head and back. Having a soft seat right now were seriously hitting the spot for him.

"Oh man, you two should've seen it. These two lads right? I went past to hear that they had messed around with something, and then all of sudden there's yelling, so I open up to see what the sweet crackers are going on, and you know what I saw? One of them with his face glued to the wall, and the other laughing his head off so hard that he had fallen down, and were rolling on the glue bottle! He were so getting stuck to the floor."

Chow burst into a short fit of laughter, before it died out fully, with just leaving a big ol' smile on his face.

"Train attendee said something about getting them fixed up good, but man was it a funny sight. After all this serious, seemingly unending parade of bad stuff and worrying that you two'd get hurt, I really needed that. Brings things down a notch, y'know?

And don't be worrying 'bout the tickets. The conductor were thankfully the same that I run back with when I've been out hunting sometimes, and I can't bring a wallet to the hunt, so I have a sort of tab. I just need to pay up within a few hours of landing in Canterlot, and we're golden. Plenty of time for me to swing by and pick up the bits.

Heh, anyway, that's been my riveting adventure. You two doing alright here?"

He weren't fully back to a more carefree sorta pony, but Chow were certainly feeling a bit lighter and jollier than he'd been for most of the time since Warlock had shown up. Just been a rough time since then, that never seemed to end, but for now at least, that sorta thing seemed to have taken a backseat a little, though thoughts on what went on with Emerald and Sapphire were still lingering of course. Probably would keep on doing so too until the situation were finally handled.




On 1/14/2019 at 5:33 AM, EQ_Theta said:

"A few hours? Yazma, if it is alright, I'll stay here and wait for Rosa to wake up. He'll want to have a recap if Lin and Omen don't come back soon."

"He'll probably need familiar face to calm him down as well. I suppose it's time to head back and finish the delivery while there is still time. Omen, let's go."

"I see no issue with that, but you'll have to try and ignore the students poking you from unseen angles now and again. Kits are a curious sort, and I will eventually have class to attend, so I can't keep watch over you. Not to worry though, there will always be someone watching you. No need for your friends to be concerned."

Sen would be safe where he were. Outsiders weren't always treated well, but he was a respectful sort, and Yazma knew which of the guards to talk with that would give him some leniency, provided that he didn't try something funny. She got the feeling that he wouldn't though. Both for his own sake, and for that of the thestral.

As for Omen, she nodded as she were told to leave, and left with Lin on the spot. A brief glance were cast towards Sen first, though it were brief, and really told nothing of what she were thinking.

On 1/14/2019 at 5:33 AM, EQ_Theta said:

"Omen? Have you ever tried opening a moving gate? Like opening a pathway a few steps ahead but bringing the entry point closer to you instead walking to it? We're gonna need to use that method to move the statue to Scarcity's shop."

"Never tried I think."

So making a gate, but then move it around too? Strange thing to wish for, but Lin knew what she were speaking off, surely, so Omen would try.

First making a gate were not an issue. Then it got expanded, though it weren't moving, just weird and stretchy. Then she tried making more of them and see if that helped, but it were the same result, just with some of them merging together into a larger gate. If an immense gate would be good enough, Omen could do the job, but it a moving portal like Lin could make, rather than a distorted mess was the thing, then it seemed that this were a limitation that she couldn't surpass.

"They don't move. Stretching okay?"




On 1/14/2019 at 5:33 AM, EQ_Theta said:

"Sugarcube Corner serves deserts like cakes and pastries, very sweet and comes in a variety of flavors. On the way back, I could get you some things to try like the Cake family's signature Meringue Madness is a favorite! Though if I may, do you have allergies or some types of food you aren't allowed to eat? I could get you some food that won't do anything terrible to your body."

"I haven't found things that I could not eat, as long as it isn't meat. The Earth Mother wishes for us to protect and guide nature, not feast upon those who relies on us. Most of my life, I have been sustaining myself with offerings from the trees, and the morning dew. What else there is to experience will be new to me, but I will attempt your offerings. You have my word."

It would be interesting what would turn out to happen from eating something made by the ponies, but Lyriel were sure that it would be fine. From what she understood, they too were vegetarian, so what they could eat, she should likely be able to as well, yes? It only remained to be seen if it were something she would enjoy. A ripe, fresh fruit with a large leaf filled with flower nectar it would likely not be, yet who were to say that perhaps it wouldn't be better? These creatures were inventive, so she could imagine tasting some of their cuisine would be something to look forward to.

The birds that followed them were something else to bite notice in, and the sight certainly brought a smile to Lyriel's face. Especially as she knew one of those flying above, from an encounter in the woods, were a tree had almost fallen upon the poor little creature. It weren't his time, so she had saved him from an untimely end, and replanted the tree. She had not seen him since, but gazing upon his beautiful feathers could not help but bringing a smile to her face.

On 1/14/2019 at 5:33 AM, EQ_Theta said:

"Sometimes when a sick animal needs open space, Doctor Fauna sends them here. The fresh air, the cool breeze, the entirety of it makes her patients not want to go home. In fact, several animals here stumble upon this place and just want to stay here. Food and water is aplenty and they certainly don't mind the company of others."

Lyriel wandered forth towards the animals, and smiled warmly at each of them.

"It is nice to meet you, animals of the forest. May the Earth Mother's blessing be upon you all."

With that she would bow, before venturing forth and associating a little more with those who wished to speak with her.

She had been in the middle of a conversation with an otter about his recent mishap, whilst small birds nested on her back, when Fluttershy had brought attention to a strange and honestly surprising sight. More surprisingly were it that Angel seemed not a fan, and she could see a few others who looked with caution for some reason? Did they fear these small creatures? No, that was simply silly. Surely they were just the sort who made a ruckus instead, or tricksters. Those tended to bring a wary eye from others.

On 1/14/2019 at 5:33 AM, EQ_Theta said:

"Water sprites? I don't remember taking any of you in. Lyriel, come have a look!" 

Regardless, Lyriel decided to bow down and get as near as the watery creatures would allow, stopping when they either did something strange, or seemed to wander back from her. She did not wish to invade their personal space if it could be avoided, though some creatures were so timid that it were hard to say how long it may be before you got a second chance. Some might never approach you again if you ventured too close.

"Fellow spirits of nature, I welcome your presence. How fare you today?"



@Catpone Cerberus 

The pony gave off a short, 2 seconds sarcastic laugh at the question given to him.

"Yeah, because these fancy-pants would actually allow me to let them smell my work randomly around town. I barely managed to find a spot that'd allow a meat hook for crying out loud. No good weakling who wouldn't know the glory of the hunt, or keep yapping on about how it's evil to hunt their cute little critters. Yeah, because a bear's just 600 pounds of pure hugs and smiles."

The pony spoke with a clear bitterness in his voice, as he chopped off a section of what he considered to be the best meat for a dragon, as whoever got here first, got the juicy bits. Except for the entrails. He had a deal running with one specific dragon about that, so that'd get packaged for themselves and not be for sale to anypony else.

"That'll be 10 bits. And tell your boss to send you around again next time. I don't like ponies who flinch at a little blood."

He reached a package of the good slabs towards Ruby, while Marley were taking some bits out, as he had offered food, so it were only fair that he paid for this. 10 bits weren't too bad anyway, considering everything, and the pony seemed to find Ruby an acceptable *meat courier* or whatever he may call her. Hopefully not to her face, as he had already done a kind of compliment as well as laugh at something she said. He may well be on shaky ground already.



@Zephyr / Karou

On 1/13/2019 at 9:34 PM, Zephyr / Karou said:

"Thanks. I'm Zephyr, and this is Sun Fire. Hopefully nopony was hurt." Zephyr pulled the map back out of his bag with his magic. "You mentioned a spa? Could you point it out to me? Life has been pretty stressful for us lately, and a bit of relaxation sometime soon would be nice." He said as he unfolded the map. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you both, As for the spa, you''ll find it right there."

Bubble pointed at the map to exactly where the spa were.

"If you have had a troubled time, I would strongly suggest going for a full treatment, starting with a deep tissue massage. It can be somewhat painful at first, but I can assure you that Bulk Biceps will make every tension in your body seem to just melt away. It's likely best with a bubble bath after, while your body calms down again, though there are several options. I am usually working at the desk there, so perhaps I can give you a guided tour when you eventually get there? I would love to show you around the facility."

It also gave him another chance to have a look at his crush in the spa, but that weren't for these to know. it was kind of embarrassing, and honestly he didn't want word to get around, or working conditions may just end up odd. Bubble didn't want that, and really, he were contend with his view from afar now and again so far. No reason to mess that up by opening Pandora's Box.

As for the spa, Bubble also wrote down a small note under the location of the spa, with the times they were open. It would get somewhat awkward if they showed up to a closed spa after hearing good things about it. Not the best first impression they could get.

"Actually, I have to get back with the bath salts soon, but is there anything else you'd want to know first? If not, then don't hesitate asking others in town if there's something you wish to know later on, or can't find. Most are happy to help, if they have the time."




"Awh, seriously? Usually I have a good ten minutes before the law shows up. You're quick. Here, have a reward."

Anomaly pulled her tongue at them with a giggle, before snapping with her tail. What happened next were kind of... Well, mean in a way, but to her at least, mostly hilarious, as large flowers started to sprout underneath the police's feet, and rose up to engulf their heads, much like a good old fashioned meat eating plant. Which had been a brief thought of hers to bring in, buuuuut it were likely not good if she got the cops eaten, so instead... Well, look at 'em.

Soon as the cops would get their heads out from the plants by wriggling away (the grips weren't all that tight after the first three seconds) they'd find that vegetables had started to grow on their heads. The one with the tomato dreadlocks likely had it the worst of them, though ponytail squash over there were looking mighty fine. Not as fine as the guy with a pumpkin bouncing back and forth the front of his face, but that was probably a bias of hers.

"Are you sure it's not your time to - wait for it - Leaf? *snort*"

Time to see if the other newly crowned royals of the crazy bin had some tricks up their own, non-existent sleeves.

Edited by Blitz Boom
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@Blitz Boom @Catpone Cerberus Luna nods, "While they are ways...to bring back the dead, they are dark and evil Magics, and only Grogar" She shudders, then rubs her hoofs as if dusting something off. She coughs. "Ahem, but We will search the Canterlot Archives and see if anything can be done." She turns to Nada, "I assume you are staying with Serenade until such time We can find more...suitable accommodations?"

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@Blitz Boom

"Now they will never starve!"

"Yeah! They'll be rich by selling produce!"

"Or by doing something unrelated like investing in the stock market. I hear the cotton candy industry is doing quite well."

The police officers didn't really panic. In fact, the one with the dreadlocks immedietly started eating a tomato.

"So, what now?"

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@Blitz Boom

Ruby just blinked and nodded as a response to the little rant, she liked the way this pony thought, not that it made her care for the pony in any way, it was just refreshing to find a pony with similar opinions to hers, she was bit annoyed by him laughing at her question, but if she would have let something like that to get to her, she wouldn't have lasted longer than a week among the ponies.

She looked at Marley curiously when he started taking the bits out, she hadn't expected him to pay, not that she minded, free food was free food. She took the package, making a tiny gesture towards Marley in case the pony hadn't noticed that he was the one paying, she then simply replied "I will, thank you for your business." if they would meet again, she would have some extra packs with her so she can get more at the time.

If there wasn't anything else, Ruby would put the package on her back, and after heading out would stop to stuff it in the box. The gibberish sounding muttering was there again when opening and closing the box. 


@Moonlit@Blitz Boom

Nada turned towards the princess again when she was addressed "Yes thy highness, I will be staying in the river." she replied with a respectful tone, she wondered if she should add that she didn't need anything too special building wise, since she didn't believe she could ever actually live comfortably outside water, thus the building could be unnecessary, but she decided against it. 


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@Blitz Boom

Astral smiled at him awkwardly, but it was still genuine. "Yeah we just chatted a bit. Surprising so much can happen to any one of us like that." She leaned back, sighing to herself, a really hefty puff of air escaping her. Even with all of this, the heaviest thing on her chest was how she felt about Chow, but his age was, old. Sure it wasn't entirely weird for marriage at a young age, but herself, she was still not an adult. "I don't want to be a downer again, But I have to say this. Okay?" She looked to Chow again, her smile fading. "You know of this, but I've had feelings for you, but it's made hard due to the, age difference. It's kinda why I, look for something to do now. We've been on this adventure ever since we met, even when I heard your age." She looked out the window as the landscape passed by. "Gives me time to think and contemplate if it's not just a childish feeling. It's not, and it feels wrong." She slumped over, leaning against the window now. "Should I look for somepony else?" She turned to him, head still against the window.


@Blitz Boom

"I advise staying close to me, I can only disable the traps immediately ahead of us. Not that I couldn't, but I ensured that'd be the case. If somepony followed me." He said, glancing back. "Which you are."

"No need to keep explaining stuff."

Iron chuckled, looking ahead as he looked to the floor, pausing in his step. Looking the wall and casting a spell in it's way, hitting the wall and causing some markings to glow before he walked ahead. Sapphire walking through it, making sure Emerald was close. "Nearly all of them are invisible, but that was just the door." He said with a chuckle. "If this works, what do you two even plan to do with bodies? if anything you'll only be as powerful as you are now."

"I died before I could reconcile everything, before I could find Emerald and fix her. I was, distracted." She lowered her head. "But what I plan to do with a body, is fix all the things I broke."

"Understandable." He looked back to Emerald. "As much as I know you're angry at me for 'stealing your sister', I met her after you died." He looked ahead again. "Just want to make that clear, oh and another thing, She met me first, loved me first." He deactivated a trap, a ticking sound making it clear that there was a timer as he walked forward. "She found me in her search to remove you from your prison, and even the child didn't stop her when we had it."

"But then I died..." Sapphire added, looking to Emerald. "Sorry this is just, how him and me have chit chat. It's mostly due to how he keeps rambling like this."

"If it annoys you, you could just ask me not to do it." He said, looking back to her.



Panting heavily, he rolled off and onto the ground, laying there. Seeing a pony stepping nearby. "Uhm." He stood up, looking to Watts. "Thanks, but I am a changeling, why would you do that?"

"Because we're not terrible."

"Right." He looked to the pony who had decided to stand there and watch. "Who are you?"

They shrugged. "Same as you." 

Zealous rolled his eyes. "Great, another changeling."

"Yeah I am, and I was told to look for this guy. He got some injuries and snuck out of the hospital. They asked me since I was part of the hive."

"Oh well, that makes more sense." Zealous chuckled. "Explains why he's a terrible flyer."

Groaning, Francis walked over to the other changeling. "My wing got injured when I was young, I've never been able to fly right since." His wing transformed, revealing a scar and a partially torn wing. "And you seem to be of similar condition, being a unicorn with a broken horn."

Zealous narrowed his eyes, his horn wasn't visible too anypony up till now, since he covered it with his mane, but now it was visible. "Is that a problem?" They shook his head, Zealous relieving his serious look. "Good."

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@Blitz Boom

"That sounds wonderful. I wouldn't mind a quick tour, either." Zephyr folded the map back up and put it in his bag. "I actually think that's all the help we need for now. Anything else, Nuri?" Zephyr asked, turning to Sun Fire. She shook her head. "Yeah, I think we're good now. Thanks for your help." He said, turning back to Bubble Burst. "It was a pleasure to meet you. We'll definitely be at the spa today or tomorrow. Thanks again." Zephyr said, waving as he turned to walk down the street. 

"See you." Sun Fire said. She caught up to Zephyr to walk beside him. "I like it here. Everypony is so nice." She said to Zephyr. She looked around the town as they walked down the street, a small smile across her face.

"That's wonderful to hear. Hopefully you'll be back to your old self soon." Zephyr said, smiling at her. "Well, I think this is it." They stopped in front of a house at the corner of an intersection, and Zephyr pulled the picture of it back out of his bag. It was everything like the picture, only better. Zephyr turned to Sun Fire. "Ready to start a new life?"

Sun Fire nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely." The two of them walked up the three steps onto the porch, and the door to their new start swung open.


"Everything's set up here, Karou! How are you doing?" Sun Fire called to her brother, walking down the stairs from the second floor. She had just finished arranging the furniture and decorations for their living space upstairs. Everything they shipped over arrived undamaged, so after they sorted through everything and Zephyr used his magic to put the furniture upstairs, they were able to arrange everything without a problem.

While Sun Fire had been dealing with their living space, Zephyr had been setting up his shop and Sun Fire's recording studio. "Almost finished." Zephyr said, knocking one last nail into the wall with his magic. He had already set up the sign out front, the shelves, and the counter for the shop, and he just finished nailing the sheets of cork to the wall in Sun Fire's recording studio for sound dampening. "I just need to set everything up on the shelves and unpack the rest of my tools." 

"I'll sort your tools. Go ahead and start putting your stuff on the shelves." Sun Fire said, opening one of the boxes behind the counter. "I've always wondered how you repaired instruments. Being away with Songbird Serenade all the time, I never got to visit you in your shop." She said. One of the mandrels she pulled out of the box was smooth enough to have a reflection, and she stared at herself in it. "As close as we are, I never once found extra time that we could spend together. I was so absorbed in my career. I'm a terrible sister." She put the mandrel down harshly on a shelf underneath the counter and continued to pull out tools, her eyes beginning to water.

Zephyr opened a box, full of various brass instruments and a bunch of mouthpieces apparently, and began setting them up on shelves near the front of the shop with his magic. "It isn't your fault. Being a celebrity takes a lot of time and effort, so of course you wouldn't have had much to spare." He finished setting up the front of the shop, and opened the next box. Saxophones, reeds, more mouthpieces, and a tuba. "The music industry is extremely busy, and it's amazing you were able to come home at all. If you ask me, that makes you an amazing sister." He put the saxophones on the shelves next to Sun Fire's recording studio and set the tuba on it's stand underneath the other brass instruments. He opened the last box, which contained different cleaning and oiling supplies. He put those up on the shelves at the back of the store and walked over to Sun Fire. "There's nothing wrong with pursuing what you love. You just need to find a way to enjoy it that doesn't interfere with your other passions." He pulled her in for a hug. "I couldn't have asked for a better sister."

Sun Fire hugged him back, tears beginning to roll down her cheeks. "Thanks. I couldn't have possibly hoped for a better brother."

After a few moments, Zephyr broke the hug and stepped back, smiling. "Well, want to try out that song you were writing while you were working for Songbird? I'd really like to hear it."

Sun Fire sniffed and pulled some sheets of paper out of her bag. "If you really want to. It's a bit macabre since I wrote it back when everything was happening."

"Let's just see how it sounds. Even if you don't like the current lyrics, you can always change them later." Zephyr said, bringing his modified saxophone out from under the counter. Sun Fire set up the music so both of them could see it easily, and after a quick count off, they started.

As Zephyr and Sun Fire played her song in the shop, performing together as one, the music carried out the door and into the town. Sun Fire's pure voice flowed past the other ponies, while Zephyr's notes bounced off the buildings, his magic expertly depressing the keys of his saxophone. The music carried far down the street, and as it infused itself into the evening air, Sun Fire let out all the emotions she had been carrying with herself for the past ten years. All the feelings that were bottled up inside of her, everything that she had ever wanted to say, were finally free. As the song ended and the last echoes died off, Sun Fire felt happy for the first time in years, and a genuine smile spread across her face.

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@Blitz Boom

It was probably true, Rising Dusk should have just called it a day after helping the sisters out, but the detective was too far behind on his reports.  Okay, probably not that far behind as it was very easy to fill out reports when one could remember every detail perfectly.  It should have only taken him ten minutes to file what he had left over to do, but was three minutes too long before he apparently fell asleep.  The little power nap really helped though and he recovered a fair bit.  The detective bravely smiled on.

Taking note of everything about the filly as she introduced herself and talked a little bit about what she brought.  Body language, verbal ques and the like.  Not all that uncommon for a pony to make such a request about wanting to watch the work.  Mostly out of guilt and curiosity, but for the most part it didn't bother the unicorn.  He glanced at the box, watching the weave come into view before him.  This set applied to the box itself while whatever was inside remained unclear.  For now he couldn't even determine if what was inside the box was magic or non-magic.  Another thing common with lock boxes.  That little added security, but sometimes what ends up being inside is just grandmare's pearls.  Still, better to be on the side of caution.

 "I don't mind at," Rising Dusk simply replied and nodded as he turned to take Lily into the basement of the O.M.I.  Scarlet waited to take the tightly guarded form from the visitor now that her request was met.  "Scarlet, if you'll assist," the detective invited while he held the swinging doors open for the two.  Whatever was inside the box could still be dangerous, and it'd be safe to have a little back up should the tired unicorn slip.  In a mixture of both giddy and professional emotions the pegasus fought to keep herself from prancing in place.  "Oh my gosh!" she started with excitement but stopped herself and cleared her throat.  "Yes Sir!" she corrected and stood tall with pride, but trotted past him with a wide smile on her face and into the basement.

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@Blitz Boom

"I think I can manage. Besides, it might be a good change of pace to meet the curious ones instead of overhearing someone tell another to keep their distance like I'm some malicious being. Ah, I'm probably going to start rambling if I go any further. I won't keep you from your duties, Yazma; I'll keep to myself unless someone wants to talk or get me to move or something. And thank you and the kitsune for looking after Lin and Rosa."

With that, Sen moved over just a little ways off and sat in the shade. Here is once more assumed his calming, meditative position: eyes closed, head bowed, wings curled around. It has been a while since he did this but it was a little different that he didn't cross his legs. Nobody really has a specific set of rule for proper stances in meditation so no one could really call him out for it. Now he looks like his wings are shielding himself but he has enough range of movement and visibility to sense and see with a 120 degree field of view. 

As for Lin, she observed Omen's gates. It is true that she opened gates and that they were moving, but not exactly what the longma had in mind. Maybe Omen hadn't had the opportunities to do this sort of thing before. Might be a problem, or it may not. Lin first tried opening a very tiny gate, one that will only let dust particles go through as a demonstration. 

"I had this in mind." Lin first conjured the gate, then moved it little by little, having the entry point start in front of her before slowly pushing it towards Omen then closing it. It was apparent that in this demonstration, Lin's breathing showed signs of labor, not the kind of heavy breathing from exhaustion but a few steps down from it. "I guess I still need some time to recover before I can pull that again on a larger scale."

"Well, I suppose we have some alternatives. You could try it out for yourself or we could do something with stretching the gate's entry point to envelop an object. We might have to push the statue to Scarcity's shop either way. Or... is it possible to combine our gates instead? Make a large one that opens directly to the spot where Scarcity wants the statue to go? You've shown you could do that with your own gates but could you merge yours with mine?"


@Blitz Boom 

"I'll be sure to let Pinkie know not to go overboard with the pastries. She can be excitable and usually is around visitors. She might even throw a party simply because she is happy to meet you!"

The dryad wouldn't need to worry about the pastries and any questionable content that could lead to adverse and unintended bodily reactions. For the most part, ponies are fine with eating them and they were herbivores by nature. Plant-based food is a staple of their diets and a little sugar doesn't do much harm. Lyriel wouldn't have difficulty or problems with local daily meals. Of course, the possibility that something rather surprising, good or otherwise, will likely lie with Pinkie. When she hears about a new visitor in town, she'd throw a big welcome party and prepare as many deserts and sweets as possible. Then something like jewel-encrusted cupcakes might show up. Those were mainly for Spike but there have been occasions where gemstones were buried in the cupcake batter and somepony would chip a tooth. 

But otherwise, there was plenty to see and take in at the sanctuary. Some animals have certainly taken to add their own little corner to the place. Nests and burrows, holes and dens... it somehow makes the whole place feel larger than what it once was when it first opened. It wasn't a feature noticed by the pegasus as she was focused on tending to the water sprites who jumped out of Fluttershy's hooves and back into the water, letting out a distressed squeal before disappearing into the clear surface upon seeing her dryad guest. And it wasn't just them who noticed the unfamiliar visitor's presence.

Psst! Hey, yellow pony, come over here! 

"Huh? Who's there?"

By the water! 

The strange voice was already barely audible with the sound of water rushing down the waterfall, crashing at the bottom. It came off as whispering, though certainly Fluttershy and Lyriel could hear it with some difficulty. Any louder and it would pretty much be yelling. Though the pegasus looked around, she couldn't tell where the voice is coming from, only that it was young and feminine. Fluttershy looked and looked, even Angel hopped down and helped in searching for the mysterious voice but the source of the voice is nowhere to be seen.

Oh for the love of.... Sorry to have to do this to you.

The sound of something singing began emanating from the waterfall. Though all of the animals present, and maybe Lyriel, wouldn't notice anything but the soothing tune, Fluttershy felt a tingling in her head. It was a beautiful humming adagio progressing to an andante tempo, something like a warmer-colder game.

"If you could please tell me... exactly... where..."

She noted it first, resumed to looking around the streams but she slowly stopped looking at the stream moving away from the falls, lifting her head and began walking towards the the waterfall as the tempo shifted faster. Angel found this odd and his suspicions were proven right when even his owner wouldn't acknowledge his presence as she nearly stepped on him, seemingly entranced and drawn by the music, losing awareness of everything else. Her irises even shrank a bit and with Angel squeaking to get her attention, she paid him no mind as she continued walking.

Come with me! Someone's over there!

The bunny rushed to Lyriel, pointing at the waterfall and squeaking with worry. He had seen this once before but couldn't place his paw on who was responsible for the previous incident. He had to turn to someone who appeared to be unaffected by this music for help and for now, the other animals nearby didn't really seem to notice the oddity, save for the water sprites.

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom @Catpone Cerberus Luna smiles, "We remember the fight Serenade put up when We offered this house to her" Luna walks around, "You would think We demand that she live in Tartarus for the rest of her life." She turns back, "Let me be the first to Welcome you to Equestria, Kibitz will be touch after we inform him"

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@Blitz Boom


Karmic hopped off of Enzo's back as best she could and winced when she landed a bit too hard on her hooves. "Find all the materials. That should not be hard in this giant room," Karmic commented and began to walk towards a particularly bare bookcase that only held a few books in its shelves.

@Blitz Boom


"I've literally got nothing better to do," Aurora told them both, sitting on her haunches. She felt like a third wheel, yes, but she did want to help both Onache and Happy as best she could. Besides, it was fun calling the human Happini. It had a nice sound to it. "But, you're right. It may be of help to you to contact this Thorax. Sounds like a dragonfly to me more than a changeling with that name."

@Blitz Boom


"I can't control my reactions, it's true," Twilight nodded and took a deep breath. She had to get all her thoughts in order. When she had, she beamed at the dragon and looked up at Nerzhei. "I do have time now, yes. Show me the book and tell me why you think I can help."



"Huh, your mane must have covered the stump. I've never seen a Unicorn with a broken horn before," Watts told Zealous in mild interest. She glanced at the dual changelings and smiled at them. "Francis, I'm sorry for how I reacted. It was an ingrained habit of mine."

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@Rising Dusk

Lily chuckled silently to herself as Scarlet got all hyped about helping Rising with the curse box. Must be a very enthusiastic pony that wasn't usually allowed to do these sort of things, or perhaps a mare with an infatuation towards the detective. Either with some actual emotions, or from her seeing him as somewhat of an authority figure, though either one would cause this sort of reaction, as it were some degree of approval to have an idolized creature find them worthy of helping them with something.

Or perhaps Scarlet were just an easily flustered mare. Considering the area, anything were possible.

Following them into the basement, Lily kept quiet, and when they reached the table, she'd set the curse box on it, and withdraw the key from her hat, which she then placed next to it. Now it were just to wait for the detective to open it.

She so hoped it wouldn't be long. There was so many much she wanted to get off her chest, and it would all start when these two got to work. The ponies of the O.M.I. who kept the citizens of Manehattan and beyond safe from the dark magic that would inevitably rise, either through an evil mind who wished to harness forbidden power for their own needs, of some unfortunate incident, like getting hit with an unintentional curse, magic items that got twisted, and so many other, varied things that were hard to predict. No matter what the reason though, the result remained the same: Something, or some being, would start to hurt others.

Many ages and countries each had their own solutions to dealing with this, ranging from just quarantining an area something were in, to keeping them in locked storage, far away from prying eyes. This were by far the best long term solution though. Removing the object entirely, instead of risking something getting loose, stolen, or misused. A peculiar process to have this done, and to find ponies who could harness the power needed for this grueling and dangerous task, yet a necessary role that many in Equestria were undoubtedly thankful for having, even if they didn't make much use of it themselves. Never knew when one might fall over a cursed rake or something after all.

As for the box itself, Rising might be dealing with some potential alarm as he would open it, as even an inch lifted would release an odor of rot and decay, along with the a sickening magical essence just peaking out. Something which would just get worse as the box would get opened more, and some threads of magic would show a deplorable, disgusting usage of powerful magic of the most forbidden kind: Sacrificial. Something like that didn't just spawn randomly out in the world. It were made deliberately, by some creature who valued life so little that it were nothing but fuel to them. Thankfully it were generally impossible to tell how many had been lost to make the spell, though every life wasted like this were still inexcusable, and any being with a moral compass should feel horrid about being confronted by something made from it. Hay, even ones without it would potentially feel disgusted, as even well known villains tended to find this were going too far.

What were more disturbing than this however, would be the fact that the box was empty. Something had clearly been within this for a long time, seeing how the trace of it were covering the insides in both deplorable magic and grave dirt, yet it appeared to have escaped recently. Or rather, had been let out. Intact curse boxes were specifically made to never allow anything to get out on its own, and this hadn't had a scratch on it.



@Moonlit @Catpone Cerberus

"Who is Kibitz?"

It were a very strange name for a pony to have, so perhaps some other kind of creature? Kitsune perhaps? It were one of the races she could remember reading about in the books still left at the old castle, and they tended to have strange, outlandish names. Kibitz might well be one of those, though who could tell what naming were these days? Some ponies might just name their foals unusual names in this day and age, but until she knew otherwise, Cherish would still think it might be one of the pony sized, magical vixens. The name was just not sitting right in her mind otherwise.

"And... I know that i can't be resurrected since dark magic isn't allowed, but uhm... Being free from a small area would also be okay. I can still help others even if I'm dead that way. I like to think that would be why I stayed behind at all. Dunno though, I can't remember anymore."

Such were a thing that saddened Cherish, but she were sure that had to be why she hadn't gone on to the afterlife. Why else would she be stuck here? Had she been afraid of the afterlife? Had she been... Forgotten?

That last one always turned her stomach, and in general she refused to believe in that, or much of the rest. She were a good pony, and she were going for a blissful place after her time ended. There would be nothing to be afraid of there, just like there hadn't been for her little friend for the past several centuries in the castle. Before the strange pony and the bat pony had helped him move on that were.



@Catpone Cerberus

The pony just nodded to them in response after taking his bits, then went back over to pick up the axe. He had work to get done before more customers would show up.

Marley would follow out after Ruby went, giving him time to send a glance back towards the pony and what he were doing. It were always weird to see pony hunters and butchers, but the equines were many and varied. Couldn't avoid running into the oddities here and there, and this one had gotten a good business carved out for himself doing what he did best, so it weren't a wasted talent at least, like some others Marley had meant. Head Honcho were another one sort of like this that he knew of, but the less he thought of that mare the better. She tended to make the small feathers on the back of his neck shiver coldly.

"I admit, this stallion were not as I had expected, but it turned out well at least, so I cannot complain. Is there something else you have a need for, or could we perhaps head towards the fishing booths, that I may get something for my own part of our lunch?"




"I dunno. Ponies usually freak out when I do this sorta thing. Not fun when you two already broke them."

Anomaly scratched her head, and looked at the weird cops. Especially the guy nibbling on his own tomatoes.

"Guess they'll enjoy it until the stuff falls out at sundown then. So... What do you two think we should do? Scram, or stay and make it difficult for 'em?"

Really weren't any fun that the two others had ruined the locals this much. Honestly, what sorta fun were left for her when she couldn't mess with them? Sure she could still try some things, but if this didn't even make them flinch, what'd the point be? She'd have to go over the top to really get to them, and if she did that, she'd just be declared a villain and then there's be all sorts of trouble. Who wanted to deal with that hassle?




Alright, this was a heavy one to lay down on him. Especially since Chow weren't exactly an impartial one to ask questions in all of this. But well... Here goes he supposed.

"I think that sorta depends on you Astral. If it ain't making you feel good, then perhaps it'd be for the best, but I ain't exactly where I can just push you out and say *go for it*. I like you Astral, which frankly is weirding me out now and again, since I've never had a thought of being together with a pony before, yett for some reason I'm not trying to squeeze away from it when I think of you.

Egotistical answer would be that you should just wait it out 'til I started to look like the sorta stallion you'd care for. However since I care for ya, and don't wanna see you trapped in something that ain't making you happy... Guess my answer's gonna is that if it makes you feel better, then keep your eyes peeled for somepony more in your range, but if things change, you know where I am. Not like I'll leave you two behind just cause of this. You both make my life a hectic mess of crazy and close calls, but honestly I couldn't imagine going back to wandering around on my own again. It'd be lonely without you two.

And don't you worry 'bout my feelings on this Astral. I'll manage, and again, long as I ain't banished from your lives, things are at least alright."

This were probably the best answer he could give to all of this. To want to be the one she'd look on with the sorta look he'd seen couples send to one another, but he didn't want her to be unhappy, so if she felt better by looking elsewhere, then he weren't going to keep her back. He'd be a rotten friend if that were the case.

He sorta wondered what Misty's take were on this, though she likely had whatever side Astral had on this. The young mare were sorta her mother, or at least a big sister kinda thing, and she likely wanted the same they all did: Astral being happy.




On 1/15/2019 at 10:30 PM, FanOfManyShows said:

"If this works, what do you two even plan to do with bodies? if anything you'll only be as powerful as you are now."

"I only took up magic so that I could stay alive, so I would gladly give up every ounce of magic I had if it meant I could have a healthy body of my own."

In a way, she might miss her magic, but for Emerald, it had always been more of a means to an end beyond anything else. She didn't care about obtaining potentially unlimited power, if it couldn't help sustain her, and as that had turned out to be a bust as the elements had shown clearly that they could not be handled by a single being, she could care less. All that mattered were that she could potentially have her own body, at which point one of her first actions might well be to kick Iron in the shins, or flank. He could say what he wanted about Sapphire being the real reason why the two had gotten apart to begin with, but Emerald blamed the both of them. Difference were that she were still strongly connected to her sister, so she could try and forgive. Iron were merely tolerated until she could find a reason to even try to care about him.

On 1/15/2019 at 10:30 PM, FanOfManyShows said:

"But then I died..." Sapphire added, looking to Emerald. "Sorry this is just, how him and me have chit chat. It's mostly due to how he keeps rambling like this."

"You always liked to talk sister. I'm not surprised you matched yourself with one who talks as much as you did. Had our lives gone differently, this might even have made me happy to see, but there is a lot of work ahead of us before I could even consider it now. If your daughter doesn't outright destroy me that is. I imagine she doesn't hold me in high regards after what I've done to you all so far, and her magical potential seems higher than what Sapphire and I managed to accomplish. If she put her mind to it, perhaps she could actually end me."

A kind of compliment, though her tone were one with some degree of worry to it, as there were the slight chance of Astral actually pulling that off, if she were given the right kind of magic to use. As she were right now, she were not much of a threat, but a high potential meant that she could reach untold heights, and do things that Sapphire and her only dreamed off. Potentially, even completing the resurrection spell, if tutored in how to go through every single step, though Emerald would prefer to do so herself. Less potential to cause issues.



@Zephyr / Karou

"Bravo. What an absolutely delightful performance."

The smooth, soothing voice came from the open door, where the green *pony* they had seen earlier stood and clapped his hooves with a big smile on his face. Usually that may be a good thing, but they would notice a few things that might not be the most comforting. Mainly that every tooth in the big smile were razor sharp, and more reminiscent of a shark than anything resembling a pony. As for that, this close, it'd be easier to see that his coat had a certain mossy texture to it, along with the more wire-like straws that made for his mane and tail hair, and that the flower on his head were either stapled in, or actually growing out of his skull.

Still, despite the predatory plant appearance he gave off, his demeanor were otherwise friendly. Clapping, keeping a distance, and with a facial expression were one of great joy.

The same could not be said for the one who poked her head halfway around the corner of the door. A timid changeling mare that were looking at the ponies with fear and caution, and strangely enough, with a rather colorful mane, which were unusual for changelings, as they tended to either be bald, have membranous hair, or were changed fully to a real pony. She also had a grey, well used bow on her head, but more were not really possible to see, as so little of her were shown, as if she were afraid that the ponies would hurt her, but she needed to see what happened.

"I'm terribly sorry for interrupting, but we heard your magnificent music from down the street and I simply had to come and hear who were playing so masterfully. I must say, you both have some incredible talent for the musical arts, though I could swear that the voice were somewhat familiar. Have you sung at other venues by chance, miss?

Ah, but where are my manners. Briar Trapjaw, at your service."

He bowed to them as gallantly as if he had grown up around the Canterlot nobles.

"And this is my ward, Brittle Buzz. Please excuse her for her silence, but she is a very timid mare, that takes time to warm up towards others."

Briar did everything he could to not show himself to be a danger towards others most of the time, but the teeth were hard to keep hidden, so oftentimes he didn't bother. Sooner or later everypony figured out that he wasn't a regular pony regardless, and having sharp teeth were hardly the weirdest thing that he could show of his physique. Weren't as if he were presenting what were beneath his cape after all.

So far, he kept his eyes closed too, as he didn't want this meeting to begin with him catching a glimpse and then holding his head. Having only recently gained eyes, he still had a long road ahead of him getting used to the onslaught of colors and such that came from suddenly having sight, and it would likely be months, or even years before he could keep them up. Fortunate that he could still rely on his ears and the flow of wind, which had done him well enough so far.




Yazma would argue some with what Sen said, but as mentioned, she had a class to run soon, so she just left him be to his own devices for the time being, with one guard she knew of standing near, just in case. Like most others here though, he were of course out of sight as well, and Sen should not notice his presence at all, unless he bumped into him, which seemed unlikely, for the time being.

Besides, he'd have enough to do with the random pokes, small yips, and giggles that were whispered every now and again as he were treated mainly as a sort of class pet by the faculty at large. Mostly the small ones, as the elder would do some more stuff if they had the chance, but they either didn't have the time, or were in other parts of this place. It might end up feeling like a long time for the poor longma.

Meanwhile, with Lin, Omen tried again to follow what she were said with the moving gates, yet once again, only managed to distort it, and making it look like kind of a tube before closing it again. Could well be that this were just Lin's thing, as she were a more special case than Omen, with being made of many kinds of magic, mixed with Mother's realm.

The question that came not long after had her pause and think for a few minutes though. Had she ever tried to combine her gates with others before? Sometimes it happened with her own, especially when Master Discord had wanted her to move a lot of things at once, and it just kinda happened, but with others? That sounded like a weird thing to do.

"...I don't know. Can't remember mixing with others before. We could try?"

(if Lin had enough energy for it)

It actually would work, which were a strange look for Omen, but she weren't really doing much either. Mainly she was just adding some volume to Lin's strained portal, and then either following her lead in how much more were needed, or let the longma control it on her own. Regardless of what were going on in details, Scarcity's shop would soon have the statue she wanted in her possession, which meant that they could go and ask for their payment. Omen would even be able to take them there, as she could follow the trail of the statue, since it had some of their *smell* on it.

(if Lin didn't have the juice)

The whole thing collapsed before the statue were even getting near it, but  they had tried at least, that had to count for something. It did make Omen curious about something though, which could perhaps help them? She weren't sure.

"You can open a tiny Portal... Shrimp goes through, then I open gates following him? Weird pony can have help moving the statue then?"

Shrimp would likely not like being on his own, but if it would only be for a few seconds. That shouldn't be too bad, and it would help them get the statue to the mare who wanted it, so they could get the things to help put Filigree away for a long time. Hopefully at least, as there wouldn't be many days before a trial had to go through, and her destiny would be decided.




On 1/16/2019 at 6:42 AM, EQ_Theta said:

It wasn't a feature noticed by the pegasus as she was focused on tending to the water sprites who jumped out of Fluttershy's hooves and back into the water, letting out a distressed squeal before disappearing into the clear surface upon seeing her dryad guest. And it wasn't just them who noticed the unfamiliar visitor's presence.

Lyriel felt saddened about this response from the water spirits. Perhaps she were a being who drank water, but she would never hurt other sons and daughters of nature. How she hoped that one day they would rise and speak with her, yet today, that did not seem to be their intent, no matter how long she stood motionless and starred at the surface of the water. Fluttershy may have some idea of how she could connect them another time too. Expanding their pond for example? It were well within her regular powers, so if it may work, she would do so. In due time at least.

And speaking of Fluttershy, it seemed that the mare had wandered away from the pond. A strange thing, as she would have thought that the mare would stay and console the watery creatures, but surely she had a reason for this. Though what may that be? She had responded to questions that Lyriel had not heard before, but had thought might have come from her watery brethren, and she just couldn't hear them, so she had not thought much of it.

Then the singing had suddenly started. A strange tune that Lyriel couldn't say that she had heard before, and Fluttershy had wandered off. Although... The way she had spoken before going, were rather strange actually. It were as if she just drifted off and were drawn to the music.

"Fluttershy? Are you okay?"

She likely didn't get an answer, but she wouldn't need to either, when she saw the mare ignoring Angel. Through everything she had heard and seen of Fluttershy, the mare would never just ignore an animal, and especially not one who wandered with her through thick and thin like this.

On 1/16/2019 at 6:42 AM, EQ_Theta said:

Her irises even shrank a bit and with Angel squeaking to get her attention, she paid him no mind as she continued walking.

Come with me! Someone's over there!

Lyriel didn't hesitate as the bunny came to her for help, and rose up to follow him and Fluttershy. Worry had started to settle in her chest now, over what were going on. Where someone hypnotizing Fluttershy? If so, why? Where they trying to get her to wander into the waterfall and drown? She would drag the mare out of there if it came to that, but if it were an enemy who would wander out and attack, there would not be much the dryad could do. She barely had enough energy to summon a single vine to wrap around someone, much less fight of an actual threat.

"Angel, do you know what's going on? Is she in danger?"




All the books would likely look like gibberish to Karmic, seeing as they were in draconic, though one of the books actually seemed to be in equine, strangely enough. A manual on how to raise guard dogs, which considering everything, had likely been used to gain some ideas on how to work with Enzo, then gotten combined with varied magic to smooth the process out for them. If she opened the books and saw the cliff notes, things deleted, and diagrams written here and there, it should paint a depressing picture of how little they had cared for some of the key points, which mainly revolved around the love and care required. They just wanted to train obedience, which hadn't worked out as well as they likely would've hoped.

Enzo in the meantime, were using strips of cloth to grab whatever he could see, polish the worst of the dust off, and then put it in the middle. All but a small thing which he viewed with big eyes, then hidden away underneath his necklace. If Aurora had been quick, she might have spotted a plushie or animal tail of some kind getting stored away, but Enzo weren't saying anything, and just kept on with gathering things. Whatever it were, it seemed he didn't want the attention to be on it.




"Thorax is leader of the first hive of reformed changeling, and the only king. It is one reason why I have long held distaste for him, as one who cannot spawn eggs, is not worthy of leading a hive. That is for us who provides life to do.

Now though, I know not what to think anymore, and I wonder if this new life means that we reproduce the same way. If we don't, I will have to adapt my own hive, and if we do, the king needs to find himself a queen who can tolerate him to convert, or his hive will slowly wither away into nothing. His hive holds several of my old drones, so I have a small interest in having them flourish, now that I have been made to put my grudges aside. We will see if they can do the same, or if they will judge me for past deeds."

Things would not go well if that were the case at least, but they would see what were to come. Either way it would be a memorable meeting, as either they would be able to actually discuss hive business, or she would be imprisoned and stay there until she were dust. They'd see.

"Shouldn't we write him a letter or something then? If his hive is working with the ponies, perhaps they'll take a letter that way?"

"Potentially. Travel to Ponyville and find out Happy, and take Aurora with you. I require peace to think."

The queen sat back on her throne, and starred unblinkingly down on the two changelings. Happy were more than ready to get on his way at once, but their eyes were directed on Aurora, who after all had a choice in the matter. She weren't part of this hive, but a guest, and so she weren't bound to follow the command of the queen.




"Very well, but keep your enthusiasm in check. I cannot risk this book gets damaged."

Nerzhei reached down into her bag, and pulled out a large book, packed tightly in several layers of cured leather, to keep it safe from any bumps, bruises, and rain.

Unpacking it, would reveal a surprisingly pristine looking book, with only some scratches on the outside to show that it had actually been used. There was no title on the side, but the front would hold a picture of what seemed like a dragon with wings folding down, embracing either a unicorn or alicorn, with a glowing horn, holding up a curled up creature with a long, scaled tail, leathery wings, and hooves. A title were above, but Nerzhei had not been able to decipher it yet, and it were doubtful that Twilight could either, though she might find parts of it eerily familiar to some version of ancient equine.

Nerzhei wouldn't stop on that for long though, but instead opened it up and folded up on a particular page, which had been one of what had really been what had caught her attention, as like with many others, this had a depiction in it. One of the gate to an immense city, with many varied figures wandering in or out. Mainly dragons and ponies, though the same reptilian equine that had been depicted on the front, seemed to be prominent here too in varied sizes. The depictions weren't exactly high on details, but what could be seen had some implications that had befuddled Nerzhei when she found the book, and made her a hated outcast to those who she told about it. At least among the dragons.

"I found this book in an ancient, watertight box in the ocean, near Dragon Land, hidden under much rock, sand and varied debris that had been swept away in a storm. I have not been able to decipher much of it yet, but it seems to be a history book of a great nation untold years ago, where dragons, ponies, and what is either hybrids, or another race closely resembling both species lived. The other dragons refused to believe me that this were real, and wished to destroy it for what they called blasphemous lies, but I know that it is real. Alcalanus, the oldest of elder dragons, who have lived for over twenty thousand years, have said that he knew of this nation, and he tells no lies.

The language in this tells a tale of its own too, with it carrying trace of ancient draconian, and what I've found to be ancient equine as well, which have been nearly impossible to translate with the lack of books from this country I have had access to.

I believe this to depict a time before the dragon and pony hostility, when our kind lived in harmony, and might tell what actually began this seemingly eternal fight between our kinds. Have you never wondered why history have always shown us as fighting? Never getting along? What started it might well be in this book, and it is my life's purpose as a scholar to bring this story to the world. I could use the help of a like-minded individual though, and you are a huge collector of knowledge. Surely you too would want to know what once were, and perhaps even how to settle a dispute so ancient that none remains who can even remember the cause."

This were one of only two books found on this nation, as others had likely been destroyed, along with every other trace of the civilization untold years ago. The other book were in Canterlot, in a certain antique store, but was in a far worse condition and were only painfully slowly being restored before it could even be attempted to be deciphered. This pristine copy that had clearly been hidden to leave some evidence of what once were by somepony in ages past, were likely the only real chance Twilight would have of studying a completed copy. A very special opportunity for somepony who prided themselves in being well read.

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@Blitz Boom @Catpone Cerberus "Kibitz is Our Royal scheduling advisor and a close aide to both myself and my Sister, and he handles the Non-Pony Integration and Relief Organization." Luna looks over at Cherish, "As I said, We will consult the Archives when We return to Canterlot, their must be something there that can help".

The air is broken by a high-pitched SKREEE from outside the front door, followed by the sound of muted laughter.

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@Blitz Boom

"Don't worry, it's only them who react this way to this situation. They are crazy for fruits and vegetables for some reason."

"Let me try something!"

Novia clapped her front hoof and front paw, then suddenly the officers had new manes. This time they were made of fries and hayburgers. All three of them ran away screaming.

"You just gotta know what makes them tick."

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@Blitz Boom

Zephyr and Sun Fire turned towards the door, surprised to have an audience. They were even more surprised to see the strange pony from earlier, along with what appeared to be a changeling peering around the door. From this close, they could see that his coat looked less like fur and more like grass or moss, and his mane looked like it had a strange texture to it. Zephyr and Sun Fire shot each other a confused glance. What was he, exactly?

Zephyr opened his mouth to greet Briar, but Sun Fire spoke before he could start. "Thank you very much. I'm Sun Fire, and this is my twin brother Zephyr." She said. "We've performed in Manehattan before, and I sang with Songbird Serenade up until recently. I was with her on most of her tours across Equestira the past few years, so it's definitely possible you might recognize me." 

Zephyr cast a surprised glance at Sun Fire. He had hoped singing that particular song would make her feel better, but she already almost seemed like she was back to normal. Smiling to himself, he began taking his saxophone apart and drying everything off before he put it away. He never liked putting an instrument up with moisture inside of it, since it causes more problems down the road. He looked at Brittle out of the corner of his eye as he closed the case for his saxophone and slid it onto a shelf. She didn't seem like she was going to come out from behind the door anytime soon at this rate. Zephyr flashed the friendliest smile he could at the unusual changeling, hoping to make her feel more comfortable.

He turned back around as Sun Fire finished introducing them. "She wrote that song herself, you know. She's quite good at it. What did you think of the lyrics?" Zephyr said. Sun Fire shot him an anxious glance, but he just shrugged nonchalantly in return. 

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@Blitz Boom

Lin tried once more to get a small gate going, moving forward and backward but her exhaustion was getting the best of her. In this state, she was exerting too much energy and she barely had much to begin with. Static gates were normal and didn't cause anything more than mild discomfort. These got her looking weak, unable to stand upright without pushing herself to do so. And as she began to try a larger gate and merging with Omen's, the entry point collapsed and dissipated almost as soon as it appeared. 

"Can't do that anymore. Let's try your idea, Omen." She looked to Shrimp and gently scratched his chin. "Shrimp, I'm going to need your help. I'll open a gate to a shop in Canterlot, big enough for you to go across. You'll be alone but we won't take long; Omen will find you soon after. All I'm asking is for you to not move around much once you get across, okay?"

The longma stepped back and opened tiny gate at Omen's feet. Should be sufficient in size for the little creature though the she can be seen visibly exerting more effort than usual. She would keep it open for as long as Shrimp needed to get across. Once accomplished, it was time for Omen to find Shrimp and open a way back for Lin. Hopefully an attending guard will notice and Lin will be able to explain the rest. No need for things to get complicated and Scarcity might hopefully be waiting nearby. Their deadline was nearing and she would likely be anticipating their arrival. 

As for Sen, his meditative state was a very... trying one. Though he had some things to think over, personal affairs and lingering thoughts that sometimes disturbed him in his quiet moments, nothing seemed to grate on his nerves more like the incessant poking and whispering he could feel. At any moment, he could burst in irritation and immediately scan the surrounding area for the ones responsible. But he needed more restraint, and knowing how unfamiliar he is with anything going on at the moment, decided to begrudgingly treat what was happening as a test. A test of resolve and discipline, a test of consciously reeling back his impulses, all that he could do while time passed slower than even he could imagine. If only the whispering wouldn't drive him to quiet madness....


@Blitz Boom

Fluttershy ignored Lyriel's question, didn't even bat an eye or look in her general direction. Her motions weren't stilted but still unnaturally rigid as her main focus was just at the waterfall. The singing grew more intense, louder to the point that it might even be more audible than the waterfall itself. Nearby, the water sprites were swimming alongside and moving against the current. If one were to observe the surface of the water, several shimmering, near-invisible streaks were moving along. 

The last time this happened, she and the rest of Ponyville were hypnotized into acting like this. They nearly flooded the town!

Angel led Lyriel to the side of the waterfall and that was about as far as his planning got him. He knows something is in there and he can't just pluck it out. Lyriel might not be able to do so either. He was aware that they might be dealing with a water-based creature and the presence of the water sprites had some connection to it. He thought about it for some time, though the longer he did, the closer an entrached Fluttershy got. Where had he seen this before? And who did it? 

Unexpectedly, Fluttershy stopped just at the edge of the bank and looked up to the top of the falls. There she stood, staring at nothing though the music was at its loudest and most intense. Angel picked up on this and decided to try lobbing a pebble into the wall of water to see if something were to happen. Though obviously expecting nothing more than the water to pass through, he heard a loud thud and the music abruptly halted. 

"Oww!!! Can't I at least finish my song without interruptions?! I was almost done!" The source of the singing and annoyed voice came forth a creature bearing equine and serpentine features. A row of gills, showing pectoral fins, and a fin rays along a sleek blue body emerged and dropped to the bottom of the falls. Unlike the seaponies or sirens, there is a distinct lack of hooves or analogue of such. The giant splash of water on the bottom crashed into Fluttershy, awakening her from her trance.

"Huh? Wh-what am I doing here? What's going on?" She looked up to see a familiar face, curious as to who it was along with a visible swollen bump that doesn't belong on it. "Cassie? Is that you?"

"Aye! Good to see you again! Though honestly, you could learn to use your ears better." Cassie glanced towards pegasus' visitor, she swam for a closer look at the dryad and examined her. Odd but in her defense, she never met one let alone know there were such entities like Lyriel. Then once she noticed Angel, she gave him a stern look. A reminder of a past event that the bunny clearly recognized as he sneered back. Clearly the two still have some lingering issues.

"Angry little bunny aside, let me introduce myself. The name's Cassie and I am a kelpie. Heard Fluttershy's got a good thing going on here and I wanted to have a look-see. You certainly don't look like you're from around these parts but don't worry, I don't mean any harm."

Angel hopped up over to Lyriel's ear and whispered, full of animosity hiding under his breath.

I don't trust her. Not after what she did to Fluttershy last time. She may be nice now but sooner or later, she'll go back to hypnotizing ponies to do her bidding.

Edited by EQ_Theta
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