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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom

Unfortunately for them, Blunt easily got pass Sorrow's lies “Why are you lying? It's obvious your companion is a Windy Breeze, her looks gave it all way!” he gave her a smirk, but did not made any attempt to approach her, neither Flinty and Shackle does, trying to be diplomatic and not to stir any trouble. Blunt's comment was met by a good to the face, making him stumble, glancing at Flinty, who was scowling at him, before gazing back at Sorrw and Windy.

“Sorry for him acting like a creep, but a friend of ours have heard rumors of such unbelievable feat you two have done. A friend of ours told us to brought you two her to have her personally meet and reward you both for the return of a friend who has gone missing for a month” she calmly explained, her facade still as a white marble sculpture. She began approaching them in what she believe to be a casual friendly way.

Tepe seemed to buy for her lie “She looks kind of honest. What should we fear from them?”

“Don't say that, clueless zebra!" Razor shot at Tepe with a glare, “I know her. She's good at deceiving ponies, she's assisting the gang by luring foals to isolated areas!”

Just hearing the argument behind them made Windy's heart sank. What do these ponies want from her and Sorrow? Why are they after them? Was it because they saved a part of Fillydelphia from a vengeful spirit, is that it? She cast Sorrow a quick glance “Sorrow, ...should we run?" She kept her eyes on the three Dawn gang members.

@Blitz Boom @Califorum @Kujamih

Luna narrowed her eyes at Molotov “Little Twinkle, huh?” she growled at him. Her face was as dark as the darkness itself, her silver gentle eyes now as cold as the winter, and hostile as a lion about to pounce its prey for giving it an offending name. Blue however, only smiling sheepishly at Molotov's impending doom.

But to no one's astonishment, Luna moved closer to the stallion with a friendly smile, not hints of a Nightmare Moon behind the expression “And just where did you get that silly name?” Its also good to note Blue wasn't astonished, and that her sheepish grin is still there, hinting this was she is actually expecting to happen.




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@Blitz Boom

Cacora's PoV

**Cacora follows her new friend. She however thinks about what kind of being could have made this one. She knows for a fact only godlike beings have the power to create. But beings of chaos can alter. As she continues she lets her sense of smell wander making sure she doesn't pick up any of those Changeling based scents that she knows of. Her memory recalls the scents common to Hive Chrysalis.**

**However, as they draw closer to the old castle, another memory comes to Cacora's mind and it ain't a good one. It's a memory of why she isn't with the other Changelings anymore. The memory is of her exile and meant to be end. A memory of loneliness and hunger. As well as a strange feeling of difference from the Changelings of Hive Chrysalis.**

**When this memory happens Cacora asks her new friend,** "Can....we...hold...up a moment? My head hurts a bit. It may have to do with a memory I just remembered." **She also leans against a nearby tree while holding her head. Her pony-like form flickering with flakes of pink fire.**

@Blitz Boom

Silverwing's PoV

**He let's her pull him close and relinquishes the bag of scrolls when Vivid does her action. Once they Cross over, he shudders a bit.** "That's not as strange as I thought it would be. I guess the ritual and your way of travel aren't as far off as I originally figured it would be."

**His form flickering but more so in an unstable barely maintained kind of way. For a few moments his form goes back and forth between the oversized Breezie like state and a bipedal Human like state. The human like state being without coverings when it flickers into being for a moment. Vivid can tell he is trying to focus on his form and not lose the Breezie like form he had.** "Bucking Mana field, stabilize already. I ain't waisting a day's worth of their potion to regain access to this form." **It only lasts a few moments before the form stabilizes again and flowing from his wings is a series of tiny Mana threads. They disapate harmlessly just a few centimeters from his wing tips. Each thread is a different color.**

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On 2/6/2021 at 7:24 PM, abrony-mouse said:

Fuchsia doesn't look a gift pony in the mouth :P Seeing her prey approach the bush she readies herself to spring, quietly edging her powerful hind legs into position and raising her whole body a little off the ground like a tiger about to pounce. Just as Billowing realises that there was no pony in the bush Fuchsia leaps! She clears the bush and in springy bound is behind him, pressing the hard edge of her hoof into the small of his back as if it were a dagger. "Gotcha!" she giggles, pleased with herself and rather exhilarated. She removes her hoof. "Been camouflaging myself since I was a filly... so don't feel bad about not seeing me." she continues, gilding the lilly a 'lil :3

Smokey tensed up, as he felt the hoof press against him, and the instinctual urge to swing around and pin down the one who had pushed a weapon against him, reared its head. Thankfully he wasn't so impulse controlled, so he were able to not do something rather dumb here, and instead simply chuckled, as he began to ease up. This were no enemy. It were a cunning companion, who had more than proven her worth.

"Consider me truly impressed, Fuchsia. I could not see you at all, which is a testament to your skills at not just camouflaging, but also proper concealment of other ways one might make noise. I am more than pleased to admit defeat, in the eyes of such an impressive showing."

He'd like to show off in return, but she had earned her spotlight, and he did not intend to take it from her. So instead he'd just begin to move after a few seconds more, and turn to face her, with a somewhat tired, yet pleased smile on his face. It were nice to have such a ray of sunshine here, lighting up his horizon once more. Metaphorically speaking, of course.

"It is very impressive. Your colors made me think it would be somewhat simplistic to find you regardless. I am been proven thoroughly wrong. Might I say though: You wear it well. Would you want to wash it off, or shall we be on our way, Fuchsia?"

He might as well compliment her while he were at it. Not that it were a lie though. She did carry the look well, and made him curious about her limits, in regards to the sort of environment she could blend into. Were she able to hide as a piece of wall, for example? That would be highly impressive, and probably possible.

If Fuchsia were ready, he'd start to lead the way back towards the temple. There would not be any attacks out in the open... Currently, but who knew what might happen as they got closer? It were a wild forest after all.




"I wouldn't trust him either, Magnolia. I know of Symphonia through my... My husband. He calls himself a hero, but he's a sadist that takes pleasure in hurting those he goes after. Only reason he's not in chains, from what I know, is that not a lot care about what happens to those he goes after. Not a lot of love for villains sometimes. I never personally saw him before now, but the description were pretty on point."

Her husband had not been a fan of Symphonia, exactly because he were a cruel being. In his opinion, being a hero was about saving others, but it were also about doing so, while keeping yourself above their standards, or you might as well just be a villain yourself. Symphonia had been his primary example of that, and one of the main reasons why he always kept himself to a higher standard, and showed both mercy, and compassion, for those he came after. It was a pity that wasn't extended to himself as well, in the end...

"And Scarcity... I've not dealt with her much, but she does know a lot. How I don't know, but there's something about her that makes the small hairs on the back on my neck stand up. I guess she's trustworthy, sort of? She haven't stabbed me in the back, and she says that she keeps her bargains. if the folder have what she said, it- I guess it's true.

I think she's kind of a problem solver. If you can help her solve them, she'll be nice to you. If you become the problem, that's... I-I'd rather not like to think about it."

Zeehva would take some deep breaths, and try not to bawl out her eyes, as her thoughts had been around her husband before. It wasn't without reason they called her the Weeping Widow. It came from her crying quite a bit, when thoughts came on better times.

But now wasn't a time to think of the past but of the future, and as such, she'd wander through the fresh grass to go closer to Magnolia. A mare who needed a friend to get better, and frankly, she could use a companion herself. Maybe it would make things less lonely, and make her feel better, from helping one who really were in need. Poor mare had suffered enough on her own as it were.

"But we'll be okay now, yeah? We'll go out there, and... W-Well, I guess we start by finding out where we are. I say we go to the forest, and pass through. There's usually towns near forests, if we're still in Equestria. The flora says we are anyway. The eastern part, I'd guess. These flowers are more frequent there.

We can get moving now, if y-you're ready. And don't worry about me. I'm fine. Just... G-Got a lot to think about, but nothing bad."

She'd give Magnolia a little smile, to try and ease her mind on this. There were things in her noggin, but really, nothing the mare could help her with right now, and she had her own issues. Zeehva didn't need to add her own to that list.



@Rising Dusk

On 2/7/2021 at 6:37 AM, Rising Dusk said:

"Follow the law and be productive.  Usually a good start," he admitted, knowing better than to argue those with the look in their eyes of wanting to repay a debt.  The detective would prefer their next meeting didn't have to involve his job.  "A pleasure Grave Omen.  Until we meet again," Rising bid his farewell.

Grave would wave, and give a pleased smile towards the savior of her country. Such a nice stallion he were, yet with a great responsibility on his shoulders. Frankly she didn't envy him that, but she were sure he could deal with it. Heck, after handling Twisted, and getting the appoval of a goddess, she were sure he could do basically anything. Perhaps it wasn't true, but it wouldn't be much that were beyond him, that much she felt sure off.

"Goodbye for now, Rising. Have a nice, relaxing time until we meet again, and please stay alive."

A lot of greetings and goodbyes in Harrowmark revolved around death, so there'd be a bit of a cultural clash there, as she said some things that were perhaps not the most pleasant, but it'd hopefully be fine. Until the shimmer on her would run out in due time. Things might get weird after that.

On 2/7/2021 at 6:37 AM, Rising Dusk said:

"No bother at all.  I'll see you two at the office.  Do leave me the mirror though," Rising instructed them.  The pair nodded and waved their own farewells.  "Come dear, let's get you settled," Cork said cheerfully and beckoned the visitor from Harrowmark to follow the two officers out of the Rising's apartment.  Catching a taxi would make this trip much more manageable and give Omen a decent look at Manehatten. 

Soon they'd be on their way, into the great unknown once more. Or well, to Grave it was the unknown at least, and a great one at that, as this town were huuuuuuge. Biggest one she had ever laid her eyes upon, and definitely more colorful than any town in Harrowmark.

"He seems like he got a lot on his mind. Hopefully he'll get some rest before more stuff happens. The High priestess should be at least another day until she reach Copperhagen at least, and then need time to talk to the queen. He should be fine for a few days from that at least, hopefully.

I can't wait for his ceremony though. It's been centuries since we last had a celebration for a hero, so it's gonna be something special. Hopefully it won't be too overwhelming for him."

Once they got out, she'd stop up, and just look around her once more. At the sheer splendor of it all. Something which were a normal sight to those like Cork, but for someone like Grave, were more than she could ever dream that a town could be. So full of life and warmth, with smiling faces, lit up by the sun calmly blazing above them. It were such a magical thing to behold to her.

One day, this splendor would become trivial for her as well, but right now at least, it were definitely something special to her. And to think that she were now getting help, to get the chance to become used to this. Oh blessed be Suusha, for she were now truly blessed.

"So what way are we going? This town is massive, so I bet it'd be easy to get lost here."

If they approached a taxi, Grave would tilt her head curiously, and look at the cart, not knowing what to make of it. Though she would follow the others if they entered. They had more than earned her trust at this point, so she'd follow them for sure. Especially if they walked first, since then it were less likely to be a trap, right?




On 2/7/2021 at 12:48 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Huh… Didn’t think that could happen, but now that you mentioned it, I should take it easy. Or maybe I should open a second gate over a body of water? I know a few ponds in the forest that could work. Thanks for the tip.”

"I could be wrong, and there is some resistance to things via the gates though, so I'd suggest running some tests. A sack with tennis balls might represent a pony fine enough, in terms of weight and resistance, so that might be worth an attempt. I cannot say for sure, but that is why it is best to test on something that is not fragile, nor alive, to be able to see how far one can stretch things.

I am confident that in time, you will find what the correct way of doing things are, Lin. And when that time comes, you will make this a sizeable advantage."

Rosa had some ideas, and could make educated guesses,  but in the end, it would be up to her to figure out what were true for her, regarding her own abilities. Hopefully, the answer would be more positive than his doom and gloom, cautious predictions.

On 2/7/2021 at 12:48 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“I heard about that, and there was also story that takes place before the events of this play. There was a witch, or two witches, and it gets confusing. Interestingly, the play analyzes the nature of good and evil.”

“How’d you know about that?”

“Hang around the back alleys of Canterlot and you hear all sorts of things. I think the actors of that show were in Canterlot for a few weeks and nopony would stop talking about it! Still, it is an interesting topic for a play. Have you heard about that one, Rosa? I don’t remember the title.” 

"I can't say I know that one, sadly. I know a few more well known plays, but my theater knowledge is regrettably not a large one. Not about plays at least. More the stage work, for times when I had to lay low. You'd be amazed how few asks questions, when it comes to the folks handling the cleaning in a theater. The things you can find stuck underneath the seats are astounding.

I'm sure if we ask one of the changelings, they could tell us though. Perhaps even inform us of a date when they are performing it in their own theater? A good time for you to go and check it out, I'd say."

There certainly was a buzzing going on stage. Literally, as several changelings were buzzing around, and taking care of the stage. There were another one though, wearing a chef's apron it looked, that were setting up some slim vats of some kind, around the edges of the stage, while grabbing some others who were filled. Seemed to be with a warm, orange liquid of some kind. almost filling to the top, before the changeling had them sealed off with a bit of bile, and reached up on stage, where another changeling would take then, and fly off with them.

"What are they doing?"

"From what I can tell, that is likely collection vats, for the excess emotions that is flowing around the area. I am not sure what emotion they feast on the most, but whatever the liquid in them are, I would assume that is a liquified compound of that. The primary food source of changelings, harvested in a far safer way than the more harmful, direct way that those like Chrysalis did."

He'd hear a nearby hiss, as the name of Chrysalis passed his lips, and turned to see an embarrassed changelings, that scurried off in the crowd.

"It seems as if her name is still considered to be cursed, or bad luck of some kind.

If you're curious about this emotion jelly though, we could go and ask the one they have handling it? They still seem to have some time left, until the stage is set, so it would be possible. Maybe we'd even be able to slim in on a spot closer to the stage, if we are lucky."




11 hours ago, Midnight_Aurora said:

"Can....we...hold...up a moment? My head hurts a bit. It may have to do with a memory I just remembered."

The mare stopped up as she were asked to, and turned around to look at Cacora. She wasn't sure what were going on with the pony though. She didn't smell like blood, but she acted like she were injured. Had something happened when she wasn't looking? Were she about to change too? She recalled it hurting some when she were changed. Not a lot though, but it did happen. She just hadn't been able to express it, before it were gone.

"New friend hurt?"

While she looked inquisitively, the sound of a nearby tree slamming into the ground suddenly thundered out from the forest, and made quite a few birds fly off their branches, in an attempt to get away from what might well be a large monster. This being the everfree, there were always a chance of that being the case.

"Wha- Henry! You could've hit me with that."

"₴₥₳ⱠⱠ ₴ł₴₮ɆⱤ Ø₭₳Ɏ?"

"Yeah I'm fine, but you gotta be careful. You know mom won't let us get to town, before we stop breaking things."

There were two voices coming nearby. One being gruff, coming from up high, and sounding distorted in a way. Like grinding stones, carrying the words somehow. The other were a clearer, female voice, belonging to someone who'd get into sight shortly after this. A small, pixie-sized humanoid, with sharp teeth, and wearing a dress of animal fur. Her hair were dark green and somewhat spiky, as it ran down to her shoulderblades, and her fingers and toes, ended in sharp, dark claws. Her wings were pretty though. With one being a butterfly's, and the other having amore moth inspired look.

As her two shades of green eyes landed on these two, she'd look rather surprised though, and stop up. Just fluttering in the air, as she glanced at them.

"Wha- Guests? Henry! Walk in the back! There's strangers here."

She shout out to the other creature, who'd quickly move away, before they had a chance to see who - or what - this *Henry* might be. It sounded big though, as the earth trembled under its pressure. Though the small one would flutter nearer them, and have a better look with her curious little eyes.

"This is weird. We've barely settled in, and already we had two sets of visitors? Mom was right. Ponies really do like saying hello."

She'd get closer to the shark mare, who'd sniff the fairy curiously.

"Smell like... Head friend. Not right. Not her."

"Head friend? You mean like a big, orange pumpkin with teeth and eyes?"

The shark mare nodded cautiously. She wasn't sure what a pumpkin were, but orange sounded right.

"Ooooh, I get it. You're one of mom's creations, right? Were you the one she made to deal with the frogs?"

"Frog? Where?"

The fairy giggled, as this mention of frogs, seemed to perk the unnamed mare up.

"Hehehe, oh this is great. So many fun oddities here already. Except you. You're just a pony, right?"

She'd flutter over, to hover in front of Cacora, with a little happy grin on her face.

"I'm Rose. Who're you?"




This odd series of shimmering magic, showing various forms, truly caught the attention of Vivid. She'd stand there, clearly curious, as well as cautious, and observed as these motions went over Silverwing.

She'd wait until she were certain that he were not going critical, and seemed stable, before cautiously poking him. Best to be sure, yes?

"Never seen a live human before. Only those who sold their souls, and now have their own tortured for every spec of energy it holds, by the demons they offered it to.

Yet, you're not truly human it seems. No. You're... Shifting. Unstable between many forms. As if you're ripped from a magic stream, and your very form is in flux. Such a peculiar thing to bear witness to. A first time in fact, which is not something I can say of much, when it comes to magic.

Exactly how unstable is this form, if I may ask? I am cautious about taking you anywhere, if you could suddenly end up pulverizing another, by being unable to control these unsettling forces. I may even be tempted to suggest it safer if your soul got relocated to a more stable form. I have acquaintances, that specializes in dealing with bodies fit for vessels."

Not an offer she made often, and it were somewhat disturbing to meet that *friend*, but if the alternative were a potential breakdown and mass destruction of her home world, it would be worth cashing in a few more favors to deal with it.



@Windy Breeze

On 2/7/2021 at 3:44 PM, Windy Breeze said:

“Don't say that, clueless zebra!" Razor shot at Tepe with a glare, “I know her. She's good at deceiving ponies, she's assisting the gang by luring foals to isolated areas!”

Just hearing the argument behind them made Windy's heart sank. What do these ponies want from her and Sorrow? Why are they after them? Was it because they saved a part of Fillydelphia from a vengeful spirit, is that it? She cast Sorrow a quick glance “Sorrow, ...should we run?" She kept her eyes on the three Dawn gang members.

A foalnapper? Had this gang no semblance of shame? To associate with such... Such filth!?

Sorrow felt anger boil up in her. Usually that wasn't something she had to deal with a lot, but Legion and her were connected. When they felt something greatly, it would start to influence her, and the spirits were united in hating this meager mortal, who dared to hurt the little ones. Didn't matter what sort of monster or villain you were, most had a code against stealing the young. Those who didn't follow it, were generally open to being targeted by other, somewhat more moral evil, unless they were too powerful to go against. And heroes? oh, this sort truly made even the more righteous sorts, question whatever or not to be a little more rough with this one, than they normally would be with others.

Frankly, she should be happy that it was Sorrow here, and not her cousin, Howling Night. The last time she had faced a foal napper, they barely got him away from her in one piece. If she had been here now, this mare would already be dealing with several different slashes across her body, from Howling's specialized weapons.

Sorrow did not have this force, nor any weapons. So when Windy asked if they should run, she didn't respond with a thorough trashing of these villains. Instead, she'd respond with "Yes." and then run in the opposite direction of where they were.

Due to her sprained wing, she could not fly right now. Not correctly anyway, and were likely to slam into a wall if she tried, so she were better off running. To where? Anywhere crowded, frankly. The gang wouldn't try to take them away, if they were in the open, with tons of witnesses around. Nopony could be that stupid, and get to a point where their gang were worth anything, right? They just had to get to the safety of a crowd, and hopefully, they'd then be able to make a proper plan from there. One likely involving having toget out of here, and fast.

Sorrow for one, would need to get to a post office whenever she had the chance too. This were worse than she had thought, and she had to get a letter to her family, about sending one here that could help razor, quickly. One who had less scruples about dealing with gang members that would employ foal nappers! Hay, let Soul Prison have them, or offer them as toys to Mourner's Puppet. The mare deserved no better than that.



@Windy Breeze @Kujamih @Califorum

On 2/7/2021 at 3:44 PM, Windy Breeze said:

Luna narrowed her eyes at Molotov “Little Twinkle, huh?” she growled at him. Her face was as dark as the darkness itself, her silver gentle eyes now as cold as the winter, and hostile as a lion about to pounce its prey for giving it an offending name. Blue however, only smiling sheepishly at Molotov's impending doom.

But to no one's astonishment, Luna moved closer to the stallion with a friendly smile, not hints of a Nightmare Moon behind the expression “And just where did you get that silly name?” Its also good to note Blue wasn't astonished, and that her sheepish grin is still there, hinting this was she is actually expecting to happen.

"Just popped into my head. If it makes ya feel any better, back in Center Zero, some in the germ lab, called me Guinea Pig. You make a few comments, and suddenly there's a needle in your leg, and you're kept in isolation for three months. The classic story right? Mom was wicked angry, but once she had a chat to Doctor Boils, she went around to my room, to call me a dummy, in more crude terms. Guess I deserved that. Not sure I deserved the next three shots though... Definitely the second, but the first and third? Uncalled for."

As Molotov started to share a little of his history, they might start getting a picture of him being quite a fool sometimes. Classic story of somepony whose muzzle went off faster than their brain sometimes. It wouldn't excuse him, but perhaps it might make Luna cheer up a bit, from knowing she wasn't the first that wanted to smack him a bit, among other things. Plus, she had something she could call him now. That may holds some kind of value. Or he'd get beaten up. It were still up in the air, really.

Molotov didn't know what were gonna happen though. Luna had seemed a bit angry before, but smiled now, sooo... She were alright? Guess he'd see.

On 2/6/2021 at 8:31 PM, Califorum said:

"I have to say that the dedication to your shop there is quite impressive. You put lots of work and time into it." Cali spoke as she had watched him close up the shop and how everything basically prepared and went into security mode. She didn't exactly know where to go before simply shrugging a bit at that. She didn't exactly know what to say to Blitz's ramblings on about Pinkie there.

She stood there thinking a bit. "I am not sure what I want to look at. Perhaps something more historical or informational about this dimension I have found myself in. Then maybe we could go eat whatever it is you ponies enjoy eating. Just a suggestion." Cali said, as if a little unsure about what to do. 

Since he were occupied, Blitz would take over a bit here, and drag Light along, if she could.

"Big bro puts lots of work into this place. We''re here all the time, making all kinds of fun stuff, and then sometimes, others comes around to pick them up. Even had some funny police ponies there to make special stuff with. Dusky were real nice, and he made friends with Felicia. I think he helped her on being less of a grumpy. They went for a walk too, to the magical, fun place that is the junkyard. Oooh, you should see it. Lots and lots of metal everywhere, just begging to be made into fantastical fun stuff!"

Blitz bounced around, nearly opening at the seams from pure glee, seemingly.

"Butbutbut! Mistah Shiny wanted to go to a park, and miss... Calicorn? Anyway, she wanted a library, then food place. So we go to the library, then get food to eat in the park? *gasp* We can have a big friendship picnic! Yeeeey!"

She'd try to take off then, and just run towards town, but ended up falling flat on her stomach. Those who had paid attention, would have seen Molotov pull a wire out of his belt, and fashion a quick noose, before throwing it towards BLitz. He knew his sister well, so he prepared for cases when it seemed like she might storm off on her own. In which case he'd try to put her on a leash like this.

Could he just use his horn? Yes. Would it look as cool? Awh hay no, and that was an important factor as well. Long as it didn't hurt Blitz, of course. Their mom would roll in her grave if he caused her actual harm.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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7 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

Smokey tensed up, as he felt the hoof press against him, and the instinctual urge to swing around and pin down the one who had pushed a weapon against him, reared its head. Thankfully he wasn't so impulse controlled, so he were able to not do something rather dumb here, and instead simply chuckled, as he began to ease up. This were no enemy. It were a cunning companion, who had more than proven her worth.

"Consider me truly impressed, Fuchsia. I could not see you at all, which is a testament to your skills at not just camouflaging, but also proper concealment of other ways one might make noise. I am more than pleased to admit defeat, in the eyes of such an impressive showing."

He'd like to show off in return, but she had earned her spotlight, and he did not intend to take it from her. So instead he'd just begin to move after a few seconds more, and turn to face her, with a somewhat tired, yet pleased smile on his face. It were nice to have such a ray of sunshine here, lighting up his horizon once more. Metaphorically speaking, of course.

"It is very impressive. Your colors made me think it would be somewhat simplistic to find you regardless. I am been proven thoroughly wrong. Might I say though: You wear it well. Would you want to wash it off, or shall we be on our way, Fuchsia?"

He might as well compliment her while he were at it. Not that it were a lie though. She did carry the look well, and made him curious about her limits, in regards to the sort of environment she could blend into. Were she able to hide as a piece of wall, for example? That would be highly impressive, and probably possible.

If Fuchsia were ready, he'd start to lead the way back towards the temple. There would not be any attacks out in the open... Currently, but who knew what might happen as they got closer? It were a wild forest after all.

@Blitz Boom

Fuchsia preens with the compliments and her mini-victory against the more experienced adventurer. It had been a while since she had been on the receiving end of any praise and longer still since she'd received it from a pony she respected. She cups her hoof, "I got lucky is all." she says in reply to the compliments with half-false modesty :P 



"It is very impressive. Your colors made me think it would be somewhat simplistic to find you regardless. I am been proven thoroughly wrong. Might I say though: You wear it well. Would you want to wash it off, or shall we be on our way, Fuchsia?"

He might as well compliment her while he were at it. Not that it were a lie though. She did carry the look well, and made him curious about her limits, in regards to the sort of environment she could blend into. Were she able to hide as a piece of wall, for example? That would be highly impressive, and probably possible.

If Fuchsia were ready, he'd start to lead the way back towards the temple. There would not be any attacks out in the open... Currently, but who knew what might happen as they got closer? It were a wild forest after all.

Fuchsia shakes her head. "Ready when you are." she says, eager to get going, and in all the fun not thinking too hard about the dangers ahead.

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@Blitz Boom

Cacora's PoV

**It takes a few more moments before her current pony form fails completely and her now more Changeling like form surfaces. One major difference between her form and a common Changeling's form is the lack of holes throughout her form. And while she does resemble a pony one can tell, when her slitted eyes open and she no longer holds her head, she isn't either a pony not is she truly any variant of Changeling currently known.** "By the first mother, that was one memory I had hoped would remain lost to me. I never want to experience what it's like to be without a hive or the given love of another ever again."

**Cacora's current state shows mostly standard Changeling features but no holes and her wings shimmer like a butterfly's in the sun, despite not much sunlight reaching into the Everfree. When she is able she responds to the being,** "Hello Rose. I am Cacora Cacoon, formally of Hive Chrysalis. Long story and one I am not really sure of myself."

@Blitz Boom

Silverwing's PoV

**His form stabilizes again but not on what it once was. His form from before shattering in a small burst of rainbow fire. What remains is a true human. One that stands about 6'2" tall and looks like he could make use of a gym. Despite not wearing clothing, to which he doesn't seem to notice just yet, he seems perfectly fine going without.** "Bucking 9 hells. Now I gotta take that potion again. And as for what you said miss Vivid,. What you saw was the many existences my soul had lived. But namely this form and the one I was trying to hold. My ability wasn't fully matured when I dealt with that cult. So for now I just have to trigger it via a potion that I only have three more of. And as for that offer of yours. Unless it can be crafted from one of my Avatars, it might not be helpful. The cycle of rebirth put me as a human. And I don't believe Equestria is ready to encounter a human who actually knows what this world hides. But the name will remain the same either way."

**He then pulls from his satchel/saddle bag/backpack a potion that shifts every color of the rainbow before downing it in one go. His previous form returning but for how long, nopony can really tell.** "There. Stable again for now. I really need to gain a more permanent solution or as you suggested a remake of my body into something that can actually use Magic normally. Maybe they would allow the revival of an old state. But for that we would most definitely need the Living Spell Matrix from within the Crystal Heart. And before you say anything about harming the Crystal Heart, I have no intention of doing so. Once I see what shape the matrix has taken within the Crystal Heart, somepony should be able to construct a small crystal structure to match the shape and thus create a spell matrix base. I do remember how to make Spell Matrices. But I can't currently control the magical energies needed to create them."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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@Blitz Boom

Flinty, Blunt, and Shackles gasped in surprise when they saw Sorrow and Windy ran away from them. Blunt was about to yell aggressively, but Flinty stopped him with a frown “There are ponies. If you got the idea that we are going to do something with Sorrow and Windy, they will apprehend us” she turned to Shackles before running to the direction where Windy and Sorrow went “We have to give the crowd the illusion we are chasing them because of a misunderstanding!” Shackles and Blunt nodded before going after her.


Ponies running from a chase is very new to the citizens of Fillydelphia, as they would stop what they're doing to glance at Windy and Sorrow, who are being accompanied by two ghostly companions, Tepe and Razor. As Sorrow thought about the safety of crowds, Windy was thinking the same thing “Sorrow, if we want them to lose track of us, either we have to find a large crowd or hide inside a building!”

“There's an inn not far from here owned by a friend of mine, he's not with the gang!” Razor informed them, flying beside Windy. Tepe, who is running beside Sorrow, glanced and took note of her wing injury “That doesn't hurt, does it?"

@Blitz Boom @Califorum @Kujamih

Luna giggled at Molotov's storytelling. How was that even possible, to be an accidental guinea pig just because being called by that. Despite that, she found Molotov being called a guinea pig is cute and funny. Blue had the same reaction, but she felt some sympathy for Molotov's treatment at whatever lab he was experimented. The two would listen to Molotov.

Edited by Windy Breeze
  • Brohoof 1



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@Blitz Boom

Lin gave Rosa’s suggestion some thought, remaining silent as they moved to where the theater production would take place. It was sound and reasonable, testing something until she found the right way to do her rather devilish deed and ensuring it was still within reasonable bounds. It was still new to her, opening gates for unconventional purposes, but she gave that one thing some thought for a while. 

As for Sen’s question, he was a little hopeful about knowing what the play was called, but he isn’t going to lose sleep over not knowing. It was worth a shot asking Rosa; maybe the longma might get around to knowing it another time. Once the group headed to the stage, their attention was firmly on what Omen saw, the vats and the their contents.

“Liquid emotions? That’s odd.”

“How they managed to do that is well beyond me… Didn’t think it was possible to make emotions ingestible like that. I assumed they just absorbed the surrounding emotions and went with that as food.”

“Maybe the changelings wouldn’t mind if we had a closer look?”

The siblings moved closer to examine the vats, although they were still fairly distant to avoid spooking the changeling attending to it. If this was some kind of machine, it must’ve been interesting to conceptualize and build. It likely ran on some kind of magic if it is supposed to process environmental emotions and convert them into an ingestible form. Complicated, but going with what Rosa said about Chrysalis, this was probably the alternative to direct absorption. 

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@Blitz Boom
The smaller ones naturally had no chances, as Ruby just removed them like they were mere thorns stuck to her scales, not bothering to play with them this time, she was even so kind that she would let them escape if they realized their mistake, it was no fun killing those who didn't have a fighting chance. This showed better what Ruby was truly capable of, since now that she didn't care to waste any time, she was very quick and efficient killer with no feeling towards those she ended, in fact, she looked almost like she was annoyed that these creatures even bothered to waste her time. She would somehow get even faster with dealing with the smaller ones when the bigger ones got closer, wanting them out of the way before the real fight.

Charir in other hand, took bit longer to deal with those coming for him, but he didn't have too much trouble either, and with the combination of smoke, fire, claws and teeth he took down and chased away his opponents, these creatures were lot softer than the dragons he had fought in his short life, and lot more predictable, so the smaller ones weren't much of a problem. He didn't use any electricity against the smaller ones, not that he controlled it in the first place, so it just kept gathering on him, and more there was, faster it seemed to get stronger. He seemed to be enjoying the fight, and he did, it was nice to feel powerful for once.

Scarecrow was bit surprised when Lyriel decided to take direct action, but the egg situation had also shown her to be quite protective so it wasn't big enough surprise for him to say or do anything, thus he just waited to see what would happen.

He looked at the thing that had came out of the box and tilted his head, unlike Lyriel, he wasn't creeped out at all, not that it was a surprise, considering there was seemingly only one thing he feared "What an adorable little thing...in a weird way." he actually did find it cute...in some twisted unusual way, "This does make your worry towards my companion more believable..." he turned back towards Ploughman "...but still not enough." he spoke in calm voice, purposely avoiding sounding angry or hostile "You keep looking at me and just cut your words when addressing either me...or us both..." 'you' could be either when there's no other context "...so it's clear it's not the bird you are worried about, make it easier for everyone and just tell what the problem is." for him there wasn't really that much of a risk at this point, as the worst case scenario was that the mare didn't know anything and he just came out as bit weird and rude evergrown to this one pony who most likely was seen as bit weird by other ponies. 

The siblings thought for a moment before both of the shrugged almost in unison "Kinda expected.. to die.. or get imprisoned for life eventually, so.. haven't really planned anything." "If it's true.. this is a better place......what is there to do?" they weren't too different from Solar in certain things, they too had grown up to fight, and while they were on different sides, they all only wished to survive, so now that survival was guaranteed, what else was there left? "Doesn't make it easier.. that we are seemingly the only kobolds here." they didn't have dreams for better life because they had never believed it to be possible 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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On 2021-02-09 at 3:26 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Liquid emotions? That’s odd.”

“How they managed to do that is well beyond me… Didn’t think it was possible to make emotions ingestible like that. I assumed they just absorbed the surrounding emotions and went with that as food.”

“Maybe the changelings wouldn’t mind if we had a closer look?”

"As far as I am aware, it depends on the hive, what way they harvest. I am not entirely sure if it is based on policies within the hive though, or perhaps some sort of biological need? The teachers barely cared about changeling feeding, rather than how to spot them, so it is not a subject I am massively familiar with."

Rosa and Omen would follow them, as they moved closer to gaze at the vats. Which the closer one got, the easier it were to see that it were not a machine of any kind. Quite frankly, it looked more like a mixture of a rat catcher plant, and a gelatinous, green egg, encased partially in hardened bile. Rather elegant looking still, honestly, but it were clearly based around some kind of magic, rather than machinery.

Whereas they were happy just looking at them from a distance, and trying to glance more information from it that way, Omen would just keep walking, until she stood directly behind the changeling that were meddling with these.

"How do they work?"

The changeling looked from side to side, confused at the voice in her head, before turning around, and jumping a few inches into the air. Omen had shocked her by her presence, and she seemed a little frazzled, as she tried to calm herself again. Not one as smooth and calm as her queen this one, it seemed.

"P-Please don't do that again. You gave me a shock."


Omen were getting somewhat sure this were the right thing to say, and would face the mare as she said this, with a tilted head. She'd get a cautious, confused look back from the changeling though, as she were curious how Omen had just spoken like that, into her head, without having a horn. Some kind of cursed pony, maybe?

"It's uhm... Fine. You a-asked how something were working? Do you mean the vats?"

Omen nodded, and the changeling took a step back to better present the thing, whilst also lifting the lid up top, to reveal the so far, mostly empty interior, though a small amount of liquid had formed thus far. Seemed to come from drips, falling from a filter up in the top, wherein small specks of orange seemed to slowly gather.

"It's pretty simple. Every being gives off emotions all the time, and we changelings need it. The passive routes doesn't give a lot though, and the aggressive is... T-That's not how our hive works. The vats gets set up right, and they harvest only excess emotion. It doesn't hurt anypony, but it takes effort to make the right emotions flourish. So we put on a show, and make everypony brim over with joy. The others get to have fun with the performance, everypony have fun, and we get to stockpile some food, so we have for slow times, or in case we have to help other changelings that aren't having a good time. The longer a changeling goes without food, the more desperate they'll get, and we'd really like that less got assaulted and d-drained, yes? It's not good for anypony involved, including the changeling who does it. Most of us wouldn't want to hurt others, and it can haunt us if we do, even if out of desperation.

I'm not really good on stage, since too many looking at me makes me n-nervous, but I can do this, and make sure that we get fed. That's important too, right?

And uhm... W-Well, who are you? Everypony just calls me Jelly."

"I am Omen."

"...That's uhm... C-Certainly a name, yes."

A scary one at that, she'd say. This pony were literally called Omen, and were somewhat spooky. So... This was some sort of trap, maybe?



@Catpone Cerberus

While the others trounced their own, Leviathan wasn't getting a whole lot of kills in. A lot of slashing, certainly, but her killing blows usually involved her making use of magic in some fashion, so she were somewhat limited in her ways right now. Though really, she were also just having some fun right now. Killing outright were simple enough, but didn't have the same sort of fun over it for her, now that she had the chance to be in a proper brawl. Another thing that came from her upbringing she supposed, but what did it matter? This were fun. Not for the chimeras, obviously, but they reaped what they sowed.

As the assault would get nowhere, some of the smarter ones would begin to run off, or halted approached to get near them, as the varied sounds of their kin dying, would ward off the lesser ones from trying. Some threats were worth trying to throw yourself at, to try and get somewhere. Other times, it were guaranteed death, and it became better to wait for other prey, which might be more sensible for one of them to fight. Especially as it'd give them time to hopefully grow bigger, stronger, and more intelligent.

Such as the ones that were approaching. One being before the others, and at Ruby's size, making for a more interesting fight, maybe. Might also mean this were one of the smart ones, but it were hard to say with this breed. The older they got, the smarter they tended to be, but size wasn't always an indicator with chimeras, as often it got more down to good genes, and access to good food, after a certain age.

As she were currently toying around with, and slashing some smaller chimera to death, a little by little, Leviathan wasn't able to deal with this particular one right away. Though she'd likely have no chance either, as Ruby were the challenger, and likely wanted to show dominance here. Hopefully that'd work as intended, and not with a scaled snack.

(The big one is all yours)



@Catpone Cerberus

Ploughman got more nervous the more this stallion spoke. She knew well that subtlety wasn't a strong suit for her, but she still thought she had done an okay job, not showing her full intention with speaking with them, and hiding behind feeling uncomfortable around Crow. Apparently, that were not the case, and she were getting cornered on an answer here. Couldn't just talk this one off anymore it seemed, so... Flee, or answer? Seemed like she had to pick between those options, and while she could take her chance at escape, she wouldn't do so without Rusty, and he were not taking off. In fact, he were closing in on Scarecrow, and looked up with potential interest. It were hard to tell, considering the eyes were just buttons, but the smile didn't wane at least.

"...I sense d-death around you..."

Her voice were even more cautious as she started to speak, and used her horn to drag Rusty back. To some protest, as he started to talk in his low voice, once again repeating the word death.

"So does Rusty. That's why h-he's drawn to you. He's curious.

I don't know w-why there's death about you though. I don't even k-know what you are, but it's there. Faintly wafting off, l-like some sort of perfume. I f-figure you've just been around a spirit recently, maybe? There's a little on them too, though more faint, and d-death can come about for many reasons. necromancy, undead, unknown c-contact with spirits, and more. Usually something lingering whenever you go t-through a graveyard too. So it's probably nothing. It just... I f-feel out these sorts of things, and so does Rusty, and all my o-other little scarecrows."

"If it's just that, then why did you try to hide that?"

"I didn't w-want to accuse anyone of something sinister l-like that. And even if I didn't, m-most ponies doesn't like to talk about death. They tend to judge me f-for that, or get scared by Rusty, even if he's harmless. The sickle is just for c-cutting weeds, back at the farm."



@Catpone Cerberus

"You are the only Known kobolds. Yet the world you're from, are like this, yes? Unless your race is young, or were created, there should be others of your kind out there. Potentially in another country, or hiding from society. Changelings hid for centuries past our emergence, and some still do, so I wouldn't rule out your kin were out there. Perhaps finding more, could be a goal of yours? If not, I would think that finding a place to belong would be a given first.

Perhaps speak with this *Friendship princess* of theirs, to get a better standing? I have glanced that she is one who have many books, beyond making political connections. She may be some value to you."

She knew little herself, though she considered the young princess to be fairly unimpressive. Mostly as she had not seen her do anything personally, and whilst she were cautious of some, depending on what she learned of them, Onache were the sort who had to see action, before she thought more of others. Respect had to be earned, and power shown off, to those who'd question it. Such were her view on things, and this princess thus far, apparently had some bite to her. Though still, it could just be that she were used to only deal with fools for enemies, so Onache were mostly neutral about her currently.

Several doctors would be in over the next few hours, with some of them asking questions about what the kobolds were, and Onache wouldn't interfere again, unless it seemed to get too much for them. As for their health, it sounded like they were fine now, and just needed some rest, as well as a proper diet, as they assumed that the creatures were malnourished, though there were still guessing to some degree, when it came to that, as they had never seen creatures like this before after all.

After it were all done, Onache would rise up from the seat she had made herself in the corner, where she had sat regally, and observed the proceedings, and stretched herself.

"It sounds as if you will be okay then. Though what do your kinds eat? I see fruit are functional, but what of meat? Perhaps emotions, or metal?"



@Windy Breeze

On 2021-02-09 at 1:58 AM, Windy Breeze said:

Ponies running from a chase is very new to the citizens of Fillydelphia, as they would stop what they're doing to glance at Windy and Sorrow, who are being accompanied by two ghostly companions, Tepe and Razor. As Sorrow thought about the safety of crowds, Windy was thinking the same thing “Sorrow, if we want them to lose track of us, either we have to find a large crowd or hide inside a building!”

“There's an inn not far from here owned by a friend of mine, he's not with the gang!” Razor informed them, flying beside Windy. Tepe, who is running beside Sorrow, glanced and took note of her wing injury “That doesn't hurt, does it?"

Let ponies look if they wanted to. This were matter of their lives, and frankly, if anypony had a problem with that, she'd be more than happy to give them a piece of her mind later.

Sorrow cringed a little, as the aggressive thought came into her mind. Legion were still furious with the one they had left behind. For good reasons of course, but the emotional link were still infectious to her, and made her think in less than nice terms right now. Not enough to make her act on it though, thankfully. She wouldn't fare well in a fight, and they didn't have the time for dumb things like that.

"I know, Windy. It's safe in a crowd, but we have to think what to do after that. We can't stay there forever. If Razor thinks we can trust his friend though... I dunno. How do we convince them that he knows us? Or know that we can trust them? They might have been some of those who betrayed you, Razor."

If Autumn had something to input on this, now might be a good time. As part of Legion, she would be able to say her part as one of them, or by herself. It depended on if she cared, or knew enough of this friend to add something.

"We don't have a lot of options though, so we could go there, until we got some sort of plan going. We need privacy for that. But we should hurry. What's the way?

And I'm fine. Don't worry about me."




Rose were a simple sort of creature spotter. She knew changelings had cheese legs, and this one didn't. So pony, right? Just made sense to her, and she were nowhere weird enough to be one of her mom's creations. She liked adding more flair, or fun stuff to it. Like this funny shark looking thing, that were still looking around, and sniffed the air for more of the frogs she had been made to feast on. From the way Rose had heard it, it had been hilarious.

Would've been better if Princess hadn't acted up though. So much fun potential with that one, and she just ended up getting nasty and vindictive.

"H-iiive. Hive? Hmmm... Hiiiiive."

The mare tasted one of the words that Cacora said, and tried to find some meaning to it in her head. Yet all she pictured were ants, and Cacora wasn't a big ant. She did have funny skin though... Secret ant? She'd wander over and push at her exoskeleton out of curiosity. Not with a hoof though, but instead with her snout. She were still getting used to the whole *having legs* thing here, and while it were instinct to walk, pushing on things with her hooves were strange and not her first choice of action. Like, if she had to knock on a door, she literally just booped into it with her forehead, like a weakened battering ram, until she got bored, or somepony answered.

"Hmm, I never heard of anything called Hive Chrysalis before. Must be one of your main-land celebrity places.


She'd flutter around and get a better look at the strange equine bug.

"- what brings you funny folks here? You can't be here to see little brother or me. We barely got here from the island, so it's gotta be mom, right? What're you wanting to do with her? You're not crazy people that's gonna try and hurt her, Right?"

A dark spark of pure black electricity sparked for a moment in Rose's eyes as she said this, in a briefly deeper, more sinister voice. She didn't like the thought of others hurting her mother, even if they probably couldn't kill her. Made her all tingly for violence.




On 2021-02-09 at 1:26 AM, Midnight_Aurora said:

"Bucking 9 hells. Now I gotta take that potion again. And as for what you said miss Vivid,. What you saw was the many existences my soul had lived. But namely this form and the one I was trying to hold. My ability wasn't fully matured when I dealt with that cult. So for now I just have to trigger it via a potion that I only have three more of. And as for that offer of yours. Unless it can be crafted from one of my Avatars, it might not be helpful. The cycle of rebirth put me as a human. And I don't believe Equestria is ready to encounter a human who actually knows what this world hides. But the name will remain the same either way."

"The methods at my disposal, would likely not function like that. I would have a regular beings body procured, and then personally, tear your soul from your current vessel, and sew it into the other. Spend enough centuries as a spirit guide, and you learn many a way to interfere with souls. Much can be said about demons the same way, though most direct knowledge would be more likely to leave your soul scared, and potentially torn. I don't believe either of us have a want for that to happen.

What I know of humans, would not make Equestria a welcome place for them. They are a fairy tale to most, and beasts trapped in another dimension to others. There's no place for that in Equestria. Which makes one wonder why your soul would even get anchored to that plane, when you are not of it. I suppose it matters little though, yet perhaps one should bring you to a zebra, to have your potions remade. It would be less than practical, if you were to show yourself like this... Hairless primate among regular equines."

His lack og clothes didn't really matter to Vivid, who were more focused on looking at his overall physique. Human souls in the circles, weren't provided clothes either, unless they were barbed to help their torment in some fashion, so this were hardly the first one she had seen without their clothes on. All the same, she came from a time in history, and a society in general, where wearing clothes weren't all that normal, lest you were cold. Were she not forced to wear some herself, due to what infested her being, she wouldn't be wearing these clothes of hers either. Yet she were long past the idea of choice, when it came to these matters.

On 2021-02-09 at 1:26 AM, Midnight_Aurora said:

**He then pulls from his satchel/saddle bag/backpack a potion that shifts every color of the rainbow before downing it in one go. His previous form returning but for how long, nopony can really tell.** "There. Stable again for now. I really need to gain a more permanent solution or as you suggested a remake of my body into something that can actually use Magic normally. Maybe they would allow the revival of an old state. But for that we would most definitely need the Living Spell Matrix from within the Crystal Heart. And before you say anything about harming the Crystal Heart, I have no intention of doing so. Once I see what shape the matrix has taken within the Crystal Heart, somepony should be able to construct a small crystal structure to match the shape and thus create a spell matrix base. I do remember how to make Spell Matrices. But I can't currently control the magical energies needed to create them."

While she were talking, he had downed a potion, and returned to the equine form that he brandished himself in, when they first met. A seemingly smooth process, but she understood to some degree his instability now. When he did not even hold a regular form, but relied on a temporary disguise, his magic would likely not be all that stable either. Regular being's bodies weren't meant to go through something like that, for prolonged periods of time. Though of course, it were still just speculation. It may well be that his magic were erratic, even when his form were stable. It wasn't as if she had seen him long enough in that shape, to be certain.

"You're still talking about extracting a raw, magical source of some potential, from the heart of the kingdom itself. You will have to prove your intentions, and talk a good case, if you want that sort of access. I can only get you as far as to get an appointment with the princess. What comes after that, you will have to prove yourself. Unless you think you can force yourself through, which i wouldn't advice. You would do better in gaining her favor, considering what it is that you seek.

Wander with me, as you think on your approach. We have much ground to cover before we are there."

She still wasn't sure of his intentions, but she'd follow him, and make sure that it weren't a bad one. Considering the family was one she owed much to, Vivid couldn't just leave things up to fate. And if a human, with some sort of link to this ancient force were here now, it were definitely something which needed to be kept a watch on. Their kind were not wise to simply let wander on their own at the best of times.




On 2021-02-09 at 12:53 AM, Magnolia said:

"I...I..am s-so sorry for...doing what I d-did to you...and what I was planning to do...I have no idea where we are at...this is all new to me. I don't know how to handle it...I am not sure what to say as for what you say..but it seems correct to me. I don't like that stallion one bit and I never want to see him again. S-scarcity feels like someone that...you can pour your heart out too and she won't hurt you..."

"We all make mistakes. Let's just focus on the positive, in you not making a truly terrible one. It would be harder for others to forgive that, and I don't want it to be harder to have you become someone better in their eyes. I believe that we can make you a hero to them, and then you'll see that the world will look brighter."

The forest got more into sight, as she turned her head and gave a tired smile towards Magnolia. Such an unfortunate soul, to have been given so much potential, but only had it corrupted, by the darkness of others. There'd be some work in getting her to embrace the light, but she had reached her hoof out to Zeehva, and she believed that in time, the mare would become a pillar of any community, lucky enough to have her. They just had to put in the effort, and now that she had her answers on her, she needed another path in her life. Helping Magnolia, would be a good one, and one that she knew her husband would have approved of.

"And well... S-Scarcity trades in favors, if not riches. If she hears about your misery, she might offer some help. Long as you're able to do something in return. I can think of worse to speak with about your worries. For a problem solver, she seems moral enough."

She wouldn't say too much, in case the mare could hear her. She may be helpful, but she doubted Scarcity were the sort who liked being treated rudely, or spoken badly about.

In another age, she could imagine her husband taking contact to her. Begrudgingly, but still.

"But you shouldn't focus on them, okay? Right now, we should try and look forward. Not just to get to a town, o-obviously. I mean in general. Because trying to go down a new path like you are Magnolia, is gonna take time, and it might not go well at first. But you'll get through it, okay? I'll be there, and make sure that you always have someone there to believe in you, and make sure you remember that no matter what others might say: You're a good pony, and you deserve a chance to prove it."

A strange thing, to give this talk to others, but... It was good, right? It were important, and definitely the right thing to do. She just hoped she'd be able to be enough here, to help Magnolia.

On 2021-02-09 at 12:53 AM, Magnolia said:

"A-and as for you I can tell...that it probably is bad. We'll look at that folder...when you are ready of course. And if you...want me to. Looking at it together might help." Magnolia did another small smile back to Zeehva and rubbed her side slightly. "A-and...maybe we can get your...scars removed too...I notice you have a lot..." she said shyly, looking at Zeehva's scars in sadness.

"My scars..."

Zeehva ran one across a rather nasty one, slashing her throat. A troubling one, that the healers had been amazed didn't cause her issues, such at permanent muteness. Even for zebras, they hadn't been sure their crafts could do much for her at the time. She had been extremely lucky, and she knew it well.

"I lived among zebra, to be with my husband. I earned my stripes from them, and in the end, they saved me. Yet they too say that my scars can never be healed, before I let go of the past. And... I don't know how, yet. It still hurts to think about losing him. Good or bad times, I think about him every day. I just c-can't..."

Her steps slowed, and eyes closed, as tears fell from her eyes yet again. Why must it torment her to remember him so? She knew he would want her to think of him fondly, and find a life beyond him. It were what would make him happy. But she just couldn't make herself see past him. From their wedding rings to her wedding dress, which she carried on her being, she couldn't let go of the dream that had been so cruelly stolen from her.

"It will take time, and for me to feel as if he have gotten justice for what happened to him. The first step towards that, will be when I am ready to read this file. Hopefully, it will be soon, yet until then, I would like to focus fully on you. You have scars of your own that needs tending, even if they can't be seen."




On 2021-02-09 at 12:34 AM, Fuchsia said:

"I got lucky is all."

Smokey waved his hoof, and shook his head in a dismissive way. Surely she could not mean to consider herself merely lucky, for what she had done?

"Now now, I am not hearing that. I may not have used magic, but I still did not bite notice in you, and I have fairly good senses, and did not hold back on you. You have plenty of reason to take pride in your ability, even if I do find it lovely to be around a modest mare. There is a certain line between being too boastful, and knowing when to flex a little, and you so far, seem comfortably on the right side of that line."

She were a good adventurer, so far. She could stealth well, and the placement of her hoof before, made it somewhat certain to him, that she knew how to strike one as needed. That were a sign of one who knew how to handle the wilds, in his mind. Though of course, he may just be very impressed, and overselling things. Even then though, he still thought her good company, and were more than happy that they were about to go on an adventure together.

On 2021-02-09 at 12:34 AM, Fuchsia said:

Fuchsia shakes her head. "Ready when you are." she says, eager to get going, and in all the fun not thinking too hard about the dangers ahead.

"Excellent. To adventure then! May it be one to remember."

The path would indeed be mostly calm as he led the way, and getting more confidence in his steps as they wandered along. He felt better by the meter it appeared, and quite frankly, he felt that way too. Fuchsia surely had mixed up a good antidote. Maybe later, he could ask her how exactly she knew of it? A fine conversation starter later, after they returned to Canterlot perhaps. One of many they could bring up after a refreshing shower each, over a tray of refreshing pineapple sliders? Sounded delicious to him, and a good plan for later. Depended on her mood, of course.

A snake did try to go at them, but were lifted up, and thrown high up into a nearby tree by Smokey. He would not be taken by surprise, by another snake right now. It would simply be embarrassing.

Other animals sounds could be heard, such as the classic timberwolves, but it were far away, and they likely did not care to be here. The temple were fairly overgrown, and annoying to scale for creatures with big paws, so the overgrown steps and sides, were mostly populated by smaller things. Most of which went away as they got closer.

Wandering up the stairs, Fuchsia should be able to tell that there had been done some work here before, as there were a somewhat rough looking path, of cuts vine, clearing some of the stairs., up towards the entrance. It were not safe to wander on the vines, so he had not taken that sort of chance, and methodically hacked and slashed away at this, to get up. Without magic, he might add. It gave a good upper body workout.

"We're getting closer now. Soon we shall be inside, and the real adventure begins. Feeling excited yet, Fuchsia?"




@Kujamih @Califorum @Windy Breeze

On 2021-02-09 at 1:01 AM, Cali said:

"You do that to your own sister? Come on man."

"Look, I love my sister. I'd happily lay down my life it it meant saving her, and I only want what's best for her. But let's not kid ourselves: She's dangerous. If not to others, then to herself, because she doesn't have much in the way of a self preservation instinct, and is too trusting. Plus, she's way more crafty than you'd think, and bursting to the seams with energy. More than she have it in her to control right now.. If I didn't snatch her up, she'd run off, and maybe end up getting distracted and hurt, crawling in somewhere dangerous to get a funny part she saw laying around, or something like it. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if that happened, and I know she wouldn't want others to get hurt, by her accidentally tinkering something up that got out of hoof.

SO yeah, I'll keep her on a line if I have to, and you can judge me for it all you want. But if it's what keeps her the safest, then there ain't no way in Celestia's plump rump, that I'm gonna feel bad about it."

A somewhat colorful phrase, that some found disrespectful, but he considered it a term of endearment, as it were a compliment in his eyes. Plus, it made for a fairly unusual *swear* of sorts, that tended to sometimes make guards get real flustered. Utterly priceless.

On 2021-02-09 at 1:01 AM, Cali said:

"I never asked though, where are your parents?" Cali would tilt her head to the side slightly before looking at Blitz.

Molotov would cringe at this question, while Blitz got up on her hooves, and wriggled her trapped hoof around to get loose. Wouldn't help, but she didn't think on using her magic right now. Many things were popping in her brain, and stopped her from this rational sort of thought.

"I dunno. I can't remember anything before the forest crater, but big bro says that something took mom."

"Used to live in a scientist town, funded by Equestria, called Center Zero. Remote, limited access, that sort of place, so not a lot knows about the place. One day when I were out with some deliveries, something came into town, and took everypony away. Not a clue what it were, and no traces left, from what I could see. Same the guards are saying.

Happened around two months ago, and still nothing. At this point, I figure they're all dead, and thought Blitz here were too. Until I all of a sudden run into her in Ponyville last month. She doesn't remember a thing about the past right now though. Massive amnesia, caused by a crash from what I can only assume were mom's experimental rocket. Guessing she must've sent Blitz off in that, in a desperate attempt to save her, but... I just don't know.

Far as I know, Blitz is the only family I got left now, and I'm doing my best to make sure that she's taken care of, all while hoping she'll one day remember, instead of having just pictures and stories told to her.

As for dad... I dunno. He went outta town a couple of years after Blitz were born, and we haven't seen or heard from him since. Been categorized as a missing pony's case for like, eight years by now. Mom sorta assumed he got eaten by a chimera. Blitz sadly inherited his gleeful curiosity."

On 2021-02-09 at 1:58 AM, Windy Breeze said:

Luna giggled at Molotov's storytelling. How was that even possible, to be an accidental guinea pig just because being called by that. Despite that, she found Molotov being called a guinea pig is cute and funny. Blue had the same reaction, but she felt some sympathy for Molotov's treatment at whatever lab he was experimented. The two would listen to Molotov.

"But let's not try and dwell on all the death and bad stuff in the past, eh? There's a future ahead that might be bright, so I say we go for it. And go for food too, after some books. I have a library card just begging to be used for this. It'll be fun."

Unless there were anything, he'd start to direct his motley crew of funny friends towards town. He knew just the library to go to and then, just the place for some chow. Maybe? Huh... He should ask something regarding that, actually. Might as well do it now, as he more or less had Blitz leading on like a dog. Just with the leash around her leg, until she got the worst energy bumbled off.

"Say, you folks have any weird diets? Like allergies, or aren't vegetarians? If there's a need for meat, or gluten free, I know some better places to get food than what I had in mind at first."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

8 minutes ago, Blitz Boom said:

"I know, Windy. It's safe in a crowd, but we have to think what to do after that. We can't stay there forever. If Razor thinks we can trust his friend though... I dunno. How do we convince them that he knows us? Or know that we can trust them? They might have been some of those who betrayed you, Razor."

Razor sighed “Don't say that, I promise he isn't with the gang. There is a code which he and I used, even Autumn uses it when she once go there alone. The code is 'Amicum Tuum'” he told her.

In Legion, the voice of Autumn spoke up “He's right. I don't think Cimex is an enemy" she added.

I don't know if I should trust their words. They might be on our side now, but we don't know if this Cimex is truly a friend or a foe. I guess we will only find out once we met him.

17 minutes ago, Blitz Boom said:

And I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

I'm not very convinced with her assurance... I think Tepe doesn't either. He's also starting at her concern and skepticism. However, we don't have time to ask Sorrow, we have to run.

Razor nodded “Turn left, head straight, turn left again, and you will see a bar with a sign saying 'Brown's bar'”



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@Blitz Boom @Kujamih @Califorum

8 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

"Say, you folks have any weird diets? Like allergies, or aren't vegetarians? If there's a need for meat, or gluten free, I know some better places to get food than what I had in mind at first

“We have normal diets just like most ponies have, but Blue is allergic to raspberries. It gives her fever for unknown reasons” Luna told him.

When she heard his tales about what happened to a town named Center Zero, she narrowed her eyes “Has there been any disappearance in nearby settlements?”



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@Blitz Boom

“This is a fascinating thing. Looks like something that could’ve been grown naturally and enhanced further with magic. I’m not sure if it is possible but if this was grown with magic, it would take something sophisticated to come up with this specific use for a plant.”

Lin continued to examine the vats, clearly in awe of its appearance and purpose while trying to make out how it collects emotions. Meanwhile, Sen overheard the conversation going on between Omen and the changeling attending to the device. Instead of going in and immediately intervening to smooth things out, the longma stood back and listened. Admittedly, he was curious about how things would turn out, but Sen was equally as interested in the changeling’s explanation on the vats and how they worked. 

The changelings would take in only excess emotions and by the sounds of it, positive emotions are sought by the hive. They’d stockpile them for future use, a reasonable approach, going under the assumption that the changeling hive may not be performing all the time. Eventually, Sen approached the two, opting to break the tension and ease the changeling’s growing concerns about the possibility of being hurt. 

“It’s alright. There’s no need to worry,” Sen slowly walked forward, calmly reassuring the changeling. “Omen is curious and, well… so am I. How about we start over? I am Sen; Omen and I mean you no harm. We just wanted to know what these vats are and how they worked.”

The longma slowly bowed to the changeling, hoping that his gesture of respect could help diffuse the tension. 

“I was also wondering if you could tell us more about the play. Uh… without giving too much away, if possible.” 

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23 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:


On 2021-02-08 at 11:34 PM, Fuchsia said:

"I got lucky is all."

Smokey waved his hoof, and shook his head in a dismissive way. Surely she could not mean to consider herself merely lucky, for what she had done?

"Now now, I am not hearing that. I may not have used magic, but I still did not bite notice in you, and I have fairly good senses, and did not hold back on you. You have plenty of reason to take pride in your ability, even if I do find it lovely to be around a modest mare. There is a certain line between being too boastful, and knowing when to flex a little, and you so far, seem comfortably on the right side of that line."

She were a good adventurer, so far. She could stealth well, and the placement of her hoof before, made it somewhat certain to him, that she knew how to strike one as needed. That were a sign of one who knew how to handle the wilds, in his mind. Though of course, he may just be very impressed, and overselling things. Even then though, he still thought her good company, and were more than happy that they were about to go on an adventure together.

On 2021-02-08 at 11:34 PM, Fuchsia said:

Fuchsia shakes her head. "Ready when you are." she says, eager to get going, and in all the fun not thinking too hard about the dangers ahead.

"Excellent. To adventure then! May it be one to remember."

The path would indeed be mostly calm as he led the way, and getting more confidence in his steps as they wandered along. He felt better by the meter it appeared, and quite frankly, he felt that way too. Fuchsia surely had mixed up a good antidote. Maybe later, he could ask her how exactly she knew of it? A fine conversation starter later, after they returned to Canterlot perhaps. One of many they could bring up after a refreshing shower each, over a tray of refreshing pineapple sliders? Sounded delicious to him, and a good plan for later. Depended on her mood, of course.

A snake did try to go at them, but were lifted up, and thrown high up into a nearby tree by Smokey. He would not be taken by surprise, by another snake right now. It would simply be embarrassing.

Other animals sounds could be heard, such as the classic timberwolves, but it were far away, and they likely did not care to be here. The temple were fairly overgrown, and annoying to scale for creatures with big paws, so the overgrown steps and sides, were mostly populated by smaller things. Most of which went away as they got closer.

Wandering up the stairs, Fuchsia should be able to tell that there had been done some work here before, as there were a somewhat rough looking path, of cuts vine, clearing some of the stairs., up towards the entrance. It were not safe to wander on the vines, so he had not taken that sort of chance, and methodically hacked and slashed away at this, to get up. Without magic, he might add. It gave a good upper body workout.

"We're getting closer now. Soon we shall be inside, and the real adventure begins. Feeling excited yet, Fuchsia?"

@Blitz Boom


Smokey waved his hoof, and shook his head in a dismissive way. Surely she could not mean to consider herself merely lucky, for what she had done?

"Now now, I am not hearing that. I may not have used magic, but I still did not bite notice in you, and I have fairly good senses, and did not hold back on you. You have plenty of reason to take pride in your ability, even if I do find it lovely to be around a modest mare. There is a certain line between being too boastful, and knowing when to flex a little, and you so far, seem comfortably on the right side of that line."

She were a good adventurer, so far. She could stealth well, and the placement of her hoof before, made it somewhat certain to him, that she knew how to strike one as needed. That were a sign of one who knew how to handle the wilds, in his mind. Though of course, he may just be very impressed, and overselling things. Even then though, he still thought her good company, and were more than happy that they were about to go on an adventure together.

Fuchsia grinned, happy to take the compliment and still a little flushed from her success. It had been a long time since she'd been able to enjoy herself like this with another pony. "Thanks!" she replies simply, but the way she holds herself betrays her pleasure - her tail has an extra bounce to it as they go about preparing to leave :3



"Excellent. To adventure then! May it be one to remember."

The path would indeed be mostly calm as he led the way, and getting more confidence in his steps as they wandered along. He felt better by the meter it appeared, and quite frankly, he felt that way too. Fuchsia surely had mixed up a good antidote. Maybe later, he could ask her how exactly she knew of it? A fine conversation starter later, after they returned to Canterlot perhaps. One of many they could bring up after a refreshing shower each, over a tray of refreshing pineapple sliders? Sounded delicious to him, and a good plan for later. Depended on her mood, of course.

A snake did try to go at them, but were lifted up, and thrown high up into a nearby tree by Smokey. He would not be taken by surprise, by another snake right now. It would simply be embarrassing.

Other animals sounds could be heard, such as the classic timberwolves, but it were far away, and they likely did not care to be here. The temple were fairly overgrown, and annoying to scale for creatures with big paws, so the overgrown steps and sides, were mostly populated by smaller things. Most of which went away as they got closer.

Wandering up the stairs, Fuchsia should be able to tell that there had been done some work here before, as there were a somewhat rough looking path, of cuts vine, clearing some of the stairs., up towards the entrance. It were not safe to wander on the vines, so he had not taken that sort of chance, and methodically hacked and slashed away at this, to get up. Without magic, he might add. It gave a good upper body workout.

"We're getting closer now. Soon we shall be inside, and the real adventure begins. Feeling excited yet, Fuchsia?"

"To adventure!" Fuchsia affirms, eyes sparkling.


Fuchsia scans the path for tell tale signs of traps. When the snake appears she spots it late and shrinks back. The timber wolf howls cause her fur to prickle, but she is thankful for the distance. In the quiet periods she chatters about herself and her travels - she mentions a time on the tell tale coast that she saw what looked like dolphins, except when they leapt they seemed to soar into the clouds... She was mystified at the time, but when she heard about the Hippogriffs she thought it must have been them - perhaps a hunting expedition pausing to play or a renegade group? She often thinks of the joy of seeing them.


As they arrive at the temple, Fuchsia takes in the ancient structure and gazes curiously at the stairs, trotting up them gingerly - eyes and ears roaming the surroundings - until Billowing reminds her that he had previously made his way here. She chuckles at his stallionly boasting :P She follows behind him, letting him slash - she was glad that he was doing it - she wasn't a weak mare by any means, but she wasn't all that strong either.

As they ascend the stairs and the frame of the entrance comes into view Fuchsia does begin to thrill and worry a little. She touches her cutie mark superstitiously, the three happy suns blaze out merrily in the jungle gloom :3 She nods in response "Let's do this!" she says, adrenaline pumping.


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@Blitz Boom

Cacora's PoV:

**Cacora actually chuckles and says,** "No, my new little friend. I have no qualms with your mom. My shark pony friend there actually said she smelt her scent and I was curious if she would know of what I have become. I know I use to be a Changeling under Queen Chrysalis but now, after having been exiled for so long, I don't believe I am entirely Changeling anymore. Plus my memories aren't very organized right now. There use to be an outpost for the hive here in the Everfree Forest. It was where I was posted by The Queen as an infiltration Changeling. But the past is not me now and I am just seeking what I am to be. Thought to have a chat with her and learn about myself with her help of course."

**Cacora then adopts a more calm and relaxed posture, her wings fluttering slightly.**

@Blitz Boom

Silverwing's PoV:

**Silverwing just shrugs and says,** "I have been thinking about how to approach the topic sense well before meeting you. To be honest, my soul isn't bound to any one world. It's just how my soul has been sense the beginning of time. The four council created the cycle of rebirth as a means to prevent Creation's ultimate destruction. Think of it as a seal to seal a great darkness. One that even demons would fear. I am just fulfilling my role is that cycle and awaiting the time to fulfill my purpose. My purpose being my true name's translated meaning. Everything else is just me living life as normal as can be. Though stuff like this can happen. Chaos and Harmony or Light and Darkness. I am just a being that keeps the balance of the two. Besides, the cult messed up the ritual that summoned me. It wasn't meant to open the rainbow gate. But somehow it did. As for the potions, I have two more and will take one before the time of this one runs out. Hopefully, my message's meaning will be known to the princess and she decides to help."

**He says following her path, staying close.** "Also, their, the ones below, promises of power and desire I don't share or wish to seek. So I won't be going to them anytime soon. Mother Void had been enough of a temptress in time long past for me. Those who fall to her, without a way to be free'd, are lost forever. But find a way to trigger an overriding will of purpose, then they can be. I have such a purpose, etched into my being. And even if it ain't triggered, my heart guides my path."

**He then thinks for a moment as if listening to something within himself,** "It currently is telling me to find my own way in the vast creation and if the realignment of the Infinite Spell Matrices is part of this, then we will be able to find out."


**As for what she says concerning his ability to aquire the matrix, he replies,** "Don't worry about that. I have also been thinking of how to make my case without revealing too much about myself. This form was one of the first I had ever used as Silverwing before. It's bound to natural magic types of the more divine magical sources, much the same as Pegasi are with their abilities to control weather and clouds. And as for my human form, the very environment of Equestria would kill a human of my old world with happiness. The darker nature of that world a very stark contrast to the magics of Love and Harmony. Luckily they got that part of the ritual correct or we wouldn't be able to talk. If I had come by any other means, say an experiment of Twilight's involving a certain mirror or a wish upon a star for examples, I wouldn't have any connection to magic and I would just be smiling like an idiot in paradise and forgetting how to think or breath."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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@Blitz Boom
Ruby quite literally threw the last of the smaller chimeras away when the new challenger appeared, again only one of the heads had any chance to be danger to her, but at least this one should be able to make her feel something. She could have went for the quick kill with this one, having learned quite a lot about the anatomy of these creatures thanks to her various challengers, but she decided against it as she wanted to have some fun 

She charged at the creature and started annoying it, hitting only enough to hurt it but purposely avoiding any serious damage, while acting more foolish than she was, giving the chimera opportunities to seriously hurt her, only to take them away just before it realized to use them. She would take some good hits from it, mainly from the ram head as she didn't bother defending against it, but nothing that was enough to seriously injure her. It would even get her off guard once, but in return the chimera would lose about half of its eyes, which of course would make it even angrier, but that was exactly what Ruby wanted. As the battle went on, any smaller chimeras that may try to take advantage of Ruby's distraction, would meet their ends pretty quickly, showing again that this wasn't a life or death situation for Ruby. The fight would end in rather surprising way though.

Meanwhile Charir did his thing with those challenging him, but when bigger ones started to come for him, he had to do things more carefully, and started using fire and smoke to eliminate the senses of his opponents. He was starting to get tired though, and thus bit sloppy, the electricity around him would reach it's limit around this time, causing him to start like a living cloud again, sending electricity into random directions, this saved him several times, as the attackers got zapped, but he was getting worried, even slightly panicked, as there started to be more and more mistakes. 

This would hit its peak when Charir got hit, not a serious hit, but enough to knock his small body off balance, and before he had time to get up, the chimera that had managed to hit him, was coming to crush him, and he let out the tiniest of yelps as he prepared for it, but it never happened, because as the fear took over, all the electricity that had stored on him released at once on the chimera that though it had won, and it not only cooked it, but send it flying quite a distance, letting out a loud bang as it did, Charir had just hit the chimera directly with a fully charged lightning bolt.

This wasn't all that happened though, as when the yelp reached Ruby's ears, something happened there too, more specifically, the chimera she was fighting also got cooked, but not with electricity, no, the creature suddenly combusted, and not by Ruby breathing fire on it, but by everything flammable in its body, both inside and outside, just suddenly igniting into flames, burning the creature into ash in moments.

Ruby either didn't notice this or didn't care, as she made her way to stand above Charir, and fended of anyone trying to get close with deadly efficiency, while the surrounding area got hotter, literally.

Scarecrow looked at Lyriel "And this is exactly why I wanted to test things before walking in middle of the town." he said in the same calm voice as he had used to talk to Ploughman, in his view it was good to keep up that tone until this pony got more comfortable around him, if ever. He addressed the mare again "It would be foolish to try and claim that you're imaging things, but currently that's all I'm going to say about that....for similar reasons as your reason for hiding this." he did find it curious that this pony could sense it, but Lyriel couldn't sense anything, and it was also slightly amusing to him that these things were called scarecrows, for obvious reasons. "Be assured I mean no harm to anyone, or anything, though I am curious, how knowledgeable are you about undead, spirits and such?" he tried to sound like he was indeed just curious, but the fact of course was that he saw this pony as potential help for his situation. 



You are the only Known kobolds. Yet the world you're from, are like this, yes? Unless your race is young, or were created, there should be others of your kind out there. Potentially in another country, or hiding from society. Changelings hid for centuries past our emergence, and some still do, so I wouldn't rule out your kin were out there. Perhaps finding more, could be a goal of yours? If not, I would think that finding a place to belong would be a given first.

Perhaps speak with this *Friendship princess* of theirs, to get a better standing? I have glanced that she is one who have many books, beyond making political connections. She may be some value to you."

"If this world really is similar.. to ours, then you are.. right, there exits kobolds somewhere, but where.. is the question." Trox said thoughtfully "Before the sisters found us.. and forced us on the surface, we apparently.. used to live deep underground.. in isolation, but that's all we know." Sheska then spoke after that "Friendship princess?? that's a thing?" quite a bizarre concept to them


Several doctors would be in over the next few hours, with some of them asking questions about what the kobolds were, and Onache wouldn't interfere again, unless it seemed to get too much for them. As for their health, it sounded like they were fine now, and just needed some rest, as well as a proper diet, as they assumed that the creatures were malnourished, though there were still guessing to some degree, when it came to that, as they had never seen creatures like this before after all.

After it were all done, Onache would rise up from the seat she had made herself in the corner, where she had sat regally, and observed the proceedings, and stretched herself.

"It sounds as if you will be okay then. Though what do your kinds eat? I see fruit are functional, but what of meat? Perhaps emotions, or metal?"

The siblings would answer honestly to questions about their kind, in fact, Sheska would go in detail about their biology and other things that were relevant for medical care of their kind, and Trox would explain a bit about how his cybernetics effected his biology to same extend, though ultimately some things would be meaningless due to this Equestria's medical science being quite a lot behind. Only questions they wouldn't respond to would be those relating to their past or other personal matters, and the response would always be something along the lines of 'why does it matter?'. They may not have the need to hide things, but they still didn't want to tell everything to everyone, as they were aware that they were most likely a topic of several rumors already.

One thing though they would be extra quiet about, their injuries, or well, scars, as they had had the time to heal. Any time anyone brought them up, Sheska would go quiet, clearly not wanting to even think about it, while Trox would turn serious and simply state 'Not relevant' with a tone of voice that made it clear that it would not be talked about. 

"Not metal or emotions, but other than that, almost anything goes." "Fruit, meat, bones, plants, tree bark....if it has any nutritional value.. and we can break it.. in smaller pieces, it's food." Some things obviously were better than others, but their bodies were able to gain nutrition from anything that had it  "Though things like.. fruits and meat.. are obviously preferred."



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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On 2021-02-11 at 3:38 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“It’s alright. There’s no need to worry,” Sen slowly walked forward, calmly reassuring the changeling. “Omen is curious and, well… so am I. How about we start over? I am Sen; Omen and I mean you no harm. We just wanted to know what these vats are and how they worked.”

The longma slowly bowed to the changeling, hoping that his gesture of respect could help diffuse the tension. 

“I was also wondering if you could tell us more about the play. Uh… without giving too much away, if possible.” 

"You... Ooooh, y-you're the group Cheshire told us about, right? Guess that explains things."

Cheshire had told them that these were some odd folks, but she hadn't expected them to look like Omen. It wasn't until Sen marked himself, that it became easier to see, as the longma were fairly unique creatures, after all. It helped make them stand out more then Omen did. Even if she had spoken into her mind.

"Well, I just w-went over how the vats work, but I guess you asked about the show anyway, right? Well, it's... Strange.

A young mare lives in a farm with her family, living a normal l-life. Then suddenly a talking white bunny shows up, and she follows it to a deep, deep hole, that have her fall into Wunderland. She meets a lot of s-strange characters as she tries to find the rabbit, like the Mad Hatter, and the Smoking Changeling. I uhm, c-can't really say much more than that without spoiling things, but there is a castle, and a queen too. You s-saw how she looks, when Cheshire and the others got into town. Most of us likes to put on a show to announce w-we're there, for times like this. It sorta hypes the crowd up.

I'd suggest staying and watching the show. It's pretty good. And don't w-worry about the vats. They're completely safe, and you won't feel a thing. Emotions running over is just l-lost normally, so this just picks it out of the air, so it doesn't g-go to waste. I'm a-actually trying a few new vats this time, to try and gather some laughter and glee. We mostly eat j-joy, but we keep things on hoof for others who have hit hard times. Hiveless, for example. A few back h-home really miss the taste of these things, so we're hoping it will help them to feed on something familiar."

She'd point at a few nearby ones, which looked basically identical to the others. It were hard to tell what really made the difference, if not for a few droplets inside each of them. In one being a joyous pink, and the other a vibrant silver.

"Glee is h-hard to harvest. It takes a large spike in happiness to achieve that, but it's w-worth a try."

She looked up at the stage, and glanced at the ones setting up the stage, beginning to leave it, and get off the stage to an area that had been walled in with planks of wood behind it. The impromptu changing room, where the magic - often quite literally - happened.

"It looks like it's about to start. I got to uhm... G-Get ready too. They'll need music. E-Excuse me please."

The changeling would flutter up, and fly over towards the changing room. She had her own part to play in this, even if she were too shy to be on stage.

(in case they had questions, they'd be answered before she flew off)

The show would happen more or less three minutes after this, and would be quite a spectacle through and through. A good retelling of the classic, with costumes that were done a little rough and cheesy, considering the changelings could quite literally just shapeshift some on them. But the classics tended to have classic costumes, and in this case, the more realistic they were, the less it tended to hit those feelings of nostalgia and joy that the original brought forth, so many centuries ago. So they went and did theirs to make it authentic. Even if it did look a little silly. They felt happy all the same, just performing, and it wasn't as if things looked bad. It were just for example, instead of a hyper-realistic, large rabbit talking, it'd be an obvious, yet still fairly good made costume. The queen looked fairly impressive though, and got a shudder through the audience once she made her first order of beheading.

It'd be done well, with scene changes happening around the performers as needed, and mostly focusing on shrubbery, some smaller stone walls, rose bushes, and that sort. Things that made it realistic, but didn't clutter too much, so that folks couldn't see what went on.

Fitting music would also play throughout the play, depending on the scene they were in, and added some nice background to things. That likely coming from Jelly.

Once it were all done, the whole crew would be on stage, minus Jelly and maybe one or two more they hadn't met, and take in the applause. If they kept track, they'd find that the vats placed around the scene, were filled to the brim with emotions, that had just poured in throughout the show. Except for gleee. That one were one 2/3'th full, but she had mentioned that it were harder to harvest this.

"This is a show to remember. I'm happy you convinced us to go back here and take the show in."

Rosa were speaking to the siblings, as he had his hooves risen to clap along with the crowd. How couldn't he? It were marvelous, and most others did it. Not Omen though, but that were mostly because she were stroking Shrimp, who had started to feel clingy, and wanted attention.



@Catpone Cerberus

Ruby were not the only one who reacted as Charir were hit. Leviathan turned to see him almost getting stomped, and had the bolt from Charir not struck the chimera, it would have gotten hit with another one, as she had sent one flying from her being towards it, causing there to be a bolt crashing past, and straight into the air, without hitting anything. Did make some of the lesser ones jolt back, worried about what might happen to them.

She'd jump over along with Ruby too, as the larger dragoness gathered on Charir's position. Though there wouldn't be much to fight at that point. Many of these creatures wanted to prove themselves, but they had been utterly trounced thus far, and seeing the larger one just combust out of seemingly nowhere, meant that the majority would start to bail out of there, if possible. A few did still try though, and aimed for Charir, as he seemed like he'd be a simpler target now, but Leviathan would have them fried before they got within a meter. This had been all fun and games until now, but they had hurt the youngling, and that meant that playtime were over.

As the remainders either left, or got slaughtered, the sound of the one closing in on them before, ceased, and soon after, it sounded as if the steps were rapidly moving away from them. This one at least, did not seem interested in dying early.

Once it were calm again, Leviathan would stop her aggressive stance - looked quite similar to a cat, arching it's back and hissing - she'd turn around and get closer to Charir. Unless he stopped her rather firmly, she'd grab hold of him and gently run her hands down the side of his face and back, whilst glancing concerned into his eyes.

"It's okay. We're here. And we won't let these miscreants take you from us."

To regular beings, she'd be like a concerned mother, dotting over her young. As this were not part of his culture though, she were probably just acting weird, in his eyes.



@Catpone Cerberus

"...More t-than a little. My dad is one of the A-Apple family, but my mom is from another, older family line, that's been d-dealing with death for a long, long time."

"How old, if I may ask?"

"I don't know e-exactly. Mom says it's been maybe three thousand y-years, but I've never visited our family's ancestral home, where they apparently have a-all of that knowledge. This is p-pretty much the first visit I even have to Equestria even. I'm from around Vanhoover. It's n-north of Equestria.

Mom and d-dad both said it was important to learn about our history, so they arranged for me to go and v-visit a few places, and meet them in the Moonlit Thicket. Usually I just send out some z-zap apple cider to a few family members here and there every year, on each side of the f-family. Including here. I w-wanted to go and visit here first, since I heard G-Granny Smith also makes things from zap apples, and figured she'd be a more f-familiar one to talk with first. I met Big Macintosh before that though. He's... N-Not much of a talker, but he seems nice."

"Sounds like an interesting legacy you have to deal with. Though I have been here some, and can say with confidence, that you have nothing to fear from Big Mac. He may be large, but he have a gentle disposition."

"I'm sure he d-does. I'm just nervous about being this far from home, and worried that I will m-mess up, meeting either side of the family. It's a little n-nerve wrecking. And then there's running into the sense of death here, with y-you, sir.... It's not something I feel a l-lot here, in Equestria. Far more of it around h-home. Especially since mom's statues draws spirits in.

A-Anyway, why do you ask what I know about death? Do you have a poltergeist you need help with? R-Roaming zombie, perhaps? I can help them pass o-on, if it is. Sort of my j-job, outside of taking care of the orchard."



@Catpone Cerberus

2 hours ago, Catpone Cerberus said:

"If this world really is similar.. to ours, then you are.. right, there exits kobolds somewhere, but where.. is the question." Trox said thoughtfully "Before the sisters found us.. and forced us on the surface, we apparently.. used to live deep underground.. in isolation, but that's all we know." Sheska then spoke after that "Friendship princess?? that's a thing?" quite a bizarre concept to them

"Her title is a strange one, but from what I know, it holds some merit in this society, and in general, she have gone ahead and forged bond between Equestria, and other species. Some of them old enemies, or active predators. I think her position is more about diplomacy, and the equines are just peculiar about naming their regents, for whatever reason. She is one I have a need to get in contact with as well, so we have a common target of interest.

As for your kin, I would suggest makin g contact with diamond dogs, in your search. They dig in many places, and goes deep beneath the surface at times. They may hold some clues for you."

3 hours ago, Catpone Cerberus said:

"Not metal or emotions, but other than that, almost anything goes." "Fruit, meat, bones, plants, tree bark....if it has any nutritional value.. and we can break it.. in smaller pieces, it's food." Some things obviously were better than others, but their bodies were able to gain nutrition from anything that had it  "Though things like.. fruits and meat.. are obviously preferred."

Onache quickly caught on to what the pain points were for the siblings, and would cause disinterest in asking about their previous scars, as well as not have any pony pressure them too much about the past in general. Some work to put into that for her, but manipulation were not a game from those who were not willing to put time and effort into it. And really, she had done far more work, for less of a reason, or result, than this. It were not much of an issue, nor strain on her magic. She were too practiced at this discipline for that.

"Your diet sounds simple then. A walk in the forest, which includes hunting or fishing, should provide a stable source of food. So the most basic of things you need to worry about, should be handled with some ease. Though I suppose, you may need weapons. Or are you more magic reliant?"



@Windy Breeze

On 2021-02-11 at 1:20 AM, Windy Breeze said:

Razor sighed “Don't say that, I promise he isn't with the gang. There is a code which he and I used, even Autumn uses it when she once go there alone. The code is 'Amicum Tuum'” he told her.

In Legion, the voice of Autumn spoke up “He's right. I don't think Cimex is an enemy" she added.

I don't know if I should trust their words. They might be on our side now, but we don't know if this Cimex is truly a friend or a foe. I guess we will only find out once we met him.

"Well, we don't have many other options than to try going there, and see the response to the password. I'll try and explain how I got it if I'm asked, but... Well, not everypony takes that sort of knowledge well. We just gotta try, and hope she understands."

Cimex were unlikely to be able to see, hear, or interact with spirits, so it were possible that she'd just consider them crazy for even bringing it up, if she asked about it. Sadly still a lot of creatures that for some reason, didn't think ghosts were real. Though why, she didn't know. What did these beings think happened with their souls after they died? Did they not think they had any? Well, some of them didn't, but that were less than those who didn't believe in ghosts, so there had to be some other reasons.

They'd get more odd glances, but so far, nothing really made anypony want to get to the point of trying to stop them. Windy and her might just be busy after all, or were playing fetch, for some reason. No reason for them to think that something were overtly wrong, lest they suddenly heard another proclaiming they had been beaten up in an alley, or a guard calling out. Maybe blood falling too, as it could be they were the ones hurt. Either way though, they were still safe, yet certainly noticed.

On 2021-02-11 at 1:20 AM, Windy Breeze said:

I'm not very convinced with her assurance... I think Tepe doesn't either. He's also starting at her concern and skepticism. However, we don't have time to ask Sorrow, we have to run.

Razor nodded “Turn left, head straight, turn left again, and you will see a bar with a sign saying 'Brown's bar'”

Sorrow nodded, and followed directions, which eventually lead them to the bar/inn Razor had talked about. One of many in the area, but it was a big city after all. Had to be some places for the weary traveler, needing a rest, or maybe a pint.

She'd slow down some as they approached, as she didn't want to make too bad of a first impression, though Sorrow were somewhat heaving for breath as she entered, and sweating some. It were rather clear she had been running. WIndy maybe less so, as she were after all a Wonderbolt. THey could likely deal with more, before it showed. Even if she hadn't been flying.

Now it were just to hope they wouldn't mess up in the following interaction... They couldn't afford getting thrown into the waiting hooves of the gang members.




10 hours ago, Midnight_Aurora said:

* "No, my new little friend. I have no qualms with your mom. My shark pony friend there actually said she smelt her scent and I was curious if she would know of what I have become. I know I use to be a Changeling under Queen Chrysalis but now, after having been exiled for so long, I don't believe I am entirely Changeling anymore. Plus my memories aren't very organized right now. There use to be an outpost for the hive here in the Everfree Forest. It was where I was posted by The Queen as an infiltration Changeling. But the past is not me now and I am just seeking what I am to be. Thought to have a chat with her and learn about myself with her help of course."

"Mom doesn't really help folks discover what they are. But she can help make you into what you could be. Though hey, you can talk with her when she gets home, and figure it out then. Come on in. We'll wait up in the new forest."

Rose would flutter over towards the open door to the castle, and flutter near the entrance, waiting for them.

Inside were what you expected. An old castle, holding up remarkably well, with Rose leading them onwards and upwards. Their goal were somewhere up near one of the spires of the castle, so it'd be a little while before they got there.

"Really hope mom gets around to fix this whole place up one of these days. It's so... Dusty and boring here. It needs like, glowing mushrooms, and talking animals. Fun stuff."

The unnamed mare were listening, but were too busy wandering after them. More or less, as she were also around, sniffing random things, and at times, biting them gently too, when it came to things she were less sure about. Such as old curtains, or some vines with pretty flowers.

"Why do you care about what you were, by the way? memories, what you looked like- What does it matter? You say you're changing, so why not just focus on what you're becoming, and let go of whatever came before? Just purge the memories. It'll just make you confused.

I can take them away if that's the thing. I'm good at eating away at what someone were, hehe. Memories and personality are tasty.

Doesn't that sound like fun? I'd get a snack, and you could change completely, and not have all these sorts of boring worries. You'd be completely free."

She wouldn't force herself on someone to do this, but Rose quite literally could eat away at what made Cacora herself, and would be happy to help if it were.

Why she could do this though? Well, her mother was a draconequus. At some point, it became less a matter of *Why?* compared to *Why not?* with their kind.




11 hours ago, Midnight_Aurora said:

**Silverwing just shrugs and says,** "I have been thinking about how to approach the topic sense well before meeting you. To be honest, my soul isn't bound to any one world. It's just how my soul has been sense the beginning of time. The four council created the cycle of rebirth as a means to prevent Creation's ultimate destruction. Think of it as a seal to seal a great darkness. One that even demons would fear. I am just fulfilling my role is that cycle and awaiting the time to fulfill my purpose. My purpose being my true name's translated meaning. Everything else is just me living life as normal as can be. Though stuff like this can happen. Chaos and Harmony or Light and Darkness. I am just a being that keeps the balance of the two. Besides, the cult messed up the ritual that summoned me. It wasn't meant to open the rainbow gate. But somehow it did. As for the potions, I have two more and will take one before the time of this one runs out. Hopefully, my message's meaning will be known to the princess and she decides to help."

**He says following her path, staying close.** "Also, their, the ones below, promises of power and desire I don't share or wish to seek. So I won't be going to them anytime soon. Mother Void had been enough of a temptress in time long past for me. Those who fall to her, without a way to be free'd, are lost forever. But find a way to trigger an overriding will of purpose, then they can be. I have such a purpose, etched into my being. And even if it ain't triggered, my heart guides my path."

"You would be surprised how few demons care for meaningless destruction of reality, as we know it. All that would lead to, were less souls to go through the cycle, and feeding them power. A short burst, for a long term detriment. Not too many have a lust for that, and if you follow Her scriptures, even thinking of going this route, will have you becoming the subject of Her next sermon. None wish for that to happen."

The way she spoke of this being, spoke of reverence and fear, from Vivid's side. As well as likely, a want to not speak her name in a place where she were actually able to be summoned upon hearing it. It wasn't safe for either of them.

"As for your claim about keeping balance, I will let you enjoy that minor delusion, but it isn't true. No single entity keeps the balance of anything, and since you only mention the four most common forces of creation, I don't think you know the whole picture. I do not either, but I know parts that you seem unaware of, and really, no mortal mind were meant to hold information of the grand picture. It is beyond the scope os us.

As a minor example: Mother Void, as you refer to her as, are but one temptress, and one of the prime creatures of the abyss. Others include The Soulflayer, Harvester of Sin, resides deep within the lower portions of the screaming darkness, and Heretica: The Silence Which Feasts, forever haunts the outskirts of the demon realms, hungering for the ones who defies the borders. And they are but two. One whom I am affiliated with, are the mistress of The Veil. The unfathomable, swirling darkness, sprung from her everlasting dream. Blessed are we, who are etched with her curse, and doomed are we all, if she ever awakens."

There were many forces who made creation, and of those sub sections, there were shared power. Among the darker forces, such as demons, they had several, of which she mentioned just a few. They were not all of the same power level, but they all served a function, and were part of the Grand Darkness. Mother Void being one of those that she knew of. Different stories they knew of perhaps though, who could tell, with oddities such as this one?

11 hours ago, Midnight_Aurora said:

**As for what she says concerning his ability to aquire the matrix, he replies,** "Don't worry about that. I have also been thinking of how to make my case without revealing too much about myself. This form was one of the first I had ever used as Silverwing before. It's bound to natural magic types of the more divine magical sources, much the same as Pegasi are with their abilities to control weather and clouds. And as for my human form, the very environment of Equestria would kill a human of my old world with happiness. The darker nature of that world a very stark contrast to the magics of Love and Harmony. Luckily they got that part of the ritual correct or we wouldn't be able to talk. If I had come by any other means, say an experiment of Twilight's involving a certain mirror or a wish upon a star for examples, I wouldn't have any connection to magic and I would just be smiling like an idiot in paradise and forgetting how to think or breath."

"I would advise humility, and patience. Cadence is a mare with a kind heart, and will listen to your pleas, if she finds you to be somewhat trustworthy. But I did not kid when I said you still had to earn it. She is likely to ask you to do something that will prove you are not an enemy. An act of goodness, somewhere there is a need for it, and ask me to supervise. Just so she knows that you are not simply telling her a lie, if you report back without evidence.

Unless these potions lasts for days on end, you are going to need more than two."




19 hours ago, abrony-mouse said:

As they ascend the stairs and the frame of the entrance comes into view Fuchsia does begin to thrill and worry a little. She touches her cutie mark superstitiously, the three happy suns blaze out merrily in the jungle gloom :3 She nods in response "Let's do this!" she says, adrenaline pumping.

"That's the spirit. Now let's see what time and nature reclaimed, and are just begging to be discovered."

He'd enter the temple, and as could be expected, would end up being in complete darkness, minus the few rays of light from the entrance, and some cracks in the outer wall. This place were a good while before electric lights, so it wasn't really as if this should be a surprise. Besides, that's what magic lights were for. And they were laying on the ground, right next to the exit. Three baubles, with one of them cracked, which caused Smokey to look a little dismayed.

"I was afraid I had dropped them. A pity one broke, but there's still one for each of us. Here, let me anchor one to you, Fuchsia."

It were a matter of two simple spells. One to get it lit up, and one to attach it to hang around half a meter n front of first Fuchsia, and then himself. A nice light, that weren't too overpowering, but rather soft. They wouldn't want to warn others that might lurk around, that they were coming that easily, right? Even though he could change the light, as need be.

As for the last bauble, he'd leave it here. It were the only exit, so it were easier to just pick it up later, so he could have it brought back for repairs.

"I used to use torches, but even if the fire could be useful, the mobility hinderance were just impractical, and I had to replace them constantly. These were a better investment in the long run. Even if I have to repair the last one eventually. They do better lighting when they are all three there.

In any case, let us proceed. We are not far off from where I were struck."

He was right about that. About two meters in, they'd find a mark on the dusty stones, that spoke of a struggle. A few bits of blood. Large scales, around the size of a quarter hoof, and a few hairs from a dark-coated pony. The place where he had been bit, though it seemed that the one who did it, had slithered off some time ago. Likely to lick its own wounds, considering that Smokey had a fang from the assailant.

"This were as far as I got. From here on out, we thread on unseen lands."

He'd wander past this, and head on into the darkened lairs of the old temple.

(Joined adventure, so feel free to add anything in here)



@Kujamih @Califorum @Windy Breeze

On 2021-02-11 at 9:07 AM, Windy Breeze said:

“We have normal diets just like most ponies have, but Blue is allergic to raspberries. It gives her fever for unknown reasons” Luna told him.

When she heard his tales about what happened to a town named Center Zero, she narrowed her eyes “Has there been any disappearance in nearby settlements?”


On 2021-02-11 at 1:54 PM, Kujamih said:

" Now that's an interesting story... I want to learn more on what happened with you parents... especialy your mom.... I might be able to help you." Light said to molotov.

"Not heard of any mass disappearances like this, and I can't get in to have a look. The Solar Guards got the whole place on lockdown, while they investigate. Can't get anypony in there.

...Alright granted, I snuck in via some hidden tunnels and took some stuff, but they belonged to my family. Pictures and that sort. Weren't like I removed evidence.

Not entirely sure what they're doing though, if they're not getting anywhere, but hoping they'll pass it along to the O.M.I. soon. Those sorts are good at magical issues, and I get the feeling magic were involved. Ain't no way they got past the security systems otherwise.

And mom... I'm hoping she's alive, but a few months in, without a word, and not a clue to go by? I have to assume the worst, and act accordingly. For my own sake, and that of Blitz. I'm the oldest and there's no way I'm letting some orphanage get their grubby hooves on her. She'd level them out of accidental boredom, or get adopted by somepony who'd try and normalize her. Stifle her creativity with drugs and strict treatment. Not on my watch."

It were generally when he presented himself in the best light this, when the topic came on his baby sister, as he were responsible and protective of her. Showed in weird ways at times, but most could tell that he deeply cared for her, and wasn't gonna let danger get to her.

"As for dad... Again, I got no real idea what happened. We got told they just found one of his bags, proof of a struggle, and some hairs that pointed towards chimeras. They got tracked down, but we were told they didn't find anything, including a body. I just have a hard time believing he's still alive, y'know? After eight years, it just seems unlikely. Though I were wrong once, and I'd be happy to be wrong again.

*sigh* In any case, not possible to really get into town, and check on things to look for clues. Well, unless, we take the tunnels, input the codes for the security system override that I might've forgotten to tell them about, and just watch things via the cameras. But that's not something I could ask of anypony. Besides, you folks need a walk 'round here now, as we talked about, and some chow that doesn't have raspberries in it. Which makes me think of Strudel Bonanza's bakery. The place looks funky, but the food's amazing, I promise. Some pastries that'd make your head spin, and she makes sure that everything that's in a recipe, is shown, so you can be sure there's no raspberries in there. Can't have you get ill, right?"

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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49 minutes ago, Blitz Boom said:

"That's the spirit. Now let's see what time and nature reclaimed, and are just begging to be discovered."

He'd enter the temple, and as could be expected, would end up being in complete darkness, minus the few rays of light from the entrance, and some cracks in the outer wall. This place were a good while before electric lights, so it wasn't really as if this should be a surprise. Besides, that's what magic lights were for. And they were laying on the ground, right next to the exit. Three baubles, with one of them cracked, which caused Smokey to look a little dismayed.

"I was afraid I had dropped them. A pity one broke, but there's still one for each of us. Here, let me anchor one to you, Fuchsia."

It were a matter of two simple spells. One to get it lit up, and one to attach it to hang around half a meter n front of first Fuchsia, and then himself. A nice light, that weren't too overpowering, but rather soft. They wouldn't want to warn others that might lurk around, that they were coming that easily, right? Even though he could change the light, as need be.

As for the last bauble, he'd leave it here. It were the only exit, so it were easier to just pick it up later, so he could have it brought back for repairs.

"I used to use torches, but even if the fire could be useful, the mobility hinderance were just impractical, and I had to replace them constantly. These were a better investment in the long run. Even if I have to repair the last one eventually. They do better lighting when they are all three there.

In any case, let us proceed. We are not far off from where I were struck."

He was right about that. About two meters in, they'd find a mark on the dusty stones, that spoke of a struggle. A few bits of blood. Large scales, around the size of a quarter hoof, and a few hairs from a dark-coated pony. The place where he had been bit, though it seemed that the one who did it, had slithered off some time ago. Likely to lick its own wounds, considering that Smokey had a fang from the assailant.

"This were as far as I got. From here on out, we thread on unseen lands."

He'd wander past this, and head on into the darkened lairs of the old temple.

(Joined adventure, so feel free to add anything in here)


Fuchsia gulps as she trots into the silent gloom of the temple, the sound of their hoof-steps suddenly ringing in her ears after the jungle noises. She is intrigued by the baubles - an elegant solution to travelling in the darkness. She was more of an outdoorsy pony and so didn't have much use for torches or lighting trinkets. Other than a few buffalo tribal trinkets that stored a light magic, she was without magical items herself. However, she is initially reluctant to be lit up - she wanted the light to see by, but was concerned about becoming a target. After a moment's hesitation she accepts, due to the pitch blackness of the temple and the soft nature of the light which can also be turned off. "Thanks!" she whispers.

As they softly hoof past the scuffle Fuchsia looks closely at the large scale and shivers at the size of reptile that it implies D:

(loading abrony-mouse adventure.exe :yay: )

As she is looking at the scuffle marks and brings her light-bauble close to them her keen eye sees shapes and colours on the floor, obscured by dust and debris fallen in from the entrance. She carefully removes this to reveal a mosaic image of a red snake with mouth open and fangs ready to strike D: . On a hunch she decides to take out one of most prized possessions - a device that indicated when hostile magic was near. It was a gift from a buffalo clan she had stayed with in the desert. She had helped find a lost herd member and been honoured with a dream-catcher - she had assumed that the cryptic assurance from the buffalo shaman that it could sense when evil spirits were near was just mumbo jumbo, but it reliably chimed when hostile magical creatures or items or traps threatened her. Setting it up in her camps, it had saved her more than once. 

Anyway, her device chimed in the dark, warning her that the picture of the snake was more than it seemed - its chimes tinkled most clearly near the eyes of the snake, which seemed to gleam malevolently in the darkness... "Careful!" Fuchsia whispers, and presses a hoof to Billowing's shoulder to halt him. "I think there's some evil magic in this mosaic."


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@Blitz Boom

Cacora's PoV:

"Sadly that isn't something I can do. Nor will the first mother allow it." **Cacora says, following when she speaks of forgetting what was.**

**Her eyes suddenly glow with a pink light and another voice speaks through her,** "It's a reminder of a mistake made long ago. And we mean very long ago. Back before the three pony tribes and even before the first Great Shadow War. We, the first mother, had given life to a special race meant to protect, preserve and help grow the essence of our power. But part of that race broken our most sacred of rules. That rule being to never consume the essence gift of our power. This part of that race had done so and we punished them for it, with a curse that makes them require it to survive. Only two ways are now known to us to break this curse. One was discovered by a lowly Changeling by the name of Thorax. The other is what this one has began to undergo. She doesn't even know we are listening and watching. And you little fairy, are a beautiful sight to behold, despite the chaotic origins that made you. If Lord Chaos could see his children now, so few but so powerful, he would weep tears of pride for them."

**After the words have left her mussle, the eyes stop glowing and cacora says,** "It's complicated."

@Blitz Boom

Silverwing's PoV:

**He thinks for a moment and says,** "The potion normally can last for days if not months. However, the instability of my own magic and the lack of a physical focus for it means that I have no control over how long it can last."

**He then remembers something about the location itself,** "If memory serves, the crystal heart is on display in the center of the crystal empire. Anybeing can see it. And from what I can see of the Ever Living Spell Matrix, I believe, with the help of a magic user, the needed stabilizing focus matrix I need can be created just from viewing the matrix in motion. Besides, the crystal fair should be coming around soon, if I am not mistaken."

**He then gathers his words following her still and says,** "I also already knew that I would need to prove myself and my trust. One doesn't simply ask for something with nothing to offer in return. But that's to regain the matrix. I was more of less seeking her aid in weaving a spell of sorts. It is a simple spell and I know how to cast but can't currently do so. That's also why I was hoping to send off the scrolls first and leave a message for the sisters. It's a simple message and Luna would easily be able to understand what it means."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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@Blitz Boom

“Huh, looks like I’m mistaken on the premise. I think I’m remembering the wrong play.”

“Yeah. Clearly there are no witches in this play’s story, and it sounds a lot more whimsical than an examination on good and evil. Regardless, I think this will still be fun and entertaining. It’s Jelly, right? I’m Lin. Pleased to meet you.”

Lin approached the chatting group and greeted the changeling, bowing like her brother and sounding just as reassuring while trying to play up an earlier conversation. However, further chatting would need to be cut short as the show was starting soon. By the time Jelly had to leave, the siblings waved goodbye before joining the audience to watch the spectacle. This whole thing… the lay of the theater, the etiquette, the performance in general. All of this is new, and the siblings were curious and excited to experience this. 

As the performance continued, the longma were enamored by the play and the actors making the visuals pop and the sounds providing the atmosphere. Lin had to stop herself from thinking too much as the story went on, especially when she attempted to solve the Hatter’s riddles during the tea party. The siblings didn’t have those feelings of nostalgia that others in the audience had, but they were still impressed by the performance nonetheless.

Once the show was over, the siblings clapped with the crowd. They’d remain silent for a while, taking in everything they’ve seen and heard, clearly having enjoyed the show. Admittedly, they were a little confused about what went on in some parts of the story, but the visuals had them glued to the show the whole time. Once Rosa’s reception to the show was evident, the siblings were feeling good about everything going on. 

“Seeing this show was a great experience! I’m glad you brought it up so we could enjoy it.”

“Definitely! And it’s clear you enjoyed it. What was your favorite part?”

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@Blitz Boom


"Oh come on, I'm not buzzing!" Atzy whined, now walking with Karmic down on the street below Enzo.

"I don't know what there is to see. I'm normally walking around in a daze," Karmic admitted to him.

@Blitz Boom


"You came with us, sorry," Twilight groaned slightly at seeing the Manetid before shaking her head. "I don't know what it is between you and the Shrine Maidens, Manetid, but don't go around fighting each other while you're here. I just have to figure out something to do with you now," she told the bug creature before trotting over to Cherish and looked at her in concern. "Are you doing okay, Cherish? We've got two ingredients, we just need a third one now and hopefully, we can perform the ritual for you to unbind you from the stick and onto my castle."

@Blitz Boom


"Uh ... Happy?" Aurora asked nervously when she checked on him and even whimpered a bit. "Don't freak out but ... y-you sh-should look behind you."



"Then let's stop acting like a couple of embarrassed fillies and just ... go out," Dawn said as she watched how the dragon acted and stood before heading outside of the home, leaving the door open for him. "I, uh, don't exactly know what to do together."

Edited by Sekel
  • Brohoof 1



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom, @Windy Breeze @Califorum

"... Seriusly.. you got use dimension destroying beings at your side asking you if you need help on the matter about your parents who was supposedly been missing due to myateriously atrong magic... That might involve other dimensions."

Light then started pointing two hooves at himself and Cali to emphasize himself and Cali.

"We fix things like this remember ?.... Well technically just me.... Sorry Cali i keep forgetting your a different Cali...."

" And don't forget luna... the pegasi.... She's connected with the military... I think... She can definitely help out..."

  • Brohoof 1
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@Blitz Boom

Approaching the curb of the road that ran along the main entrance to Rising's building, Gold Mane simply stuck out her hoof to waved down a nearby taxi.  A busy street that it was, such actions almost worked as well as any magic could.  The fast paced life style of the city kept its citizens on alert and sharp eyed taxi drivers were always quick to react to the hail of a hoof or a whistle.  Not far down the street a yellow painted covered cart with black checkers pulled away from where it was parked and headed their direction pulled by a large stallion in a matching yellow cap.  "You needn't worry about Rising dear.  He'll get the rest he needs and be all the more ready for his duties.  Being celebrated that kind of way will be a new experience for him, but he's a rough cookie and handle it in his own way," Cork tried to calm the mare.  "The Detective might appear quiet, but he'll be okay.  Really the best of us to be put in such a position if I think about it," Gold Mane added.  That didn't of course mean was looking forward to such celebration or ceremony at that scale.  The banquet held by Will'O's village was more than enough.  Accompanying the Princess would be a great boon and aid the O.M.I. all the more in becoming a fully fledged agency though.

The taxi pulled up to the trio of mares and Gold Mane opened the side door that lead into the interior of the carriage.  Decent cushioned seats, Gold Mane and Cork sat on the seats with their backs toward the stallion, leaving the back bench for Omen for better window viewing.  "Capitol Hill please, kind sir," the middle aged mare requested from the driver.  "Ma'am," the driver nodded and pulled away from the curb to take to the streets.

Manehatten was a forest made of stone and metal.  Buildings and stores that ranged from the quaint shops to structures that reached the clouds.  Everything was measured and snuggled against each other to make everything fit, even if the result was a small shop stuck between two buildings ten times it's size.  Every building was unique, decorated and carved to stand out among those around them, each wanting to catch the attention of anypony that passed by.  Ponies walked the sidewalks, quickly dipping in and out of shops as their day required.  Many able to walk and talk as if the routine had made their steps measured and not walking into each other. Carts and carriages filled the streets in a rhythm that flowed like a river with the stop at the direction of a police pony directing traffic here and there.  Unaffected by the to and fro, taxi drivers navigated the streets like trout in a stream. 

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@Blitz Boom

Arriving at the inn/bar Razor has been talking about, I quickly opened the door and and pushed Sorrow inside without any warning before closing the door, surprising a bartender busy cleaning a mug used by some patron, probably stallion whom I saw walking out of the building. The stallion, whom I guess is Cimex is an brown earth pony with red mane and tail, and golden eyes. He regained his composure and questioned us “What can I do for you, ladies?" He spoke in a lovely, formal, and attracted tone, something which I don't expect from a bartender.

Edited by Windy Breeze



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