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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom

Silica would smile as she'd watch Orchid do his thing and then listen to him "That sounds really nice" she would say "I read in one of my creator's books, that botany is a science, as is alchemy" she'd smile at him "My creator was a scientist" she then thinks for a moment "I suppose...I'm just trying to find my place in this world"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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5 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes? Wouldn't a singular one have been enough? That he felt more comfortable with. One large monster, meant you knew where to keep your eyes. Several of them, spread around and aggressively wanting to bite down on you though, complicated things. There wouldn't be a safe angle for something like that. And worse yet, due to his weakened state after the stunt he pulled earlier, he were slowing them down, which meant that the snakes were gaining on them.

Mostly, he did not see their kind as being overly vindictive, so he had some doubt that this were revenge, for how he treated the last of them. Rather, he's assume this were simply aggression, and that it didn't matter who entered here. It only mattered that some did at all, and the two of them had wandered deep within their domain.

Fuchsia withdrew something which he assumed were a weapon of sorts, though didn't throw it. He assumed it were because it would cause some collateral damage, which may include themselves, yet it were a risk over a guaranteed end by snakes. Frankly sounded better, than being messily eaten and devoured.

He did not have anything that would clear the hall with him, as he did not think it wise to do so, and there were no side ways, so he couldn't distract them with smoke.

Looking around though, he did see something that he could use. An old school trap, usually put in place to punish those whose greed and arrogance made them go too far into the complex the builders wished to protect: A falling stone slab/wall, which would block off the path entirely. Something which were obviously there, as he saw some risen rocks, as well as a long hole in the ceiling, which would fit such a construction perfectly.

Taking a chance on this, he'd clench his teeth, and prepare to do something reckless.

"Brace for impact!"

With that, he'd throw himself and Fuchsia forward, whilst using his magic to press down on the risen stone. And as expected, there would come a rumbling from above, before not ten centimeters from where they had landed, a solid, thick piece of rock fell down, and slid almost perfectly in place, trapping them on one side, and the encroaching snakes on another.

"That was a close one. Fuchsia? Are you okay? I'm sorry for pushing you so, but it was imperative that they and us, were on separate sides of this wall.

I realize we are now trapped here of course, but fret not. We are seasoned adventurers. We will find a way out. Through that wall if we must, though I'm sure there will be a secret passageway somewhere. Olden complexes like this, tended to have a way out, in case of them accidentally setting of a trap, and getting stuck themselves."

A minor setback, but they'd get past it. Which were more than what could be said for the snakes, who'd be unlikely to get through a meter thick, solid stone wall.

Fuchsia wails as the stone falls into place behind her and she skids along the smooth dusty rocks of the temple before coming to a halt. As the stone crashes down behind them the hissing is abruptly cut off and an eerie silence descends.

Fuchsia whimpers in fear - she hated being trapped inside - but Billowing's words are encouraging and she thinks it is true -there will be a way out from here. At least they are safe from the snakes :) "Thought we were gonnas..." she says and then giggles, a little hysterically before bursting into tears.

She will wave him off if he makes a move towards her, and she quickly shakes her head to clear it. "I',m ok. Let's find a way out or some way up where the walls are thinner." she manages a grim smile, determined to pull herself together and not think too much about being trapped. 

She raises a bauble to the walls to see how deep and thick they are and she taps them with a hoof. The sound and damp feel to the air suggest they are now underground. The light shows that the walls are painted here, as they were above. These painting similarly show deer kind but are less eroded. In the picture the deer are travelling into a forest, led by a might stag. The painting shows something behind the deer, but the painting is smudged - Billowing can barely make out the strangely sinister presence of a few creatures that looks vaguely cat-like that seem to be following or... hunting... the deer herd.

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@Blitz Boom
"It's true that you couldn't sense me, but our kind shares a connection that goes beyond normal senses, that's why we don't bother trying to sneak on each other, we can feel each other's presence without sensing anything." Ruby explained "And yes, that was the plan, since I need to transform before there's risk of curious creatures being around." They also needed to go through the 'story' so that there wouldn't be contradictions if they ended up telling it while separate.


"I appreciate the support, but do not feel pressure to follow me if you have better things to do, this is my problem, and I don't want to force anyone else to deal with it." Scarecrow stated, mainly talking to Lyriel, since Crow was stuck with him so to speak "And the plans for the next hours, I promised I would hang around, so we shouldn't go too far from the farm, but other than that, I don't know, was there something you wanted to show me here? If not, I guess wandering and observing is it then." "Though it could be practical to use this moment to see how domesticated creatures react to me, this farm does have animals right?"


Sheska looked at her brother with questioning look when Onache mentioned the part about being a colorful monstrosity, to which he just nodded to indicate it was true what was said, Sheska had been out cold that whole time so this form was the only one she had seen from Onache. "You don't need to explain yourself to us, we have worked with plenty of worse creatures." "We are both heroes and terrorists depending on who you ask." "Though the honesty is appreciated, and if there's something you want to ask us, go ahead, it's only fair." "There's something I'm curious about though, you mentioned you don't like how you look, can't you change it? or does it take energy to keep up a different form?" 



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom

“Well… I didn’t expect the photo frames to be a common prize, but I guess that something some carnival visitors like.” 

Once they had their pictures taken, they siblings would go off to the side to where the other visitors are. There was some time to pass before getting their pictures, and the siblings would take this time to observe their surroundings. Sen wasn’t sensing danger, but he’d be a lot more alert than usual as he watched and looked on at the other creatures in their midst. Griffons, diamond dogs, other ponies… It felt like home again, if everyone else was fixated on the odd looks and the sudden changes in someone familiar. The longma siblings would try to look friendly for now, seeing how they seemed to be attracting attention.

Frankly, Lin would have an inkling on why this may be the case. Among longma, this would be about as normal as looks could get, but knowing just what comprises their physical appearance was enough to get her to a conclusion. Having pony and dragon parts on a single body? Someone must’ve been experimenting because there’s no way the two species could be genetically compatible. After some time, the odd looks were getting uncomfortable.

“This is starting to feel awkward… I understand getting the odd look here and there, but this is feels like having a hundred eyes looking at me.”

“Yeah. Kind of like you’re expected to do something, but you just freeze up and hope something draws your attention away from the thought.” The siblings found themselves thinking, or overthinking, this and finding themselves stumped. As much as they’ve been in a situation like this before, having it happen in an unfamiliar environment had them feel like they were reliving the earlier days of their exile.

“Omen, Rosa, I don’t suppose you have some advice for handling a situation where you’re being stared at? It’s a lot different than seeing it happen to someone else.”

"It's not something we noticed back then, what with us being more preoccupied with trying to survive." 

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom

Many Moons would be required to get a foreign pony acquainted enough with all the little details of everyday pony life in Equestria, let alone Manehattan.  Most ponies in Equestria itself weren't even prepared for the big city life.  "This we're riding in is a taxi.  It holds about six ponies," Gold Mane explained, pointing down at the taxi's floor.  Each seat, forward and back, was large enough to fix six full grown ponies easily.  Things only got complicated when larger creatures wanted to use the taxi service like that dragon they just saw.  Luckily most of them can fly on their own for longer distances.  "A train is much larger and can transport anywhere from fifty to a hundred ponies depending on how many cars are attached.  Think of them as a bunch of taxis tied together.  Powered by steam and magic that ride along tracks instead of roads," that was a little more difficult to explain.  "One of those things better seen than explained, darling," Cork interjected.  "The bottom line is getting around Equestria can be rather quick and convenient," she added with a bit of pride.

"The creatures in and around for most part for all their own reasons.  Over the last few Moons a lot has happened and many creatures started interacting again.  Not that we got along well with many, and even more had been forgotten.  It was a lot of hard work, but I think our land has become all the better for it," Gold Mane finished just as the taxi moved from its halted state at an intersection.  The closer and closer the trio got to downtown Manehattan, the larger and more extravagant the building became.  Older buildings rebuilt over and over to stand the test of time.

"Converting that much amount of gold into Bits would provide you a decent start at life here in Equestria.  After registering as a citizen of Equestria, you can stop by the employment office and they can get you started with some work too," Cork was rather excited about the prospect.  "Although," Gold Mane brought up while staring out the window, "Talking to The Captain might not be a bad idea.  Another magic sensor in the O.M.I. wouldn't hurt.  We can't always expect Rising to do all the work forever," she chuckled.  All the Unicorns in the O.M.I. had a degree of magic sense through some training but only enough to feel a presence of magic.  Rising and Grave were in a whole other league and having a second on board could be most helpful for whenever their expansion happened.  "That could be an option too, but we're getting ahead of ourselves.  One step at a time ladies."

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@Catpone Cerberus

The Earth elemental glared down with smoldering magic eye-holes at the cathorse patient as if waiting.

 In the meantime, the sprite companion still thusly unnamed, chimed in. Who said this was wish-granting? I said it was magical, that's all i'm going on! Do I look like some kind of expert on this-


A torrent of winds plummented down, buckling Cerberus's knees and flattening the poor, small, complaining sprite to the ground in a bustle of breezes every which way. Not altogether rare for wind to do as any pegasus could tell you, but the light, unharming but frequent blows felt like a dozen small hands frantically pummeling in search of something they were too small to grasp. It might have been just sharp gusts but they hit like an entire flock of pigeons flying into you and for as fast it was going it was all but hard to see the tiny pair of sharp, seething angry eyes fly past in the nearly invisible Air Elemental assaulting the group. Up until now, it had been up on that mountain top, the artifact serving as its heart. But of course, being air, it didn't have the ability to shield the Muffin McGuffin that was now currently buried in the other Elemental's chest.

 That rocky sentinel hadn't noticed the flurry as it stood there. As chunks started crumbling off it in a dirty shower of clumps from the now sudden wind, it grew to acknowledge in its burgeoning existence that its form needed to be sustained. And in an act of self-preservation... Rose both its hefty, yard-long arms of rock over Cerberus's head.

 Once rock decides to fall...




 "Well, If my Lady insists, then who am I to disobey an Order?" the rather sarcastic dragon replied following Dawn Streak to the door.

 "I am going to be With you, that doesn't mean that if I have to deal with ponies, that i'm going to be any civil about it than they are.     ...um, thank you for making a meal for me... by the way." Kaltrop ended his sentence in lower tones as he padded quietly after her.


   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Catpone Cerberus

"Peculiar sense, but seems useful to have. Especially considering how *friendly* your branch of dragons are with one another. I'd say it were unlikely we'd run into more from there, but the last time I thought that, your little brother stumbled upon us, more or less. It may come in handy eventually.

Should we land then, and go over things? And is there anything specifically you need me to do, or say, that might help the process? I know Charir don't understand my words, but he seems to be getting used to some facial expressions. And maybe other positive signs too, though you understand him more than me. Both literally, and culturally. Whatever you say I need to do during this, I will."

That included giving them some privacy, in case Ruby needed that. She wouldn't like it, but whatever would make Charir feel the best during what were no doubt going to be a very confusing episode, she would. Though it might be she had to do absolutely nothing as well. Ruby were the one who had all the cards, and knowledge about this, so her judgement on the situation were what counted. She just hoped the younger dragoness wouldn't use it as an excuse to try and ditch her. Leviathan felt like they were building a good connection, but with what she knew of their kind, from Ruby herself, she may want to instinctively back away from that, as it were clashing too much with her world view, or something else. A silly fear maybe, but one that were certainly present.



@Catpone Cerberus

On 2021-02-27 at 11:52 AM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"I appreciate the support, but do not feel pressure to follow me if you have better things to do, this is my problem, and I don't want to force anyone else to deal with it."

"I just need to prepare things, and it will be fine. You are my friend after all, Scarecrow. And I do not intent to leave such a heavy task upon your shoulders, all by your lonesome."

Crow would shriek lowly at that comment, and puff up its chest. Something which made Lyriel smile, and bow her head towards it.

"I didn't mean to imply that you were not there too, Crow. I just mean that there is much on his shoulders, and he could use the help he could get to lift it. And two helping him with this task, is better than one, or none."

This the bird seemed to accept, and calmed down to neutral again.

On 2021-02-27 at 11:52 AM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"And the plans for the next hours, I promised I would hang around, so we shouldn't go too far from the farm, but other than that, I don't know, was there something you wanted to show me here? If not, I guess wandering and observing is it then." "Though it could be practical to use this moment to see how domesticated creatures react to me, this farm does have animals right?"

"Merely the splendor of the orchard itself, which you have already seen some of. If you wish to interact with their livestock, I say we should go and do so. Please follow me."

Lyriel had been there before, and though brief, her visit had included speaking with some of the farm animals, so she knew were they were. If they would welcome her, she had no doubt of, yet Crow and Scarecrow were another matter entirely, though it might not be due to what were beneath their exterior.

For example: once they reached closer to the farm, and they reached some houses wherein there were chickens, they would cluck and retreat to their homes, though she doubted that had much to do with Scarecrow. In fact, she could say so for certain.

"They were clucking about keeping the chicklets safe from the predator. What they react upon here, is Crow. A bird of pray, far as any would know."

He puffed up proudly from that. A little vain potentially, but one were allowed some pride.

And things seemed easier once they reached a few cows, who looked up, and came slowly wandering over to them. Mostly to moo at Lyriel, who'd pat them gently, and explain something to them in the whispering, wind-through-grass sort of tone she had other times in the forest.

"Last they saw me, I had not this shape, so they are somewhat confused. And don't be alarmed from them examining you. You are made og vegetation after all. It draws their attention, but I asked them to please not nibble on you."

Which they would not. Though yes, they would start sniffing him, completely unaware that he were undead.



@Catpone Cerberus

"Changelings are creatures of manipulation. Thought manipulation takes practice, and hard work, but the more mundane things such as form changing, we can all do. What you see here, is the disguise I wear when wandering among ponies. Most drones, and some queens, will chose more bland personas, as to not stand out. I however, find it beneath me."

A purplish flame would engulf her momentarily, and in her place, would be a typical changeling queen. With a short mane and tail, cheese legs, a purple underbelly, and matching, fluttering wings.

"This is how I once were, after I had grown to full, and left my mothers hive to make my own. For years, this is the one that were known as The Slaver Queen. Until those pesky ponies and that sphinx lured me to make deals I had not thought through, which lead to one way: That of the Reformed Changelings. At least, that is what they call themselves now. This, is how I am now."


The flames would engulf her again, and this time, she'd end up looking as her current self. Neck fluff and everything, which still baffled her some. Why did Thorax and his ilk not have these, and yet she were growing her own, personal fur scarf. It were frankly somewhat irritating, though at least her colors were more uniform. She supposed there were something to be said for that.

The others may realize that consistently throughout these three forms, would be her height. That she refused to change, and it made it hard to blend in as well as one might otherwise. Didn't matter anymore though now, she supposed, though she were still vain, and unsure if wandering long in her true form were all that wise. Changelings had a stigma for a reason after all, and it would no change this easily.

"Now I want to know something. Your magic, what schools of it have you access to? is it personal, or dependent on either consumption, or what lies in the land you traverse? With how you describe your world, it does not sound as if there would be much harmony magic left there, at the very least, though what might have replaced it? Something dark in nature, perhaps? I would like to know. Not to use it though. I have my own, and no interest in dark arts. Though it never hurts to know what might linger in your arsenal."




On 2021-02-27 at 2:25 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Omen, Rosa, I don’t suppose you have some advice for handling a situation where you’re being stared at? It’s a lot different than seeing it happen to someone else.”

"It's not something we noticed back then, what with us being more preoccupied with trying to survive." 

"Some would suggest that you simply ignore the stares, and in time, they will get bored and look elsewhere.

Personally though, I am more in favor of a distraction. Omen? Why don't you go say hello to these nice creatures?"

Omen would be curious about this, as she were not normally asked to go and speak with others all that much, by Rosa. Yet these groups seemed like they were interested in things, so she did move forward, and not stop until she were standing right in front of the larger diamond dog. As in, she were basically touching him, which certainly got the attention of both him, and his lady friend.

They started to seem rather spooked at Omen as she just stared up, with that curious, unblinking gaze of hers.

"I am Omen."

"I'm... Brox, and she's uhm... Mangy? Little help?"

It did not help things for him when the words were projected into his head, with whispering voices. Nor did it do well, that Omen started to sniff him. Almost as if she were mocking him, but he didn't get angry, as much as creeped out.

"Is her name Little Help?"

"No, it's Mangy. Just... Leave us alone. We don't want any trouble. He were just saying that he though that one over there lost a bet. Come on you dolt."

the female would drag him backwards, while Omen's gaze followed them. They wouldn't be much more interested in Sen from here on out, but rather just keep their gaze on her, until their photos were done.

Her next targets were the one who looked like he were trying to wrack her brain around who she were. And when she then finally did get within a hoof's width, his eyes suddenly went wide, and he'd jump back a step. It seemed like he was... Afraid of her?

"H-Hey, I remember you now. Stay back, you hear me?"


"Wh- You bit me!"

He'd point at a piece of fur near his right shoulder, while his tone got more accusing and loud. No mark were there, but it would be the principle of things.

"You told me to bite you."

"That was an expression, crazy lady!"

He'd stagger further away, and eventually go into a corner, due to Omen continuing to follow him. She'd literally have him pressing his back against the wall to this area, before she finally stopped, and changed over to the griffons. It had taken a bit before she understood that he apparently didn't want to talk. Maybe the two griffons wanted to?

Which they did. Why, soon as she were there, they ran their talons - on the softer side - down her fur, and leaned in to examine her spot pattern closer.

"Uuuh, such a complex pattern."

"A marvelous sight. Far too widespread to be a paint job. Too natural too, obviously."

"Of course. Maybe it is a costume though? Or are your coat naturally colored like this?"

"I am not wearing a costume."

"Exquisite. Why, just imagine the designs that could be made by magically printing this pattern."

"Or designing an outfit for it. Not a dress though, obviously."


The two of them would focus on Omen for the time being. First her coat, then on to her mane and tail, up to and including touching it, to get a feeling for how it were feeling.

Things got a little worse when that happened though, as Shrimp would bite the talon of the first one of them that did that, and dangle from her claw in an attempt to be fierce. Which had about the same effect as a chihuahua biting at your ankle. Confusion, with not a hint of fear, until Shrimp eventually let go.

They'd be the first one to get a stack of pictures. Twenty of them to be exact, and would gently pat the filly delivering them to them on the head, before going on their way into the crowd. Omen would return after that, with a business card in her muzzle. It were likely the griffons that had placed it there.

An interesting view into the varied ways that Omen's presence could affect others, and as the siblings had wanted, no eyes were really on them anymore. Not beyond the usual occasional side looks, from curious folks passing by.



@Silicon Chimera

Orchid rose an eyebrow at the comment from his new companion.

"A creator you say? You were made in some way? I just assumed your stitching, had a different meaning. Perhaps a tattoo? Though asking tends to be taboo.

Could i ask what you meant? Maybe just a small hint? Though of course if it bothers, it can wait til there are no others."

He were definitely curious about this one now, but it might not be one he'd get much from, in a crowded room like this. Though now that she had piqued his interest, he'd keep bringing it up at random times, to see if there were something to learn, as it were obvious to him that there were a story to be told here.




On 2021-02-27 at 12:51 AM, Fuchsia said:

"Thought we were gonnas..." she says and then giggles, a little hysterically before bursting into tears.

She will wave him off if he makes a move towards her, and she quickly shakes her head to clear it. "I',m ok. Let's find a way out or some way up where the walls are thinner." she manages a grim smile, determined to pull herself together and not think too much about being trapped. 

Billowing had indeed made a move. Towards going over and putting a hoof on her shoulder, that were. Seeing somepony burst into tears like this, meant they needed support in his mind. Something he still thought, even if she waved him off currently.  Yet if she did not want this sort of attention, he could not force it upon her. Not unless the situation were far more dire at least. With her as a pony that were. Not the situation they found themselves in, regarding the temple they were seemingly trapped in for a time now.

"From what I can see, there is only one way to traverse for now, and that still goes down a little. I assume it may be leading to the central chamber, though we will just have to walk and see for ourselves.

On the bright side, the lights stil work, and the temple appears to still be letting in air. Combined with the rations, I say we have a good week to find a way out of here, before we run out. That should be plenty enough time."

Rule number four of adventuring: Always bring extra rations. You can't predict what's going to happen.

On 2021-02-27 at 12:51 AM, Fuchsia said:

She raises a bauble to the walls to see how deep and thick they are and she taps them with a hoof. The sound and damp feel to the air suggest they are now underground. The light shows that the walls are painted here, as they were above. These painting similarly show deer kind but are less eroded. In the picture the deer are travelling into a forest, led by a might stag. The painting shows something behind the deer, but the painting is smudged - Billowing can barely make out the strangely sinister presence of a few creatures that looks vaguely cat-like that seem to be following or... hunting... the deer herd.

Looking around, there were something of interest here. Depictions, less eroded than the ones upstairs. These showing some kind of leader for the deer, followed by odd, feline creatures. Though depictions like these were not exactly perfect, given the time period they were from. Which mean tthat there were several feline entities this may be.

"Hmm... This temple may have been here before the deer, and they took over. Or it were a place for them to make a stand against something chasing them? A dispute perhaps? The depictions of the attackers are sadly too vague for me to get much, though... It may sound mad, as they have not historically gone this far into Equestria, but... It may be sphinx. These sorts of temples have been favored by their kind in the past, and if the deer attempted to run from a deal perhaps, they would be hunted down. For their sake, I hope it were just the sphinx wanting to enslave them, if it truly were them. There is a reason why no sane being attempts to break a sphinx deal, including themselves. It have consequences."

He'd move on, and found a small section of wall that seemed scorched once, though a small part were still visible. Depicting an altar, with a dark-furred deer on top, with something headed down to it. It were too darkened to tell, but he felt it were reasonable to assume some sort of blade might have been part of it.

"I think this temple have more than one story to tell. If not, the stag that lead the deer, may not have been the true enemy depicted on this other section... Most peculiar.

Let us go further in. Doesn't seem like there are more of these here, but I get the feeling that we will see more incriminating things, the closer we get to the main chamber. This place may hold history that the deer would rather be forgotten. Exciting, isn't it?"

He felt rather giddy honestly. Forgotten history tended to be the best kind, and this may be a sliver of that, even if it were not as well presented anymore, as it once were.



@Rising Dusk

10 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

"A train is much larger and can transport anywhere from fifty to a hundred ponies depending on how many cars are attached.  Think of them as a bunch of taxis tied together.  Powered by steam and magic that ride along tracks instead of roads," that was a little more difficult to explain.  "One of those things better seen than explained, darling," Cork interjected.  "The bottom line is getting around Equestria can be rather quick and convenient," she added with a bit of pride.

"Woooah. That's crazy."

She were baffled, and rightly so, couldn't imagine what a train might even look like. When they said like several of these tied together, she were thinking something at first, which in no way would make sense here, as they did not seem keen on necromancy, or horrendous stitching work in general. She tried to imagine it then without the pony dragging it along, and it still didn't make much sense to her. This were one of those things she had to see for herself to believe, but she were certainly awestruck by the thought alone, of transport like that.

"Is it safe to travel with too? harrowmark isn't a huge country, but I bet that Queen Magnolia would love something that could get folks a long way, with less dangers than regular wagons. It can get really dangerous some places you know? Some wards, and patrols helping this, might really be a good idea. And just another thing on the huge pile of stuff we could learn from here! I can't even imagine things like this *train* thing, and that's the stuff you have that's normal for you. The things you find extraordinary must be utterly mind-blowing."

10 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

"The creatures in and around for most part for all their own reasons.  Over the last few Moons a lot has happened and many creatures started interacting again.  Not that we got along well with many, and even more had been forgotten.  It was a lot of hard work, but I think our land has become all the better for it,"

"It sounds like your princess are really busy making good with others. That's real smart of her. You don't get far if you have lots of enemies, and no friends to help you. What if something really bad happened? Then you could be in real trouble. Sounds like your princess is doing a lot of good things to prepare for that, and small stuff like... I dunno. The big, pretty dragons chasing you around for lunch."

She suddenly got an even more gleeful look on her face, and nearly glued her face to the window, as she saw another dragon. This one wearing ornaments, and portraying itself as very galant. Maybe one of some means, that were less feral than some others were? Every race had their higher standing ones after all. It just varied how they presented themselves.

Though for Grave, it were more just a fascination she already had with dragons. She definitely wouldn't want one in Harrowmark - like, ever - but here, she really wanted to go over and talk to one someday, and learn more. Maybe even befriend one of them! They looked so strong and pretty.

"They're so pret- Vaaauw. That one looks really special. Is that a temple?"

She'd point at a building that looked older than the others, even if it were likely one rebuild as well. What were in it, she didn't know, but the older architecture, compared to the things around it, made her think it was a place that hadn't been meddles with before, due it it carrying some serious, religious importance. Though in reality, it were likely a library, or some sort of museum.

10 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

"Converting that much amount of gold into Bits would provide you a decent start at life here in Equestria.  After registering as a citizen of Equestria, you can stop by the employment office and they can get you started with some work too," Cork was rather excited about the prospect.  "Although," Gold Mane brought up while staring out the window, "Talking to The Captain might not be a bad idea.  Another magic sensor in the O.M.I. wouldn't hurt.  We can't always expect Rising to do all the work forever," she chuckled.  All the Unicorns in the O.M.I. had a degree of magic sense through some training but only enough to feel a presence of magic.  Rising and Grave were in a whole other league and having a second on board could be most helpful for whenever their expansion happened.  "That could be an option too, but we're getting ahead of ourselves.  One step at a time ladies."

"Working with you? Eeee! That'd be amazing!"

Grave had turned to look at her companions, as they talked her through what to do, and were about to give her word that she'd make sure to go right away to find some work. She wanted to show that she were an aset to the country, and not disappoint Gold and Cork by being lazy. Besides, she had not had much to do for years now, and could really use some routine work of some kind, rather than scavenge. It sounded way safer, and far less boring.

As the conversation went over on though and Gold bringing up the suggestion that she could apply to work with them, at the O.M.I. however, her interest piqued, as well as her mood and grin.

"I'm definitely going there and... I dunno, fill an application, or run some sort of test, or whatever it takes then. You already know how I really look like, so I don't have to try and explain that, and you sound like you do really important work, that helps a lot of creatures. I'd like to help others too! Do you need to fight sometimes? I can do that. I'll prove it too, if you want. Not in here though. Nonono,. I don't wanna harm this pretty taxi.

How does anyone apply to work with you? Do I have to talk directly to Rising? Or does he have some sort of assistant?"

She knew it were getting some way ahead, but the thought were just so tantalizing and delicious. Friendly ponies, who worked to improve things, by dealing with dangerous magic. She could totally do that! With some guidance. She still didn't know the laws, but she'd guess body harm needed to be minimized, and you should try talking out things first? Something like that.




"I just came into the forest to rest a little. The city is a lovely place, but sometimes, an old dragon like me need some space to clear her head. Normally though, I help the little ones at the dock, or fly around with some other dragons, who are smaller than myself. You small ones have been mostly kind to me, since my exile, so I try and repay that.

And heed an old dragons words, Magnolia. The very same I once said to the Dragon Lord, when he were hardly able to carry that little scepter of his: No one is truly powerful, if they are alone. Never forget that true strength, comes from the bond of those closest to you.

I then called him a rash whelpling, though he had thought of starting his rule, by attacking you ponies. So I stand by my words."

"Is... Is that why you got exiled?"

"No, it were just heated words between friends. His daughter though, is a rash little child, much like her father. She did not like it when I called her unfit to rule. A poorly chosen set of words, to a young ruler I wanted to see improve things, by motivating her with spite. I erred, it seems.

Ah, but it isn't so bad. A few decades, and I will return and apologize to her. She just needs a little time to calm herself."

For dragons, time were relative. A little, short feud between beings who said something awkward to one another, would to a pony, likely be over in a few days. Dragons however, were long lived, and stubborn, so they would need more time. A few decades were hardly any time for them, and she were sure that when that time came, they could settle this, with her explaining herself, and apologizing. It were a small thing, and Ember were surely not brazen enough to properly challenge an elder dragon like Gretha. She may be meek and calm, but for dragons, age meant power. It were not wise to get on the bad side of one like her. Even if it were hard, and she'd likely just fall back on telling Ember that she should respect her elders.

"And you ask of my socks? How kind of you, little one. They are gifts. Woven in magical cotton, so they don't wear and tear. Something given by a trusted friend, from far, far away. I like how they warm my legs, even if they do not cover my feet.."

As she got up, she'd better show how she did not in fact, have hooves, but just had her clawed feet curled up beneath her when she laid down. So these socks would reach to her ankles, and then stop, leavign her space to still thread on the dirt.

"The saddle and blanket is for work, and the glasses are for my eyesight. My eyes have never been the strongest, but these helps well."

She'd then turn her front right hand around, and show it to them, palm up, inviting them to step on.

"Come now children. Step up, and I will give you a lift. We can talk more while I stretch my legs."

Zeehva were hesitant, but she wanted to show Magnolia that you could trust others, so she would wander on first, and then turn around, urging her to follow. If Magnolia had no done so already, of course. In which case, she'd cling to her with one hoof, and gulp down. You never knew with large creatures, but this one seemed friendly so far, right?



@Califorum @Windy Breeze @Kujamih

While Light seemed to not like that smell coming off from Cali, Molotov took the smell in like it were a sweet perfume.

"Mmmm. Reminds me of home."

They were a weird bunch, who toyed with explosives. This were basically the same as the smell of freshly baked cookies in many other homes. Pure delight and nostalgia. Especially now, when he were so far from his actual home, as his workshop still didn't feel like it was home, per se. It lacked all the crazy, wonderful folks of Center Zero. Even if he were far less often pushed into a dumpster since moving out here.

And speaking of good smells - Cali's dinner would arrive right after she were done talking. The waitress would set it, and her drink of choice down, and then wish her a good day. Then said waitress excused herself, and went off, as the smell were nearly sickening her.

"Heh, seems like you were indeed pretty hungry. Lemme help with the smell though. Gotta use this more times than you might think."

He'd reach into his belt, and pull out a small steel ball on a wire, and then start swinging it around. Soon enough, the smell coming from their area, would vanish, unless more were added.

"Often I come right from work, and smell of some kind of powder. This sorta thing helps cleansing the air. If I load it up with vanilla, it gets real sweet smelling too, though if i twirl too many times then, it'll catch fire. Risky business, but eh, science ain't perfect, am I right?

Now, mind me asking something? You claim you know A Cali, right Light? So does that mean the multiverse is a real thing? Or are we talking clones here? Kept meaning to ask, but never got 'round to it."

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Silica would smile and nod "It is a bit of a complex matter" she'd say to Orchid, and then getting out a small plushie of herself from her bunny backpack "This is what I originally was, a simple plushie" She'd tell him. "See, my creator had a little filly, but she was deathly ill, so he created me, a plushie with a AI chip in it to keep her company" she'd say, putting the replica plush back in her backpack "Unfortunately, as you can probably guess, the filly passed away." she would smile softly but it was a sad smile, "and it would seem her spirit now inhabits me, which had caused my chip to short circuit. I learned the magic to become like a real pony to travel and help others"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Blitz Boom

I frowned. These are clear signs Cimex suffered discrimination. While it is unheard of here in Equestria, it sometimes happens in the Griffon Empire. I'm heavily against it. Even as Sorrow tried to tell her she trust changeling, Cimex only scoffed.

“Pfft, yeah whatever. It doesn't matter, everypony in this jolly country still has ice in their hearts for changelings” she opened the door, going inside first without even checking if we are following her or not. I gave Sorrow a side-glance before going inside.

I found inside a smaller storage room with two shelves and a cabinet that seemed have to be moved aside to reveal another door. It was open, allowing me to see what's inside this other room.

The floor is painted with beautiful velvet red, and the walls are gloomy grey-blue. There wasn't much inside other than two shelves lining on the wall, one small tan table with a flower base on top and one cushion on the floor, and few paintings on the wall. There was doorless doorway on the front, showing a few furnitures of what I would expect to see in a kitchen.

“This is the door to your bedroom” entering, I saw her standing next to a brown door.

Edited by Windy Breeze



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@Windy Breeze @Blitz Boom @Califorum

"thrut be told... Both your theories are correct.... There are many different Dimensions. Each controlled by a superior being or shared... Some dormant, some active, some... Down right evil. And in a way we are cloned by this beings into their dimension if they want us there to exist. I on the other hand work with the superior being on my dimension... And is sending me to other dimensions to fix em... Because once one dimension gets out of control it chains and affects the other..... For example..... Princess Twilight sparkle's coronation.... Yes it's a big deal...but do you know how big of a deal it really is? Millions of superior beings took notice of this.... For that day all the dimensions shook. Some woke up...some enraged... Some took delight... But mostly... All took action....

Fun fact.... Your dimension... actually.... Our dimension existed because of her."




Edited by Kujamih
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@Blitz Boom @Kujamih @Califorum

Luna and Blue openly shared their thoughts of Cali drinking oil. Luna looked away but her eyes remained on the pony-not-from-their world, both curious, and revolted “How can your stomach digest that?”

However, Blue is even more extreme- no, she was outright disgusted “Eww, that's what you drink daily?” she had her wings cover her nose to block the smell. Turning to the counter, she said “I want five stacks of pancakes please”


Edited by Windy Breeze
  • Brohoof 1



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13 minutes ago, Kujamih said:

@Windy Breeze @Blitz Boom @Califorum

"thrut be told... Both your theories are correct.... There are many different Dimensions. Each controlled by a superior beings... Some dormant, some active, some... Down right evil. And in a way we are cloned by this beings into their dimension if they want us there to exist. I on the other hand work with the superior being on my dimension... And is sending me to other dimensions to fix em... Because once one dimension gets out of control it chains and affects the other..... For example..... Princess Twilight sparkle's coronation.... Yes it's a big deal...but do you know how big of a deal it really is? Millions of superior beings took notice of this.... For that day all the dimensions shook. Some woke up...some enraged... Some took delight... But mostly... All took action....

Fun fact.... Your dimension... actually.... Our dimension existed because of her."

“Are there any different version of us- the dimension's own Molotov or Luna Light?” Luna asked Kujamih.



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@Blitz Boom
"Just stay close, Charir may look for your input on how he should react, so you being there and not reacting too strongly should help him to realize it's not something to be concerned about." Ruby explained as she started to land "I doubt there will be much trouble as he's not stupid, just young, and even with my kind's view on magic, the concept isn't too hard to understand." "The main concern is that he gets cocky and thinks I'm easy target in my other form, unlikely but possible outcome." 

If there was nothing else, they would land and Ruby would explain the situation to Charir before transforming to her pony form, and assuming Leviathan didn't react in a weird way, it went relatively well, Charir being mostly curious, if bit uncomfortable, he could indeed feel Ruby through the necklace's magic, so the contradiction between his other senses and that was unpleasant. Ruby also showed the dragon's eye that was hidden behind the zebra necklace, which was both intriguing and slightly scary to Charir.


Scarecrow just nodded at most things Lyriel said, and for the chickens, he had expected such explanation, not because he necessary knew anything about how chickens acted, but because they simply ran and hid, instead of some of them keeping an eye on him, a small detail he had noticed during his interactions with animals, they didn't simply run away from him like he was a predator, instead they were visibly uncomfortable and kept their eyes on him, as if he wasn't a mere predator, but something worse...well, some animals, some animals just fled, and some tried to kill him. 

He didn't mind the cows investigating him, after all, that was why he was here, he even tried to carefully pet them if they let him "That does make me curious of what I taste like, if a animal was to bite me, would they taste plant or the taste of my true form." not necessarily important thing to know, but it was interesting thought nonetheless. Regardless of if the cows let him pet them or not, Scarecrow would stay close to them until they lost interest or something or someone else gave him reason to leave them, it felt kinda nice to have a trust of an animal like this.


Onache didn't really answer the question but her response was interesting nonetheless, since the siblings learned about a species they had never seen before and it also made Trox realize something he would possibly bring up later. "Before we get to the answer, I must say that I can understand your dislike of your new look, especially if you want to be intimidating or really anything that's not harmless and cute." Sheska mentioned, mostly in neutral tone, but it wasn't hard to tell that she found it bit amusing, though could anyone really blame her, Onache's real look was such that if someone looking like that came to threaten her, she would have hard time taking it seriously.

"For our magic..." Trox started quickly trying to avoid any possible anger from Onache due to Sheska's comment "...don't really know what to say for schools, we just call it magic, but then again, our access to official studying material has been very limited, so what we have learned has mostly been in form of journals and other kobolds teaching us, so we don't really know what it would be called by those who are more educated about it." "It is fueled mostly by magic that we naturally have in us, thus being affected by our physical state, but we can also harvest the magic in the surrounding world to certain extend." "Something that's more effective with technology." Trox pointed at his metal arm as he said it "And then there's of course enchanted items, magical artifacts, crystals and other such stuff." 

"For dark arts, besides Sombra I don't know anyone who would have ever used true dark magic, but the magic in Nightmare Moon's dark forest that covers the Night Realm can get very twisted if you don't know what you are doing, so I guess it could be considered a sort of dark magic." "There's also artificial magic." to showcase this he put his metal hand in front of him and after few moments, effect similar but not exactly alike to that of changelings form changing happened and the metal arm now looked like biological arm, though it returned back to its metal look the moment he moved it, with the same effect going over it "My arm and leg are old models and that part of them is faulty, but you get the point."


.....They somehow miss, there was no movement from Cerberus yet somehow he had moved just enough to avoid getting crushed, he dusted himself off and fixed the positioning of the glasses that had suddenly appeared on his face without explanation "Yeah I think letting it go free is the right thing to do, I don't get paid enough for this....or paid at all really." he half muttered half said, not knowing if the sprite was still there to listen "I am slightly curious what would happen if instead of element this thing gathered something like fur, a fur-elemental? Felemental?" "But I'm no fighter, and bombing this thing would just be mean." 




“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom

Seeing the reactions from the other visitors made for some interesting memories. Frankly, Sen understood Rosa’s logic, but not in the execution. A distraction was something he agreed with as it got things moving, but Omen really going in on it and just starting a whole chain of conversations with varying outcomes…. It was unexpected, especially with the run-in with someone from her past. Whatever happened back then must’ve been interesting, and Sen couldn’t help but chuckle before stopping himself before someone got the wrong idea. 

By then, Lin hung back for a bit to really take in the sights and the amusement from simply watching things unfold. Things were getting funny, and she was learning more from this little diversion. A simple few minutes spent waiting turned out to be a lot more interesting. By then, she was convinced that Omen could possibly carry a conversation based on how others perceived her. Then again, the same could be said about the longma and their strange appearance. 

Once the griffons got their pictures and left, Sen quickly approached Omen and examined the business card left with her. 

“The fashion types, huh? I never really understood what fashion was. Or why dressing up is a thing in general. Come on, Omen, let’s join the others. Seeing how that unfolded, you handled that pretty well. You’ve got all those odd looks on you and you just ignore it like its nothing. You gotta to teach me that.”

Meanwhile, Lin was waiting with Rosa, waving to Sen and Omen to join them. The sight was something to remember, if only for the humor. It was a nice distraction from the odd looks, though she could still see a few other ponies staring. By then, she took Rosa’s words to heart and did her best to ignore them and focus on the things that mattered, at least to her. Still, there was something that piqued her curiosity.

“Rosa, did you know that was going to happen?”

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"There you are, child."

The cloud would stop as it encountered Calamity. As she reached out to touch it, the cloud too would reach gently towards her, but when she were stopped by another, the cloud retracted too.

"Child. You don't have anything to fear. I wouldn't harm this precious sliver of unrefined chaos. I only came to help."

The cloud would coalesce, and the lily pads spread out, before a form would emerge from the dissipating clouds.

Eight spindly, long legs would gently land on the lily pads. Each of them a different color, and leading into a dark-multicolored torso. Behind it, an abdomen, dangled, following the same pattern of darker rainbow colors that the torso did, with a marking on top. One that looked like a cackling, malnourished equine face, which if you looked on it, would move to look at you with its empty eyes. Sockets carrying a sense of malice, yet there were a circle of mint-green clouds dancing around and through it, which radiated the same calm that the cloud had before. It would mean that the more you looked, the more there would be both a duality of fear and peace that would go through you, though which one were noticed the most, would wary by how the viewer felt. If they were balanced, it would be neutrality, and the face would be smiling in their eyes.

As for the rest of the being, the torso would change from the thin, almost bone-like spider beneath, to a risen body of a mare, belly upwards. She'd be thin and much like the face, seeming malnourished, with visible ribs showing. Instead of front legs, she would have no arms or legs, but just free floating dark hands, with clawed, elongated fingers, which were currently gathered together, palm to palm.

Further up the dark-grey equine body, you'd find it ending in an equine head. Malnourished as the one on the back, with the skin seemingly just covering the skull. From her head sprang minty-green, long hair, which despite being clearly rather thin, still somehow managed to spring lusciously and long, and gathering in three formations to the back, and sides of her head. The formations being simple circles, looping perfectly. And within each of those circles, were a small, golden figure. One looking like an open maw, within a maw. Another like the head pictured on her abdomen. And the third of a hand, clutching a coin.

Her teeth were looking like they had been cleaned in mossy water, and as she opened her eyes, you'd find that there were little more than pure darkness, with a small, flickering yellow light deep within each of them.

The whole look of the essentially malnourished, gangly drov-like creature, should be inducing fear to those around her, and yet she radiated only peace and calm. Even in her eyes, one would find only kindness and warmth, though it didn't seem fitting of the creature, which had the height of an alicorn, and floated on the lily pads, a quarter meter above ground

Some other things seemed to be worn by her. Each leg had a golden ring near the *knee*, with three of them inscribed with a name each. *Avarice* *Consumption* and *Fright*. The rest seemed blank for now.

She also had small bowls floating near her, each filled with seeds, or water, which birds would soon land and enjoy merrily of.

There were also floating a somewhat large assortment of ornaments around her body, in varied patterns. They were all no bigger than half a bottlecap, yet several of them seemed to be too complex to have always been said size, and there were seemingly hundreds of them too.

Her eyes would seek Calamity's own, and with a smile on the nearly lipless, darkened face, she'd begin to speak. Which seemed to radiate from her, rather than being spoken with her mouth.

"It is good to meet you, child. I am Fright, though some of my students have come to call me Lily Pad."


@Blitz Boom

The sight of such a creature would've naturally struck fear into her, but Calamity didn't find herself to either be relaxed or filled with fear, even if Lily Pad wasn't what somepony would expect. She took in the great amount of accessories and limbs, feeling sudden unease at the amount of legs that protruded from her body. She glanced back at the cloud, lost in thought.

Calamity could only assume that this creature was a fellow draconequus like her, but that raised a few questions. Were she and Discord not the only ones like they had believed so long? If not, then where do draconequui reside, or do they just appear in times of trouble? Had Discord lied about others like them existing out there, as a way to keep her from remembering anything about her past? She knew he only wanted to protect her, but she seemed to think there was much more to his excuses than just that.

There had to be an explanation for three draconequui now making themselves known in Ponyville.
Sure, Discord hadn't decided to move to Ponyville until she got accepted into the School of Friendship, but the sudden appearance of a third draconequus in the town was quite suspicious.

She took notice of the golden rings, recognizing that 'Fright' was Lily Pads name, so she could only guess the others must be names as well, or code names for others she knew. She couldn't help but think, were she destined to be one of those engraved into one of those rings?

"You.. know me? I'm pretty sure I'd recognize you if we've met before. What are you here to help me with? I don't exactly need help, or I don't think I do."

Kaiju Enthusiast | They/Them | 18 | My Toyhouse!
Signature Shop | Non-Pony Art

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On 2021-02-28 at 6:36 PM, Blitz Boom said:
On 2021-02-26 at 11:51 PM, Fuchsia said:

"Thought we were gonnas..." she says and then giggles, a little hysterically before bursting into tears.

She will wave him off if he makes a move towards her, and she quickly shakes her head to clear it. "I',m ok. Let's find a way out or some way up where the walls are thinner." she manages a grim smile, determined to pull herself together and not think too much about being trapped. 

Billowing had indeed made a move. Towards going over and putting a hoof on her shoulder, that were. Seeing somepony burst into tears like this, meant they needed support in his mind. Something he still thought, even if she waved him off currently.  Yet if she did not want this sort of attention, he could not force it upon her. Not unless the situation were far more dire at least. With her as a pony that were. Not the situation they found themselves in, regarding the temple they were seemingly trapped in for a time now.

"From what I can see, there is only one way to traverse for now, and that still goes down a little. I assume it may be leading to the central chamber, though we will just have to walk and see for ourselves.

On the bright side, the lights stil work, and the temple appears to still be letting in air. Combined with the rations, I say we have a good week to find a way out of here, before we run out. That should be plenty enough time."Rule number four of adventuring: Always bring extra rations. You can't predict what's going to happen.

Fuchsia is breathing shallowly and her ears are flat to her pony head, but she is reassured a little by Billowing's calm voice sounding out in the dank silent space, giving homely adventuring advice :3 As the sense of what he says filters in she calms further and she is visibly more calm though still on edge.



On 2021-02-26 at 11:51 PM, Fuchsia said:

She raises a bauble to the walls to see how deep and thick they are and she taps them with a hoof. The sound and damp feel to the air suggest they are now underground. The light shows that the walls are painted here, as they were above. These painting similarly show deer kind but are less eroded. In the picture the deer are travelling into a forest, led by a might stag. The painting shows something behind the deer, but the painting is smudged - Billowing can barely make out the strangely sinister presence of a few creatures that looks vaguely cat-like that seem to be following or... hunting... the deer herd.

Looking around, there were something of interest here. Depictions, less eroded than the ones upstairs. These showing some kind of leader for the deer, followed by odd, feline creatures. Though depictions like these were not exactly perfect, given the time period they were from. Which mean tthat there were several feline entities this may be.

"Hmm... This temple may have been here before the deer, and they took over. Or it were a place for them to make a stand against something chasing them? A dispute perhaps? The depictions of the attackers are sadly too vague for me to get much, though... It may sound mad, as they have not historically gone this far into Equestria, but... It may be sphinx. These sorts of temples have been favored by their kind in the past, and if the deer attempted to run from a deal perhaps, they would be hunted down. For their sake, I hope it were just the sphinx wanting to enslave them, if it truly were them. There is a reason why no sane being attempts to break a sphinx deal, including themselves. It have consequences."

He'd move on, and found a small section of wall that seemed scorched once, though a small part were still visible. Depicting an altar, with a dark-furred deer on top, with something headed down to it. It were too darkened to tell, but he felt it were reasonable to assume some sort of blade might have been part of it.


Fuchsia listens dumbly to Billowing's voice, still too in shock from being trapped to fully take in the details of the stag and the deer, but the idea of the deer fleeing into the temple depths does resonate with her. She nods that they should go further in and as Billowing leads on, she cautiously follows him, brandishing her spirit catcher. She removes it briefly to observe about the deer: "If they escaped and found this place... then maybe there's an escape tunnel?"  Her voice is still a little trembly. 


He'd move on, and found a small section of wall that seemed scorched once, though a small part were still visible. Depicting an altar, with a dark-furred deer on top, with something headed down to it. It were too darkened to tell, but he felt it were reasonable to assume some sort of blade might have been part of it.

"I think this temple have more than one story to tell. If not, the stag that lead the deer, may not have been the true enemy depicted on this other section... Most peculiar.

Let us go further in. Doesn't seem like there are more of these here, but I get the feeling that we will see more incriminating things, the closer we get to the main chamber. This place may hold history that the deer would rather be forgotten. Exciting, isn't it?"

He felt rather giddy honestly. Forgotten history tended to be the best kind, and this may be a sliver of that, even if it were not as well presented anymore, as it once were.

Fuchsia has calmed by the time they find the next picture. She peers at the deer at the top of the temple with her bauble and sees the blade. "A sacrifice?" she wonders aloud. "Could they have been... taken here to be..." she shivers, trailing off, thoughts going to dark places. Though she is more spooked by the temple than Billowing, she is taken in by the mystery of the temple. She wonders if Billowing's theory is true - breaking a Sphinx pact? It would fit with the Saddle Arabian clothing the deer seem to be wearing.


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On 2021-02-28 at 8:00 PM, Magnolia said:

"Decades to you...are but a short time but to us, it is a very long time. Do you remember your days less since you experience more of them? My days were all the same...blending together as I'd hunt like a predator for what I wanted." she spoke rather honestly at that. And then Magnolia thought about the socks thing.

Gretha wouldn't have done anything bad. She simply lead them gently on top, and deposited them on the saddle. It were flat on top, so they shouldn't just simply slide off, even if this were mainly meant for larger creatures.

"Us dragons have long memories, but the longer we live, the more cluttered it would become to remember it all. I remember things that are important, and the faces of those I have met i recent decades, but some things are gone. Blending together, as you say.

It is not an issue to remember day to day things though, long as there is something happening. Were it all routine, or I wasted my time sitting on a hoard, years could go by at a time, with barely anything getting noticed. I've lost track of entire decades like this before, but that is the burden of a long life. Those nice young mares, Celestia and Luna, likely have the same, to some degree."

Once the two were settled in, Gretha would rise up, and spread her wings, before flying up into the air. Not far from the treetops, and though Zeehva had looked nervous and unsure if they would fall off, the motion had been smooth. No shaking, or moving to a side. It were as if they were still standing on solid ground, so falling off that simply, shouldn't be happening. Though even if it did, they both had magic to use that'd likely keep them up again.

On 2021-02-28 at 8:00 PM, Magnolia said:

"I-I think you would look good in socks, Zeehva. Maybe myself as well. I haven't felt comfy in well...ever." Magnolia had frowned. 

Considering everything, this was a slightly baffling statement, coming from Magnolia. Yet once the surprise had settled, Zeehva would respond with a small smile to the statement.

"Thank you. I used to wear them once I started to go through the motions to integrate with the zebras, I started to lose that want, outside of cold weather. They think it more fitting that their hooves should touch the ground, and not be obstructed if it can be helped. It's a strange, cultural thing, but it has a lot to do with culture, and my husband... He came from a traditional area. It were even frowned upon at first, that he were courting a pony, rather than another zebra.

But uhm... A-Anyway, socks, yes. They can be comfy. Maybe we should try and find you a pair sometimes, and see if they'd be so for you? It never hurts being comfortable."

Gretha would let the small ones talk, as she silently, and calmly, flew towards Deltrot in the far distance. Seems like they had really been far into the woods.



@Silicon Chimera

Orchid listened in fascination to what he were being told. A filly had died, and ended up possessing a doll,  made to be her companion? A most unusual tale, but it would explain the stitching on his peculiar companion. It weren't scars, but actual stitching, made to keep parts of a stuffed animal together. What a wondrous example of life finding a way, even if tragedy were part of it.

"A plush once made for company, becoming alive through tragedy. A tale both poetic and sad, yet one with one outcome, to make one glad. Life not ending, but blossoming anew. Within your stitching, the energy flew.

Yet is the energy of a soul all you carry, or are she still present, yet dormant and weary? A soul is both memory, and a mass of energy. You may have only gotten the last, though maybe in time, we could check somewhat fast? After all us zebras have ways to commune with the past."

Their food would show up not long after that, delivered by a regular sized mare in a dress, who didn't make a sound as she moved around, which might make Silicon jump a little. She tended to have that effect on others at least, though she'd be on her way again before anything might be said. There were more work to be done.



@Windy Breeze

On 2021-03-01 at 12:47 AM, Windy Breeze said:

“Pfft, yeah whatever. It doesn't matter, everypony in this jolly country still has ice in their hearts for changelings”

"Not at the Moonlit Thicket. Even right after the attack on Canterlot, they didn't exclude changelings. Hay, they even have a hive come several times a year to perform at some of the festivals. I don't know if you know them though. Hive Cheshire? It's a small one from Las Pegasus."

It were not an especially well known hive, as it were small, and the members complete pacifists, which to many changelings, traditionally made them seem rather weak. Their queen wasn't even welcome to any of the rare gatherings the Council of Queens made. Yet if you liked theater, they were one of the most open hives you could find, and actually running performances out of one in Las Pegasus. Under some scrutiny, of course.

As for the town in question, the Moonlit Thicket were a primarily bat pony forest town of some size, near two other towns in the same natural area. One with mostly pegasi, and another which were exclusively for breezies. The last one of those were not somewhere just anypony were allowed to enter, but the others were, with the Moonlit Thicket being a very tourist friendly area, running celebrations, carnivals, and so on, several times each year. It were a good way for the town to earn bits, with the time in between mainly focused on getting ready for the next, and otherwise mundane, day to day stuff, like growing produce in the forest. The area had an incredibly low crime rate, so it were a rather peaceful place to be, between festivities.

"A-Anyway, I'm just saying that there are some who don't judge, just based on what you are. No creature is inherently bad after all, right?"

A lesson taught to her family, as otherwise, the necromantic aspects of what they could do, would make it fairly easy to judge them as being evil. Made it important to learn that things were not simply black and white.

Sorrow met Windy's side glance with her own, which had a certain sadness in it, as she felt like she had accidentally hit a very sore spot for Cimex. Which were certainly not something she had intended to. She were just being paranoid because of the situation. Not because she were a changeling. But from her perspective, Sorrow could see why it might look otherwise. It was a sad situation quite frankly, and she wasn't sure if she could manage to make Cimex believe her on this. She'd try though.

On 2021-03-01 at 12:47 AM, Windy Breeze said:

The floor is painted with beautiful velvet red, and the walls are gloomy grey-blue. There wasn't much inside other than two shelves lining on the wall, one small tan table with a flower base on top and one cushion on the floor, and few paintings on the wall. There was doorless doorway on the front, showing a few furnitures of what I would expect to see in a kitchen.

“This is the door to your bedroom” entering, I saw her standing next to a brown door.

The room presented to them were somewhat scarce in nature, but it had the essentials. And it wasn't as if this were supposed to be a large dwelling for prolonged living anyway. It were a hideout. It were rare that such places had fully build in facilities, and so. Frankly, this were among the better hidden rooms Sorrow had personally seen. It were also more colorful, with her personally enjoying the velvet coloring more.

"T-Thank you. Your hideout looks nice, Cimex. I've seen some before, but most aren't this well kept. Mostly just bunkers under the basement."

Sorrow would wander forward, and open the brown door, before moving on. Just a little more, and they'd be hidden away for a time, so they could think of what to do next.

*sigh* This whole thing were really spinning out of control, huh?



@Catpone Cerberus

On 2021-03-01 at 11:36 AM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"Just stay close, Charir may look for your input on how he should react, so you being there and not reacting too strongly should help him to realize it's not something to be concerned about." Ruby explained as she started to land "I doubt there will be much trouble as he's not stupid, just young, and even with my kind's view on magic, the concept isn't too hard to understand." "The main concern is that he gets cocky and thinks I'm easy target in my other form, unlikely but possible outcome." 

Leviathan gets a small smirk on her face, as Ruby finishes her last sentence, though inside, she let out a silent sigh of relief, at not being told to just leave, while they did their thing. It had been an irrational thought perhaps, but it were a concern she couldn't deny being present at the time. Thank the dragon lord that it hadn't come to fruition.

"And if he made the mistake of thinking you prey, he gets to learn a valuable lesson about not judging a book by its cover. Though I doubt he'd do that. He'd still know it were you, and he's sadly still too afraid of you, to make me even think that he'd be willing to try."

Guess she'd see soon, as they would eventually land, and Ruby would begin her grand show. Or well, she'd transform herself into a lesser being, so maybe not *grand* per se. It were more akin to a changeling, who turned themselves into a rabbit. An interesting sight, yet not something that would shock the world.

On 2021-03-01 at 11:36 AM, Catpone Cerberus said:

If there was nothing else, they would land and Ruby would explain the situation to Charir before transforming to her pony form, and assuming Leviathan didn't react in a weird way, it went relatively well, Charir being mostly curious, if bit uncomfortable, he could indeed feel Ruby through the necklace's magic, so the contradiction between his other senses and that was unpleasant. Ruby also showed the dragon's eye that was hidden behind the zebra necklace, which was both intriguing and slightly scary to Charir.

Leviathan promptly didn't react badly to seeing the transformation, but just kept on looking like she usually did when it came to Ruby. That being with kindness, and warmth. It might be she were in a lesser hide now, but it were still her, and thought it were tempting to act shocked and appalled, for a good laugh, she wouldn't mess with Charir's head that much. Not on this, anyway. It wouldn't make things get any smoother, and she doubted he had much understanding of the concept of joking around. Not with his and Ruby's background.

As the dragon eye came forth, Leviathan felt a certain tingle too. It were hard not to, considering what it were. Charir had a bigger reaction, as he seemed to her, to be somewhat worried of the thing, even if understandably, he likely felt an urge to have it as well. A common reaction for a dragon she'd say, though it were never easy to say what way one of them would react, to any given thing. Sometimes it went well, other times... Not so much. Though at least he hadn't tried snatching this. She assumed that meant that he could still feel it were Ruby, and therefore didn't have any desire to test her.

"He seems to be taking this okay, all things considered. Can he still feel that it's you underneath all that fur? I'm thinking yes, and that's why he haven't tried anything, even when you're showing off your jewelry."



@Catpone Cerberus

On 2021-03-01 at 11:36 AM, Catpone Cerberus said:

He didn't mind the cows investigating him, after all, that was why he was here, he even tried to carefully pet them if they let him "That does make me curious of what I taste like, if a animal was to bite me, would they taste plant or the taste of my true form." not necessarily important thing to know, but it was interesting thought nonetheless. Regardless of if the cows let him pet them or not, Scarecrow would stay close to them until they lost interest or something or someone else gave him reason to leave them, it felt kinda nice to have a trust of an animal like this.

"I mean no offense, but I sincerely hope we will never have an answer to that question. Your true form were not something I would advice any living creature to ingest, as it seems potentially toxic in nature. These gentle creatures should not suffer under such a thing, nor should any others."

The way Scarecrow looked right now, were just an elaborate illusion, so if he did get bitten, the only taste any creature would get, were that of his true form. Which yes, may well have some rather bad effects on the ones trying to ingest it. Or at the very least, likely leave a horrid taste in their mouths, which would make them need to go and wash their mouths out with pure sugar.

The cows wouldn't mind getting petted at all, and would moo calmly. They were used to this sort of thing from the Apple family, so casual pets, and lingering around ponies, were normal for them. Even if these two were a little weirder looking than normal ponies, and the bird looked at them like it were contemplating whatever or not they were potentially dinner. But that was a regular look from a bird of prey, and they were much too big for Crow to fly off with, so they were not afraid of it.

It'd be a few minutes before they lost interest, and would be on their way once again, after a few nice words from Lyriel. Not any that Scarecrow would be able to understand, but the dryad tongue were not exactly easy to understand, if you were not part of those creatures intended to understand it. 

"Such gentle creatures, these cows. Never anything akin to what I saw, back before the valley lost the last animals it once had, but I would not have minded. Their presence is rather soothing.

They seem to think the same of you, so the disguise holds well. Earth Mother be praised that the draconequui did her job on this well. Dreadful as it were, something good at least came from our experiences within the forest. Would you like for us to find other animals, or have you something else in mind? I am not sure what else to show you here, beyond the most sacred of their trees."



@Catpone Cerberus

On 2021-03-01 at 11:36 AM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"Before we get to the answer, I must say that I can understand your dislike of your new look, especially if you want to be intimidating or really anything that's not harmless and cute."

Onache took no offense to this, but rather just scoffed slightly, as she were irritated to some degree, about how true it were. It were rather hard to make a creature fear you, when you looked like this.

"If I wish to be intimidating, I can pick a form for that, though I am not required to cause fear where I wander anymore. It would go against the idea of showing that my hive have improved to be less dangerous for the prey. Yet I am used to a form more sleek and clean than this, so it takes time to adjust. Especially with this fur I now have, which seems to be a thing which will define my hive, as my last drone showed this kind of mane as well, when he changed."

Frankly, she thought it looked better on him, but she always had a certain fascination with Happy Hour. For various reasons throughout the time, yet now that there were just the two of them left, she would eventually be able to act upon one such interests, that she had kept down, as she did not wish to lay more eggs than needed, to avoid needing to cull them. Now there were just two of them though, and she no longer had to fear her nymphs would starve, she could be more lenient on such things. After she had dug the proper chambers out underneath the temple, of course. What point where there in having eggs, if the chambers were not prepared for them? The nymphs might wander off and get hunted in the dunes, if they were raised above ground, for the first while of their lives.

That being what it were though, the kobolds would soon begin to talk about what sort of magic they made use of, as well as what were present in the world they came from. Which did indeed include some darkness, but not in the classic sense perhaps, as it were mostly spoken off as being from the twisted realm of Nightmare Moon. A peculiar variation on magic, yet she had some idea of what it might be, considering what little she knew of this corrupted visage of Luna.

"It sounds as if you don't know much details of your magic, though it is interesting that you can siphon magic off from other things. It is not a common ability, far as I am aware, yet could be useful in certain situations. It may be an idea in time, for you to carry enchanted gems with you, though you'd have to be tested properly. If you use the wrong kind of magic, without being attuned, it may well end poorly. The library these ponies have, within the castle, should likely hold some tomes that would be useful for you there. Education seems inclusive to many things in this town, judging from what I have seen lurking around some of their minds."

Were it nice of her to spy like that? No, but it were what she did. It helped her know how to adjust to others, or if need be, how to adjust them. In small ways, of course. She were supposed to be better, so enslaving this entire town to her will, would likely not end favorably.

"I don't understand what you mean with artificial magic though, nor grasp much of your *technology*. It were not a common thing to find, in the desert my hive once lived in. Nor the surrounding areas. If one lost a leg there, a new would be carved of wood. Not of metal. I will assume this is better?"

She'd get a demonstration that showed off some of what his leg could do, though it were still curious. It looked like some kind of changeling magic, but it did not stand for much pressure, and seemed to just function until he moved. Which even for an illusion, were somewhat shoddy. But it sounded as if these parts were not highly functional either. It'd be curious to see if anyone in this world though, would be able to repair that.

"...Were that an illusion? Or a shimmer, if nothing else? It seemed like some degree of imperfect camouflage at least. Is that part of the metal? Is that this *artificial magic* you speak of? Magic sealed into a metal casing like yours?"




15 hours ago, Neoeryn said:

"You.. know me? I'm pretty sure I'd recognize you if we've met before. What are you here to help me with? I don't exactly need help, or I don't think I do."

"We never met, dear child, but I have known of you for some time. A student of mine came through this town several moons past, and found a draconequus she had yet to even hear off. Our kind are not the most plentiful out there, yet there are still a fair number, and one coming into existence, or activating their powers in some notable way, tends to cause a ripple. I felt this, several times over the years, though I had no idea of you, until I were told of you. When she spoke me your name, I felt a need to come and see for myself how you might do, and offer my help to you."

Fright would move somewhat close, and then fold her legs underneath herself. Essentially sitting, with the lily pads still floating where the tips of her legs stood.

"Our kind are rooted in our names, and it spells what we were created to cause. Calamity is a sad thing to have befall others, and I can see clearly that you are not a soul with a want to cause harm. She told me the same. That you were an innocent soul, but things still happened near you. Things which could cause destruction, in many ways. I wished to personally come, and offer you my help, to find a way to utilize what you are, and what you can do, in a positive way. Before your powers grow exponentially, and you may find it harder to resist the nature of your name.

I know this can happen, as I were once living up to my name as well. Yet I have found that things are never that simple, and even we, who are molded around aspects most regular creatures would find bad, can change for the better. We do not all need to be, as it is not many of even our kind, that represents something inherently destructive. Yet we are spirits of disruption to the norm, to various degrees. Some such as yourself, having a higher risk than some of lesser impact. Like Avarice.

In any case, some of us can become the best they can on their own, but help is often needed for our kind. Even Discord needed help to change to something better, from what I have heard. Yet it have been millennia since he and I last met. I know not personally, how he does now. I only know how he once were, and it pleases me that he are no longer so.

Ask what you wish of me child, and I will answer. Though I ask you to ponder this: Do you have complete control over what you can do? Or are there times when you fear what you might be capable of, even if you don't mean to do so? I sense no evil without you, that would lead you ti wish harm upon others. Yet our powers cannot be held down. It needs to manifest, in one way or another. I only wish to help you find a way to do so, in ways that may benefit those around you, rather than cause them potential harm."





On 2021-03-01 at 2:18 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“The fashion types, huh? I never really understood what fashion was. Or why dressing up is a thing in general. Come on, Omen, let’s join the others. Seeing how that unfolded, you handled that pretty well. You’ve got all those odd looks on you and you just ignore it like its nothing. You gotta to teach me that.”

Omen would look around her, before responding to this. As per the agreement, she wanted to see if there were other longma around first, as this would include Discord, and she had promised not to mention his name around others of their kind. It didn't seem like there were any though, so she were seemingly free to respond.

"Master Discord said not to think too much about it, when others looked at you. What were important, were that they were taking notice of you.  When I told Mother, she said that if I were curious why they looked, to go and ask those who did. Sometimes I get answers."

Discord were one who reveled in attention, so getting others to look on him, were generally more important to him, than what they were thinking. Unless it were disgust. He had a certain hatred for that, though she still didn't know exactly what that looked like. There were so many facial expressions, that it were hard to guess which ones meant what. Especially since faces were different, so it wasn't expressed the same.

Mother on the other hoof, were one who did not mind her children getting attention, but in their thirst to learn, she would encourage them to go to those looking, and then ask them what they might be thinking, or at least say hello. It didn't always teach them anything, but sometimes, Omen would learn, and at times connect too. Like she had when Sen and her had met, in what seemed so far back already. It had all started with a greeting, and just look how things were now. Mother would be happy with this outcome.

In any case though, these were the advice she had to go by, though it were undeniably also a factor that since Omen didn't understand emotions, things such as paranoia, and worry, were so far removed from her, that it were almost beyond her most times. Some random creatures starring at her, without a word? Maybe even laugh, or whisper at one another? All that made her, were curious. What might they be thinking, or speaking of? She'd like to know, as fear regarding them for example saying horrible things, didn't register. Nor did it that they may plan to harm her.

Sen would likely have hard taking the ways Omen did things to him, as he weren't emotionally hampered, like Omen were. Though at least he now had some wisdom words from Omen's creators. That may have something for him in them.

"I do not understand why they gave me paper. Am I supposed to eat it?"

On 2021-03-01 at 2:18 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Rosa, did you know that was going to happen?”

"Exactly this? No. I were merely going off a two-fold idea of Omen being good at drawing attention once she starts being personal, as well as her inability to be worried about what others may think of her. Or well, strangers at least, as I do think she cares greatly what we think.

Specifically this though, I did not foresee. I had an inkling that the diamond dogs would go as it did, as their kind are prone to either taking up a challenge, or backing down, and they did not seem the sort who wished to fight. The one whom Omen apparently bit were a surprise though. if what she said about him using the phrase *Bite me* however is true, I can see why the outcome became what it did. You know how literal Omen takes things, though I do hope she no longer does bite others.

As for the griffons... I hardly understand fashion as it is, but there may be something there that fascinates them, for some reason. I would think it best to simply let that be what it were, and if Omen have interest in others dressing her up, she are an adult, and can make that decision. I can see both benefits and issues with it, which I may touch upon if asked, but perhaps we should let her think on it. Once she realizes what they wished from her, that is."

The various others that had just been there, would soon enough get their pictures, and others would step in. The next ones though, did not seem overly interested in speaking, and a few were even kind of drunk. So they got the attention, as they were the ones trying to communicate with the other groups. It wouldn't be long now, until the filly would come out with a folder of pictures for them. Including the one in the frame, and those that were taken of Sen earlier, which did look rather good. Crispy and full of details that he were perhaps not happy about. The rest of them though, could have a good laugh from it at times perhaps.





16 hours ago, abrony-mouse said:

Fuchsia has calmed by the time they find the next picture. She peers at the deer at the top of the temple with her bauble and sees the blade. "A sacrifice?" she wonders aloud. "Could they have been... taken here to be..." she shivers, trailing off, thoughts going to dark places. Though she is more spooked by the temple than Billowing, she is taken in by the mystery of the temple. She wonders if Billowing's theory is true - breaking a Sphinx pact? It would fit with the Saddle Arabian clothing the deer seem to be wearing.


"I hope that were not the case, and instead, they just retreated to here, but... Much does depend on what those feline figures may have been.

You need to remember that a sphinx deal is not simply words. It is near primordial, powerful magic. It seals a deal between the two that must be honored, which is why one needs to pick their words wisely, when making one with the sphinx. Even they cannot break their word on a deal, without facing repercussions. So they tend to leave themselves some wriggle room in the wording of the deal they make, so they can change things some, though still technically be within the boundaries of the deal.

Trying to manipulate the deal too much, by for example ensuring the other party cannot fulfil their part, as it were agreed upon, will count as cheating, and hence, be struck down upon by the magic even harder.

If we assume what we saw where the results of a deal being broken by the deer, the feline figures may represent the magic hunting them down, ready to swing harsh judgement upon them. A judgement which I should mention, could be anything. Primordial magic of any kind, is something which holds grand potential, and as such, the punishment could be a myriad of things. Though many scholars tends to say that they consider the punishments karmic in nature, somehow.

In any case, if we go further by this theory, it could be that they retreated to this temple, and in desperation, chose one of them to bear the full punishment, meant for them all. I could not say how it would be done, but in theory, they might have transferred their collective *debt* upon one, and that is what we are seeing there. We cannot even tell if there is truly a blade, or if it is something else with a curve either, with how damaged these depictions are.

Still, it is just a theory. It could also be they sacrificed their own for power, which sadly happened at times back in the day. And still does in places now honestly, though it were more widespread then, before sacrificial magic were banned in the majority of the civilized world. The cats may just be representing some kind of monster they ran from, before settling in here, and building this temple. We will need more evidence, so keep your eyes out for more."

This were getting fascinating to him. A historical site of some importance perhaps. Which may include them being able to see the results of a sphinx curse broken? There were not many depictions of that, to his knowledge, so more of it were certainly not hurting. Plus, it were rather fascinating, as well as a sober reminder to not make deals with the sphinx. Or if you did, to not try and run from your end of the bargain.

Wandering further inside, they wouldn't see any depictions for a while. There seemed to be some words that had once been there, but time and apparently, something being used to scrape the words off the walls a long time ago, had made it impossible to make anything out.

Going further in however, they would soon be encountered with something new: A large, open room, in which a soft blue glow emanated from the small streams of water, that flowed down some furrows in the... Wall...

He went further to inspect something he didn't think were right at first, but it seemed to be so: The water were running upwards. Something were apparently pushing it away from further below. Or were it simply magically charged? He really should have brought some kits to test that, but it just hadn't crossed his mind at the time. *sigh* His loss, yes?

The rest of the room were empty and dusty, though if they looked around, they'd be able to find there were one thing depicted here. Fuchsia would likely bite note in it first, as Billowing were busy with the water for now.

It looked like a collection of deer, starring down at whoever would be wandering towards the exit to this room further on. The eyes were not very emotionally, as there never were much of that in old carvings, due to how things were done at the time. So the context to this, as well as the word *Never* were hard to say. Whatever else had been written there, had been scorched beyond recognition. What exactly had somepony tried to hide here?



@Kujamih @Windy Breeze @Califorum


On 2021-02-28 at 8:50 PM, Cali said:

"I can tell you and I will get along nicely. Blitz is over with the other foals in the ball pit or something. I hope they don't find rotten pizza at the bottom of it like at the disgusting ball bits of my world."

"Nah, they don't gotta worry about that. Part of a settlement between the owner and I after I got a little out of line here once, were that I'd upgrade their ball pit to solve that sorta issue. A good faith gesture really, with a bit of a court order behind it. Anyway, important details are that once the night's over, they just flip a switch, and the area seals off, before the floor opens up, and swallows all the balls, and whatever else went in there. Then the room gets a fierce washing. The balls and all liquid goes into another container below, where the water get filtered, cleansed, and the balls gets cleaned up. Whatever trash gets brushed off in there, gets caught in the first filter, and they can then throw out the trash after it's done. Or retrieve lost toys and stuff too. Made sure it goes into a dry container, in case its teddy bear or something.

And before you start repeating what the judge did, I have a magic sensor in there. Any sign of life within the area, and the cleaning process can't be started. So there's no risk of say, a foal getting swooped down. I've run the tests myself. And it's completely powered by solar energy, so it doesn't even cost them in energy. Bit of a stickling point for me to make stuff run on solar. Clean energy means a better chance to get stuff cleared, since y'know, we value our nature in Equestria.

Legally, I can't give up more details though, but let's just say that we're on good hoofing again now. Was a pain in the rear to get done, but soon as I found Blitz again, and brought her to Manehattan with me, that really started paying off. It's probably one of the few places I haven't seen her contemplate how to blow something up."

Sure the others had lots more to say, but he wanted to butt in with this, since it were rather important to the question at hoof. And because it allowed him to show off a bit. Might be these two wonkies had better tech, and were used to high end stuff, but 'round Equestria, it weren't all that fancy, so he looked with pride at what he did.

On 2021-03-01 at 12:57 AM, Kujamih said:

"thrut be told... Both your theories are correct.... There are many different Dimensions. Each controlled by a superior being or shared... Some dormant, some active, some... Down right evil. And in a way we are cloned by this beings into their dimension if they want us there to exist. I on the other hand work with the superior being on my dimension... And is sending me to other dimensions to fix em... Because once one dimension gets out of control it chains and affects the other..... For example..... Princess Twilight sparkle's coronation.... Yes it's a big deal...but do you know how big of a deal it really is? Millions of superior beings took notice of this.... For that day all the dimensions shook. Some woke up...some enraged... Some took delight... But mostly... All took action....

Fun fact.... Your dimension... actually.... Our dimension existed because of her."

"...Aight, I honestly ain't able to tell if you're just yanking me around by the leg anymore mate. Cause that right there sounds a bit crazy, even with how strong I hear the princess is. Though eh, I guess you two are the dimension travelers, so what do I know? I'm pretty comfy being right here in my own world. Sides, I'm gonna bet some of those other worlds are little more than barren wastelands. Ain't for tourists and all that, right?"

If the theory that various dimensions could happen solely due to an incident happening that could have gone several ways, then there'd have to be ones were Discord were never defeated, or Nightmare Moon won the first battle. Hay, were Tirek had won, or the siren sister conquered the entire continent, or a myriad of other things. Equestria had been against some real rough things, but were still overall peaceful. He couldn't imagine how rotten some other places might've ended up. Both from various things happening in his lifetime, as well as in the princesses, or even before that. Been some talk that way, way Way back in the day, Discord were one of several draconequui that had to *kill* one of their own, cause she were causing too much destruction. Just imagine what that must've been like, if they lost. Though really, a draconequui couldn't really die, he suspected. Sealed away, powerless? Sure, that were a chance. But they were demi gods. You couldn't just kill those like it were nothing.

On 2021-03-01 at 1:07 AM, Windy Breeze said:

Luna and Blue openly shared their thoughts of Cali drinking oil. Luna looked away but her eyes remained on the pony-not-from-their world, both curious, and revolted “How can your stomach digest that?”

However, Blue is even more extreme- no, she was outright disgusted “Eww, that's what you drink daily?” she had her wings cover her nose to block the smell. Turning to the counter, she said “I want five stacks of pancakes please”

The cashier at the counter would smile at the order, as per usual. Had to be friendly towards the costumers. Even if the bunch in now, were being majorly weird.

"We will get on that right away ma'am. That will be ten bits please. And would you like syrup on them, or butter? There is no additional charge to either."

Five stacks were quite a lot, but they should be able to get that done soon enough. And in the meantime, the mares could come and join in on the talk. Which understandably, came down to how Cali could stomach this stuff. Which were a more than fair question frankly. And got explained more or less right after, even though it were still a bit nutty.

"So gals, who's voting with me that Cali ain't allowed to make us lunch packs?"

Seemed like the kindest way to start things off after this. A lil' joke, that wouldn't hurt anypony. Nothing wrong with that, right?  Eheheh. Aaah, but seriously, he weren't touching anything she said she cooked, or any liquid she'd hoof to him. Ever. He were mighty fine not having his insides melt, thank you very much.

Edited by Blitz Boom
Lack of time, so missed a few.
  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Silica smiles a little, "I do share her memories, but yes, as you so delinquently put it, life found a way to carry on" she'd say "It is..a rare occurrence, for a soul to linger and actually possess something like a plushie" she'd say "Normally if the soul is good, they don't cause harm, but there this one case, a doll was possessed, originally thought to be of a little girl's soul, turns out to be demonic instead" she would say, gently petting Bellarouse, "How-ever, if you wish to see if I hold more, and if she is still alive somehow but just weary, I am up for it" she smiles "She was such a sweet filly" she then begins to eat her food. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Windy Breeze @Blitz Boom


Light looked at Luna and said... " Well there might be.. but it looks like you are one of the dominate ones... As for me...i have none... For the moment.... The being that holds me is very clingy and wouldn't let anyone make another me...

Cali's supreme being is..... Very .....  Cali has multitudes of herself.... I've  actually seen one kill 5 of herself before...".

Edited by Kujamih
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"We never met, dear child, but I have known of you for some time. A student of mine came through this town several moons past, and found a draconequus she had yet to even hear of. Our kind are not the most plentiful out there, yet there are still a fair number, and one coming into existence, or activating their powers in some notable way, tends to cause a ripple. I felt this, several times over the years, though I had no idea of you, until I were told of you. When she spoke me your name, I felt a need to come and see for myself how you might do, and offer my help to you."

Fright would move somewhat close, and then fold her legs underneath herself. Essentially sitting, with the lily pads still floating where the tips of her legs stood.

"Our kind are rooted in our names, and it spells what we were created to cause. Calamity is a sad thing to have befall others, and I can see clearly that you are not a soul with a want to cause harm. She told me the same. That you were an innocent soul, but things still happened near you. Things which could cause destruction, in many ways. I wished to personally come, and offer you my help, to find a way to utilize what you are, and what you can do, in a positive way. Before your powers grow exponentially, and you may find it harder to resist the nature of your name.

I know this can happen, as I were once living up to my name as well. Yet I have found that things are never that simple, and even we, who are molded around aspects most regular creatures would find bad, can change for the better. We do not all need to be, as it is not many of even our kind, that represents something inherently destructive. Yet we are spirits of disruption to the norm, to various degrees. Some such as yourself, having a higher risk than some of lesser impact. Like Avarice.

In any case, some of us can become the best they can on their own, but help is often needed for our kind. Even Discord needed help to change to something better, from what I have heard. Yet it have been millennia since he and I last met. I know not personally, how he does now. I only know how he once were, and it pleases me that he are no longer so.

Ask what you wish of me child, and I will answer. Though I ask you to ponder this: Do you have complete control over what you can do? Or are there times when you fear what you might be capable of, even if you don't mean to do so? I sense no evil without you, that would lead you to wish harm upon others. Yet our powers cannot be held down. It needs to manifest, in one way or another. I only wish to help you find a way to do so, in ways that may benefit those around you, rather than cause them potential harm."

@Blitz Boom  

"A student of yours? I'm.. not exactly sure who that could be. I don't quite know a lot of ponies here aside from Pinkie Pie, but she knows everyone, so I could scratch her off the list."

Suddenly, she had an idea. Perhaps this fellow draconequus would be able to tell her about her past, and if not-
Well, she didn't want to risk missing out on an opportunity like this.

"I've never wanted to cause harm to anyone. It's just happened, no matter how much effort I put into trying to conceal it. In all honesty, I don't really have complete control over my magic, and I'm not sure if it's a thing I even can control. Discord has tried to help, but even he's starting to fear my power. Even if he doesn't show it, I can tell he's tried so hard to keep me from using it for anything.

I'd appreciate being taught by you. I mean, I think I would? Anything to get away from this.. box everypony's shoved me in. I think you may be a better teacher than Discord's ever been."

It wasn't that she didn't enjoy Discord's help. She loved being taught by him, as he taught her how to use other types of magic that she would have naturally gave up anything for. He taught her how to control her catastrophe magic for quite some time, but they found it to be getting worse, and nopony had known how to help her. It was as if something or someone had triggered her magic. No one was quite sure who or what, but perhaps she'd be able to finally get some answers.

"I think I'm ready."

Kaiju Enthusiast | They/Them | 18 | My Toyhouse!
Signature Shop | Non-Pony Art

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Light pondered and thought of a way to make Molotov believe him.

" Okay im going to make you believe that superior beings exist Molotov...... 


1 plus 1 equals 2.... Is that correct?"

Light awaited Molotov's response.

Edited by Kujamih
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@Blitz Boom @Kujamih @Califorum

Blue nodded and immediately took ten bits from her saddlebags to the cashier “Syrup and butter please”

“I guess I should share with Blue for the pancakes. I'm not very hungry today

15 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

"So gals, who's voting with me that Cali ain't allowed to make us lunch packs?"

Luna rolled her eyes with a smirk, but it was Blue who raised a hoof. Luna, in the other hoof is thinking what Cali said about drinking oil. Maybe she should try tasting her drink, just only a bit.



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@Blitz Boom

“That's two ways of looking at the situation; ask about it or ignore it. I remember hearing how staring is impolite, but I guess some just couldn't help it. As for that piece of paper you got there, I don’t think it’s a good idea to eat something with writing on it. Come to think of it, this looks important. It’s got some names here, but I’m not familiar with any of them. Maybe Rosa might have heard of them, probably the griffons who were examining you earlier.”

Discord and Mother had opposing perspectives on the matter, though those had their merits. Ignoring the stares meant that eventually whoever was staring would focus their attention elsewhere. Inversely, inquiring about the staring got answers. Sen would think of this as two different approaches, but he’d probably reserve the decision to choose one or the other based on context. 

As for Lin, she was a left confounded at the idea just as much as Rosa. Dressing up probably made sense if it was for practical reasons, but from what little she knew of the concept, it didn’t make sense if it was only for looking good.

“Fashion griffons… Not something I expected to hear when used together. Big cities had those stores where they sold clothes for ponies, but it’s different. Some talk about it like they’re designing clothes that are too impractical to be worn. It’s like they don’t want anyone to wear their designs!”

“Sounds like there’s something we all agree on,” Sen chimed in, hearing the conversation while still a fair ways away. “Those griffons left this with Omen. Looks like a card of some sort. And speaking of things getting done, looks like our pictures are here.”

Sen reached for the photos from the filly, smiling and bowing before passing them to the others for them to see. These were all impressive and good-looking, leaving the longma astounded at what could be achieved with the kind of technology available to ponies nowadays. Even Sen chuckled at the pictures of him crouching down to let the fillies and colts from earlier honk his gag nose. And a few others that looked like the longma got spooked. That one got the longma looking a little embarrassed. 

“Take a look at this one! Looks like Sen was caught doing something naughty!” 

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@Blitz Boom

"wait...My fangs can be used like that?!" Ginger Lightning looked confused. She looked at the jelly-like joy and awkwardly took a spoonful of it and put it against one of her fangs.

"So like this?  Or is that wrong? " She looked very puzzled. She had no clue how to do things like a changeling would. She might as well have been a normal pony trying to eat it.

"Sorry that I'm a bit awkward...I don't know how to changeling..." she laughed nervously.


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@Blitz Boom
"He is clearly sensing something." Ruby said, before talking with Charir, and one didn't need to understand to figure out she asked him something, to which he of course replied, sounding bit unsure as he did. "As I thought, he can feel my presence, but not as well as usual, he can tell I'm somewhere around where I actually am, but wouldn't be able pinpoint the exact place if it wasn't for the fact that I'm right front of him." "Everything else about me is hidden as it should be, though he did say I smell like a threat, but he couldn't explain what exactly that means." 

She didn't waste time before going to the next topic "Now with that out of the way, we'll need to get the lies straight" "As you hopefully remember, you are my body guard, so try to act like one when others are around." "I'm a mare involved in business and other such dealings so there's lot of confidential things." "And Charir, he's a family member of a client I'm escorting to confidential location, the same client we were meeting during this time, and if anyone asks, the client is a big, easily irritated dragon who doesn't appreciate those intervening with their business." "Does that sound believable enough? I doubt I'll be able to keep Spicy fooled for long, she already thinks I'm a changeling, but as long as it keeps guards from putting their noses into my things it's good enough for me." 

(hope I remembered her name right)


"They are indeed gentle and peaceful creatures, one can only wonder how they survived the brutality of nature." Scarecrow mentioned, he did know that cows weren't originally like this, but it was still a thing to wonder, having seen the various predators of the forest, and that was just the Everfree, there was lot of creatures he had never seen nor will ever see in the world. 

"There is no need to bother more animals as this has answered my question, they even considering to taste me tells enough of this spell's effectiveness." even the friendliest of creatures wouldn't even think of tasting him if they knew what he was, until of course they ate carcasses, but that was besides the point. "So lead the way, but if you are running out of things to do, I'm willing to just wait until the pony is ready, time is meaningless to me after all."


Trox didn't say it out loud but he found the 'problem' of the new look rather stupid, mostly because in his eyes it was so easy to solve, Onache could take any form she wanted, so why didn't she just default to a different form? that was what his question had asked, to which he never got the answer, and even if she couldn't, if the fur was the worst part of the unarguably ridiculous look, why not to shave it off? 

"Illusion, though not only visual one, if it worked properly, you wouldn't be able to tell it was ever metal, I tried to fix it but needs very specific parts and these being an old models, those parts were hard to find." he then thought for a second how to explain the magic "Artificial magic, is created magic." "While the magic used in most things...or well, everything in case of this place probably, is natural magic, magic generated by creatures or plants or anything else that is part of nature and the world." "Artificial magic is created through technology, it is weaker than natural magic of equivalent energy, but its advantage is that in theory it has no limit." "But the exact science goes beyond even my understanding, the guard would probably know more." "One could call it fake-magic." 

"And since it came up, yes, these are lot better than anything one could carve from wood, but not necessarily because it's metal." "Without going in too much detail and complicated terms, they work exactly like my other arm and leg, better actually, as they have advantage over biological parts, one example being with the gems you mentioned, as while it is true that if we wanted to use them, tests would be necessary, if I were to use them only through my metal arm, I would be able to use almost anything without problem, the more corruptive ones may mess with the systems." 




“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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