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How often do you use profanities?


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Considering the fact that I am in high school, the word "fuck" and its derivatives are part of my daily vocabulary in school and with my friends.  I do not swear at home at all because I want to continue living.  This is what happens when you live in Schuylkill County.  You become a potty mouth Skook.  

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I only cuss if I'm really really mad.

other wise I don't even feel the need,

though recently I've taken a liking to

saying buck, most people just think another polite way to say Fu**

like fudge  :wub: so I get away with it every where.

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About four to five years ago I was under terrible influence and had a bad friend. Likewise, I did use profanity. However this was back in "my dark ages" and I am a fully reformed and much better person as of four years ago. Now, not online nor IRL do I ever use profanity! It's quite a good feeling.

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Well... shit!


I use profanity all the time. I think it's hilarious how people get upset about it. It's just a word. It's only offensive depending on the context.


When I say shit, what does that actually mean? Nothing, really. So how is that offensive? How is that wrong? I could say "spit" instead, and you would still know exactly what I mean. Since the meaning is the same, how can one be offensive and the other not?


Saying niggerturdsandwichdickfuck as an exclamation is less offensive than calling someone stupid out of spite.

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I'm pretty good at censoring myself depending on who's around. If it's my really close friend, we'll cuss each other out and not even think twice about it. If it's someone I don't really know or my family, I tend to keep it pretty clean.

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You could say that I am a bit of a potty mouth at times, especially when I am working on something and I end up breaking it or mess it up I go on a tangent where I use ever curse word in existence without hardly think about it...


Though there are times when I just have to watch what I say so I try not to make too bad of a habit of it.

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I swear like an angry Northern Norwegian carpenter.

I have made whole sentences of pure swear words when I have been real mad. :nom:

(Well I mostly swear in Norwegian, we are a lot richer when it comes to words.)

Edited by A CrayZ Cat
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Never really...it's not really my style.


I've always seen it as sort of childish and lazy. (No offense)..like, if you're going to insult someone, or describe something amazing/terrifying/wonderful/horrible...why not be a bit more intellectual and creative in your word choice? with the thousands upon thousands of words in stock, it seems pointless to keep it to like 10 words...but that's just me.

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