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gaming Overhated/Overrated Games

A Black Circle

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X-Com Enemy Unknown - This game gets a lot of crap for not being identical and as detailed as the original, but the changes really help streamline the game, cut out the tedious aspects and get the player right into the action.  Was it really necessary to spend 2 rounds getting all your soldiers out of the plane in the original?  Was it really necessary to keep track of every last grenade and ammo clip across all your bases?  I suppose if you miss these aspects you can still play the original, it is not like this new version removed it from Steam and GoG.


League of Legends - A MOBA without peer.  Good UI, good presentation, clear indication of what everything does, pleasant colorful graphics and interesting heroes.  





God of War - Like another poster mentioned this is a fairly generic beat-em-up with a really annoying button smashing gimmick thrown in.


Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks - Crippled controls and lack of an overworld make this an awful Zelda sequel.


Elder Scrolls Series - I am in complete agreement with Charcoal about Skyrim.  These are nice sandbox RPGs but they are just too unfocused, I never liked the organic skill leveling system and combat tends to be rather dull.  Fallout and Fallout NV definitely do a better job at this.


Battlefield Series - You need to dedicate your life to this series to excel, and you can forget about every flying planes or helicopters.


Starcraft 2 - Still an excellent game in many respects, but far, far too micromanagement heavy.  Far more than any RTS needs to be.


Final Fantasy 9 - A major step back from previous entries that largely gutted character creation and eliminated a lot of the free overworld roaming found at the end of previous games.  Ugly character art, a terrible villian and a weak story didn't help either.

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League of Legends. I can't go anywhere on the internet without having to hear about that damn game or something related to it. I played it before and I was not impressed at all. I have no idea how its "The number one games in the world"


Pokemon: Not saying its a bad game, its fun and a great game, but people hate on other series for doing the same thing over and over again (ie.Cod) But if Pokemon does it, its perfectly fine.




Call of Duty: I know its over rated to a point, but it also gets a lot more hate than it deserves. It seems to me its the "cool" thing to hate on now. I meet more haters than actual people who play it.


Resident Evil Series: Gamers are never happy, if they stick to the same formula they get called uncreative, if they try new things they whine that they "killed" the series. Example Re6: I liked the game, and I think people were crying too hard because it was "Different"


Feel free to hate me all you want, but I figured the people on this forum will be less likely to shoot me for expressing an opinion.  :o

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  • Brohoof 1

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Overhated: Can't really think of anything.  Everything gets hate but that hasn't stopped game series from being loved by fans and making money.


Overrated: Call of Duty (2009-present)

It's the same damn game year after year with minimal differences that add nothing new to series.  The multipayer has been heavily unbalanced since 2009 and the campaigns are mind-numbingly bad.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm only giving the overhated games for now, as I don't know any overrated games.


The overhated game IS



Final Fantasy XIII / XIII-2


Okay, we know the supreme disappointment of the FF fans about FF XIII and the sequel for pretty much everything. But while I play the game itself, I'm pretty impressed. FF XIII is a pretty well made game with a good difficulty.

  • Brohoof 1



Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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I dislike the whole "overrated"/"overhated" terms because they're rather pretentious. They imply that someone isn't allowed to like something for whatever reason they like it for; likewise, the opposite. Not only that, but they give the false assumption that everyone agrees on the same thing. For example, I saw a Wind Waker/Twilight Princess comparison then. It's very possible that those are two different groups of people that simply sound the same. (That being said, I do think people can be rather rude about their opinions on either. You'll come under fire from at least part of the Zelda fandom for liking Wind Waker or Twilight Princess, or for preferring one over the other. It's so silly. They're just video games.)


That being said, there is one game (or three, really) that are heralded over their sequels for reasons I cannot understand:


Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow. 


Now, my issue is not with people liking these three. It's not even for people liking them over the others because they were the originals. My issue is the argument that they're objectively better than the other games that came after.


Firstly, the glitches have already been mentioned, but there's also the fact that many attacks don't work the way they're supposed to as well as status conditions, something that was fixed in subsequent releases. Also, there isn't a whole lot to do after you beat the Elite Four, something that the other games definitely expounded upon and are not often recognized for. Finally, there is no wifi functionality, not even locally. If you want to battle with other people without a cord, fat luck. You're not going to be able to.


This isn't because they're not good games, but because of the time they were released; they simply haven't aged well. Time has passed now and with a better understanding of programming games and higher graphical and space limitations presented to us with new systems such as the 3DS, Gen One simply cannot compare in terms of power, accuracy, and replayability. Gamefreak has a lot more experience under their belt and have improved upon the formula by fixing calculations that were broken in older generations and added much more stuff to the game that Gen One is simple by comparison. To some this would be endearing, and to some these flashy new graphics and additions do not make for a cute and fun game, but to say that Gen One functions better would be an outright lie. It's much like saying Windows 98 is faster and looks better than Windows XP. Obviously false.


This is a state I've noticed of gamers in general, being stuck in the past and not being able to recognize how far we've come in technology now. Call of Duty and other games like it that are so similar stick out like a sore thumb to us now because we know that game companies can do better. We expect that kind of quality from them. Back in the day, Call of Duty would've wowed us because it was so new, but nowadays we've grown tired of the same plot, same environments, and we have reverted away from wanting pure realism recently.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I personally think that TES: Skyrim is WAY overrated.  >_>


I'd rather play Oblivion any day.

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Overrated: Destiny is the first game that comes to mind, I don't think it's the MOST overrated game out there, but the disappointment is still fresh.


Overhated: Shit, I'm a pretty critical person when it comes to games, usually I feel games deserve the hate they get.

...But that's just my opinion.

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I personally think that TES: Skyrim is WAY overrated.  >_>


I'd rather play Oblivion any day.

I would probably share this opinion if Oblivion actually functioned.

First couple times I played it, the main quest bugged to being broken once right after, and the other right before the first oblivon gate.

Now the game won't even load up past the title screen.


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I can't really comment on bugs or issues, since I really have never had any, but in retrospective I've seen some pretty bad shit in Oblivion in terms of performance on other people's systems.


But that's really nothing some mods can't/couldn't fix.  ;)

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I can't really comment on bugs or issues, since I really don't have any, but in retrospective I've seen some pretty bad shit in Oblivion in terms of performance.  :blush:  

But that's nothing some mods can't fix.  ;)

If only I had a pc fit for gaming.

If only I had a job to buy/build one.  >_>

Most of my gaming is done on xbox aside from the occasional tf2 or minecraft, and i actually really would like to play oblivion, but both of the copies that I have access to won't load past the title screen, so there must be something wrong with the xbox version of the game.


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Yeah, I've heard some rumors that there's some pretty bad stuff on the console versions of Oblivion. If you ever get a PC fit for gaming, simply pick up Oblivion on Steam. That's the most stable and moddable version I've played/tried.   :catface:

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Yeah, I've heard some rumors that there's some pretty bad stuff on the console versions of Oblivion. If you ever get a PC fit for gaming, simply pick up Oblivion on Steam. That's the most stable and moddable version I've played/tried.   :catface:

I plan to, I just wish the elder scrolls games were a bit better in the terms of gameplay. My experience with it is stand and slash. I do like skyrim's level system a bit more, what I saw of oblivion's was kinda confusing.

Also I hate the vampirism in oblivion, how it leeches your health. I caught it exploring a dungeon on my way to the oblivion gate and it just destroyed me with the health loss during daylight. Its cool that it's more vampire like, but it isn't very practical gameplay wise.


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I'm not usually a good judge on this sort of thing considering I enjoy nearly every game I've ever played. That said, I have a few contenders for overhated simply because I believe people make a bigger deal about the game being different even though these games live up to the same standards as other games in the series or genre.


Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus being one of them. Personally it's one of my favorite games in the entire FF franchise but let's not allow that to cloud my judgment, eh? The game functions perfectly, which already takes it out of "worst game of all time" territory, but then we have to get into it's mechanics and design choices in both levels and story. I don't feel like any of these things get in the way of your playing of the game.


Another on this list is any Wild Arms game after the third. They completely change the mechanics of the series in the fourth game. Everything from the way combat played out to the way abilities were acquired and used. Now let's put this into perspective: As a huge Wild Arms fan I've played every game in the series. I know a lot about it. I've seen the kinks and the awes. Wild Arms 4 was experimental, Wild Arms 5 is actually what I would consider the go-to Wild Arms game now. WA5 takes all the best ideas from throughout the series and irons out most of the problems. WAXF is once again experimental, becoming a Strategy RPG ala Final Fantasy Tactics and Fire Emblem, but unlike WA4 it actually does everything well in it's experimentation. WAXF gets a bad rap for being unbalanced but that's usually from people who don't play the game very well.


Now, we could all say this is just opinion but something to consider here is that while opinion tells us what interests us it often clouds our minds to what is actually good and not good. Some people treat certain games as the worst games of all time because they didn't like a single aspect of it but most games I've ever seen on a "worst games" list perfectly functioning games. I would imagine a game that's actually "worst" material to be a broken mess.


But I guess I'm not one to listen to considering I find Sonic 06 has many redeemable qualities in spite of its glitchiness. Most people stop listening to me once I mention this so feel free to disregard what I've said but at least now you've read what I had to say without biased first. ;)

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Vampirism, huh?   :lol:


Well, at least you don't have Oblivion on PS3. There's a game breaking bug involved with the North American version of Oblivion (PS3 GOTY), in which you can't cure vampirism. AT. ALL.

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Vampirism, huh?   :lol:


Well, at least you don't have Oblivion on PS3. There's a game breaking bug involved with the North American version of Oblivion (PS3 GOTY), in which you can't cure vampirism. AT. ALL.


I don't even know how it's done in general. I know how in skyrim (where vampirism seems more viable as a build.) but I have heard that it is a long and complex process in oblivion.

Is there anything that can be done to avoid catching it at all? Sorta like werewolf in skyrim?


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There's a quest in Oblivion (arguably the longest quest in the game) that'll, once completed, make you immune to the disease that causes you to turn into a vampire, but once the guest is completed, you can NEVER turn into a vampire again. You can still catch the disease, but it won't do anything to you.


However, if you have the DLC Vile Lair, you'll have access to something called the Font of Renewal, which basically can cure your vampirism within seconds.  -_-

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@@Royce, I thought it was all console versions where vampirism that was incurable, not just the PS3 version. I had a friend with a 360 who had that problem but he just toughed it out and played the game to the end as a vampire.
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I personally think that TES: Skyrim is WAY overrated.  >_>


I'd rather play Oblivion any day.

Any other day, I would have agreed. As far as vanilla goes, Oblivion is much better than Skyrim. However, Skyrim has the Steam Workshop, and that boosts it up GREATLY.


Hate me for this, but I do not see the interest in MOBAs. League of Legends and Dota 2 are just boring to me.

  • Brohoof 1


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I haven't really heard any problems regarding vampirism on any of the other consoles. Besides, the bug is only on the North American version of the game.  B)

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There's a quest in Oblivion (arguably the longest quest in the game) that'll, once completed, make you immune to the disease that causes you to turn into a vampire, but once the guest is completed, you can NEVER turn into a vampire again. You can still catch the disease, but it won't do anything to you.


However, if you have the DLC Vile Lair, you'll have access to something called the Font of Renewal, which basically can cure your vampirism within seconds.  -_-

Well alright then. Im guessing that the Vile Lair DLC has something to do with Clavicus Vile? My friend gave me his GOTY version which had Shivering Isles, and I think Knights of the Nine, was it called? I played through a little bit of shivering isles after the main quest broke so I have a bit of knowledge of that from personal experience, and the rest through proxy.

Jyggalag is a pretty cool daedric prince methinks.


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ride to hell retribution would be the most hated game ever in history, i don't know if its worse than the first e.t game created.

love is like a song to me.

when you love that song you wanna listen to it every day over and over.

there always something more to learn form that song.

but when theres marriage that is a song made by two in matrimony.

a song hand crafted in a harmonious tune only the two will truly understand and love for eternity.  

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Over hated and Overrated games...


Call of Duty Series - Both hated and overrated, seems to me that people complain it's the same even if there are some slight changes. Also overrated considering how many YouTubers are posting montages, faze, optic etc etc. Even if it is just people trying to annoy them.


Halo - Overrated, I honestly didn't really see what was soo great about the game but none the less it was okay.


MOBA (Massive Online Battle Arena) - Both overrated and hated games like League of Legends, DOTA, HON etc. etc. a lot more MOBA coming out as well, fan made, official. You would see soo many people playing and the community on some are just horrendous.


Minecraft - Overrated, just a simple building survival game that takes long depending if you want to build something amazing. Then there is those multiple times where you fall, lose all your stuff and rage quit. Although i do enjoy the adventure maps people make.

  • Brohoof 1


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ride to hell retribution would be the most hated game ever in history, i don't know if its worse than the first e.t game created.

ET: The Extra Terrestrial is a good game.


People are just lazy.

Well alright then. Im guessing that the Vile Lair DLC has something to do with Clavicus Vile? My friend gave me his GOTY version which had Shivering Isles, and I think Knights of the Nine, was it called? I played through a little bit of shivering isles after the main quest broke so I have a bit of knowledge of that from personal experience, and the rest through proxy.

Jyggalag is a pretty cool daedric prince methinks.

I just play Morrowind dude


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I've never found Jyggalag all that interesting. All he does is spout random nonsense. Part of the problem is the way the Elder Scrolls games have little to no special animations or cutscenes so they never do anything special so it's all in the dialog and that shit gets boring.

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