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Season 5 Predictions/Hopes


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To be honest, I think S05 E01 is gonna be redo of the Changeling invasion. Even if that was pretty clever.

Edited by TheTechBrony
  • Brohoof 1

MLP. Home sweet home. I forgot how nice the residents of Equestria could be. Anyone seen The Martian?

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I would want to see Twilight de-princessified/alicorned, but I get a sense she'll turn into her "royal self" either down the line or in the finale.  In S4 she was already taller than the rest of the mane6, her wings don't fit the body type/look weird, and her horn kind grew/shrank a couple of times. 


Part of me gets a bad sense that S5 may be the final season of the show.  They could request an S6, but that's a pretty big stretch since it said on EQD that MLPFIM tops the charts for the # of seasons and episodes. 


Apple Bloom being visited by Princess Luna seems like a sure bet almost since Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo had a visit.  It might be nice to see it tied into her earning a Cutie Mark.  Have Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo earn their cutie marks, Apple Bloom being distraught as she feels like an outcast again.  She's the only Cutie Mark Crusader left since Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo earned their marks.  Maybe have the filly sleep in the tree house, has a bad dream, and Luna banishes the nightmares.  Apple Bloom worries about her friends not being her friends anymore, to which Luna talks about how Applejack is still friends with Twilight even though the unicorn is now a princess.  I would hate to see Twilight enter into the dream world because it would add, imho, to her Mary Sue status at the moment. 


I would like to see Trixie come back and serve an important purpose as a good character during the episode.  It would be great to see her background.  Not sure, but I think Faust said she was in Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns before she dropped out.  The episode progresses to where Princess Luna takes Trixie on as an apprentice.  Luna does this because she wants to get closer to the ponies of Equestria, even though it's been some time since her return. 


Another Discord episode, but make it between him, Weird Al, and Pinkie Pie.  They have an epic prank war on Equestria.  Things get out of hand as Pinkie Pie manages to get a horn via the Inspiration Manifestation Spell, no explanations as she's Pinkie Pie, and combines it with the Alicorn Amulet.  Discord reverses the damage, but alludes to the fact he has dealings with Star Swirl the Bearded.  It doesn't say Discord is Star Swirl, just that he's familiar with the unicorn. 

  • Brohoof 2
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1. For Chrysalis to return. But not as the big bad. Perhaps a reformation episode like Discord?

2. For the new big bad to be more powerful than Tirek. Perhaps a universe destroyer like Giygas or Galactus.

3. For Cadence to have a foal.

4. The Cutie Mark Crusaders to get their marks(Probably will never happen until 2016 Lol).

5. For the 100th episode to have the background characters as the mane 6. They said it would focus on the background characters. So maybe Derpy will be the leader.

6. For an episode featuring a courtroom debate regarding turning Tirek into an ally as a superweapon. Like Discord. And Discord says as a reference to Q. ''Tirek accuses you all of being a grievously savage race''.

7. For Michael Morones to get a voice role.

8. For the first episode to be about communism(The equal signs give it away).

9. For Steven Blum to make a guest appearance.

10. For the mane 6 to get into their first big fight.

11. A Visit to Trottingham.

12. Shining Armor to be maded more prominent.

13. Flash sentry to be more prominent.

14. Starswirl the bearded to actually return. Perhaps he can be the big bad?

15. Rainbow Dash as a full on member of the wonderbolts in every episode.

16. A Visit to the beach.

17. For Cheese Sandwich and Coco Pommel to be informed that they have saved Equestria.

18. Another massive racing episode.


Any ideas regarding this?

Edited by 41Hornet
  • Brohoof 3

The only victim in graffiti is the architect. Graffiti is not a crime.

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18. Another massive racing episode.


Any ideas regarding this?

I'd love to see Rainbow Dash getting a rival actually faster than her. That would make an interesting episode.

  • Brohoof 2
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I like some of the things said here previously... but here's something I've been thinking about:

Kind of an unpopular opinion that I LIKE the fact that Twilight was transformed into an alicorn (I loved the season 3 finale)...

What with all we saw in the season 4 finale of Twilight using all the alicorn power, here's something I'd LOVE to see:

I want to see Twilight gain more power, her own power - without using any other alicorn's power... I love seeing Twilight get all serious, down to business, the whole "you mess with me, I'll mess you up; you mess with my friends and you're done for" attitude.  So, I'm hoping for Twilight to show some power gains of her own, (of course I should clarify, by power, I mean the power of her magic).  

I also want to see the looks of awe in her friends faces/in the faces of all the audience ponies.  

It's a stretch, but, to be able to see her at a power level that effectively enables her to - while she is "powering up/building up a field of magic energy" - be able to have a glowing magic "force field" for lack of a better term, that is literally ground shaking, like, more powerful than anything we've seen before - more powerful than her "super saiyan" blasts at Tirek, and more powerful than the radiation of RD's sonic rainboom.  I can just imagine it now,Twilight is "in the zone," powering up, and there's a transparent glow from her magic that spreads for miles, literally causing a minor earthquake (the ground shaking), and then "PONY-HAME...... HAAAAAAAAAA" BOOM, she just freaking obliterates some new villain (that we can assume here has done something worse than anything we've previously seen done by the villains).  The radiation then should cause temporary deafness, as well as emitting a nearly blinding glow for miles, both of which lasting for about 5 to 10 seconds, slowly fading away.  When the dust clears, we see Twilight staring solemnly at the fallen villain, and we see all the other ponies staring in awe, and as the 'camera' spans the crowd, Maud should be in the crowd, with her jaw as wide open as possible with the most hilarious look of awe you've ever seen.  And then right there the episode should end.  The next episode would continue from where it left off, with Twilight slunking from exhausting, and the rest of the Mane six running up to her to steady her, all trying to talk to her at once...


Edit: of course, the episode would continue normally from there, etc.

Edited by Miles



~ Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions ~

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(Like everyone else said) I would like it if A-list celebrities were to guest star in the show.  Like Liam Neeson, Morgan Freeman, Robert De Niro, Lil' John, the list goes on for me.


I want to hear Sapphire Shores sing.  Also (if they are so inclined) to bring Lady Gaga or Katy Perry to write her songs.


I would like if if there were mini episodes inter cut between commercial breaks (or online) following background or secondary character ponies.

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I want:

- more Wonderbolts Academy and Spitfire as capitan.

- to CMC find their cutie marks

- less episodes about Spike- i hate him and he isn't pony and this is cartoon about ponies, not small, stupid dragons.

- more awesome songs!

- to Rarity find her super special somepony- she deserves for it


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I'd like for some of the secondary characters to feature a bit more. Maybe some team up style episodes (haven't read any of the comics yet so if these team ups have already been done, then, my bad!) 


  • A Discord/Fluttershy episode maybe about them having one of their tea parties and Discord struggling to not just make everything crazy the way he likes to 
  • A Dashy and Derpy episode where they've got a job to do and Derpy keeps messing it up. (basically an extended version of the scene in The Last Roundup), and Dash gets a bit mad at her and upsets her. Derpy then does somethng accidentally awesome to make up for it all.
  • A Twilight and Trixie team up.

Definitely want to see at least one of the Crusaders get their cutie marks, think this would be better than all of them at once because it could create a bit of jealousy for an episode and it's unlikely that they could do a single thing together that would get them ALL their cutie marks.


Need to see some of Fluttershy and Dashy's family! I refuse to believe that nobody doesn't love Fluttershy enough to come see her  :(


*EDIT: Ooh, for a new villain I want a "dark" version of the Mane 6, the same way you got "dark" versions of the Power Rangers or Powerpuff Girls and numerous other teams.*

Edited by ShyPie
  • Brohoof 2
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I would want to see Twilight de-princessified/alicorned, but I get a sense she'll turn into her "royal self" either down the line or in the finale.  In S4 she was already taller than the rest of the mane6, her wings don't fit the body type/look weird, and her horn kind grew/shrank a couple of times. 


Part of me gets a bad sense that S5 may be the final season of the show.  They could request an S6, but that's a pretty big stretch since it said on EQD that MLPFIM tops the charts for the # of seasons and episodes. 


Apple Bloom being visited by Princess Luna seems like a sure bet almost since Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo had a visit.  It might be nice to see it tied into her earning a Cutie Mark.  Have Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo earn their cutie marks, Apple Bloom being distraught as she feels like an outcast again.  She's the only Cutie Mark Crusader left since Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo earned their marks.  Maybe have the filly sleep in the tree house, has a bad dream, and Luna banishes the nightmares.  Apple Bloom worries about her friends not being her friends anymore, to which Luna talks about how Applejack is still friends with Twilight even though the unicorn is now a princess.  I would hate to see Twilight enter into the dream world because it would add, imho, to her Mary Sue status at the moment. 


I would like to see Trixie come back and serve an important purpose as a good character during the episode.  It would be great to see her background.  Not sure, but I think Faust said she was in Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns before she dropped out.  The episode progresses to where Princess Luna takes Trixie on as an apprentice.  Luna does this because she wants to get closer to the ponies of Equestria, even though it's been some time since her return. 


Another Discord episode, but make it between him, Weird Al, and Pinkie Pie.  They have an epic prank war on Equestria.  Things get out of hand as Pinkie Pie manages to get a horn via the Inspiration Manifestation Spell, no explanations as she's Pinkie Pie, and combines it with the Alicorn Amulet.  Discord reverses the damage, but alludes to the fact he has dealings with Star Swirl the Bearded.  It doesn't say Discord is Star Swirl, just that he's familiar with the unicorn. 


How about an episode where her Alicorn powers are temporarily removed by a villain? Or as punishment by Celestia?

(Like everyone else said) I would like it if A-list celebrities were to guest star in the show.  Like Liam Neeson, Morgan Freeman, Robert De Niro, Lil' John, the list goes on for me.


I want to hear Sapphire Shores sing.  Also (if they are so inclined) to bring Lady Gaga or Katy Perry to write her songs.


I would like if if there were mini episodes inter cut between commercial breaks (or online) following background or secondary character ponies.


Sapphire Shores would have to be voiced by Madonna.

The only victim in graffiti is the architect. Graffiti is not a crime.

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How about an episode where her Alicorn powers are temporarily removed by a villain? Or as punishment by Celestia?


With Tirek absorbing Twilight's alicorn powers, we've had something akin to this. 


To be honest, I would want to see it permanently done.  I don't hate Twilight being an alicorn, just how it was done.  I still believe that S3 was sham and S4's content should have been S3.  If Twilight gained her powers by the 3 princesses pooling their magic into her and it became permanent, I would be a 100% supporter of her staying an alicorn.  I will leave that be however, since the topic of Twilight's alicornification, ascension, etc..., has been discussed, argued, and opinionated to death. 


As for punishment by Celestia, that "might" not be a bad idea.  You could show higher orders of princesses/alicorns.  Even if Twilight is the alicorn/princess of friendship, magic, and everything else, Princess Celestia is still a powerful entity that outranks her in terms of power, knowledge, and wisdom.

  • Brohoof 1
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I want to hear Sapphire Shores sing.  Also (if they are so inclined) to bring Lady Gaga or Katy Perry to write her songs.

That would be amazing! It would also be pretty cool to see more Sapphire Shores in general, maybe some inside on her relationship with Rarity. Are they friends? Good friends or just co-workers?

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I'd like for some of the secondary characters to feature a bit more. Maybe some team up style episodes (haven't read any of the comics yet so if these team ups have already been done, then, my bad!) 



  • A Discord/Fluttershy episode maybe about them having one of their tea parties and Discord struggling to not just make everything crazy the way he likes to 
  • A Dashy and Derpy episode where they've got a job to do and Derpy keeps messing it up. (basically an extended version of the scene in The Last Roundup), and Dash gets a bit mad at her and upsets her. Derpy then does somethng accidentally awesome to make up for it all.
  • A Twilight and Trixie team up.
Definitely want to see at least one of the Crusaders get their cutie marks, think this would be better than all of them at once because it could create a bit of jealousy for an episode and it's unlikely that they could do a single thing together that would get them ALL their cutie marks.


Need to see some of Fluttershy and Dashy's family! I refuse to believe that nobody doesn't love Fluttershy enough to come see her  :(


*EDIT: Ooh, for a new villain I want a "dark" version of the Mane 6, the same way you got "dark" versions of the Power Rangers or Powerpuff Girls and numerous other teams.*

Those are some amazing ideas! I have been waiting forever for the crusaders to get their marks. I think that it's most likely that Sweetie Belle will get her mark first. Her friends already know of her signing talent and I could easily see them giving her a extra push of confidence which could lead to her mark. I also thought, what if Rarity pulled some strings and Belle could sign as a opening for Sapphire Shores. I know the last part is highly unlikely but I would love to see that happen!

  • Brohoof 2
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Those are some amazing ideas! I have been waiting forever for the crusaders to get their marks. I think that it's most likely that Sweetie Belle will get her mark first. Her friends already know of her signing talent and I could easily see them giving her a extra push of confidence which could lead to her mark. I also thought, what if Rarity pulled some strings and Belle could sign as a opening for Sapphire Shores. I know the last part is highly unlikely but I would love to see that happen!

i hope this happens the cutie mark crusaders need to get their marks definitely i can't wait for the new season :D



signature by Pucksterv

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I would love to see the return of the mirror pond, where the mane six all do the poem thingy but they say it wrong or something and then instead of their own twin, a evil version of them selves comes out from the water.


Does anypony have some ideas to add to this?

Edited by Chatterbox.Pone
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I would love to see the return of the mirror pond, where the mane six all do the poem thingy but they say it wrong or something and then instead of their own twin, a evil version of them selves comes out from the water.


Does anypony have some ideas to add to this?


Ooh, that mirror pool idea would fit in with my "dark" mane 6 idea. This needs to happen now!

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Some things I'd like to see approached in S5...


-Rainbow Dash becomes a Wonderbolt

-At least one of the CMC gets their cutie mark (unless *celestia forbid* it is the final season, in that case all three need to get their cutie marks)

-An appearance from Scorpan 

-An episode entirely from Discord's perspective

Edited by Mister_SGG

Brony. Guitarist. I make music, both pony and non-pony. Hit me up on the skype - fpsgriffy

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My episode ideas:


1. Apple Bloom gets her cutie mark (a hammer for construction, as seen in the Show Stoppers), which is described in 2 episodes: One where her friends are jealous of it, and one where Apple Bloom tries to hide her cutie mark from her family so they don't find out it is unrelated to apples. The morals could be that 1. friends are more than what brought them together, and 2. you should accept who you are.


2. A funny episode could be Spike eating the Elements of Harmony, making him the nicest friend ever. Then, maybe when Luna somehow becomes Nightmare Moon, they need to use Spike to defeat her as he has the Elements of Harmony, but Spike doesn't wanna hurt a friend, as the Elements make him the ultimate friend. But Twilight convinces him to do this, and Spike vomits out the Elements (BUT NOT IN A DISGUSTING WAY). The moral is to stand up for your friends.


I'll post more ideas when I see fit. Stay tuned!

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I think that they might be running out of ideas.

I think their are lots of Ideas left. Sure some are better than others. I think Hasbro's last resort would be going to bronies for ideas, Witch would be awesome. So many holes need to be filled.


Poking around mlp wiki and found this info-



Teasers for the upcoming season were provided by the show staff at the 2014 San Diego Comic-Con, including episodes centered around the following:

In addition, the staff also showed a brief animatic from a planned episode of season five, showing Twilight and her friends following a map to a remote part of Equestria.

Edited by Pony Munchies


My role playing ponysona: Clover

by: FallenTrench and Wheatley


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With Tirek absorbing Twilight's alicorn powers, we've had something akin to this. 


To be honest, I would want to see it permanently done.  I don't hate Twilight being an alicorn, just how it was done.  I still believe that S3 was sham and S4's content should have been S3.  If Twilight gained her powers by the 3 princesses pooling their magic into her and it became permanent, I would be a 100% supporter of her staying an alicorn.  I will leave that be however, since the topic of Twilight's alicornification, ascension, etc..., has been discussed, argued, and opinionated to death. 


As for punishment by Celestia, that "might" not be a bad idea.  You could show higher orders of princesses/alicorns.  Even if Twilight is the alicorn/princess of friendship, magic, and everything else, Princess Celestia is still a powerful entity that outranks her in terms of power, knowledge, and wisdom.



Think about it. Twilight abuses her power, and Celestia(Who typically does not get enraged, has a massive rage fit of screaming) will strip her of her powers until she can behave.

The only victim in graffiti is the architect. Graffiti is not a crime.

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I think their are lots of Ideas left. Sure some are better than others. I think Hasbro's last resort would be going to bronies for ideas, Witch would be awesome. So many holes need to be filled.


Poking around mlp wiki and found this info-



Teasers for the upcoming season were provided by the show staff at the 2014 San Diego Comic-Con, including episodes centered around the following:

In addition, the staff also showed a brief animatic from a planned episode of season five, showing Twilight and her friends following a map to a remote part of Equestria.


Do not worry. The Golden Oak will be rebuilt.

Also Genepool, why do you think S5 is the final season? Hasbro already confirmed about expanding the franchise for the next 5 years? What about G4.5?

The only victim in graffiti is the architect. Graffiti is not a crime.

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