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I know that The Political Compass is not a perfect test, as I believe that complex political questions cannot be boiled down to a simple multiple choice test, but I do believe that this test can sometimes give a generic snapshot of where one stands when it comes to politics.


Let us keep things civil, everpony. ;)


Here are my results:


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De omnibus dubitandum.

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A bit further to the left than I would have expected, really. Interesting little test all the same, though - I didn't expect myself to be placed almost exactly where they had Gandhi. :lol:

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  • 2 years later...

Economic Left/Right: 1.88

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 3.33


I think the comparisons to current world leaders is interesting.


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This test is worded oddly... And, I found some questions to be quite leading.  


But, I agree with the general direction of my dot, right, and down a little.  In all reality, I would place it a square or two more to the right more, and maybe down half a square or one.  I'm a definitely conservative/republican, with some libertarian views.




~ Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions ~

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There was a few leading questions in the test. Someone should compile all of the data from here and plot it out.






If you are reading this you clearly have sometime on your hands, or you just like to read. Lets be honest they can be very related, you are on a forum dedicated to pastel colored miniature equines. Though if reading this is a waste of time, what would it say about the person who is writing it....

also The Game, Consult the Helix Fossil, /0, and other such maymays

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