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If you could stay at one age, what would it be?


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If you were able to stay at one age for the rest of your life, (you'd still live x amount of years, just staying as you were at a certain age, but mentally at your current age) what would you choose?


Personally, I wouldn't want to stay at any age under 21. Children have basically no control over their lives, and there's a lot you're not legally allowed to do until you're 18 (also, staying in high school for the rest of my life? No way in hell.).  Also, not being able to legally purchase booze is a total deal breaker.


I'd probably go with 27, myself.  Young enough to go out and have a good time and not have too much of an age gap between yourself and others (even though at 23 I'm still usually the old man of the group), but old enough to be financially independent, and (depending on your field) enough years of experience that people would actually listen to you (probably). Not to mention your body will be in it's prime, physically.  



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30 ish.  My acne had cleared up, I wasn't too overweight (& was jogging).  + near sighted as a kid, got over this & hadn't got far sighted from age yet.


Recall old joke about some woman telling a friend "the 10 years between my 29th & 30th birthdays were the best years in my life"

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I have to agree with the 24,25 mark as that's when your has almost finished devoloping while you still have some of that childish spirit in you, a bit older like 27, 28 would be good to as it means the brain is basically fully devoloped and you are still quite young to do alot of stuff you want too

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If it weren't for the aches and pains from having been a runner my whole life, I wouldn't mind getting "old."  Many people grow more attractive as they age.  But since everything started to hurt around 27, I'd say my magic age would be 26.

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If it also meant going physically every single way back, I'd definitely go back to early 18. I'd actually prefer 17, maybe but then I'd become a minor in every way. I really don't much care about the benefits bestowed beyond 18, though. I don't need to drink. I'd definitely go back to having a life ahead of me than having the ability to drink.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I would definitely want to stay at about 10 years old... Things were so much more simpler back then.

Then again... I mean, if I didn't age past that, there'd be a lot of things I'd be missing out on I guess too... Eh... .-.


A huge thank you to my great friend AppleGearRising for this signature picture


Thank you Apple, I love it so much!


Normally I would just post the picture, but as it seems, it is too big to put in the signature here, so here is the link to my MLP personality test results:

http://www.bronyland.com/pony-personality-test/?q=OTU0Mnw5NDMzMzA (I am mostly like Fluttershy, in case you couldn't already guess.)

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Assuming I would still "get older" as time goes on, I'd probably stay at age 17-21.

Edited by SparkWolf


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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I'm pretty content where Im at right now, but there's time where I wouldn't mind being a kid again, back when there was a lot less responsibility and you could just run free. Simpler times.


Of course such an age would have its drawbacks, like a complete lack of independent living, and I quite like being able to make my own choices in life.                           

"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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If it weren't for the aches and pains from having been a runner my whole life, I wouldn't mind getting "old."  Many people grow more attractive as they age.  But since everything started to hurt around 27, I'd say my magic age would be 26.

That is exactly why I am dreading the idea of getting old, I have had knee problems ever since this serious work related knee injury when I was 22 which lead to 5 more of them most of them also work related. When I was 25 which is the age I listed in my previous post I had problems but not nearly as bad as they are now but if I was to take all that into account than 22 would be my answer. Don't get me wrong I am not going to resign myself into becoming an invalid and will do all I can to control my condition but I also recognize that I will never be the same again.

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25 or 26, old enough to be respected but young enough to be in your physical peak.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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