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advanced Strange Tales of the Equestrian Idiot OOC (Now 20% cooler!)


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For almost a millennia, scholarly Ponies have followed the numerous teachings of Starswirl the Bearded, studying his magic and trying their hooves at his spell -- one such group of scholars rediscovering a spell that opens inter dimensional portals. They perform the spell, and discover a world most wondrous and terrifying in equal measure -- the world of Humans.


Rather than shy away and close the portal forever, they do their best to study these creatures, growing ever more curious with each new discovery they make. They eventually make the surprising revelation that a small number of humans actually know about a little about Equestria, yet the Equestrians had no knowledge on them! Before long, a proposal is made to bring one or two through, but only ones that could pass a secret test to prove themselves worthy...




There is a contest held that has many Bronies and Pegasisters, and some casual fans abuzz-- a website holding a contest that boasts a fabulous prize -- but only if they find you worthy. Despite looking like many a site like it, droves of people enter themselves in, as if compelled...


Enter Colette Irving. High schooler, YouTuber, musician, and gamer, but most definitely not into the show. Because of this, she is forced to enter the contest after miserably losing a bet to a friend.


She grudgingly follows through, only to silence said friend. Her mood quickly lifts when she gets the idea that there would be no way for her to win, only to get the shock of a lifetime when it's revealed she was chosen...




Alex Jones is another aspiring YouTuber, dabbling in voice acting for various parts. Some of his fans took notice of this, and begged and pestered him to trying out for several roles for MLP characters, to which he declined each time.


This does little to deter the Bronies, who somehow convince him to enter the contest. Like Colette, Alex is hard pressed to have to enter, but glad to have finally shut them up so he, and hopefully they, can move on...


... Little did he know, he too, was picked.




News of Humans spreads like wildfire upon their arrival, and hast just about everypony is talking about it. What's more, there is news that they are travelling from town to town, and they're bringing some of their alien devices with them to record their adventures and learn more about Equestria and its inhabitants. One if them is even going by the name Equestrian Idiot, the other Strange Journeys...


Rules for the RP:


- As with every other RP, whatever the DM says, goes.


- Everyone must apply in order to join the RP! The application must also be filled out completely in order for consideration. You may link your character's profile and pictures in the app, however.


- I have the right to reject applications as the DM, but you do have the right to revise your app accordingly, should I ask you to.


- You may use as many characters as you feel comfortable with, cannon or OC, but an app must be filled out for each one.


- You may separate your posts if you do decide to play more than one character. In other words, feel free to post one character at a time, so the others don't have to wait as long!


- Do not start RPing until I say you're approved! You may get a brohoof if I like your app, but your character is not in until I say they've been accepted.


- Proper use of grammar is a MUST! Your grammar doesn't need to be perfect 100% of the time, but if I can't understand what you're saying, then don't expect to be accepted.


- Once accepted, do try to post more than the minimum 200 characters. Some posts are inevitably going to be short, but try to avoid making a habit of just posting the minimum. The more you put into your post, the more others can get out of it and work with!


- Rules for Alicorns:


* Cannon Alicorns ONLY! No exceptions.


** Fill out the app as you normally would, just put Alicorn in Species.


*** Wow me! Show me you know how to handle the character!


- If you would like to reserve a character, be they mane cast or secondary, just lemme know by simply stating who you'd like to reserve here in the OOC.


- I'm anticipating that some RPers are going to drop out or be inactive after a short time, which is why I'll be taking new apps regularly. I'll also let everyone know if there's an opening for a cannon character.




Colette Irving - @Hypn0ticD

Gavin Wilson - @Derplight Sperkle




Ruby Wave - @RubyW32

North Light - @Zhooves

Clover - @Pripyat Pony

Dark Wing -


Secondary Characters:


(Just about any who have appeared in the show!)


Vinyl Scratch - @GeneralDirection

Apple Bloom - @Hypn0ticD

Discord - @Randimaxis


Mane Cast list:


Applejack - @Hypn0ticD

Pinkie Pie - @Randimaxis

Rainbow Dash - @Randimaxis

Fluttershy - @Derplight Sperkle

Twilight Sparkle - @Derplight Sperkle

Rarity - @Taialin

Spike - @Yoshi89

Princess Luna -

Princess Celestia - @Taialin


Available Cast:


Prince Shining Armor

Prince Blueblood

Princess Cadance


Equestrian Application Form




Species (Unicorn/ Pegasus/ Earth Pony/ Crystal Pony/Griffin):


Approximate Age (Foal/Young Adult/Adult):


Mare or Stallion:


Height (Feet and inches):


Weight (in pounds):


Eye color:


Mane color:


Physical Description:


Occupation (Optional):


Other distinctive features (if any):


Backstory (A little more about your character):


Cutie Mark:

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I'm interested in this roleplay! It would be fun to have a scenario in which a human is fully aware that talking ponies aren't normal (which amazingly is less common than it should be).


I'll most likely be using my OC Blindspot for this one. I'll put a link to her in a moment.


I'm Cuddlefish, and I am a new author writing the fanfiction Telling the Future with a Crystal Ball. Have a look, and if you want, send me an OC so you can be in my story too!

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So, since you've got the human going to Equestria picked out, what applications would you be seeking? Ponies for Colette to interact with when she arrives in Equestria? Anyway, you can count me in as being interested. :)


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Yay, there's interest! Sorry for the wait, I'm just now getting a chance to properly respond to everyone!




Good to hear! I'll have the apps up by the end of the week for everyone interested to properly apply!




I may open up a few more slots for humans, but as of now, I'm just gonna with one... in other words, Pony apps for now for Colette to interact with!




Right now, for a handful of reasons, it'll just be Colette, but like I said before, I might open up slots for other humans before I open up the RP...




Okay! To say Cadence could be more active is a MASSIVE understatement!


A trip to the Crystal Empire, or a surprise appearance should delight Colette! :umad:


Everyone: I'm still fleshing things out, but feel free to pitch in ideas, such as how the Equestrians discover earth, how Colette arrives, etc.

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@@xCuddlefish, @@GeneralDirection, @@Pelate, @@Love,


Bump for Graet Justis!


I've revised the OP, so check it out when you can! I'll revise it again soon, though, after I work something out with Windbreaker, and then I'll change the title of the RP, so keep an eye out for that!

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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Species Pegasus

Approxiate Age young adult

Mare or Stallion: Stallion

Height 5' 2"

Weight 117

Eye color:Teal-ish

Mane color: Indigo-ish 

Physical Description:As seen in profile pic.He isn't very strong...or nimble, flying straight is a bit of a challenge.

Other distinctive features (if any):

Backstory (A little more about your character):As a foal he lived a rough life being separated from his parents early on and being shuffled around to wherever there was a pony willing to take care of the mischievous occasionally violent pegasus. Despite this he grew into what appeared to be a somewhat healthy good natured cheerful pony. He always looked up to the other pegasus who boasted amazing flight skills, but he himself was too clumsy to ever really get the hang of it. The other half of is flight problem is the fact that despite it looking normal, his left eye is mostly blind. One part bad genetics, two parts childhood injury, the only blurry sight that comes from the left side is his peripheral, the rest is black. He's a very out going individual, and because of his love of flight and clumsiness can usually either be found in the sky or in bandages.

Cutie Mark: 

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Name: Wilhelm de Winter


Race: Pegasus


Approximate Age: Adult


Gender: Stallion


Height: 6' 1"


Weight: 141


Eye Color: Sky-blue


Mane Color: Very dark grey, closer to black


Physical description, backstory, cutie mark: Link is in my signature.

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Name: Saturn Ring

Species: Earth Pony

Approxiate Age (Foal/Young Adult/Adult): Young Adult


Height (Feet and inches): 4 feet 5 inches

Weight (in pounds): 151

Eye color: Purple to pink gradient

Mane color: Red and White Stripes

Physical Description: A dark creme pony, very strongly built, mane  pattern is two white stripes on the outside with one stripe in the middle.

Occupation (Optional): Singer

Other distinctive features (if any): Blue Ribbon that ties his mane into a ponytail

Backstory (A little more about your character): He never had any parents, and he never seemed to care about that when he was younger. No one took him in so he started living in the ruins of the castle of the two sisters, currently in a relationship with Pinkie. He always was a friend with Discord ever since he met him, Discord's humor was undeniably funny and he somehow shared some sort of understanding with him. When he was young he only had one gift, to sing, and he never knew how he did it, it just came naturally. He is a street performer currently, sining for bits. Always dreamed of getting into the Equestrian Royal Guard.

Cutie Mark: Bass Clef


.My Instagram: http://instagram.com/nick_tenn/  Sig made by Blue Moon: You're awesome man

My Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/thunderhawkx7

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Finally got off of work, so I can respond properly!


No to both apps.


- first off, both of your characters are insanely tall for Ponies-- they're as tall as Alicorns!


- believe it or not, I'm away from home for the day, and can't get to a computer, so that leaves me with my phone. I cannot see your signatures from the mobile site, hence why I need a link to your character's pictures or profiles.





Try to describe his physical appearance. As I said, I only have my phone for the vast majority of the day, so I can't see what he looks like...


I see a lot of run on sentences, making it a bit hard to follow Twinkfeather's story. Try to work on your grammar more to fix that!


Also, you kind of blew through how he became relatively happy, despite his less than ideal beginnings. Was there a foster parent or guardian that raised and treated him well, and help him live with his disabilities? You need to expand upon this so his backstory flows better.


And does he have a cutie mark? If he does, then how did he earn it, and if not, why?


@@Orion Caelum,


Again, I can't see what Wilhelm looks like, so you need to provide a description. I also need his backstory, and what his Cutie Mark looks like.


Both of you need to try again.




I'm hoping to start either by the weekend, or when I get an acceptable application, whichever comes first. That being said, I wanna see your app!

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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Name: Wilhelm de Winter

Race: Pegasus

Approximate Age: Adult

Gender: Stallion

Height: 4' 2"

Weight: 103

Eye Color: Sky-blue

Mane Color: Very dark grey, closer to black

Physical description, backstory, cutie mark: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/wilhelm-de-winter-r8025


Fixed it. I apologize, I'm unfamiliar with height requirements and, to be honest, I wasn't entirely sure of a pony's average height.

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Species Pegasus


Approxiate Age young adult Mare or Stallion: Stallion 


Height 3' 11" Weight 94


Eye color:Teal-ish


Mane color: Indigo-ish 


Physical Description: Twinkfeather is an odd color somewhere between purple and mauve with a coat that fades to a sky blue near his hooves. He wears his Indigo mane at a moderate length, naturally swept back from flying. His eyes are teal in color, and he himself is slender in build, and not very tall.


Other distinctive features (if any):


Backstory (A little more about your character):As a foal he lived a rough life being separated from his parents early on. He was shuffled around to wherever there was a pony willing to take care of the mischievous occasionally violent pegasus. Despite this he grew into what appeared to be a somewhat healthy good natured cheerful pony. He always looked up to the other pegasus who boasted amazing flight skills, but he himself was too clumsy to ever really get the hang of it. The other half of is flight problem is the fact that despite it looking normal, his left eye is mostly blind. One part bad genetics, two parts childhood injury, the only blurry sight that comes from the left side is his peripheral, the rest is black. He's a very out going individual, and because of his love of flight and clumsiness can usually either be found in the sky or in bandages.


Cutie Mark:No, as to why? He just hasn't found his talent yet, probably because he spends so much time injured.



I see a lot of run on sentences, making it a bit hard to follow Twinkfeather's story. Try to work on your grammar more to fix that!


Also, you kind of blew through how he became relatively happy, despite his less than ideal beginnings. Was there a foster parent or guardian that raised and treated him well, and help him live with his disabilities? You need to expand upon this so his backstory flows better.



You say you saw a lot, I only saw one, I corrected it


As to why i'm happy, I don't know. It defies common sense that I should be, but I am. Despite my tradgedies I have turned into a pretty happy person, carefree, I let go of grudges when I wake up. I walk out the door smiling. I may not be happy with my life, but that does that mean I can't be happy with the moment?

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Sure thing! Just tweak her app so it fits this RP. Like I said to Windbreaker, I'll do the same for AJ. I'll hold RD for ya!




No to this application as well.


Awesome job for the physical description, which I can see fitting a Pony, but the backstory? No. Just... no. No to all of it. Try changing his entire background so his existence is not dependent on knowing the Mane cast.


Also, if he's a signer, then why would he want to join the Royal Guard?

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