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Fallen Valkyrie

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Eir  raised one eyebrow and than looked at paper "Ok,listen.Agent 93 reports disturbance in water near south banks of Manehattan.Agent 36 reports movement of changelings from south west to east.Agent 89 reports mision "Tequatl the sunless" have been finished with great success.Agent 13,that is Tybalt,reports strange alliance in north.Agen 29 report mision "Dawn of Destroyed" is in full rage and battle wont be ower for another week.Agent 24 reports mision "Stealing Light" is ready to start." after she finished reading she put paper in front of Radiant "So is annything from this important for you?"

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Radiant looked at the paper for a second and back up at Eir "Most of those seem like regular events, this alliance in the north being the major threat..." He paused for a second glancing down at the paper and back up at Eir. "What's this "Stealing light" mission if you don't mind me asking? Either way with acquiring knowledge on that mission or not I still have a report for you two since I'm here." 

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"Stealing Light...." Eir started "...well our forces are regruping on some new island,about 200 km west from Manehattan.And are ready to sabotaged the Orrian lighthouse and blind demon of risen ships.." she looked at clock on table "I'm late for meeting,If you have anny more questions ask Tybalt." she started to gallop tru dore,and before she exited she yelled "Undet the table ther is packet from your princes..."

Packet head letter on top of it like the one he pick up after exiting molten facility,it had his initials too

You can call my Z for short.I'm sorry for that out of ordinary letter,but princes made my send you one right away.Im sciences in castel and because of it princes thinked i may be of help for you.In packet belowe there are 10 papers with pen.If you have anny question just write on thos papers and destroy em.Il get message.Don't waste paper they arent easy to make,keep em as a secret keep em safe.

And remember 'Brain, not brawn, will change the world.'

(OOC;you dont have to open packet and letter now)

Edited by Primordus
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Radiant watched as Eir left the tent. He took the letter in his magic inspecting it, he didn't trust how it looked just like the one he got from the mystery mare. Radiant opened the letter and read it. "Somepony calling themselves 'Z' huh? hmm... not sure if I like the look of this, don't know anypony that would call themselves a scientist that would call themselves 'Z'" He thought to himself.


After he reads the letter he took the packet setting it in his saddle bag and turned to Tybalt. "So I will report to you then, we all received a letter from a mysterious mare asking to meet us. We took the lead and heading westward, once more then thirty minutes out we made contact with her and she created some shadows that pulled us underground. Once underground we found what appeared to be a weapons testing facility, we killed every dog we found a destroyed more of what I believe they called 'Prototypes'. We managed to escape with a large group of ponies who were being tortured down there. Icarus contracted an illness from being in contact with some of the dead bodies, I have broken ribs and had my magic completely drained by that mysterious mare. She threaten the rest so I let her do it to me unaware of what would happen." Radiant said turning away from Tybalt about to leave the tent. "This mare, she's twisted. She looks at others as play things, not as enemies or foes. She can manipulate shadows like you and she has other abilities as well. She has short orange hair with a sharp horn in the center of her forehead." He said putting his hoof up catching one of the flaps of the tent about to leave.


"Do you need anything else from me? If not I should really get to the medical tent." He said looking back at Tybalt.

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"hm" thought Ticktock "I am sure I have seen a mare like that somewhere before. But where..."even though deep in thought still kept an eye on Tybalt but he was quiet interested in Radiant "why would you risk your own life for those of ponies you don't even know not to mention those of expendable ponies" This was also one of hundreds of thoughts wizzing round his mind. He had decided to conceal himself in the darker part of the tent until Radiant leaves making sure not to be spotted.      

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Blizzard dashed into town shouting loud enough for all to hear, "Sliding Ice dynamic entry kick bi*@%!&!! The Blizzard has returned!! Oh yeah! I am so cool! Haha!" He heard the arguments but decided to stay away, "Not my business, not my problem, it's dark, I'm going to bed. I 'm tired and I ain't got time for more problems after saving Radiant's life." But he couldn't resist and jumped in anyway, "Hiya!!"

Edited by Ice Blizzard/JM49
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As Radiant was about to leave the tent Ice Blizzard jumped in through the flaps, shouting and causing commotion like he does best. "If you need me Tybalt I'll be at the medical tent. I can tell it's about to get loud and obnoxious in this tent." He said glancing at Blizzard.


He left the tent heading through the outpost heading toward the medical tent. "Hmm.. I am curious about that pony that was in the tent, didn't say a word and hardly moved. I'm assuming he's another member of the order, definitely not a pony of rank since he didn't interject at any point. Wonder what he's doing out here then..." He thought to himself as he limped toward the medical tent. "This order, I still do not fully trust them."


He found his way to the medical tent helping himself inside where a nurse walked up to him. "Hello you're one of those heros right?" The nurse asked him.


Radiant nodded his head "I'm here because my ribs are broken and I should get medical attention. My group's current medic is incapacitated due to pathogens from decaying bodies." He said glancing over at a bed he saw Icarus lying in.


"My, follow me then. You shouldn't be walking around in that condition." She exclaimed leading him over to a bed.


Once Radiant reached the bed he laid down as the nurse begun her work on him. 

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Blizzard shouted back, "Grrrr, yeah don't forget how I helped save your butt from freezing to death!" he then looked around and saw a new pony, he decided to leave the tent and introduce himself to the new guy later, "Hmm strange....well I'm gone! *zoom*" As an icy mist followed Blizzard's dash back outside, "*yawn* getting tired I'll take a walk around for a bit then I'm off to bed." he then begins to stroll around the camp.

Edited by Ice Blizzard/JM49
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After Radiant left Ticktock was torn between his two options 1: Watch and study a earth pony who can use magic or 2: Sneak out the tent and escape what would probably drive him insane. In the end his curiosity got the best of him and he had decided to stay hidden in the tent to watch the Earth pony because for him it might just be the only chance he gets.

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Blizzard was unaware of his stalker and decided to go to the edge of the outpost and practice on a few enemies, "I'll go to the edge and practice! Then I'll go to sleep." He started to skate on an ice sheet in midair and landed near the edge of the outpost, "Come on! bad guys! I need you for practice meat!" A few elementals spawned, "Eh, close enough....Hiya! Ice blast! Shattering Drop Kick! Freezerang!" he started to go all out on these guys just to make himself tired, "Is that all you got? *punches an elemental* Girls do worse than this! *blasts another*"

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Ticktock watched in amazement as an earth pony conjured ice magic out of nowhere it almost made him want to walk up to Blizz and say hi but he was a little distracted by the shards of razor like ice flying towards him so he did the only thing he could build up his magic and create a shield to protect himself with. 

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Blizzard was just about done his practice, "Ah sweet victory never felt so good! No I gotta go rest up." When he suddenly smashed into a unicorn's shield, "Ow what the--? *fighting stance* Who are you? What are you doing here mysterious red pony?! Answer me dammit! I've had a long day!"

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"Well I um... well you see Im..." Ticktock struggles to get the words out of his own mouth but eventually he pluck up the courage to say " Greetings I am Ticktock Starblast a am from the order. So basically i'm your new team mate um hi" He then spends the next amount of time waiting there waiting for a response  

Edited by NexusBrony2312
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Blizzard dropped his serious approach and went back to his normal eccentric self, "Whoops! Sorry newbie, hope I didn't scare you. Can't be to careful you know, there are bad guys everywhere....pa-pow! *freezes a rock through red pony's legs* So anyway enough small talk, who are you? What's your name? I'm Ice Blizzard, the Cryokinetic Earth Pony!" he said with a big smile and big eyes, "and you are?" *reaches hoof out for hoofshake*

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Ticktock stands there for a second staring at his outstretched hoof then after about three seconds shakes ice Blizzard's hoof saying "Well greetings Mr Blizzard I am Ticktock Starblast and just so you know you did not scare me I was sorta nervous to be honest it take way worse to scare someone as Awesome as me but anyway nice to meet you" 

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Blizzard raised an eyebrow at the red pony's cockiness, "Is that so hotshot? Trust me, you have no idea what I've been through with my team these last few days, and there was even this one mare who managed to force our fearless leader to comply! So, if you're gonna be hangin' with me and my team, then show me what you can do hotshot! *fighting stance* Come on I'll go easy on you, give me all you got!" blizzard's face:  :sneer: 

Edited by Ice Blizzard/JM49
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"Well then if you insist but I warn you im no push over" Ticktock smiles and then copies Blizz's fighting stance. He charges us his magic and fires a bolt of lightning right at Blizz"i'd like to see you handle that"then he puts a shield up around himself to protect himself from the attack that blizz will undoubtedly make. 

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Blizzard stands there and smiles, "Hmph...feeble, teleport sliding kick!" Blizz teleports past the projectiles and slide kicks under ticktock, "Just a basic warm up move." He said nonchalantly, "My turn! Ice grenade go!" Blizz tosses the explosive at the red pony. 

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Tyra emerged from her tent with a long loud yawn, enjoying a nice long rest after all the fighting and assisting the injured. The burns on her coat had almost completely healed. She hoped Icarus, Radiant and the ex-slaves were faring as well as her.


She sat down and began stretching her limbs and twisting her neck, letting out a sigh of relief from the cracks and pops.


A ruckus across the outpost caught her attention, and she trotted over to find Blizzard battling with a red stranger in an eccentric getup.

"What have I missed while I was gone...?" She muttered to herself.

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Ticktock uses levitation  magic  on the ice grenades and throws them right back at blizzard then smiles saying "is that really the best you can do HA!! This is a disgrace to all things magical. If you think you can beat me this easily then you must be made because I have spent years training to use magic and I will not be beaten by an earth pony no matter how powerful he his"  

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Blizzard knew he was screwed, or was he? "(sarcasm)Oh no what am I gonna do?! I know! Clone Counter!" He pushes an ice clone in front of himself to receive the damage, and after which the clone explodes, activating ice cage counter, "Ice cage! Box him in! And don't try to escape, I have the cage bars rigged with IC4, an explosive that I can detonate with a wave of my hoof." *raises his hoof* "So what's it gonna be? Do you surrender?"

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*sigh* "fine I surrender you win this time but I will beat you someday" Said Ticktock with a disappointed look on his face. bUt then he perks up a bit and says " well played Mr Blizzard well played. That is quite the impressive magic you have there may I ask where you got such amazing powers.  

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Blizzard waves his hoof and makes the ice cage disappear, " Good fight, I'm not even close to the best on the team though, my best friend Caliber has a wicked sword! And we have a short yet strong mare with an axe, I already told you about our fearless leader, and we have a medic!" he then responded about his powers, "Yeah they're pretty cool huh? Get it Cool?! *laughs at his own joke* But seriously, I uh, got my powers as a colt from this strange crystal I found in the tundra of the Crystal Empire. It's as if the thing chose me or something. I don't know, anyway it kinda fused with me and I'm am an Earth Pony who can control Ice! Isn't it strange? But enough about me, what about you? What's your special thing?" 

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"Oh well my special skill is magic" said Ticktock rather proudly. He then continued saying "I am so awesome at magic I just travel and let any evil doer have a face full of magic. I also explore places and find next to no treasure Yep a have always been beaten to the treasure but hey I still kick flank and look good doing it" He then brushes back his mane. 

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Tyra raised an eyebrow at the new stallion, notably his cockiness. He certainly had an ego about him.


She walked over and gave the newcomer a curious sniff, like a dog inspecting a new pony in their home.

"Are unicorns not all especially good at magic?" She inquired, blinking up at him, "And who are you?"

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