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open Forgotten legend

Fallen Valkyrie

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Radiant soon reached the train station waiting for the others to catch up. he sat down on the platform so he didn't have to waste any more energy standing being as weak as he is. 


As he sat there looking up at his horn and brought his hoof up to it tapping it hoping that eventually he would have his magic back. He looked down at the ground looking upset once again once he thought of not being able to help others anymore.

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"Aye, I agree," Tyra nodded, keeping at Icarus's side to let him lean against her, "but you are badly weakened, my friend. Whatever you have caught, it is affecting you much."


She slowly walked alongside him out of the medical tent. "I wish to stay as well, these ponies need heroes. But you must get better before you try exerting yourself again!"

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" I will not stand idely by as another madman hurts ponies like this..... It's what happened to Stalliongrad.... my family..... everyone I..... " he shook his head, " I will not allow more ponies to be hurt, even if my condition is not optimal !" He stated firmly. He did not plan to let his sickness get in his way. Even if it killed him....

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Tyra nodded, smirking up at Icarus in respect. She felt the exact same way about herself.

"Well said, friend! One would almost mistake you for a Shatterhoof yourself!"


Her smirk faded as she thought about something he'd mentioned.

"If I may, what happened to your home?" She asked, much more softly.

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By the time Ticktock got to the train station he saw Radiant sitting down looking in a bad way. So he approached  Radiant and said "Hey dude how are you feeling? I sorta wanted to apologies for the way I acted in the infirmary and to say that even though I never got to work with you I am sure you would have been a great leader."  

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Blizzard was pissed and teleported to Caliber, "God Dammit! I can't believe this!!! This is so stupid! I'm telling you Caliber, something is wrong. How are they gonna need legends and that's it?! No! That was not legendary! Alright, we are gonna find out what in Equestria is going on! With that evil b*tch still out there calling me honey like I'm her pet, I'll have you know that justice will be served! We gotta do something! We can't just leave! NO! Please somepony does anypony have an idea?!"


OOC: Please somepony slap Blizzard to calm him down. :P

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"Many years ago, we were attacked.... unprovoked by an unknown enemy..... the released a hell unlike anything Equestria has ever seen. A disease...... a pathogen they had created specifically for destroying us was released..... I was a doctor... I tried my best to save so many ponies... but so many perished. I watched as my family consumed by the sickness... even the mare  I loved.  I was forced to watch helplessly as ponies begged me to save them when I could do nothing." Icarus looked down at the ground. " and the cowards got away too... their plan failed because of the plague doctors of stalliongrad. So they ran. We have no idea were they are now... " Icarus spoke, before looking up at Tyra. " This is why I refuse to see innocent ponies suffer. So no one may have to see everything they have ever known burn away out of their control..."

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Radiant looked up at the pony who approached him, he saw that it was the pony he saw earlier in tybalt's tent. His expression returned to his usual stoic self "Ah you're the mystery pony from the order who was trying to meld into the shadows in Tybalt's tent. I'm not well to answer your question, I apologize to you that your first few impressions of me have been rather shameful." He admitted looking back at the ground.

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caliber listened to ice blizzards rant. then smacked him with the flat of his sword. hard. "get ahold of yourself, man." he said simply, before resuming his walk. "lets just focus on getting on the train, okay?" blizzard was losing it. somepony had to smack him, so he did it. 


(characer limit, that is all)

Edited by Peytonjay
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"On the contrary my first impression of you was amazing. You have Blizzard ,Tyra  and Caliber to thank for that" said Ticktock in a rather quite and happy voice he then continued saying "And was I really that bad at hiding because I felt I was very good at it I mean the only reason Blizz found me was because he bumped into my shield *chuckles to self*"

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Tyra listened intently to Icarus's story, the details hanging on her hard. It would be truly devastating to see her family and friends perish, especially if she could do nothing about it.


"Your creed is a noble one, my friend," she eventually spoke up, trying to offer some consolation, "and when this is over, I would be more than happy to help you hunt down these monsters!"

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Radiant continued looking at the ground even as the pony asked him a question. "Don't blame yourself, being a guard I'm trained to constantly scan the area and remain perceptive. So a red pony in the back of a dimly lit tent was plenty easy to spot for me, I just had a job to take care of, so I disregarded you. Sorry if I'm coming off as rude," he said glancing up at him. "What can I call ya?"

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"oh my of course I almost forgot to introduce myself" said Ticktock in a way like he had gone deep into thought. He then continued with the introduction "My name is Ticktock Starblast it is a pleasure to meet you" *He extends his hoof out hoping that Radiant  will at least shake a hoof.  

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" I just might take you up on that offer....but for now, we need to worry about these ponies... and the threat that is here and now" Icarus said. " And thank you Tyra, for helping me all this time, and hearing my story. " He said, giving a smile from within his mask. Icarus did not trust easily, but he did trust her and Radiant. 

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Radiant listened to Ticktock introduce himself when he followed it by extending his hoof out toward Radiant. Radiant glanced at his hoof raising his hoof to shake Ticktock's. Once the shake was finished Radiant's hoof feel back down to the ground, Radiant hardly had the energy to hold his hoof up. 


"I'm in such a pathetic state, I hate being seen like this." He thought to himself.

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"It is my pleasure, friend," Tyra nodded back, grinning widely up at Icarus, "we are allies, so we must help each other in all ways as well as in battle."


The duo eventually had made their way to the station, where Ticktock and Radiant were sat.

"Greetings, my friends," she nodded to them, helping Icarus sit on a bench.


She trotted over to Radiant, concerned about what he had said before.

"You mentioned that you have lost your powers," she said to him, wearing a look of concern, "was it while you were alone in the snow?"

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"Radiant I refuse to sit here and watch you sit in a puddle of self pity. " Said Ticktock using the most assertive voice he had ever used. He then continued saying "Just because you are lacking in the strength department does not mean you are worthless for you still have you military mind and years of training and knowledge of strategy  (and yes I know all about you) so therefore you have the mightiest of weapons after all Brains over brawn."    

Edited by NexusBrony2312
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Radiant looked away from Tyra still feeling as useless as a newborn foal without his magic. He swallowed turning his head back in her direction and glanced up at her. "Yes, after you all left me behind... let it be noted I'm not blaming any of you, you all followed orders and I respect you all for that." He interjected.


"But when I was alone that mare found me, we had an extended conversation of her threatening everything I might have to get me to accept her offer. I refused everyone of her offers but she wouldn't let up... until she found the leverage on me that would work..." He stopped for a second looking up with his gaze running between Tyra and Icarus. He returned his gaze forward. "Anyway she got me to drink a potion that recharged my powers just so a helmet she slammed on my head could drain my magic entirely. With broken ribs and no magic I had no energy left to walk, even now I can hardly stay standing." He admitted feeling weak and ashamed of himself.

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Ticktock just sat there speechless while Radiant told Tyra and the other pony who he didn't know about how he lost his magic. The thought of a helmet able to completely drain magic made Ticktock shudder and he could not help but feel bad for Radiant. He could not even begin to imaging having his magic taken away because that was the only thing he was good at without magic he was nothing. 

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Tyra listened quietly to Radiant's explanation, and nodded as soon as he was finished.


As the information processed through her head, an anger began to wash over her. A newfound one, replacing the fury she had before.


"That witch," she snarled, gritting her teeth together, "damn her and the demons who conceived her to whatever hell that they spawned from!"


She glared up at Radiant. "I will not leave this region until she is defeated. Nay, dead at my hooves."

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Radiant looked up at Tyra "I agree, unfortunately without my magic I am in no shape to lead this group. You'll have to lead the group in my stead. A unicorn's physical energy is directly affected by their magic, since I lost my magic I have next to no energy so I can't even fight." He looked down at the ground again realizing the level of burden he was going to be to the group if he stayed with them.

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" I will still be here to provide medical assistance. I may be in a poor state, but I will not stop till we have emerged over this  madpony. " Icarus said. Radiant was right though, Tyra would have to be the leader. And he was fine with  this, she seemed like she would know how to direct the group.

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As Radiant sat there he could hear the sounds of a locomotive in the distance, as he looked back sure enough their train was approaching in the distance. "Well it looks like it's almost time to go," Radiant had a bit of difficulty standing but managed to get on all four hooves.

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Tyra looked up to Radiant and nodded, accepting the position as leader.

She put a hoof over her heart. "As a Shatterhoof, I vow to lead this group as best as I can, and to destroy this witch who haunts us."


She perked up as she heard the sound of a train incoming. She looked back to where it was coming from, then up to Radiant again.

"But that is not to say you are no longer part of it," she continued, grinning up to him, "your planning was what helped us pass through all the monsters and rescue those slaves."


She raised a hoof to the unicorn. "As leader, I ask if you would like to stay within the group to help with strategies. If you say no, there will be no hard feelings."

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Blizzard felt himself hit, "Ow. uh, thanks Caliber I needed that. But uh, what are we gonna do? Should we all just come back as a team and continue to search for the bad guys? Because I still think that there's some trouble that need we need to find and stop. What do you guys think? *makes ice sculptures of everypony* Here guys, if we don't see each other in a while, take these to remind you guys of what happened."

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